"Ahhh, it's useless. It's useless to hold your breath. This poisonous gas can penetrate the skin. The skin on my hands, no, the skin on my face seems to be rotting." "What the hell is this?" Poisonous gas, how can it be so terrifying that it is still corrosive, as if our body is soaked in sulfuric acid." "Run, run away quickly, escape from the envelope of poisonous gas immediately, so as to survive. "

"Aren't you kidding, is this God's punishment? To have summoned such a terrifying poisonous gas, the life in this area will probably be wiped out dozens of times."

Many kings were horrified. They suddenly found that they were staying in this cloud of dark brown poisonous gas, even if they closed their mouths and noses, it was useless.

Because these poisonous gases are completely different from the poisonous gases encountered before, the poisonous degree is more than ten thousand times more violent. Even a legendary warrior will die from the poison if he is contaminated with a little bit.

It can even penetrate the skin, causing the skin and flesh to rot.

These country lords stayed in the mustard gas, and their whole bodies seemed to melt like ice and snow, and they rotted quickly. It was as if their whole bodies were soaked in sulfuric acid, and their whole bodies began to rot.

Moreover, they couldn't die for a while, but they still maintained a clear consciousness, and the horrible pain spread from all over their bodies, as if they were bitten by countless ants.

Even the top ten tortures are not so terrible. It is as if they have to suffer inhumane torture before dying, which makes people extremely frightened.

"No, it's impossible. I'm Ye Fei, the head of the prison country. How could I die like this? How could it be possible?" Ye Fei, the head of the prison country, was terrified to the extreme.

He immediately used his world props and fled back to his prison in an instant. This is the power of his world props infinite prison.

No matter how powerful the poisonous gas is, it cannot invade the inner space of the prison, and it can completely isolate the poisonous gas.

The problem is, it was too late for him to enter the inner space of the world prop. He was already in the outside world, and he was contaminated with a little bit of poisonous gas and breathed a little bit of poisonous gas.

Even if he was a legendary warrior, he couldn't bear this kind of poisonous gas that was ten thousand times more poisonous.Crash~~ When he fled into the inner space of the infinite prison of world props, his whole body actually rotted rapidly, turning into a pile of dry bones in just a second.

Apparently, Ye Fei, the well-known head of the prison country, was dead, poisoned to death.

The same is true for other Xihai kings.

They resorted to various methods to try to resist the attack of mustard gas. Unfortunately, as long as they breathed a little bit of mustard gas, their entire bodies would be quickly poisoned to death, and their bodies were rotting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just one minute, the creatures in this area, whether they were humans or magical animals, were all poisoned to death by the terrifying poisonous gas, leaving no room for resistance. .

Chapter 514 Forming the Territory of Poison, Can Already Unify the West Sea

In the distance, Dongfang Jing and others also saw this scene, and they were all dumbfounded.

"My, my God, is this the God's punishment in the legend? It's actually a world-exterminating poisonous gas that instantly poisoned all living beings in a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers. It's really terrifying." A Jin Yiwei trembled all over.

He clearly sensed that the moment these poisonous gases descended, all living beings who came into contact with a little poisonous gas would be instantly poisoned to death, and even the whole person would be melted and turned into a pile of bones.

Unable to resist even for a second, he was instantly poisoned to death.

To be honest, if they hadn't witnessed this happening with their own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that this kind of thing would have happened. It was really incredible.

"It is indeed terrifying. I have seen the power of Ouyang Du, the ruler of the Poison Kingdom. Back then, he also controlled a world item, which claimed to control everything in the world. However, I have never seen Ouyang Du use this kind of poison." degree of poisonous fog"

Dongfang Jing said with great emotion.

It can only be said that the gods are worthy of being gods, and they are not comparable to mortals. Even if they use the same power, even if they have world props, mortals are not comparable to gods. No one in the East China Sea dared to provoke him, not even Li Xincheng, the lord of the Kingdom of Light, dared to attack the Continent of Poison.

After all, no matter how fast the speed is, if you dare to get close to Ouyang Poison, you will be eroded and poisoned to death, and you will die in an instant, and there is no cure. "The poisonous mist has already condensed into substance, and I'm afraid it won't dissipate within a few years. Maybe this area will become a poisonous forbidden area, and strangers are not allowed to enter." Jiang Santong said with emotion.

