Chapter 435 Attacking the Great Zhou World, the Birth of the Kui Niu Clan

"But since we plan to attack another world? Which world should we attack first? We can't attack together?" A man in a tunic suit asked.

Now that the high-level bosses have made the decision to attack another world, the next thing is very simple, that is to formulate a battle plan and choose the world to attack. "Da Zhou World is better."

An army boss said in a deep voice: "According to the previous information, there is only one huge land in the Great Zhou world. Besides that, there is the ocean, and there are islands scattered in the ocean. Once you occupy a piece of land, it is equivalent to occupying a piece of land." The whole world.

Of course, more importantly, it is said that the world of the Great Zhou is currently suffering from natural disasters such as drought and floods. The Great Zhou Dynasty has entered the last years of the dynasty, and there are endless rebels everywhere. As long as we push a little bit, we can completely overthrow this behemoth. Completely occupy a huge territory. "

He spoke his explanation.

"Could it be that the Great Zhou Dynasty is the only country in the Great Zhou world? There are no other countries?" someone asked.

"No, no, besides the Great Zhou Dynasty, there are actually dozens of countries in the Great Zhou world, but the population of these countries is not large, at most millions of people, it is not worth mentioning at all, the area they occupy There are very few." The army boss explained: "As long as we overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty in 977, then these remaining countries are actually nothing to fear, and they can be easily wiped out.

And we also have an advantage, that is, people in the Great Zhou World have no concept of another world at all, even if we appear in the Great Zhou World, they will not have any reaction, but will think that we are people from other countries3”

In fact, this is also a matter of course.

If you have not entered the industrial age and are in the agricultural age, then the level of science and technology can not keep up at all, and people in the agricultural age will not know how big the whole world is, and even have no concept of the world or the term country.

Even most of the people do not know characters, so they cannot read and learn characters.

After all, if it is a country in the agricultural era, the vast majority of people are working in agriculture, and there is no money for off-the-job study.

"There is another problem, that is how we communicate with the people of the Great Zhou World. Their writing and language are different from ours. Even if we attack them, we may not be able to rule them properly." Some people raised their own doubts.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about this."

A military leader smiled slightly: "Before we (affa) there were divinely favored people who won the favor of Taoist ancestors and possessed the ability to translate languages ​​and characters from other worlds. These people are translators.

At the same time, we have also manufactured some machines that can be used for simple translation. Simple communication is no problem at all. After we rule the world, we will promote the writing and language of our country and completely realize the unification of writing and language.

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved."

"Okay, since that's the case, then we will attack the Great Zhou World and destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Everyone made a decision immediately.

a day later.

A full 30 modern troops entered the Great Zhou World, thousands of tanks, a thousand planes, and tens of thousands of chariots were all brought in.

At the same time, a huge temporary base was built near the alien passage, and a large amount of supplies were piled up on it, such as food, bullets, ammunition and so on.

These modern armies started the offensive plan of the Great Zhou World in a mighty way.


At this time, Xia Chuan also quietly entered the Great Zhou world. After all, he also wanted to observe whether this world was a threat to Xuanhuangxing.

If the world really hides the top powerhouses, he must also personally eradicate them, lest these high-end combat powers cause a devastating blow to the Hua country's army.

"The will of heaven in this world is very weak."

Xia Chuan raised his eyebrows.

He immediately felt that there was almost no will of heaven in the Dazhou world, and it was impossible to prevent the strong from entering this world, so the strong from other worlds would not be threatened by entering this world.

Warriors above the extraordinary can also display their full strength in this world, without worrying about being suppressed by the power of heaven.

"It seems that the level of warriors in this world is indeed very low. The strongest warriors are at the level of grand masters, that is, diamond warriors, and the number is pitifully small. It can be regarded as a low-level martial arts world."

Xia Chuan touched his chin.

