"Dead, am I going to die now? Is this what death feels like?"

When the time came, Zhou Zhen, the leader of the Earthquake Kingdom, calmed down instead, as if he had a great realization, and all the things that happened before were continuously played out like a revolving lantern.

In the next second, his whole body couldn't bear the power of the cloud explosion bomb at all, and he was instantly wiped out.

Although he has the strongest destructive power of Xihai, it does not mean that his defense is also strong. It is precisely because he has super destructive power that his defense is very weak.

So in the face of such destructive power, his body couldn't resist it at all.

"I see. Is this the power of the ancient gods? It seems that there are indeed ancient gods in this world. It is no wonder that those Eastern Sea kings are willing to surrender and become believers of the gods?"

At this moment, Shen Wei, the lord of the Judgment Kingdom, had a sliver of understanding deep in his heart. All the things that he couldn't figure out before, were all figured out at this moment.

With this kind of destructive power beyond the imagination of ordinary people, no one can do it except the ancient gods.

Perhaps the group of world prop holders in the East China Sea surrendered willingly and became believers of the gods just because they saw the power possessed by the gods and felt their own insignificance.

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to understand this now.

If he could figure this out earlier, maybe he wouldn't die. After all, as long as he sacrificed the world props on his body, he would be able to survive, just like those kings of the Eastern Sea.

But there is no regret medicine to take in this world, and time cannot be turned back.Crash~~~ Not long after, Shen Wei, the lord of the Judgment Kingdom, also died. He died under the high temperature, his entire body was burnt to ashes, and completely disappeared from this world.

Of course, only Shen Wei and Zhou Zhen, two world prop holders, could persist for such a long time. As for those ordinary soldiers, they were already dead the moment the explosion appeared.

Relying on their physical fitness, no matter whether they are extraordinary warriors or legendary warriors, they are all treated equally in front of Yunbobo, and all beings are equal, and they are all wiped out.

0.. . .Ask for flowers. . . . 0 The originally huge fleets of the two countries have completely disappeared in this sea area under the destruction of the three cloud bombs at this moment.

Even the power of such an explosion is not limited to the surface of the sea, and even the sea area tens of thousands of meters deep in the sea has been greatly affected, producing terrifying vibration and destructive power.

All marine life in this sea area, all kinds of fish, sea monsters, etc., were shocked to death, and their corpses were floating on the sea surface one by one.

It seems that the horizontal surface of this sea area is full of the corpses of those sea creatures, and the scene is extremely terrifying.

0 It took a full ten minutes before the power of divine punishment stopped. Ouyang Po and the others in the distance stood on the back of the turtle, watching the scene just now in shock.

Even if they have seen the power of God's Punishment before, every appearance of God's Punishment is enough to shock the world and completely refresh everyone's three views.

"This, is this God's punishment? It's really terrifying. What kind of power just now is unheard of." Someone was trembling all over and couldn't help asking.

"I don't know. The power of God's punishment is different every time. Sometimes it is a meteorite from the sky, sometimes it is a doomsday rain, and sometimes it is an ice age. In short, the power of the gods is unpredictable and unpredictable."

"There is no doubt that this is the great ancient god. The ancient god controls all the power in the world. It is the embodiment of the god of destruction, the embodiment of the god of thunder, the embodiment of the god of water, and the embodiment of the god of fire. It is the embodiment of all concepts in the world. The aggregate of time and space, the ultimate of the universe, that's why it's so great."

"The Earthquake Nation and the Judgment Nation dare to despise the power of God. It's ridiculous." "So they are dead now, under the punishment of God, and there are no bones left."

"This is something that can't be helped. People in the world are so ignorant and have never seen the power of God, so they sit on the sky like this. Yelang is arrogant. That's why we need to preach and save the lost world." Many Tang soldiers were extremely excited. The degree of devotion has also been further deepened.and.

Chapter 462 The destructive power of God's punishment, the sea is full of corpses

"It's worthy of being a god. It's really too great. It's not like the so-called king of the earthquake country. The king of the trial country can be compared. It's just a one-hit God's punishment, and it's all wiped out."

Ouyang Du said with great emotion.

Seeing this destructive power, he felt deeply in awe. It was not a power that could be resisted by manpower. Even if he became a saint, he might not have such destructive power.

