"It's a pity that we couldn't find a single world item, but we could only find numerous books from the Kingdom of Thunder. Otherwise, the Lord God would be even more delighted." Li Xiao regretted.

"This is something that can't be helped. World items are not so easy to obtain. It is already great for a country to have one world item. If it can get two world items, then this country will be unimaginably powerful."

"That's right, the Thor God's Hammer has probably been taken away by the Lord God, and we can't sacrifice this world item to the Lord God. Now we can only settle for the next best thing."

The people around are helpless, they also want to obtain new world props, the problem is that such treasures that can disrupt the balance of the world are very rare and not so easy to obtain.

But even so, they sacrificed the knowledge of this world to the ancient gods, and believed that the ancient gods would also be happy.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's start now, the auspicious time is almost here."

Li Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Many ministers nodded.


In the blink of an eye, a group of important Tang officials walked out of the hall and came directly to the altar, and Li Xiao, the lord of the Tang Kingdom, naturally stood at the front.

A huge stone sculpture of an ancient god appeared in front of everyone, extremely majestic and exuding endless divine power.

Around the altar, dense crowds of believers appeared, all of them with fanatical expressions on their faces. Obviously, these believers were extremely pious, so they appeared in the main altar.

A huge force of faith filled the entire city, solemn and solemn.

Chapter 47 The Sacrifice of the Believers, the Wish of the Lord of the Tang Kingdom

At this time, Xia Chuan who was staying at Xuanhuangxing immediately heard waves of voices.

"Ding Dong, your believer sacrificed a cheat book "Seven Skills Locking Heart Sword" to you."

"Ding dong, your believers have sacrificed a secret book "Three Lights Miraculous Kungfu" to you."

"Ding dong, your believers have sacrificed a secret book "Mahamudra of Tantric Buddhism" to you."


Immediately, countless knowledge surged in and merged into the Book of Wisdom one after another, merging into pages of the Book of Wisdom, on which endless knowledge emerged.

It seems that at this moment, the endless knowledge of the entire Land of Thunder has been recorded and digested by the Book of Wisdom.


The Book of Wisdom is very exciting. For it, the more knowledge it has, the better it is for its evolution. Endless knowledge is like food, helping it grow rapidly.

It also had generations of masters before, but no generation of masters has ever been able to obtain so much knowledge, and it feels that its power has grown explosively.

It seems that the thickness of the entire book has become even thicker, and densely packed pages have emerged inside, each page recording one of the extremely precious knowledge.


Xia Chuan was immediately very satisfied, as expected, it would be good to have a believer to help, the other party sacrificed countless knowledge about the extraordinary, so that he had a better understanding of the power of the extraordinary.

This is of great benefit for him to step into the extraordinary realm.

"I am very satisfied with your sacrifice, what do you want?"

At this moment, Xia Chuan opened his mouth, and along the line of faith, he transmitted sound to Li Xiao and other believers' spiritual consciousness.

After all, the believers sacrificed a lot of treasures so hard. As a great god, it is natural to satisfy the wishes of the believers, so that the believers will be more motivated.

If, like Grandet, there is no exit, no matter how firm the believer is, he will leave him.


At this time, Li Xiao and the others who were staying on the altar naturally also heard Xia Chuan's voice, and they immediately became extremely excited and excited.

"My lord, my lord, I'll wait for your response."

"Master God seems to be happy, our sacrifice is indeed right."

"I didn't expect that we could hear the voice of God again. This is my honor."

"No matter how many times I hear it, I feel immensely satisfied and happy."

Everyone was extremely excited. Although they had listened to the voice of the ancient gods before, no matter how many times they listened to it, they all felt that it was a great honor.

"However, Lord God said to grant us a wish. What wish should we raise?"

Someone immediately calmed down.

To be honest, this point is very important to them. If it is a particularly excessive wish, then I am afraid that it will anger the gods and lose the favor of the gods.

But if it was a wish that was too small, their offerings would probably lose money.

So making a wish is not a simple matter, but a technical task.

"Why don't you make a wish to the gods and ask for a pile of food like a mountain?"

someone suggested.

He still remembered the divine rice bestowed by the gods last time, each grain of divine rice was as big as a rock, and the taste of divine rice simply made them feel endless aftertaste.

It's a pity that no matter how much god rice there is, there will be a time when they will finish eating it. After three or four years, they have already eaten all the god rice.

"Stupid, I finally managed to make a wish to the gods. How could I make such a trivial thing? Now we don't have any shortage of food in Tang Dynasty. Although the god rice is very important, it is not the most important thing."

There was immediate objection.

"Okay, I've already made up my mind to make a wish to God."

Li Xiao said in a deep voice.

In fact, before coming to the altar, I have heard similar discussions countless times. After all, every wish is very important and cannot be missed. They are naturally prepared so that they can maximize their own interests.

"As expected of His Majesty, have you already made up your wish?"

"But what kind of wish?"

"Could it be that immortality is impossible?"

"Impossible. This wish is too greedy. It may offend the gods. Your Majesty will not be so stupid."

Everyone was discussing, they were all curious about what Li Xiao wanted to make.

At this time, Li Xiao immediately said: "Master God, I believe you also know that Tang Kingdom annexed the Kingdom of Thunder, and the land area has expanded by dozens or even hundreds of times, which also makes it impossible to govern this huge empire. Your lord has learned how to make the empire last forever."

what? !

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many ministers showed a gleam of light, and they were completely in admiration for Li Xiao.

To be honest, don't look at the fact that the Tang Kingdom has annexed the Kingdom of Thunder. The land area is extremely vast, but it is extremely difficult to govern. Similar empires in history cannot survive for too long.

Often after the fall of the first generation of kings, the entire empire will fall apart and split into many countries.