Crash~~ The power of divine consciousness in his body spread out in an instant, covering the entire Great Zhou World at once, and the breath of countless lives emerged in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

The levels of these lives appear in the book of wisdom in an instant, and the data is continuously analyzed and recorded.

He immediately knew the level of strength of human beings in this world. Most of them are mortals, they don't practice martial arts at all, and only a few are acquired martial artists.

And innate warriors are already considered top-notch masters, and grandmaster warriors are basically the head of a certain sect, or the leader of a certain force, etc.

As for the warriors at the Grand Master level, that is the martial arts mythology, at the level of the elders and the hermits.

If you have to compare, then the level of warriors in the Great Zhou World is equivalent to the martial arts world like the Legend of the Tang Dynasty.

"If that's the case, then the army of the country of Hua can completely sweep through all the countries in the world, basically occupying an overwhelming advantage."

Xia Chuan immediately felt relieved.

Leaving aside the low-level fighters, even those at the Grandmaster level, in fact, the number of Hua kingdoms far exceeds that of the Great Zhou world, and they are not at the same level at all.

Coupled with powerful modern weapons, it can completely beat the world.

It is estimated that a few missiles will kill many grand masters.

Heavy sniper rifles can snipe and kill grandmasters from a distance.

Unless someone can become extraordinary, there is no way to compete with modern weapons. "Wait, it seems to have the breath of a legendary warrior."

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam, as if he had sensed something: "No, no, it's not a native of the Great Zhou world, but a creature from another world smuggled from Xuanhuang Star. Could it be that this guy wants to make trouble in the Great Zhou world?"

All of a sudden, he sensed that there were some otherworldly creatures who followed the army into the world of Dazhou. Because the opponent had legendary strength, the soldiers of Hua country could not find the existence of the opponent at all. "Master, according to previous information, the group of people who smuggled here probably belong to the Kui Niu clan." The Book of Wisdom said in a deep voice.

"The Kui Niu clan? Is it another race of beasts that is as famous as the Phoenix Clan, Dragon Clan, etc.?" Xia Chuan rubbed his chin.

"That's right, they may be like the phoenix clan and the dragon clan, they woke up on Xuanhuangxing, and then started to make trouble." The Book of Wisdom expressed his opinion.

"Interesting, then go meet these guys." Xia Chuan raised his eyebrows. .

Chapter 436 Kui Niu's guess, the inner world must be the prehistoric civilization of Xuanhuang Star

At this moment, somewhere in the Great Zhou world, three legend-level powerhouses appeared. They were all members of the Kui Niu clan, and they came out of a certain secret realm in Xuanhuangxing.

They are respectively called Niu Shisan, Niu Fifteen, and Niu Shiqi.

It can be said that they are all the successors left by the Kui Niu Clan in Xuanhuangxing, just like the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan.

"It's such a low-level world. I didn't expect the aura to be so thin. I don't think even an extraordinary warrior can get out." Niu Shisan frowned, feeling that the aura in the Da Zhou world was extremely thin.

This is extremely uncomfortable for divine beasts like them, as if living in a place with extremely serious air pollution. If they stay in this environment for a long time, it may even cause their own blood to degenerate.

"I thought this place might be the entrance to the world in Xuanhuang Star, but I didn't expect it to be another world. It seems that we have found the wrong place again this time."

Niu Shiwu shook his head.

"No way, don't you really believe in the nonsense of humans in this world? What is the outer world and the inner world? Isn't this nonsense? How can there be such absurd things in the world?"

Niu Shiqi sneered.

Ever since they woke up from the secret world, they immediately began to inquire about the world's information to see if other races besides themselves had woken up.

As a result, they found that the indigenous humans on Xuanhuang Planet were very unusual. They were obviously just some humans living in the age of doom. They didn't understand any extraordinary powers at all, but they had mastered all kinds of incredible powers, which made them all feel threaten.

Even Xuanhuangxing has been invaded by alien creatures several times, many of whom are legendary warriors, but they were all easily wiped out by the native humans of Xuanhuangxing, and there is also the power of super powerhouses suspected of appearing gods.