Even though he knew that this was the power of God's punishment, seeing this terrifying lethality, his hairs still stood on end. This is the awe of mortals for the power of gods.

Fortunately, this force is aimed at the enemy, not our own people, otherwise, even if he goes to heaven and earth, he will die.

"This is the power of God. Even just a ray of power can cause permanent changes in the natural environment of the world. The power of God's punishment cannot be acted rashly..." Dongfang Jing said in a deep voice.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the sake of being safe and completely eradicating these Xihai rulers, he would not casually summon the power of divine punishment. After all, the appearance of the power of divine punishment will completely change the natural environment of the mainland and cause irreversible changes.

He already regarded this continent as the territory of the Tang State, so naturally he didn't want his country's territory to be damaged in any way, but this was something he couldn't help, and it was one of the prices he had to pay. "It is said that the power of God's punishment is different every time. There have been floods, meteorites, ice ages, shocking explosions and so on. I didn't expect that there would be a world-killing poisonous gas this time."

"It can only be said that this is the thinking of the gods. For the gods, no matter what kind of power they use, they can easily kill these heretics, so any kind of power is actually meaningless to the gods." "This group of stupid Xihai The lord, it is not a joke to think that with the power of the world's props, you can compete with the gods? They don't know how great the gods are." "Actually, this is something that can't be helped, these Xihai lords have never seen it before. The brilliance of God is just a frog in a well, so naturally there will be some wishful thinking." "But now it's all right, God's punishment has come, these Xihai kings are completely cold, it is estimated that now they are just skeletons left , can't die anymore."

Many Jin Yiwei were discussing and excited.

In order to destroy all the resistance forces in Xihai, they didn't know how long and how much energy they spent. Now they finally succeeded and killed most of the Xihai kings.

Of course, this does not mean that all the lords of the West Sea have been killed. In fact, there are still some lords who have not died. For various reasons, they did not join the West Sea Alliance, nor did they participate in this meeting.

So the remaining lords survived by chance, but even so, the remaining lords are actually nothing to fear, and they can't stop the progress of the Tang Kingdom at all.

"My lord Dongfang, Ye Fei and the lords of the West Sea are dead now. Although there are still some lords with world props left in the entire West Sea, of course they are nothing to be afraid of. I think we should pass this news back as soon as possible so that the army Launch a general offensive, occupy all the territories in the West Sea as quickly as possible, and unify the West Sea.”

Jiang Santong suggested excitedly.

He felt that now was the best chance to beat the time difference. After all, the remaining Xihai rulers didn't know what happened in this place at all, and they couldn't react in any way.

Taking advantage of the death of these lords and the absence of a leader, the Tang army took the initiative to attack. I believe it will catch the armies of various countries by surprise and prevent them from reacting.

The most important thing is that without those world prop holders, with ordinary army soldiers, it is impossible to compete with their Tang army.

It is estimated that one face-to-face can be destroyed without any effort.

""That's right, there are also the world props left behind by the state lords after their death, as well as the world props they hid in the treasury. They should all be sacrificed to the gods, and the contribution they will get at that time is simply unimaginable. Degree. "

A brocade guard's face was full of fanaticism.

To be honest, he couldn't even imagine how great his contribution was this time. After killing these country lords, he could get a lot of world props.

Every item in the world can be exchanged for a large amount of contribution points, and each of them can get a lot of contribution points. Even if they become legendary warriors, they have great hopes.

"Haha, don't worry, I've sent back this news a long time ago. I believe that the commanders of the expeditionary forces have already received the news from me, and now they have launched a general offensive. It is estimated that it will not be long before we will I can hear the news that the entire West Sea belongs to our East Sea rule, now we just need to take back the world props left by those lords and sacrifice them to the gods." Dongfang Jing smiled slightly.

He said that this was basically part of the plan. After the plan to kill many Xihai kings succeeded, Tang's army would launch a general offensive without any chance of stopping.

By the time these countries know what happened, it is estimated that the war will be over long ago.

There is no doubt that the unification of the West Sea is already a matter of certainty, and it is probably only a matter of time.

"Yes, Master Dongfang Jing again."

Many Jin Yiwei were extremely happy, and they all began to think about how to spend the contribution they got this time. .

