If there is really so much money, the money should be spent on the noble class 897 to increase the welfare of the nobles, instead of giving the money to the untouchables.

This approach is no different from throwing money into the water.

"That's right, why don't we give these untouchables a better life? It's because they don't want to be too high-spirited, and we don't have too many resources in the Storm Continent. If everyone wants to eat meat, how much meat is enough for them? How much food is enough for them to spoil, they eat up all the meat, what do we nobles eat, do we eat air?"

"That's right, and with so much more farmland, the trees have been cut down and the natural environment has been destroyed, so we nobles have no place to hunt."

"It's no wonder that the air quality in the Stormlands is not very good recently. It may be because there are too many untouchables who eat meat every day, which destroys the natural environment."

"I said that those civilians cannot be fed. If you still don't believe me, something is wrong now."

A group of aristocratic spies shook their heads and sighed, thinking that Tang Guo's behavior was quite unwise, and sooner or later he would suffer the consequences, and now he didn't even know he was going to die.

"Furthermore, Tang Guo is actually looking for jobs for these untouchables. It's completely crazy. What do we officials do? We officials are like the slaves of the people, doing things for them. In this way, how many people are there? Thinking highly of us, how can this show the majesty of our officials, this is simply weakening the official authority."

Another noble spy gritted his teeth, very displeased with Tang Guo's behavior.

"Indeed, why do you still need to give money to these untouchables in order to let them work? Isn't this nonsense? Wouldn't it be better to just recruit them to serve in corvee? To even pay back the money is simply ruining the market.

Anyway, these untouchables usually have nothing to do when they are not plowing the fields. It is better to recruit them directly and let them work day and night. Then they will not think about other things, and they will not want to rebel all day long. "

"I think the Tang Kingdom is a barbarian country. They don't know how to manage the country at all. They just know how to curry favor with the people all day long, but they don't know that the people's desires are endless. If this continues, the entire Storm Continent will be destroyed by them. By then I don’t know how many people will be destroyed under their sugar-coated shells and corroded by these daily necessities.”

"Devil, this is simply the behavior of a demon. Tang Guo relied on this trick to quickly bribe the people of the Storm Continent, making them forget the Storm Kingdom."

"Isn't it? If they are used to this extravagant life, how can they return to a hard and simple life, and the lives of the people of the Storm Continent will be completely ruined by then."

"Hehe, it's just a small trick. What's the use of buying people with money alone? Sooner or later, if the money is not enough, these people will definitely betray immediately."


"I have known for a long time that the Tang Kingdom is uneasy and kind, but I didn't expect that the intentions are extremely sinister, subtly corrupting the minds of the people of the Storm Continent. If our nobles are not born with high IQs, I am afraid that they will really be deceived by their tricks."

Many spies were talking and scolding Tang Guo.

They said that Tang Guo had extremely vicious intentions and ulterior motives, and his purpose was to use sugar-coated shells to corrupt the minds of the people and make them fall into Abi Hell.

After all, I am used to this kind of rich life, if I go back to the previous hard life, I will definitely collapse.

"You are right. If this continues, the Kingdom of Storms will soon be destroyed, and all the people will live in dire straits."

Jia Sidao nodded approvingly, and said, "We must tell the lord of this situation as soon as possible. It is imminent to subdue the Storm Continent, otherwise the Storm Continent will be completely destroyed. They are lazy people who eat and do nothing, and there are no working people who work hard."

He sighed, feeling that the Storm Continent has been made extremely ill by the Tang State. If this continues, even if the Storm Continent is really conquered, the Storm Continent may not be what it was before.

"Too bad, Lord Jia."

At this moment, a spy's face changed drastically, as if he had discovered something: "I found traces of Jin Yiwei around, as if they had spotted us."

"Are you kidding? What's going on? We've been acting cautiously. Why did Jin Yiwei discover our whereabouts?" Jia Sidao was taken aback.

Confirm??? Yes! If! "Water" head", send .?,,, white ".'Prostitution. Party' don't?:! Disturbing him is completely frightened by Jinyiwei, I don't know how many brothers are planted in Jinyiwei In addition, Jin Yiwei's famous ten tortures have already spread throughout the East China Sea.

Basically no one can survive the ten tortures.

It can be said that he would rather die than be caught by Jin Yiwei.

"It was the uncle just now, it must be the turtle grandson who reported us."

"Nimma, that old man just now looked thick-eyed. He didn't expect to be so despicable. He didn't report it on the surface, but secretly reported it. He wanted us to die."

