"Haha made a move, the United States finally made a move, it seems that the elder brother is more rigid."

"I have already said to suppress this eastern country with all my strength, otherwise, after they completely digest all the extraordinary information, then we still have to mess around?!"

"There is no doubt that now is the outbreak of the fourth industrial revolution in human society, and the fourth industrial revolution should be an extraordinary revolution, allowing human beings to master extraordinary power." "Indeed, if we fall behind, then our whole life will be just Low-level countries can only rely on each other." "Immediately promulgate various plans to put pressure on this eastern country."

Immediately, one after another news began to spread from all directions around the world. It was like overwhelming mountains and seas, causing unimaginable waves and global turmoil.

And these news were also sent back to the country, which also caused a huge reaction in the country. .

Chapter 376 Domestic Public Opinion War, A Mixed Network World

At this moment, forums, microblogs, post bars and other places in the country of Hua began to discuss protests from all over the world and policies from various countries.

"Threat, this is a threat of intimidation from various countries to our country."

"There is no doubt that this is the combined economic warfare of the Western world against us."

"A group of hateful bastards, when did this group of guys become so united, they actually attacked us collectively."

"He still wants to threaten us to hand over the supernatural materials we obtained. It's just wishful thinking. Do you think our country is made of mud?"

"It is absolutely not allowed for any country to dictate to us, even if it is a war, they must not be allowed to succeed."

"I really think that I am the master of Xuanhuangxing, and dare to threaten us, it is simply reckless."

Many netizens were immediately angry.

This group of western countries is really self righteous, thinking that if they launch economic sanctions, they will surrender, submit to each other, and be the dog of the other party, just like the country of cherry blossoms.

But today is different from the past, and now the country of Hua has no fear of them at all.

"There is no doubt that this group of Western civilized countries has completely united-up."

At this time, the well-known netizen Bai Xiaosheng jumped out: "According to reliable sources, these countries have held secret meetings for a long time, formed an alliance long ago, tried to form an encirclement circle, and wanted to encircle our country. Did it happen overnight, and the layout began a few years ago."

He said that he knew some inside information. These Western civilized countries have long been united and formed an indestructible alliance to deal with the enemy Hua.

"It's over, it's over. Western countries have launched sanctions against us. Our country's economy must be over. By then, all industries will wither, and the economy will soon return to the Stone Age."

A well-known Internet celebrity said gloatingly.

"That's right, once the western countries don't buy our country's goods, they will lose their jobs. Let alone the mortgage, they won't even be able to afford rice."

"That's right, our country was developed by relying on foreign countries. There are no foreigners to buy our products. We are still poor ghosts now. If they don't buy them now, we will be beaten back to our original shape soon."

"Quickly abandon Huayuan and embrace Hezhongyuan. It won't be long before Huayuan will become a pile of waste paper. At that time, the whole country will be inflated, and a catty of meat will cost tens of thousands of Huayuan."

"To be honest, you should immigrate quickly. Only immigration is the only way out for you troublemakers. There is no benefit in staying in this country."

"Indeed, dying with a ship that is about to sink is not stupid or something. Hurry up and immigrate to the great United States. If you don't have enough money, go to the country of cherry blossoms. Anyway, staying in the country of Hua will have no future."

"Just wait and see, the price of air tickets to foreign countries will rise soon. Don't look at the fact that a ticket is only a few thousand yuan now, and it will soon rise to tens of thousands, or even 10,000+."

"If you don't immigrate now, soon you will have a hard life."

Many Internet public figures and immigration agencies have clamored.

They didn't know how long they had been looking forward to this day, but they waited day and night, but they couldn't wait until the country collapsed, and their generation was about to die.

Seeing that the public knowledge team is getting smaller and smaller, they panicked. If this continues, how can they make a living.

Well now, they finally waited until the western countries join forces to deal with the Hua country, and they all couldn't wait to expose their true colors and go to the embrace of the western family.

"What are you clamoring for? If you want to go, go quickly. If you don't go, you are my son."

A netizen yelled.

"Hehe, ignorant pariahs, you know what a fart. I have already booked a ticket for tonight. First, I will fly to the country of cherry blossoms, play for a month, and then fly to the United States to live a free life. In the future, you pariahs will stay Wait to die in this rotten country, soon you will be eating bark."