Chapter 515 The desperation of the lords of the West Sea, the world is so big that there is no place to stay

It didn't take long for the news of God's punishment to eliminate Ye Fei and other Xihai rulers to hit the headlines of the Tang Dynasty news. This news spread throughout the West Sea like a hurricane, letting countless people know.

Especially those lords who are still alive, all of them are terrified.

"Are you kidding, Ye Fei and the others just died like this? Didn't they say that they were full of confidence and would be able to easily defeat the ancient gods of the Tang Kingdom? What's going on now? Why did they wipe out the entire army all at once?" Some lords were instantly stunned.

He originally placed his hopes on the Xihai Alliance, thinking that so many Xihai rulers united together would surely be able to easily defeat the so-called Tang State, so that his country would not need to be wiped out by the Tang State.

But now, before the Xihai Alliance started to act, they were all wiped out. Even if this kind of thing was told, few people would believe it, which is really ridiculous.

"I have long said that Ye Fei and those bastards are unreliable at all. They all boasted that they seemed to be very powerful, but when they actually played, none of them were useful. Fortunately, I resisted their threats and temptations. I did not participate in this so-called West Sea Alliance, otherwise I would be wiped out by the ancient gods in an instant like those guys."

A country lord said very fortunately.

Before the Xihai Alliance came to lobby him, saying something about the truth 023, he was very moved. After all, so many kings participated, only a small number of people did not participate, which is very out of group.

But after thinking about it carefully, he still rejected the alliance, because these people were not trustworthy, and he might be sold out at any time.

Looking back now, fortunately I didn't participate, otherwise I would be killed by the gods of the Tang Kingdom.

"Nimma, what's the use of saying these gloating words now? Don't you know that now is the biggest crisis in our West Sea? Even the West Sea Alliance has been wiped out, which means that no one in the entire West Sea can resist Tang's attack now. , the rest of us, who are three or two world item holders like kittens, are no match for Tang Guo at all."

Some kings feel very desperate.

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And their small countries are also covered by a towering tree, which is very safe.

But now, this towering tree has collapsed, which means that no one can protect them (affb) anymore, and they also need to face the pressure of Tang Guo directly.

The problem is that Tang State is a colossus, and even those top empires are no match, so how can these small countries resist Tang State's offensive.

It is estimated that after a face-to-face encounter, I will be completely cold.

"We can't fight anymore. The West Sea Alliance is destroyed. The overall situation is settled. We are not the opponent of Tang State at all. If we don't surrender now, then we are afraid that we will die." A king said helplessly.

He knew that the general situation was over now. With the collapse of the Xihai Alliance, the remaining kings were no longer Tang's opponents, but only some rotten fish and shrimps left.

It can be said that they can only save their own lives by surrendering now, and it is impossible to beat them.

"Surrender? It is impossible to surrender in this life, don't you know? Once we surrender, the world props on us will be taken away. From then on, we are not allowed to own any world props. When the time comes, we will I'm just a mortal, no different from other people, I would rather die than lose the world props on me."

Someone gritted their teeth and said.

For these country lords, losing world props is no different from losing their own wives and children. They would rather die than have such a thing happen.

The problem is that it is impossible for the Tang Dynasty to allow these lords to continue to hold the world props. This is an iron rule. Whoever masters the world props has the ability to turn the table at any time.

These world prop holders are all unstable factors.

"Run away, now our only plan is to run away, anyway, this world is so big, where we escape is not a life, as long as we have world props in hand, we also have a chance to make a comeback."

If the lord of the country expresses his opinion, that is to run away. Anyway, for the lord of the West Sea, running away is already a common thing, and it is nothing at all.

"Hehe, run away? Where can we go? The entire East China Sea and West China Sea will soon be under the control of Tang State. It is estimated that it will not be long before the North Sea and South China Sea will be within their attack range. If If we go to the North Sea and South China Sea, we will probably face Tang State's soldiers again soon."

Another lord said helplessly: "To be honest, I was originally the lord of the East China Sea, because the East China Sea was unified by the Tang Kingdom, and I became a bereaved dog, so I ran to live in the West Sea.

But now only a few decades have passed, and the entire West Sea has been wiped out, and now I have become a homeless dog. If this continues, the world is so big, there is no room for me. "

He looked aggrieved.