"I have long said that the simple people in the Storm Continent have disappeared. They are all extremely treacherous and extremely evil. They have been taught badly by the people of the Tang Kingdom. Run away quickly, or we will be finished."

"We can no longer contact the people here, otherwise we will definitely not be able to escape."

"That's right, the people here are basically spies, and they are all the eyes of Jin Yiwei. None of them are trustworthy."

The faces of many spies changed drastically.

Crashing~~~ In the blink of an eye, Jia Sidao and the others spread oil on their feet and quickly dispersed and fled. As for how many escaped, it depends on God's will. .

Chapter 281 The world props storm fan and metal rod, manipulating the power of storm and metal

At this time, a mysterious island in the East China Sea is one of the headquarters of the Anti-Tang Alliance. This place has gathered many kings, that is, holders of world props.

Basically every meeting, they will gather in this place to discuss countermeasures against Tang.

At this moment, many world prop holders also gathered in this place and held a long-lost meeting.

"I suggest that now we should go to attack Tang country immediately."

Feng Xiaojing, the lord of the Storm Kingdom, immediately yelled: "Tang Country is really too evil. Ever since the Storm Continent fell into their hands, countless people have been displaced. Changing children to eat has become a purgatory on earth. If the Tang Kingdom is not resolved as soon as possible, it is unknown how many people will survive in the Storm Continent."

He showed an impassioned look, as if he was at odds with Tang Guo and had a blood feud with him.

At this moment, he is carrying a white fan, and it is the storm fan, a world prop owned by the Lord of the Storm Country, which has the power to destroy heaven and earth.

As long as he holds this fan in his hand and flicks it lightly, he can blow the enemy thousands of miles away in an instant.

Even as long as he is willing, he can cause endless storms and set off a typhoon of level [-], and the power of such a hurricane is indeed devastating and invincible.

The reason why the Storm Continent is famous throughout the East China Sea is because of the power of the World Props Storm Fan, which created many storm areas around the Storm Continent.

Any creatures or ships that dare to approach the Storm Continent will be overturned by the hurricane, and the ship will be destroyed.

So for a long time, the Storm Continent has always been a paradise, just like the Ice Continent, it is almost impossible for outsiders to reach it, and the Lord of the Storm Country is also at ease, not worried about the invasion of foreign enemies.

But Feng Xiaojing, the leader of the Storm Kingdom, is as timid as a mouse.

When he heard the news of the Ice Kingdom's destruction, he immediately feared Tang Guo like a tiger, fearing that he would avoid it. When he heard that Tang Guo planned to do something to him, he was so frightened that he ran away.

But this is something that can't be helped, and Feng Xiaojing can't be blamed too much for being cowardly. The news of the demise of the Ice Kingdom's lord is too shocking, and it can be said to shake the East China Sea.

After all, the Ice Continent is said to be a land that will never be captured. After all, there is extremely cold weather inside. No country or army can survive in this extremely cold climate.

Often, many enemies are frozen to death by the extreme cold weather before reaching the towns of the Ice Kingdom, and the army of the Ice Kingdom does not need to fight each other at all, as long as they hide, relying on the extremely cold weather, can defeat the enemy.

But even so, this continent that claimed to never be captured was suddenly captured by the Tang State, and the lord of the Ice Kingdom was directly killed in the capital of his own country.

Try to think about it, even the king of the country of ice ended up like this, so what would he think as the king of the country of storm, no matter how arrogant he is, he would not dare to say that he can conquer the country of ice and the continent of ice.

Because of this, Feng Xiaojing, the lord of the Stormland, was so frightened that he took a small group of elites and fled the Stormland directly when he heard the news that the Tang Dynasty was attacking his own country. Walk.

Even if you think on your knees, you know a terrifying possibility, that is, the ancient gods behind the Tang Kingdom can kill the Lord of the Ice Kingdom silently, and naturally they can also kill themselves silently.

His strength is not much stronger than that of the Lord of the Ice Kingdom, at most he is between his brothers.

The most important thing is that the prosperity of the Storm Kingdom is due to him, so as long as he has the power of the world prop Storm Fan, he has every chance to make a comeback on another continent.

Because he is still a young man, that is, about a thousand years old, and he still has a lot of life to live on, and a lot of glory and wealth to enjoy. He doesn't want to be like those rotten old people, dying unknown White.

But even so, he was not reconciled to the destruction of his many years of foundation, and the foundation he had accumulated for thousands of years was handed over to Tang Guo.