The well-known short big tight said with contempt.

"That's right, now we're going to defect to Western families, where do we want to stay in this decadent country."

"To be honest, the safest place right now is the Western countries, not this evil empire."

"If it wasn't for your money, we wouldn't want to stay here. Now, your country has been sanctioned, and you will soon be poor. Poor ghosts like you, we don't even care about it."

"Just wait and see, we are basking in the sun abroad, eating steak, drinking red wine, and enjoying life, while you can only eat bark, eat soil, and live in caves."

0..Ask for flowers. . . . 0 "That's right, the air in foreign countries is sweeter."

Many well-known people clamored, and posted the air tickets they had just booked, saying that they would flee tonight and didn't want to stay in this decadent country for even a second.

"Leave as soon as you want, but if you think our country will collapse so easily, then you are really overestimating the current strength of Western countries."

The well-known netizen 'Detective Di Renjie' sneered.

"Stop bragging, what are you bragging about? I really can't think of how to rely on the strength of Hua to resist the sanctions of the Western Alliance? Is it just relying on your imagination and bragging?"

The well-known 'professional fraudulent degree' despises the road.

"What do you know? Usually you only know about bragging about Western countries and spreading rumors. You don't know any economic knowledge. The current Hua country has already realized the internal economic cycle. Basically, [-]% of the economy is Domestic demand contributed, while foreign countries only accounted for [-]%.”

The well-known netizen 'Detective Di Renjie' despised: "Although these countries have raised tariffs, they have actually increased their domestic prices in a disguised way, causing strong inflation in their countries. There is no world factory to provide cheap goods. These Western countries People in the country will soon know what inflation is. It is estimated that buying a piece of meat costs several hundred yuan. If you still want to go abroad to eat steak, you will have a share of si."

"Don't be alarmist here. Although the great Western world will be miserable, the Hua country will definitely be even worse. Didn't you see that the kangaroo country and other countries have stopped supplying iron ore and coal to your country? There is no iron ore and coal. Coal, by then your country won’t be able to produce even a single screw.”

"That's right. It is said that the countries in the Middle East have stopped exporting oil. Soon you will not be able to drive a car in your country, and you will have to stay at home obediently."

"The most frightening thing is that South America, North America and other countries do not export food, corn, rice and wheat. With the current domestic food production, famine will soon occur, and food prices will increase tenfold."

Many well-known people clamored.and.

Chapter 377 The benefits of colonizing another world, resources from the heavens and worlds


Seeing these words, many netizens were silent. Although they were very angry that these public figures belittled their country, from a rational point of view, what these people said actually made sense.

Once foreign countries restrict their import of oil, iron ore, coal, food and other resources, it will definitely have a huge impact and fluctuation on the entire country's system.

After all, although the country of Hua has a large area, it is not rich in land and resources. After all, the population of the country of Hua is too large, reaching 14 billion.

With such a large population, it is actually very difficult to support such a territory alone.

If foreign countries completely block the import of these resources, not to mention that people will not starve to death, first of all, various domestic prices will definitely soar wildly.

At that time, I am afraid that many people's life will be extremely difficult "September [-]".

"A group of idiots, it seems that you really don't know anything."

The well-known netizen 'Bai Xiaosheng' said with contempt: "Let me tell you a piece of news in advance. In fact, the country has conquered one of the different worlds with a very low level of technology, and sent people into it, and found a lot of oil and mineral veins in it. , found various ores.

It can be said that simply developing the resources of this different world can fully meet the consumption of our country for the next 100 years. Even if countries such as the Kangaroo Country completely ban exports, we will not be hurt. "

He directly uttered an earth-shattering news.

"No way, the country actually directly developed a different world? Is this true or not?"

"If someone else said such a thing, I would definitely not believe it, but the person who said it was Bai Xiaosheng, then the news is true, and Bai Xiaosheng will not lie."

"My God, I actually colonized a different world directly. If I can really colonize a different world, it is equivalent to obtaining the resources of the entire world. The so-called iron ore, oil and other resources are nothing at all. Everywhere."

"Isn't it? No wonder the country is so active in developing different worlds. I'm afraid it's because of the huge benefits of different worlds. Whoever can control enough different worlds will be the overlord of this planet."