This kind of thing frightened them immediately, making them dare not act rashly at all, for fear of revealing their whereabouts and being caught by the native humans of Xuanhuangxing.

So they frantically inquired about information, learned all kinds of secret news in this world, and learned about the so-called inner world and outer world.

But Niu Shiqi felt that this was nonsense and impossible.

"Nothing is impossible."

Niu Shiwu said in a deep voice: "Think about it carefully, before the invasion of the demon world, the troll world, and the ghost world, what a terrifying force it was. It should not be underestimated, it was not a force that the humans of Xuanhuangxing could resist.

Even if the human beings on Xuanhuangxing have the so-called nuclear bombs, the power of nuclear bombs cannot resist the legendary power at all. However, there are some mysterious powerhouses on Xuanhuangxing, who can easily deal with these alien creatures.If it is not the existence of the inner world, then where did these mysterious powerhouses appear from. "

It didn't believe in the so-called inner world and outer world at first, but after various deeds appeared, it also had to believe in the possibility.

Perhaps the horror of Xuanhuangxing will be beyond imagination, and it is simply beyond their reach.

"Impossible, impossible at all."

Niu Shiqi shook his head: "5000 years ago, our races arrived at Xuanhuang Star. The human beings on this planet are in the era of bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, and even the writing system has not yet been formed. If it is not for our help, this planet will be completely destroyed. The natives don't know how long it will take to form civilization.

If it is true that there is a so-called inner world, why did the elders of our various ethnic groups not discover it 5000 years ago, so this matter must be false.

I think that maybe some strong people from other worlds came to disguise themselves as the natives of Xuanhuang Star to confuse the audience and try to make some kind of conspiracy, otherwise there is no way to explain this. "

"Stupid, if it is really a strong person from another world, not a native of Xuanhuang Star, why do those mysterious strong people help the humans of Xuanhuang Star, why should they shelter them? If it is not the creatures of the same race, no one will spend so much money Strength and time, no one can protect Xuanhuangxing all the time."

Niu Shisan shook his head.

It originally thought that it might be a strong man from another world in disguise, but after thinking about it carefully, if it was really a strong man from another world, then there was no need to do such a thing.

Because according to Xuanhuangxing's current power, this strong man from another world has the opportunity to completely rule the entire Xuanhuangxing and completely control this ball of ten thousand realms.

"That's right, you said that there were only some indigenous humans on the Xuanhuang star 5000 years ago, but what about the Xuanhuang star 5 years ago, 50 years ago, or even [-] million years ago?"

Niu Shiwu's eyes showed a hint of coldness: "To be honest, the history of Xuanhuangxing is at least billions of years old, even older than our Kui Niu world. Hasn't there been other civilizations in such a long time? If If other civilizations appeared, where did these civilizations go, and did they really all disappear?"

0..Ask for flowers. . . 0 "This!"

Hearing this, Niu Shiqi was stunned and remained silent. It also felt that what his brother said made sense, because Xuanhuangxing's history was too old.

As the world-famous Ball of Ten Thousand Worlds, no one knows how many wars it has experienced, and Xuanhuang Star is also known as the most mysterious planet in the universe. Even the gods have difficulty prying into all the mysteries of this planet.

Although they can also be regarded as a family of divine beasts, they are still nothing compared to the mysterious Xuanhuangxing.

"You mean, the so-called inner world may be the civilization that has survived in the history of Xuanhuang Star? They are hiding in a corner of Xuanhuang Star, waiting for the opportunity to recover?" Niu Shiqi's eyes flickered, thinking this possibility. "That's right."

Niu Shiwu nodded: "The reason why we didn't find traces of the other world 5000 years ago may be because they hid themselves and haven't waited for the chance to recover.

But today, 5000 years later, the glorious civilizations that once existed in the history of the Xuanhuang star began to recover one by one, and began to erupt with their former brilliant power, which is why so many top powerhouses emerged.

