This also made the Kingdom of Cloth one of the safest countries in the South China Sea. After suffering, no country would want to attack the Kingdom of Cloth again. "Your Majesty, Tang State, which unified the East China Sea, seems to want to attack us in the South China Sea. What should we do now?" A confidant immediately passed the news back.

Because for a country of trade, any news of war is unfavorable, and the country of Cloth has more than enough defense and not enough offense. This is also a huge defect of this country.

Once in a state of war, the country's trade will come to a standstill.

"Let's attack, just attack. Doesn't it mean that the Tang Dynasty not only wants to target our South China Sea, but also the West Sea and the North Sea? Is this country crazy to attack the three sea areas at the same time? A country that is militaristic will not end well. "The Lord of the Cloth Kingdom shook his head, he was very calm and not in a hurry.

After all, relying on the power of the world props to bounce off the tablecloth, it is impossible for anyone to hurt himself. To some extent, he is an existence with invincible defense.

As long as he doesn't want to die, no one can kill him.

"Well, in fact, we are just guessing. So far, we haven't found Tang Guo's idea of ​​attacking the three sea areas at the same time, but there are already signs of this." The confidant replied.

"In this case, let's wait until they attack. Our South China Sea is not a calm sea like the East China Sea. There are storms blowing for six months a year. Let's wait until they survive the storm in the South China Sea. "

The lord of the Bu Kingdom scoffed and didn't care at all.

Because the South China Sea is notoriously difficult to unify the waters, often blowing terrible storms, even if other countries want to invade, they have to face this terrible tropical storm.

It can be said that this is the natural moat that stops the enemy.

Of course, the most important thing is that the cloth country has been peaceful for so long, and he no longer wants to go to war with other countries. Wouldn't it be good to close the door and live a good life?

The plague country in the South China Sea.

This is one of the strongest empires in the South China Sea, and it is also a frightening country, because this country has the power of the plague, which is a power that can destroy the world.

And the lord of the Plague Kingdom holds a world prop, a plague watering can, from which various viruses can be sprayed, causing great harm to countless living beings.

It can be said that once the power of this plague spreads, no one knows how many people will die.

It is because of this that many countries in the South China Sea are frightened by the plague country.

Of course, the reason why the Plague Nation did not unify the South China Sea is because it has a hostile country called the Nation of Surgery, and the Nation of Surgery is a country of famous doctors, which has trained countless famous doctors.

And the lord of the kingdom of surgery has mastered a world item called the Universal Scalpel. As long as he can master this world item, any disease in the world can be cured, and the medicine can cure the disease directly.

This world prop and healing gloves have the same effect.

However, the universal scalpel can only target life, and cannot cause any effect on non-living matter. At the same time, the healing effect on life is stronger than that of healing gloves.

It is said that if you can master it to the extreme, the universal scalpel, a world prop, can even make people break through the limit of lifespan, and even make people live forever 0...  

It is because of the existence of the Kingdom of Surgery that the Kingdom of Plague is not too unscrupulous, but the struggle between the two sides has not stopped until death. "Your Majesty, the Tang Kingdom in the East China Sea may plan to invade the South China Sea in the near future, and may want to deal with our plague country." A confidant immediately spread the news.

"What kind of shit is the Tang Dynasty? Even if the East China Sea is unified, so what? In the face of the plague that destroys all life, all life is illusory and not worth mentioning. Our biggest enemy is the country of surgery. As long as this country is destroyed, Then our plague country can rule the world."

The Lord of the Plague Country sneered. He didn't take Tang Country seriously at all. The natural enemy of the Plague Country was the Country of Surgery. As long as this country was dealt with, he would have nothing to fear. "Yes, Your Majesty."

That confidant was also very helpless, and he also knew that the king set his sights on the country of surgery, and would not care about the Tang country hundreds of millions of miles away. After all, the distance between the two sides was too far, so there was no sense of threat at all.

Even if the other party said they were going to invade the South China Sea, they didn't know when it would happen.

The country of paintings in the South China Sea.

This is also a powerful empire. The lord of this country holds a real paintbrush, a world prop. Its power is actually very simple, that is, any object drawn with this brush will become real.

For example, if you use these 5.0 pens to draw many monsters, then these monsters will transform from false to real, no matter how absurd the monster is, it will come true.

Because of this, there are countless monsters in this country, which can be called a paradise for monsters.

However, the monsters in these paintings were all controlled by the king, so they did not cause much harm to other lives.

"Interesting, is it a country protected by the ancient gods? I don't know what the ancient gods look like. If you can draw the appearance of the gods, can you embody the gods?" He is also very calm about the news, but he is full of obsession with drawing the appearance of the ancient gods.

For him, the paintbrush in his hand is almost omnipotent and can create all objects and creatures in this world. .

Chapter 428 Promoted to the legendary third-tier warrior, magical runes blended into every inch of flesh and blood

At this time, Xuanhuangxing sealed off the Lihai Peninsula villa area.


Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam. After he performed the miracle covering the entire East China Sea, the faith of all believers in the entire Tang Kingdom was further deepened.