"Haha, with these resources from another world, who cares about those iron mines in the Kangaroo Country? Let them rot in the ground. There is no need to spend money to buy them."

"That's right. Kangaroo countries and other resource countries make money by selling iron ore, coal and other resources. If we don't buy them, this country may be impoverished all of a sudden, and no one can save them."

"Not only that, we can also dig a large amount of iron ore, completely impact the iron ore market of the entire planet, and sell the iron ore cheaper than the soil. I am afraid that the Kangaroo Country will go bankrupt immediately."

Many netizens laughed, feeling very happy.

Originally, they were still worried that if foreign countries were not allowed to export various resources to their own country, it would cause the prices of various commodities in their own country to soar wildly.

But who would have thought that his own country had already controlled a different world, obtained a large amount of free resources, and no longer needed to import minerals from any country.

"What about food? How do you solve the problem of food? You can't farm in another world. Even if you do farm, you don't know how long it will take."

Gong Zhi's short face is very ugly, he feels that the development of the matter seems to be different from what he imagined.

"Stupid, haven't you discovered it yet? Since the recovery of Reiki, our country's food production has been increasing. It is said that the rice production per mu has exceeded [-] kilograms, which is ten times the previous production, and the production is still increasing rising."

Bai Xiaosheng sneered: "In other words, even if our country's planting area does not continue to expand, our grain output is now more than ten times what it was before.

Do you know what this concept is? In other words, the food production of our country is enough to satisfy the population of 140 billion. It can be said that this can already satisfy the appetite of everyone on the planet. Are we still afraid that the other party will run out of food?

I'm afraid that the big agricultural countries like the United States are still afraid that we will sell grain and impact the grain market, causing the price of grain to plummet and causing farmers in their country to go bankrupt instantly. "

He said that since the recovery of spiritual energy, not only animals have mutated, but crops have also mutated, and the yield has been greatly improved compared to before.

"And it's not just crops, there are also animals that we often eat, such as pigs, chickens, cows, sheep, etc. They have also mutated, and their volume is ten times larger than before, and their meat production has also increased by more than ten times. We can even put these livestock breeding in another world and become our logistics base. In the future, I am afraid that the price of pork will only be ten cents per catty..."

Bai Xiaosheng continued.

"This this!"

Many well-known intellectuals were dumbfounded and stunned. They originally thought that the country of Hua was completely doomed, and that it would not be able to last long in the face of the blockade of countries around the world.

But hearing what Bai Xiaosheng said now, it seems that the country of Hua will not be affected at all, because the country has already realized the economy of internal circulation, and there is no need to trade with the outside world at all.

In fact, in the agricultural era, the country of Hua was always playing with itself, and rarely traded with foreign countries, and it was able to live well on its own territory.

"It's no wonder that the country is now frantically exploring different worlds. Different worlds are dangers for us, but they are also opportunities."

"That's right, the future layout of Xuanhuang Star is probably not just to resist the invasion of creatures from other worlds, but more importantly, to invade and colonize other worlds. The more alien worlds that can be controlled by someone, the more powerful their country will be. huge."

"Isn't it? If we master different worlds one by one, we can completely use these worlds as our logistics base, or as a way out. Even if we can't resist the endless stream of creatures from other worlds, we can also go to live in other worlds. It’s kind of like migrating to other planets with Migration 5.0.”

"Sure enough, it is an extremely bright era. This is even more astonishing than the original era of great navigation. I am afraid that we are about to enter the era of the heavens and myriad worlds."

"I didn't expect that now we can't even get out of our own planet, and we have started to colonize other worlds. It's really incredible."

"It can only be said that time is fate. If it weren't for these space-time passages that suddenly appeared, we would not be able to travel to other worlds."

"There is no doubt that warriors will be the mainstream in the future. After all, the exploration of different worlds is full of difficulties. If there is not enough force, it is impossible to conquer these worlds."

"Maybe exploring different worlds will be the trend in the future, just like the gold diggers back then, but now they are adventurers, explorers, exploring various different worlds."

Many netizens are extremely happy. .

Chapter 378 Huaguo's strong economic counterattack shakes the world

At this moment, the top officials of Hua country naturally knew the news, and they even knew similar news in advance, knowing that people from the western world countries were joining forces to deal with their own country.