As for why the elders of our race cannot discover the inner world, this is actually a very normal thing. For example, our Kui Niu Realm, Dragon Realm, Phoenix Realm and other worlds all use special means to hide in the void. Unable to perceive where our world really is.

As for the remaining super civilization of the Ball of Myriad Worlds, it is not strange that it possesses similar means of concealment, on the contrary, it is extremely normal. "

It felt that it was normal for it to be unable to discover the inner world of Xuanhuang Star. After all, the civilization that could survive in such a special place as the Ball of Myriad Realms, one can imagine how terrifying this civilization is.

Anyone who has experienced the race war 5000 years ago will know the horror in this battlefield of thousands of races, and ordinary creatures cannot survive at all.and.

Chapter 437 Kui Niu Clan's Supernatural Power, Vigorous Bull Demon Fist, Terrible Power of Mixing Holes

"Wait, if that's the case, wouldn't it be scary if the super civilization left by the Xuanhuang star is gradually recovering? There might even be a war among the worlds that is even more terrifying than 5000 years ago?"

Niu Shisan couldn't help but said in horror.

Just 5000 years ago, many races fought in Xuanhuangxing. It was an unimaginable war. It is not known how many clansmen died, which can be called a loss.

If the scale this time is larger than the last time, then it is completely unclear how many people will die this time, maybe many mythical beast races will be directly wiped out.

Thinking of such a scene, it felt shuddering, as if a tragic war involving the heavens and the world was about to begin.

"Impossible, this is a bit too exaggerated."

Niu Shiqidao: "To be honest, even if there is such a "[-]" super civilization in Xuanhuangxing, since it failed, even if it survives, it is estimated that its strength will be zero. How can it threaten our Kui Niu clan? .

Your guesses are really getting more and more outrageous, don't build up other people's ambitions here, and destroy your own prestige. "

It felt that its two companions were completely crazy, unexpectedly imagining the enemy to be so powerful.

If they were really that powerful, then they would simply surrender, and they would not be able to compete with each other at all, otherwise they would end up dying.

"What do you know? I'm not trying to boost the ambitions of others and destroy my prestige, but to prepare for the worst. Only in this way can we be sure to deal with it."

Niu Shiwu shook his head: "These civilizations that have survived the previous wars of the worlds are absolutely extraordinary, and we must not underestimate them, otherwise we will surely die.

Even if the opponent may not be able to compete with our Kui Niu clan, it is probably not difficult to deal with our three small characters, and it can even be said to be effortless. "


Hearing this, Niu Shiqi was speechless, and it was indeed the case. Xuanhuangxing was not in the world of Kui Niu, and they were not in the base camp of the Kui Niu clan, but in the base camp of the enemy.

If such a super civilization really existed, and he provoked the other party, then even the elders in the clan would not be able to save him.

Even if the Kui Niu clan will avenge him in the future, that will be a matter of the future. By then, he will be dead long ago, and it doesn't matter if he takes revenge or not.

"Now you want to understand, we followed this group of humans into this so-called Great Zhou World, just to find out where the so-called Inner World is and gain insight into the details of this super civilization. In this way, when we Kui Niu clan Only when we attack on a large scale can we resist the enemy and avoid being plotted against."

Niu Shiwu said in a deep voice.

"But now you can also see that this world is not an inner world at all, it's just another lower world, and it has no value at all."

Niu Shiqi spread his hands.

"No, no, it's worth it."

Niu Shisan's eyes showed a gleam: "Perhaps we can take action by ourselves and completely occupy this world as one of the bases of our Kui Niu clan on Xuanhuang Star. At that time, we can use this base to guide the Kui Niu clan into Xuanhuang Star." Star." It spoke its mind.

"Do you want to occupy this low-level world? Actually, it's not impossible. After all, the level of this world is very low. There isn't even a Transcendent. It's impossible to compete against the legend..."

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