Originally, he was a lord of the East China Sea. Facing the threat of the Tang Kingdom, he fled to live in the West Sea. He thought he could live peacefully for thousands of years and spend the rest of his life in peace.

But who would have thought that in the past few decades, the situation in the West Sea has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It can be said that not only the East China Sea can't stay anymore, but the West China Sea can't stay anymore.


Hearing this, many kings were speechless. If it was before, they would still refute, thinking that the world is so big, if they went to the North Sea and South China Sea, Tang would definitely not be able to hunt him down.

But now, the entire West Sea has been easily destroyed by the Tang State. It is estimated that it will not be long before the North Sea and South China Sea will follow in the footsteps of the West Sea.

If they really ran to these two sea areas, they might soon face the threat of Tang country again.

It can be said that the world is so big that there really is no room for them.

"Since we can't run away, then let's not run away. It's actually okay to stay in Xihai."

At this moment, a country lord suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean? If we continue to stay in the West Sea, if Tang Guo discovers our existence, wouldn't that mean we will surely die? Are you trying to kill us?"

Many kings said angrily.


The king sneered: "The West Sea and East Sea are so big, if we change our appearance and pretend to be ordinary people, even according to the power of the Tang Kingdom, we will not be able to easily find our real body.

At that time, we will become a member of the ordinary residents of the Tang Kingdom, as if a drop of water melts into the sea, then we will be able to live in the West Sea. "

Chapter 516 The daily news of the Tang Kingdom, the news that shakes the West Sea

"Aren't you kidding, stay in the West Sea, hide your name? This place will soon become the territory of the Tang Kingdom. You know what a terrifying force the Jinyiwei is. Are you sure we will not be found by the other party?" The leader was still a little hesitant. asked. "Don't worry, there must be nothing wrong."

One of the rulers swore: "In fact, there were also the rulers of the East China Sea who kept their names incognito. Absolutely cannot use the power of the world props, if the power of the world props is discovered by Jin Yiwei, then it will be useless to escape to the ends of the earth." He said that if he really decides to remain anonymous, from now on even if he has world props on his body, he must never use them without authorization The power of world props.

Otherwise, they would be easily noticed by Jin Yiwei.

"But in this way, we can only become a rich man, and we will no longer be the lord of a country." Someone said very unwillingly.

After all, how can a rich man compare to the lord of a country? Although he has a little money, he has no power and power, and he is still inferior to the lord of a country who controls the power.

After tasting the taste of power, and then reduced to an ordinary person, without any power, it is estimated that no one can bear such a decline.

"No way, if I'm not wrong, as the power of the Tang Kingdom grows further, no world item holder can become the lord of a country from then on, and from then on, the world item holder can only create one An ancient family." A country lord said in a deep voice.

"Of course, if the master behind the Tang Kingdom dies and there is no more power to overwhelm the world, then we world prop holders may still have a chance to see the light of day again. In short, before the Tang Kingdom is destroyed, we must not take the lead, otherwise If you say it, you will definitely die."

He glanced at everyone with an extremely serious expression.

"I really didn't expect Tang to become the invincible overlord of an era of suppression. It's really incredible."

"In fact, similar overlords will appear in every era, overwhelming other world item holders. Even if many world item holders join forces, they are not opponents at all." "Facing this invincible existence , if we dare to resist in a corner, it will be purely praying mantis blocking the car, overthinking our capabilities, and just seeking our own death."

"Indeed, now we just have to wait until this invincible overlord falls, so that we world prop holders will have a chance to reappear in this world." "But I'm afraid we won't see that day."

"However, there is no eternal overlord in this world. No matter how strong the overlord is, it will quickly decline with time and disappear in the long river of history." Many kings talked about it.

They also know that this is not their time anymore. The Tang Kingdom was born out of nowhere, sweeping away many lords, showing invincible combat power. They are no longer the opponents of this monster.

If you want to occupy a place in this world again, there is only a slight possibility that the entire Tang Kingdom will fall and fall apart.

The problem is, if you want Tang to fall and fall apart, you don't know how many years it will be.

"However, I suggest that it is best not to stay in the West China Sea. It is better to run to the East China Sea. After all, there are many people who know us in the West China Sea. Only when we run to the East China Sea and we are not familiar with the place, our identities will not be exposed. expose."

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