"What do you think of these Western countries' offensives against us? It seems that they want to launch an economic war and force us to surrender?" An old man in gray robe said in a deep voice.

"There is no doubt that this is already a real war, but there is no hot war. But this is also a normal thing. The hearts of these countries in the western world have never diminished." An old man in military uniform said with emotion.

"But you don't need to worry too much about the impact of this incident on our country. In fact, due to the recovery of spiritual energy, the trade between our country and other countries is actually intermittent. Even if it is completely interrupted now, it is actually nothing. We can concentrate on thoroughly implementing the domestic super city plan.”

"That's right, now is the time to produce small commodities such as clothes, socks, and toys. Now is the time of war. Everything has to be prepared for the 05 war, and other things have to be sidelined."

"At first, I was worried that I couldn't find an excuse to temporarily stop these factories, but now it's all right. Since all foreign orders have been cut, they will all be cut, the production capacity of these factories will be suspended, and all of them will be transformed into war factories." "Indeed, the so-called resources In fact, we don't need food at all. Now our country has so much food that we can't finish it, and we can still export it. Why do we need to import it from other countries.

There are also iron ore, oil and other resources. Now we have colonized a different world and discovered a lot of rich resources. Our people have already mined them. It is said that the oil is ten times more than that in the Middle East. Now our country is considered an industrial resource. The oil country can still export oil. "

"These idiots in the western world don't know that the world situation has changed long ago. Colonizing other worlds is the best way to increase national power. Simply blocking the economy is meaningless." Many high-level bosses talked a lot, and they were calm Quite, in fact, they have known about similar things for a long time, and they have prepared the means to deal with them in advance.

Therefore, they are not worried about the economic blockade of these Western countries at all, but are optimistic about its success.

"But if we cut off trade with Western countries, what will these countries do if they hand over orders to Southeast Asian countries? At that time, our country will completely lose these orders and lose its status as a manufacturing powerhouse." Some people are worried about this.

"Haha, if it's a time of peace, this kind of worry is normal, but now it's a time of war, and it's a time of spiritual recovery, your worries are meaningless."

An old man with gold-rimmed glasses smiled slightly: "Our country is a country with a complete industrial chain. If Southeast Asian countries want to build such a scale, even with the full help of the Western world, they will not be able to do it without more than 20 years. More The important thing is, do you think those western countries have 20 years left now?

According to the current rate of invasion by alien creatures, we don't know whether these western countries will exist or not in 20 years. What are we afraid of losing our status as a manufacturing powerhouse? "He looked at the crowd, not worried about this at all.

"To be honest, according to the progress of spiritual energy recovery, sooner or later the economies of all countries in the world will be completely interrupted. I don't know how many years it will take to restore economic ties."

"Indeed, according to previous intelligence, there have been more and more mutated creatures in the ocean recently, and cruise ships, warships, and other ships on the ocean have become more and more dangerous. It is said that at least half of the ocean-going ships have sunk during this period, and They were all killed by mutated creatures in the ocean, which also led to rising shipping costs."

"Yes, the ocean is becoming more and more dangerous now. It is said that there are many marine creatures from the world of sea monsters. They often rob ships on the ocean. It is estimated that the ocean will become our human beings in a short time. The restricted area is closed, and even if those countries in Southeast Asia can really manufacture goods, they will not be able to ship them out at all, and they can only rot in their own warehouses."

"That's right, now is the moment of life and death. The biggest danger is the invasion of creatures from other worlds and the erosion of mutated creatures. As for the tricks of Western countries, it is not worth mentioning at all. It is enough for us to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. Maybe it won't be long before the whole world will only have a piece of pure land like our country, and other places will become purgatory."

Many high-level leaders discussed this matter word by word. They have discussed the cause and effect of these matters very clearly. As long as they do their own things well, they don't need to care what those people in Western countries think.

"In this case, if they want to interrupt the economy with us, then interrupt the economy, whatever they want."

A senior boss smiled slightly.

It didn't take long for a piece of news to spread from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, and it spread like a hurricane all over the world, and spread to every country in the world.

"In view of the current economic situation, the actual state of war, due to the blockade of various countries, we have to make an extremely heavy choice, which is to cut off trade with other countries, but we will Not one item is allowed to be sold."

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