Therefore, Feng Xiaojing wanted to counterattack the Storm Continent all the time, regain his throne, and rule the Storm Continent again.

Therefore, he often encourages other state leaders to quickly unite and attack the Tang state.

"That's right, I believe everyone knows Tang's wolfish ambitions. It took only ten years to annex the Kingdom of Storms, the Kingdom of Mist, and my Kingdom of Gold. Their appetites are stronger than any monsters. There is no doubt that they will annex the entire land of the East China Sea, destroy all countries, and dominate the world.

0. ...ask for flowers. . . . 0 If you don’t pay attention, your end will be the same as ours. Not only will you lose your country, but you will also lose your own life, you know? "

Jin Yunfeng, the leader of the Kingdom of Gold, is also roaring at the top of his lungs at this moment, hoping that the leaders of other countries can work together, fully awaken, and jointly counter the Tang Kingdom and resist this extremely evil country.

He owns the metal rod of the world, which is a golden rod. The whole body is made of unknown metal, but the power he grasps is extremely powerful, that is, the metal substance that can control everything in this world.

As long as he is willing, he can even change the cells in his whole body into various metals. With such ability, Jin Yunfeng can be said to have a super undead body.

Whether it is high temperature, low temperature, or various natural environment forces, it is difficult to kill Jin Yunfeng. He is also known as the King Kong with an indestructible body.

And because of the power of the metal rod, the world's prop, it also turned the land where the Kingdom of Gold is located into the Gold Continent. This land was affected by the power of the metal rod, and many metal veins appeared.

Such as emerald, gold, silver, platinum, iron ore, mithril and other metals, in short, all metals in this world can be found in the Golden Continent.

So one can imagine how rich the Gold Continent is. If you dig a mine at will, you can earn a lot of money. The nobles of the Gold Kingdom are considered as those who have mines at home.

This also made the country of gold extremely rich, making it one of the richest countries in the East China Sea.

And Jin Yunfeng, the country of gold, is also extremely wealthy. When he makes friends with others, he never checks whether he has money, because basically others are not as rich as he is.

Therefore, when the Golden Continent was taken away by the Tang State, one can imagine the heartache of Jin Yunfeng, the leader of the Golden Kingdom, as if all his property had been taken away. This kind of hatred is no less than the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife I hate it.

Therefore, Jin Yunfeng's hatred can be seen, and it is definitely not much worse than the leader of the Storm Kingdom.and.

Chapter 282 World Prop Spray Can, Irreconcilable Contradictions with Tang Country

"Jin Yunfeng, I know your strength. You have mastered the world's prop metal rod, which has the power to manipulate all metals, and can even transform itself into various metals. There are basically not many people in this world who can kill you. Logically speaking, you shouldn't be afraid of the Tang State, why don't you fight the Tang State to the end, but choose to run away?"

A king asked very puzzled, he felt that Jin Yunfeng, who possessed the indestructible body of King Kong, shouldn't have fled without a fight, and it was really strange that this happened now.

In fact, Jin Yunfeng didn't intend to fight Tang Guo at all, but when Tang Guo just made a move, Jin Yunfeng led a group of elite men to run away, and he didn't even take all kinds of precious ores from his family.

It can be said that Tang Guo took over a golden continent containing countless super veins.

And after obtaining the "[-]" Continent of Gold, Tang's strength has developed rapidly. After all, no continent can compare with the Continent of Gold. Those precious ores seem to be free of money, and they can be mined in the open pit. , very high quality.

Therefore, the equipment of Tang State's entire army has been completely renewed, and its combat power has more than doubled. This behavior is simply equivalent to capitalizing on the enemy.

"You know what. Since you know that I have the ability to transform into various metals in the world, you naturally know that I can transform into the legendary murderous stone."

Jin Yunfeng, the lord of the Kingdom of Gold, said in a deep voice: "The ability of the murderous stone is actually very simple, that is, it can sense the murderous aura of the enemy, as well as the degree of danger, and even predict the future danger to a certain extent.

When I transformed into a murderous aura stone, my ability to perceive murderous aura was raised to the extreme. I was a combination of countless murderous aura stones. At this moment, I sensed the murderous aura from Tang Kingdom.

At this moment, I felt an unprecedented fear. It seemed that there was an unimaginable figure standing behind Tang Guo. As long as the other party made a move, he could lightly press me to death, no matter what kind of metal I turned into. "There was deep fear on his face. Even after many years, he still felt the fear gushing from the bottom of his heart. This was a fear he had never experienced since he owned the metal rod, a world prop.

