But this also proves that Tang's military strength is terrible, and it is not comparable to those of the previous empires.


Hearing this, many South China Sea rulers were silent, and they were not idiots, so they naturally had the ability to distinguish right from wrong, because the news of the destruction of the West Sea countries really shocked them.

They understand very well the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

If this were not the case, they would not have agreed to the invitation of Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting, to form the South China Sea Alliance.

It is precisely because they know the threat of the Tang State that they are anxious and frightened, for fear that their country will follow in the footsteps of the Western Sea countries and disappear in the long river of history.

"Wu Shaogu, how much do you know about Tang's news? Can we compete with Tang?"

Someone asked.

What he was talking about was Meng Ke, the leader of the Bu Kingdom, who is also the leader of a powerful empire in the South China Sea. Although he doesn't like aggression, he also has a sense of presence that cannot be ignored.

"To tell you the truth, if we don't unite, then we are doomed. The entire South China Sea will follow in the footsteps of the West Sea and be completely wiped out by the Tang State, and our heads will be chopped off by Tang State soldiers, or even hanged to death. on the shelf."

Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting, said in a deep voice: "Perhaps you don't know how terrifying the Tang Kingdom is. Let's talk about the number of soldiers first. The number of soldiers in their army is calculated in terms of megabytes. Just dispatching a legion is enough. Push us across a hundred countries in the South China Sea.

If it's just that there are a lot of soldiers, it's fine. No matter how many ordinary soldiers there are, they are just ants. But Tang State is different. Their soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, but extraordinary warriors.

That's right, just as you imagined, their captain-level soldiers, no, even ordinary elite soldiers are already extraordinary warriors.

And extraordinary warriors are already considered top nobles in our respective countries, each country has at most [-] to [-], but in the Tang Kingdom, the number of extraordinary warriors exceeds one trillion.

Undoubtedly, even though we seem to hold world props, the enemy has so many extraordinary warriors that they can kill us directly, making us kill them softly, and they can't kill them all. "

He had a very serious face, staring at many South China Sea kings.

"/Just kidding, when did the number of extraordinary warriors increase to such an extent, where did you get the news from?" Many South China Sea rulers were horrified and couldn't believe their eyes.

Although they had heard of the Tang Kingdom before and knew about the super empire that unified the two major sea areas, the empire on which the sun never sets, they didn't know how powerful the other party was.

Listening to what Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting said, all the lords at the scene felt chills in their hearts, and trembled all over. Obviously, the national strength of the Tang Kingdom is simply beyond imagination.

"Hehe, why should I lie to you, I believe that all of you here have sent spies to the Tang country to inquire about the news, and this kind of news has been fully announced, there is no need to hide it at all."

Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting, sneered.

"That's right, Tang State is indeed so powerful. If it wasn't like this, I wouldn't agree to Wu Shaogu's alliance. This country is simply beyond the standard, and we cannot compete with one or two countries alone."

Zhang Jing, the lord of the country of surgery, said.

This country is equivalent to the country of medical treatment in the South China Sea. It has trained countless doctors. It can be said that the top doctors in various countries are all from the country of surgery.

Therefore, the country of surgery can be regarded as the most prestigious country in the South China Sea. Anyone who gets sick has received treatment from the doctors of the country of surgery.

In terms of reputation, Zhuang Jing, the country of surgery, is the most prestigious existence in the South China Sea. Basically, everyone will be convinced and listen to what he says.

"If it's Mr. Zhang Jing, then we can't help but believe it."

"I didn't expect that even Mr. Zhang Jing thought so. I'm afraid the news is indeed true."

"How can this Tang country be so terrifying? Is this the strength of the empire that claims the sun never sets?"

The faces of many country leaders were extremely serious. Since even the country of the country of surgery has come out to stand, they have no choice but to believe this amazing news. .

Chapter 560 Attacking the hinterland of Tang, ants can also bite elephants

"If Tang State is such a terrifying country, shouldn't it be enough for us to negotiate peace with the other party? It's actually not a shame to be a vassal state of such a powerful country."

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He is not a capitulationist, the problem is to contend against the empire on which the sun never sets, not to mention whether he can win, even if he does win, I am afraid it will be a miserable victory.

Not to mention, there is a high probability that their ending will be defeated and killed.

In order to avoid the worst outcome, it is better to surrender directly and become a vassal state of the other party.

"Hehe, it's best not to have such thoughts."

Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting, shook his head: "As far as I know, the teaching of the Tang Kingdom is to destroy all world props, but all world prop holders will be killed.

Of course, if you voluntarily lose the world props, the Tang Kingdom will not tolerate you. It is said that many rulers of the West Sea and East Sea gave up their world props in order to survive. "


Many national lords are silent. To be honest, if they lose their world props, it is better to let them die directly. This is simply unacceptable.

It can be said that from the very beginning, they and Tang Guo were at odds, and the two could not coexist at all.

Ordinary people can surrender, but they, the lords of the country, must not surrender.

"To be honest, if it's just our 040s in the South China Sea, I'm afraid it will be difficult to compete against the Tang Kingdom that has unified the West China Sea and the East China Sea. Why don't we invite the lords of the North Sea? If the North China Sea and the South China Sea attack at the same time, then we can make the Tang Kingdom two lines Combat, completely plunged into chaos, making the opponent suffer from the enemy."

someone suggested.

"To be honest, I had this idea from the very beginning, and I even sent a lot of people to the North Sea to try to find an alliance country. Unfortunately, the countries in the North Sea are not interested in our proposal at all. They don't think Tang is a threat. I have no plans to send troops to deal with the Tang Kingdom." Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting, shook his head helplessly.

He had long wanted to win over the countries in the North Sea, but unfortunately, the countries in the North Sea did not know enough about the threat of the Tang State, so they had no interest in joining the South China Sea Alliance at all.

"Damn Yankees, short-sighted bunch."

"Isn't it? At this time, I still want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. If our South China Sea is finished, will Beihai be spared? I don't know what it means to be cold."

"Hey, there is no way around this. Back then, the lord of the West Sea tried to form an alliance with us in the South China Sea, but wasn't he also rejected by us? He just sat on the Diaoyutai with the mentality of watching a good show. Unfortunately, Tang Guoshi It was too terrifying, and Xihai was destroyed in a short period of time, so we couldn't react."

Many Xihai kings are regretful.

When the lords of the West Sea sent envoys to form an alliance with the South China Sea before, they all scoffed and dismissed them, not thinking that the Tang Dynasty posed any threat.

But now, in just over 100 years, the world situation has undergone earth-shaking changes, and Tang has become an empire on which the sun never sets.

Even their South China Sea is directly facing the terrifying soldiers of the Tang State, making them all feel insecure.

If time could be turned back, killing them would not just sit idly by.

It's a pity that there is no such thing as going back in time in this world, and there is no medicine for regret.

"If there is no help from the countries in the North Sea, what should we do?"

someone asked.

"Hehe, don't be afraid, even if it's only the strength of our countries in the South China Sea, it is enough to make Tang Guo eat a pot. Although Tang Guo is powerful, it is not without weaknesses."

Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting, showed a cold light in his eyes.

"Weakness? What kind of weakness is it?"

Many kings were suddenly curious.

"It's very simple. If you use animals as a metaphor, then the country of Tang is actually an elephant, and our countries are ants. The size is simply different. If it is a head-on confrontation, then we are not the enemy's opponent at all." Hua Hua Wu Shaogu, the lord of the country, squeezed his fist.

"The question is, why do we have to fight against such a behemoth? In fact (affb) we can sneak attack. You must know that although elephants are powerful, they are also very afraid of ants.

Although ants are small in size, they move quickly. Unlike elephants, which are huge and slow to move, the huge size also means that there are weaknesses all over the body. Many ants can swarm up and bite the elephant's body, but the elephant is helpless. "

There was a deep murderous aura about him, which made people shudder.

"That's it, I understand a little bit what you mean. You mean that you want to take advantage of our quick action and sneak directly into the hinterland of the Tang country, destroying all the continents and cities of the Tang country, and making the Tang country exhausted. A king in an instant I understood what Wu Shaogu meant.

"That's right."

Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting, smiled slightly: "Not only were we unable to defend, but we also took the initiative to attack, attacking first to be strong and then attacking to suffer, turning against the enemy and directly entering the hinterland of the Tang Kingdom.

The Tang Kingdom is known as the empire on which the sun never sets. It controlled the two major sea areas of the East China Sea and the West China Sea, and ruled countless continents. It was huge in size, but this also caused their internal defenses to be empty, tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

But we can take the opportunity to enter the hinterland of the Tang State, burn, kill and loot, making the Tang State's army exhausted. We don't need to occupy any territory or city, just enter the Tang State to kill people. If we go back and forth a few times, the entire Tang State will collapse and the people will be full of resentment. He even forced Tang Guo to sit down and negotiate. "

"High, it's really high, this strategy is really too clever."