It can be said that after performing such a miracle, many pious believers directly evolved into fanatics, and some shallow believers evolved into pious believers.

With the total number of believers unchanged, the appearance of these fanatics still greatly enhances the energy of faith.

Crash~~Suddenly, countless belief energies gathered together to form a vast river of energy, and they surged towards the depths of Xia Chuan's sea of ​​consciousness crazily, as if the Yellow River was flooding.

Compared with the faith energy obtained before, it is more than doubled.

There is no doubt that it was worthwhile for him to perform miracles this time. It completely made many believers even more crazy, and made the image of a god more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Going to break through?!"

Xia Chuan's heart moved, and the legendary energy in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness increased sharply, and the sea of ​​consciousness was rapidly expanding, expanding, and constantly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

05 himself is already in the realm of legendary second-order perfection, and getting such a huge power of faith is simply a training accelerator, saving him countless years of hard work.

Boom~~ In an instant, his body shook slightly, as if a certain bottleneck on his body had been completely broken through by the flood-like energy, and the shattering situation was simply unstoppable.

The third level of legend!

At this moment, Xia Chuan knew that he had finally broken through from the second level of legend to the third level of legend. If other legendary warriors knew about it, they would definitely be scared to death.

After all, no one in the legendary realm can practice so fast.

After being promoted to the third level of legend, the area of ​​his sea of ​​consciousness has also expanded by more than one-third than before, which can accommodate more legend energy and blood energy.


Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam. With the expansion of his sea of ​​consciousness, the extraordinary tree planted in the sea of ​​consciousness also grew extremely rapidly.

Huge blood energy was poured into the Extraordinary Tree as if it didn't need money, and the countless roots of the Extraordinary Tree were also greedily absorbing the blood energy in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

I saw the extraordinary tree growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally, the extraordinary tree was about 500 meters high at the second level of the legend, but now, the extraordinary tree has grown insanely high, and it has grown to a height of 1000 meters.

The trunk, branches, and even the area of ​​each leaf on its body have fully doubled in size compared to before, appearing thicker, and full of greenery, extremely luxuriant.

One after another, the supernatural power leaves began to condense on the branches, and densely packed supernatural power runes and blood vein runes emerged on each supernatural power leaf, which was simply unfathomable, filled with mysterious atmosphere and energy.

"The bloodline runes began to melt into the flesh and blood!"

Xia Chuan felt that the power of the runes in his body had been further enhanced. This kind of supernatural runes was not just as simple as melting into the blood, but had already begun to integrate into every piece of flesh in his body.

It can be said that every piece of flesh on his body has been integrated into the power of the tyrannical blood rune, which also caused the flesh and blood of his body to undergo an incredible transformation, exuding bursts of special breath.

It seems that at this moment, every piece of flesh and blood on his body contains the power of legend and the power of blood. "Now the flesh and blood on my body is simply the flesh of Tang Monk." Xia Chuan was taken aback.

He found that when these bloodline runes were integrated into the flesh and blood, it began to cause unimaginable transformation of the flesh and blood. If it is said that before the second level of legend, it is only the legendary effect of the blood.

But now, every piece of flesh and blood on his body possessed legendary power, containing extremely abundant pure energy.

At this moment, he also thought of the flesh and blood of dragon meat, phoenix meat, and other divine beasts. For ordinary people, the flesh and blood of these divine beasts is simply the supreme medicine. Hair washing.

Why is this so? !

In fact, it is because the blood power in these divine beasts has penetrated every piece of flesh and blood on their bodies, making every piece of flesh and blood on their bodies contain huge extraordinary power, which is more precious than any precious medicine.

This is the result of blood metamorphosis.

The same is true now.

When Xia Chuan was promoted to the third level of legend, the power of the blood rune had begun to affect every piece of flesh and blood on his body, making his flesh and blood begin to turn into the flesh of a Tang monk, or the flesh and blood of a divine beast.

If he cut off a piece of his own flesh and blood, it would be eaten by other creatures, and those creatures would immediately undergo terrifying changes like being completely reborn, and would be directly promoted to become extraordinary creatures.

In fact, let alone flesh and blood, even a drop of blood is an unimaginable treasure for all living things, and it is many times better than any pill.

It is because of this that when the legendary warriors fall, their bodies will be crazily coveted by countless warriors, and they can't wait to eat every piece of flesh and blood on the legendary warriors, making themselves undergo unimaginable transformations.

In order to avoid this situation, many legendary warriors will build a cemetery for themselves, so as to avoid their bodies being eaten by other warriors after their death. "Sure enough, the ninth level of legend, each level will be more powerful than the previous level. This is simply the evolution of mortals towards the sacred 977 direction, and they will gradually transform into the body of gods." Xia Chuan was amazed.

Although he is only at the third level of legend, which can be regarded as the peak of the initial stage of legend, he can already deeply feel the power of legendary warriors.

This is not only powerful in strength, but also powerful in life level. Legendary warriors are no longer on the same level as warriors of other levels. "The power in me right now is simply tyrannical." Xia Chuan squeezed his fists.