At that time, he almost thought that he would be scared to death, and from then on, he never dared to change into a murderous stone, otherwise his heart and soul would be scared to pieces.

It was because of this that Jin Yunfeng didn't dare to be an enemy of Tang State at all, he was as frightened as a quail, and ran away from the Golden Continent in desperation, not daring to make any resistance at all.

Because he was worried that if his whereabouts were discovered, he would be assassinated by the big boss behind Tang Guo. "You mean, there is a god standing behind Tang Guo, that's why you are so scared?" someone asked.

"That's right, there is no doubt about it. There must be an ancient god standing behind the Tang Kingdom. Even if it is not a god, the opponent's power is comparable to a god." Jin Yunfeng, the lord of the Kingdom of Gold, said in a deep voice, expressing his opinion .

"If this is the case, then why don't we just surrender? With our strength, how can we compete with the ancient gods? Isn't this a joke?" If it is the ancient gods, then no matter how you think about it, they have no chance of winning, and it can be said that they must die.

"Hehe, how can it be so simple? According to the national policy of the Tang Dynasty, ordinary people can surrender, become believers in the gods, and enjoy a rich life, but we, the holders of world props, must surrender the world props on our body and sacrifice to God, this will give you a chance to survive, do you want to sacrifice the world props you own?"

It was Wu Ziliang, the leader of the Kingdom of Mist who spoke, sneered and swept everyone's glances.

He has a world prop spray can, and the ability of this world prop is actually very simple, that is to create a boundless thick fog, causing endless fog around him.

But don't think that this ability is useless, but in the endless ocean, if a certain place falls into a foggy situation, countless ships will get lost if they enter it, and they will no longer be able to escape from the fog.

In fact, the continent of fog in the country of fog, the sea area of ​​hundreds of thousands of kilometers around, is covered with boundless thick fog, and even the land is shrouded in fog all year round.

If ordinary enemies try to enter the Continent of Fog, they will be shrouded in thick fog, completely lost in the thick fog, and will die because they run out of ammunition and food...

So if this ability reaches its peak, it will be extremely terrifying.

Even this world item itself can turn Mist into a body of smoke. Ordinary physical attacks have no effect on him, only energy attacks can.

So this can be regarded as a natural world prop.

But it's a pity that this world item doesn't have much combat power, at least not as powerful as world items such as the ice and snow scepter.

And Wu Ziliang is also an extremely smart person. He feels that if he relies on his own strength alone, it is almost impossible to blind the eyes of the ancient gods.

After all, it is not a big problem for his power to deceive ordinary people, but it is foolish to deceive the gods.

Because of this, Wu Ziliang knew that the Kingdom of Mist was invaded by the Tang Kingdom, and without a word, he immediately abandoned the throne and fled the Kingdom of Mist with a small number of elites.

Because he didn't want to step into the footsteps of the Lord of the Ice Kingdom, be killed by the power of God's punishment, and be wiped out in ashes. "This!"

Hearing this, many kings were silent, unable to say anything. After all, the reason why they have the strength and status they have today is because of the world props on them.

If they lost the world props, they would have no way to compete with other talented fighters, and they would no longer be able to enjoy the superior 5.0 status and endless wealth.

So they are naturally unwilling to lose the world props, if they really want to lose the world props, then they would rather die.

Therefore, the conflict between them and Tang State is basically irreconcilable.

"So you should understand now that our battle with Tang is inevitable. Either they will die or we will die. Don't be so naive. The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for us. Don't you understand? Is this reasonable?" Jin Yunfeng, the lord of the Kingdom of Gold, reminded.

He felt that if they continued to delay like this, their chances of winning would become increasingly slim. After all, as time went by, the power of the Tang State would expand beyond bounds, increasing crazily like a snowball.

In this way, they would no longer have any hope of defeating Tang. .

Chapter 283 Borrowing a knife to kill people, testing the limit of the power of the ancient gods

"We all understand what you said. If we could kill the ancient gods, we would have done it long ago. Why wait until now." A king said in a deep voice.

"That's right, you didn't see what happened to the Lord of the Ice Kingdom. Although that kid is despicable and sinister, it is undeniable that his strength is definitely among the strongest among us. But in the face of God's punishment, he is like It was instantly killed like ants, basically without any resistance, how can we be the opponent of the gods."

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