Fortunately, he surrendered in time before and sacrificed the world props on himself, otherwise he would surely die, and no one could save him.

Although he lost the world props now, he managed to keep himself alive. From this point of view, he has made a lot of money.

After all, there is nothing more important than your own life.

"Isn't it? Fortunately, we ran fast and left the scope of destruction "Nine Nine Zero" in time. If we stayed within the scope of God's punishment, I'm afraid we would die and disappear and cease to exist."

Feng Xiaojing was overjoyed.

He could feel that the power of God's Punishment did not distinguish between enemy and friend. If they were within the range of God's Punishment, even if they were also believers of God, they would die instantly.

Those who stayed within the scope of God's punishment, whether they were legendary warriors or extraordinary warriors, were all wiped out at this moment, and the main forces of the two major lords completely disappeared.

It can be said that from now on, neither the Earthquake Nation nor the Judgment Nation has the power to resist the Tang State, and the entire country will be taken over by the Tang State.

"Did you see that there are countless corpses of sea creatures floating on the sea, I am afraid that the power of divine punishment is not only acting on the sea, even the sea creatures in the depths of the sea have been greatly affected, and they are all shocked to death It is estimated that the creatures in this sea area are completely extinct."

Jin Yunfeng's eyes revealed a look of horror.

He saw countless carcasses of marine life floating on the surface of the sea in the distance. Countless fish were all belly up. It seemed that there were a lot of wrecks floating in every square meter of the ocean.

He had never seen such a scene in his life, it was incredible.

It can only be said that the power of divine punishment is so terrifying that ordinary people can't imagine it.

"It seems that the power of God's Punishment cannot be used casually, otherwise the damage it will cause is too amazing, and it will kill all creatures without distinction. This is simply a super killer."

Ouyang Po said in a deep voice.

If the power of God's Punishment appeared in the Tang Kingdom, it would probably cause huge damage, and many people would die because of it.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the battlefield is within the national border. The more power of divine punishment, the better. From then on, the so-called lords are no longer our opponents. If those lords want to do something to us, they should immediately summon divine punishment." , destroy them all."

Feng Xiaojing laughed out loud, very happy.

Before, he was still worried that those world prop holders could kill him, but now with the backing of the ancient gods, he can literally walk sideways in the world.

Even if he was besieged by those lords, he was still able to escape unscathed. It should be those world prop holders who are afraid now, not him.

"By the way, what is the strange object that fell from the ancient bronze gate just now? I'm afraid that is the real power of God's Punishment." Suddenly, Wu Ziliang asked very curiously.

To be honest, the moment the ancient bronze door appeared, he noticed three huge strange objects that were suddenly thrown out from the depths of the ancient bronze door.

Immediately afterwards, these three strange objects erupted with unimaginable destructive power, instantly annihilating the main forces of the Earthquake Nation and the Judgment Nation, as well as the two sovereigns.

He can be sure that the truth of the power of divine punishment lies in those three strange objects.

"It is estimated that it is a divine item created by the gods, so it has such terrifying destructive power. This is not something that us mortals can achieve. It is better not to explore too much."

Ouyang Du reminded.

After all, this is the secret of the ancient gods. As a mortal, a loyal believer, if you delve too far into the secrets of the gods, you may encounter unimaginable consequences.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

"By the way, the rulers of the Earthquake Kingdom and the Judgment Kingdom were killed, so those two world props would also be destroyed by the power of God's punishment." Some people were worried about this.

"Don't worry, the world item is an immortal item, and cannot be destroyed by any force. Although the power of divine punishment is extremely terrifying, it is estimated that it cannot destroy the world item 0..."

"If that's the case, then I'm really relieved. To be honest, what is the origin of the world's props? They cannot be destroyed, and they have such terrifying power. It is simply incredible for mortals to master the power of gods."

"I don't know. Some people speculate that the world's props may be artifacts, tools created by the gods, and left behind from the God Realm. That's why they have such amazing power."

"So that's the case. No wonder the ancient gods keep collecting world props. I'm afraid they want to collect all these artifacts left behind from the God Realm and return them to the God Realm, so that these artifacts will return to the God Realm and no longer appear in the human world."

"To be honest, it is a good thing for these world props to be taken back by the gods. It is not a good thing to hold a divine weapon with a mortal body. Ordinary people have mastered power far beyond their own, which will lead to countless disasters."