He felt that even the legendary power of the real dragon and the power of the phoenix were nothing more than that. The superimposed power of more than 100 kinds of bloodline supernatural powers made the power on his body so tyrannical that it was outrageous.

In terms of pure strength, he is probably hundreds of times stronger than a real dragon of the same level, and this gap is still widening, and it is far from over.


In an instant, he punched lightly, without using all his strength, but at this moment, the surrounding air was instantly repelled, as if a vacuum had been formed.

The terrifying air pressure swept out, and a terrifying deep pit was instantly punched out on the ground. All the stones and gravel were shaken into dust and wiped out.

This is simply a punch that smashed out of the vacuum, so terrifying. .

Chapter 429 Open up a 3-dimensional time and space, and the longevity is as long as [-] years

"Now I am simply stronger than a horse."

Xia Chuan squeezed his fist, feeling extremely emotional.

To be honest, even if he completely lost the world props now, relying on his own strength alone, he can still stand at the top and sweep the legendary warriors of the same level.

After all, the bloodline supernatural power in his body is too strong now, and the foundation of martial arts is extremely solid.

It seems that with every move of his hand, he can stir up endless power of heaven and earth.

Now he can completely sweep away the beast cubs of the same level.

"Master, this is the power of the supernatural rune infused into the flesh and blood. The supernatural rune can greatly increase the power of flesh and blood, making the power of the legendary warrior go a step further, reaching an inhuman level."

The Book of Wisdom.

"Could it be said that the practice of a legendary warrior is to practice the power of supernatural powers?"

Xia Chuan asked.


The Book of Wisdom nodded: "The master is now at the third level of legend, and the power of the supernatural rune is only integrated into the flesh and blood. If the master is promoted to the fourth, fifth, or even higher level of legend.

Then the power of the supernatural rune may penetrate into the bones, tendons, skin, internal organs, hair of the owner's body, and finally penetrate into every cell of the body. "

"Is there such a thing? Then if the supernatural rune is integrated into every cell of the body, what will happen?"

Xia Chuan became more and more curious.

"If you can be promoted to the ninth level of legend, which is the perfect realm of legendary warriors, every cell in the body is integrated with magical runes, then legendary warriors will learn the ability to regenerate flesh and blood."

The Book of Wisdom explained: "I believe the owner also knows that memory metal is a unique mineral, no matter what shape the memory metal is changed into, it will return to its original shape after a while.

This is actually the case now, if every cell is a supernatural rune, then even if an arm is cut off, due to the memory of the cells and the memory of the supernatural rune, these missing parts can be quickly regenerated , making these parts of the human body recover quickly, this is the regeneration of flesh and blood.

Of course, this kind of regeneration of flesh and blood actually has a limit, once the enemy’s damage exceeds the speed of recovery, then even a legendary ninth-level powerhouse will be killed instantly, and it is impossible to regenerate.”

"I see."

Xia Chuan couldn't help but nodded.

If the warrior of the legendary ninth rank really possesses this kind of immortality, then he relied on world props before, no matter how powerful he was, he might not be able to kill the opponent.

But with the power of the world props, he can easily kill the legendary warrior. From this, it can be proved that the legendary warrior is only a little stronger in recovery, not an immortal monster.

But even so, having this ability to regenerate flesh and blood is enough to prove how terrifying a legendary warrior is.

This level of powerhouse not only has a long lifespan, but also has the ability to regenerate at a high speed, and has a strong life-saving ability. It is no wonder that they can become legends in the world and leave a name in history.

After reaching this realm, it is already difficult for ordinary people to kill legendary warriors.

Of course Xia Chuan is different, he is no longer an ordinary warrior who has mastered the props of the world. "And the power of the soul has also been greatly improved."

Xia Chuan's heart moved, and the huge power of the primordial spirit spread out from his body, covering endless time and space in an instant, and he immediately felt the time and space of each dimension.

Each dimensional space-time is incomparably vast, almost boundless, and contains endless dimensional energy, as if it is impossible to exhaust it.

Any creature who perceives the dimension of time and space will feel extremely small, as if he is a speck of dust.The dimension of fire, the dimension of water, the dimension of earth...

The dense dimensional time and space floated in the depths of Xia Chuan's soul, and the endless dimensional energy was surging. Compared with the second level of the legend, he can undoubtedly perceive more dimensional time and space now.

Thirty thousand dimensional time and space!

It can be said that after being promoted to the third level of legend, he has been able to easily open up [-] dimensional time and space, open up all these dimensional time and space, and attract endless heaven and earth aura.

And after reaching this level, if he practiced with all his strength, then the aura of heaven and earth he swallowed could cover the entire Eurasian continent, and even reached one-third of the surface area of ​​Xuanhuang Star.

If this kind of thing is said, it will definitely shake the heavens, because there has never been any legendary warrior who can do such a thing, which can be called a miracle.

Vaguely, the aura of heaven and earth around him seemed to condense into substance, automatically producing a liquefied state.

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