It can be said that no empire can last forever, at most it can prosper for decades, or hundreds of years.

But if one can obtain the method to make the empire immortal from the gods, then it will be of endless benefits to the entire Tang country.

There is no better wish than this.

Chapter 48 Magical Creatures in the Miniature World: Missing Bugs

At this moment, Xia Chuan naturally heard Li Xiao's wish.

"A way to make the empire prosper?"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan touched his chin. To be honest, this is a big proposition. Since ancient times, there has been no good way to make a country prosperous.

Even if it is the overlord of the earth, it will rule for at most one or two hundred years, and then it will decline and be replaced by a new overlord. This is like a historical reincarnation.

"Master, this is actually not a very difficult thing."

At this moment, the Book of Wisdom spoke.

"Oh, is there any way you can do it?"

Xia Chuan asked curiously.

"Of course there is."

The Book of Wisdom said: "According to my understanding of the master's world, the reason why it was difficult for the ancient empires to manage their vast territory was actually because communication between them was extremely difficult.

For example, just to pass on news, it may take several years from north to south. Such a long time, I don't know what happened for a long time.

A country in the feudal era could not rule the country for a long time because of the vastness of the country, inconvenient government orders, and difficulty in message transmission. Therefore, if it is a border area, there will be rebellions from time to time.Over time, even the most powerful empire will be dragged down by successive rebellions. "

"Indeed, if the problem of information exchange is solved, then the efficiency of the empire's handling of affairs will be greatly improved, thereby minimizing the possibility of the country's collapse."

Xia Chuan nodded: "Could it be that you want to use the phone and mobile phone in my world in the miniature world? But this is simply impossible."

"I know that."

The Book of Wisdom said: "The communication tools in the master's world can be realized because of a series of supporting projects. It is impossible to transfer the communication tools of this world to the miniature world.

But it doesn't mean that the miniature world can't do this. In fact, our world also has things that the master's world doesn't have, and it's even more magical. "

Having said that, it paused, and continued: "There are many unique creatures in our miniature world, they are called magical creatures, and they have all kinds of incredible abilities.

One of the magical creatures is called the Missing Worm, and the Missing Worm has the ability to transmit messages in the void, even if they are separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, they can use this ability to transmit them instantly.

It can also perceive the brainwaves of many living beings and understand the meaning of the other party's words. If the ability of the miss worm is used, it can achieve the effect of transmitting messages in an instant, just like the mobile phone in the world where the owner is. "

"A magical creature, a thought bug?"

Hearing this, Xia Chuan's eyes widened. He didn't expect such a strange creature to exist in the miniature world, which could ignore any distance and transmit messages in the void.

In this way, there is no need for cables, signal towers and the like. As long as everyone has a miss bug, it is equivalent to a mobile phone, which realizes the effect of everyone communicating with each other.

"If such a creature really exists, why hasn't anyone used it?"

Xia Chuan asked incomprehensibly.

Because as far as he knows, few people in the miniature world use miss bugs to send messages.

"Because there are very few people who know about missing bugs. They are pitifully few. If I hadn't recorded a lot of knowledge about the world, I wouldn't know about the existence of missing bugs."

The Book of Wisdom explains.

It means that there are many magical creatures in this world, but not everyone knows these creatures, after all, the world is vast and boundless.

At the same time, these miniature humans have basically never been out of a radius of a hundred miles, so naturally they don't know how big this world is, which also leads to the extremely slow development of technology in the entire world.

It's like a country in the feudal era. If it weren't for the emergence of the industrial age, I am afraid that even in the past thousands of years, the country would not have changed much.

"Interesting, if you can properly use the Missing Bug, then it will be no problem to send messages across the vast land." Xia Chuan nodded.

He also knows one of the uses of the Book of Wisdom, which is the encyclopedia. He can almost see many secret information in the world. This is a very remarkable ability.

Sometimes a simple knowledge can bring unimaginable changes.

"However, in addition to being able to deliver news, we also have to solve the problem of long-distance travel. After all, if it takes several years to travel from south to north, it will not be able to effectively rule the entire empire."

Xia Chuan asked the second question.

After all, once there is a rebellion on the border of the empire, but it will take months or even years for the imperial army to arrive, then the day lily may be cold at this time.

And this is also a very normal thing, because now the land area of ​​Tang State is tens of millions of square kilometers.

According to the proportion, it is equivalent to six or seven Russian land areas.

Therefore, traveling within the empire is extremely difficult and time-consuming.

"This is even simpler, wouldn't it be enough to build trains and planes?"

The Book of Wisdom.

Chapter 49 Fiery Horse, Sky Bird, Future Knowledge Bestowed by the Gods

"Build planes and trains? How on earth?"

Xia Chuan blinked his eyes. He felt that building such a thing in the miniature world was more difficult than reaching the sky.

"Of course we can't use the planes and trains in the master's world, but the miniature world will also have its own planes and trains." The Book of Wisdom said.

"Don't you mean to say it's a magical creature?"

The corner of Xia Chuan's mouth twitched.

"That's right, it's a magical creature."

The book of wisdom said of course: "The so-called train is actually the most important thing is the locomotive. The locomotive generates huge power and leads the carriages to move forward.

In fact, the locomotive can also be replaced by a magical creature, that is the fire horse, which is a powerful magical creature in the miniature world. Its running speed can reach five or six hundred kilometers per hour, and it can run continuously for several months without rest. It can even drag hundreds of tons of objects.

The most important thing is that it has strong reproductive ability, docile personality, amazing endurance, and is suitable for breeding. As long as the fire horse is used instead of the locomotive, it will naturally form a series of trains with amazing power, running through every corner of the entire empire. "

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