"Isn't it? The reason why there are so many disputes and wars in the whole world, although the blame cannot be entirely blamed on the world props, but there are at least part of the reason."

"That's true. Haven't you seen the current situation in the Tang Dynasty? There are no traces of world props in the entire East China Sea, but the people's lives have become happier, and they are extremely peaceful. Compared with before when they had world props, Live a better life."

"Let's quickly find those dropped World 5.0 props, and immediately sacrifice them to the gods to get enough contribution points. After all, our loss this time is too great."

"Haha, what's the big deal, as long as we get two world props, we'll make a lot of money. It's basically a huge profit. If we exchange some pills, we don't know how many people can become extraordinary warriors, or even legends." Legend, even a saint can actually think about it. "

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and today, they have reached a consensus that although the world props are powerful, they cannot be controlled by ordinary humans.

It is better to return such world props to the ancient gods, and return them to the God Realm.

After all, even one occurrence of this kind of power that can disrupt the balance of the world will cause endless disasters. .

Chapter 463 Conquering the Earthquake Kingdom and the Judgment Kingdom, the First World War Shocks the West Sea!

It didn't take long for the news of the death of the Lord of the Earthquake Kingdom and the Lord of the Trial Kingdom to spread rapidly throughout the waters of the West Sea, and the news was known to countless people, which caused a shock in the West Sea.

The first to know the news was naturally Tang's army and many mercenaries.

"Haha, did you hear that? The arrogant rulers of the Earthquake Kingdom and the Judgment Kingdom are already dead. They were strangled by the power of our Tang Kingdom. Even the main force was wiped out, and the entire army was wiped out."

Someone immediately spread the news to the military base.

"No way, didn't you say that the lord of the Earthquake Kingdom has the power to destroy the world? How can you say that you die when you die?"

"That's right, there is also the Lord of the Judgment Kingdom, who has mastered the powerful world tool Judgment Spear, and is invincible in battle. Many of our people died in their hands."

Many people were shocked, because they had not received any similar related news before, nor had they heard the news of the large-scale deployment of the army.

But now, the rulers of Earthquake Kingdom and Judgment 40 Kingdom, which had confronted Tang for 05 years, died suddenly, and many people were stunned instantly, not knowing what happened.

"Haha, it was General Ouyang Poison who summoned the power of God's Punishment, and wiped out the Lord of Earthquake and the Lord of Judgment in one fell swoop. It is said that the power of that God's Punishment was terrifying and boundless, causing huge damage to the sea area tens of thousands of miles away. All the warships were completely destroyed, no one survived, and even the creatures in the depths of the ocean were bombarded to death."

"Yes, my brother participated in that battle with General Ouyang Poison and others. It is said that the Gate of God suddenly appeared over the sea, and then a divine punishment was bombarded through the Gate of God. As a result, the Lord of the Earthquake Kingdom and the Judge The king of the country disappeared in an instant, and even the corpse could not be found, and it was wiped out in ashes.

To be honest, that kind of power is simply terrifying and boundless. Fortunately, this blow of god's punishment fell on the sea. If it landed on land, the entire continent might be broken. "

"My God, the power of God's punishment was actually summoned. No wonder the rulers of Earthquake Kingdom and Judgment Kingdom died so quickly and miserably. How can the power of mortals compete with the gods?"

"Hehe, I have long said that these two countries are not our Tang country's opponents at all. The reason why they have been able to compete with us for 40 years is because we don't move the truth. Once we move the truth, they will be wiped out in an instant."

"Isn't it? How can the power of God be beyond their imagination? Then the Lord of the Earthquake Kingdom claims to have the power to destroy the world, but in fact it's just blown out. The gods are the ones who really have the power to destroy the world." Fortunately, the gods are merciful, otherwise we would have died long ago. "

Many Tang soldiers were filled with emotion.

They lived in the Tang Kingdom, they received the influence of the ancient gods all the time, received education about the gods, and even felt the power of the gods all the time, so they naturally believed in the existence of the gods.

Now the ancient gods have shown the power of miracles again, which has further deepened their faith.

"Wait, if it is said that the rulers of Earthquake Kingdom and Judgment Kingdom are dead and the main army is wiped out, doesn't it mean that the land controlled by these two countries is undefended and we are free to attack?"

Someone suddenly thought of this.

"Haha, that's right. The reason why these two countries were able to resist the attack of our Tang country before was only because of the power of the two world prop holders. Now that the two masters are dead, the two countries can no longer resist the attack. There is no power to counter us, and sending an army casually can sweep the entire territory."

"This is also a matter of course. When it comes to the number of supernatural warriors, who can have more than our Tang country? Only a dozen cities in these two countries can breed a superhuman, but in our Tang country, there are superhuman warriors everywhere. It’s worthless, and you can suppress an area by sending a Transcendent casually.”

"Quack, here comes the opportunity to make contributions. This sea area, this piece of land, all belong to the territory of our Tang State, and this place will also be occupied by our Tang State."

"It's not just these two countries. This is just the beginning. The entire West Sea will be ruled by our country."

"We must pour the light of God into every corner of Xihai, so that the people of Xihai can hear the voice of God."

Many soldiers were extremely excited, and all of them were full of fanaticism.

For many believers, there is no doubt that this is a holy war.

Of course, apart from the people of the Tang Kingdom, the countries that were most shaken were the countries in the West Sea.

Because they didn't expect that the famous Earthquake Nation and Trial Council would suddenly be destroyed. For the Western Sea countries, this would be a huge shock, enough to turn the world upside down.

"Just kidding, what happened? Wasn't it good before? The Kingdom of Earthquake and the Kingdom of Judgment teamed up and fought inextricably with Tang. The stalemate lasted for 40 years. How could it be destroyed overnight? , the two masters were wiped out, what happened?"

Many kings were dumbfounded. They didn't expect the situation to get so bad so quickly after beating them to death. It was so fast that they were overwhelmed and couldn't react at all. It was really incredible.

They also received news before that these three countries may need to fight for hundreds of years, and they still have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and make a fortune.

So all of them are sitting firmly on the 990 Diaoyutai, waiting for the three countries to lose and lose, and then they can make trouble.

But now, the national power of the Tang State has not been damaged in the slightest. On the contrary, the Earthquake Kingdom and the Judgment Kingdom have been destroyed. No one will believe such a thing.

"Fake news, it must be fake news. Zhou Zhen, the ruler of Earthquake Kingdom, is the strongest man in the West Sea. He has the power to destroy the world. How could he die as soon as he says he wants to die?"

"That's right, Shen Wei, the lord of the Judgment Kingdom, is not a simple character. He can even compete with Zhou Zhen in combat power. It is impossible for this kind of man to die so easily."

"The fake news must have come from somewhere, whether it was passed on by the spies of the Tang Dynasty. The purpose is to shake the morale of the army and make us feel deep fear."

"Indeed, it is very likely that the news is false. After all, we have not seen the corpses of the two lords so far. This proves that the two lords may still be alive, not dead."

Many kings were shocked. They didn't want to believe that the news was true, and even thought it might be fake news fabricated by the spies of the Tang Dynasty.

After all, the deaths of Zhou Zhen and Shen Wei were truly astonishing.

Although all the countries in the West Sea regard them as great enemies, they are also one of the strongest pillars of the West Sea. Now that the pillars have collapsed, who else will be able to carry the banner of the West Sea in the future. .

Chapter 464 The panic of the kings of the Western Sea countries, the despicable and shameless Tang people

"Don't fool yourself here. The rulers of the Earthquake Kingdom and the Judgment Kingdom must be dead, because all the world props on them were confiscated by the people of the Tang Kingdom. This happened in full view, and it is impossible to fake it."

A country lord said in a deep voice.

what? !

Hearing this, many Xihai rulers were silent and their faces were ashen, because at this time, they also had to believe the news of the deaths of the rulers of the Earthquake Kingdom and the Trial Kingdom.

After all, world props are treasures related to the lives of the lords. It is impossible to lose them, and it is impossible to fall into the hands of the enemy. As long as the holders are unwilling, it will not help to take away the world props.

There is only one reason why the world item falls into the hands of others, that is, the holder is really dead, and there is no other reason other than that.

"How did this happen? Wasn't it fine before? Zhou Zhen, the leader of the Earthquake Kingdom, and Shen Wei, the leader of the Judgment Kingdom, fought back and forth with the Tang Kingdom, regardless of the outcome. What happened?"

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