"The Tang State claims to love the people like its sons, and treats those untouchables like their own sons, which has given countless benefits. Now we take action to kill those untouchables, and see if those high-ranking hypocrites in the Tang Kingdom will do this for the sake of those untouchables. Submit to us. If you submit, then we will naturally achieve our goal. Tang will never dare to invade the South China Sea again. If you don’t submit, it will expose the hypocrites of Tang. They don’t have such love for the people at all.”

"As expected of Wu Shaogu, he really acted viciously and left no room for it. Although we are weak, we have our own methods. We world prop holders can attack everywhere, launch terrorist attacks, and make them exhausted."

"But what if the country of Tang does the same and attacks our cities in the South China Sea and kills the people of our country?"

"Hehe, if you kill them, you will kill them. Anyway, they are just a group of untouchables, like weeds. After they die, there will be a bunch of them. It's nothing at all."

"That is, it is their honor to use the lives of these untouchables to maintain our rule."

Many South China Sea rulers proudly said that they would rather bear the burden of the world than themselves. .

Chapter 561 The people of Tang Kingdom suffered heavy casualties, and the terrible destructive power of world props

months later.

Many South China Sea rulers began to secretly sneak into the East China Sea. After all, the entire East China Sea is too big. Even if the defense of the Tang Kingdom is extremely tight, it cannot prevent people with ulterior motives from sneaking in.

Especially with the existence of world props, it is even more impossible to stop a character of this level.

Immediately, news of being attacked by the ruler of the South China Sea spread throughout the East China Sea.

At this moment, in Chang'an City, the capital of the Tang Kingdom, many ministers gathered in a meeting room, and the lord Li Xiao was also in this place, exuding an incomparable majesty of an emperor.

Obviously, his cultivation base has been promoted to the ninth rank of extraordinary, and he is only one step away from stepping into the legend. Since he unified the East China Sea and the West Sea and became an invincible emperor in the world, his bearing is different from before.

"Your Majesty, more than a dozen continents in the East China Sea were attacked by Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting. He drove hundreds of millions of monsters, forming a terrifying beast horde, attacking one continent after another, causing countless casualties, and many cities were destroyed. Now, even with the protection of the temple, it can't stop this kind of beast tide that keeps attacking."

A Jin Yiwei stepped forward to report.

And this is the power of the real pen of world props mastered by Wu Shaogu, the lord of the Kingdom of Painting. With this pen, you can draw all the creatures in the world, and all of them are concrete.

Even imaginary creatures can be concretized.

Of course, the strength of the concrete creatures is basically closely related to the strength of the holder, and these concrete creatures will not surpass the holder of the real pen.

After all, the creatures in these paintings exist because of the power of the brush of truth.

But even so, Wu Shaogu, who is a ninth-level legend, used the brush of reality to draw many terrifying creatures, as if he could enslave countless desolate beasts.

Basically, he alone can form an army and destroy endless kingdoms.

He can even hide and give orders to these creatures, and no one can find out his real body.

"Damn Wu Shaogu, he is not our Tang country's opponent, but he used such a dirty and despicable method to secretly attack our Tang country's territory. This Wu Shaogu deserves death."

A minister was furious.

To be honest, the Tang State has been invincible for 200 years, invincible, and basically has not encountered too many setbacks. Every country it encounters can be destroyed.

It was the first time in his life that he was killed by the rulers of other countries to his own territory, killing and killing countless people.

"Your Majesty, it's not just Wu Shaogu, but also King of the Kingdom of Surgery, who claims to be able to revive human flesh and bones, and masters the universal scalpel, a world prop. With this world prop, he can cut and transfer human organs at will. "

A Jin Yiwei said with an ugly face: "With this ability, he easily divided the organs of countless people and separated their heads, but no one died, and many cities became headless cities.

Moreover, this person has an extremely bad personality, and he also likes to cut off the hands and feet of ordinary people, making them without hands and feet. Although he did not directly kill people, he indirectly caused countless deaths. Ordinary life is better than death. If this continues, it may cause panic among countless people. "

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and continued: "And he didn't just do it himself, he also led a large number of orc warriors, burned, killed and looted everywhere. I don't know how much money he looted and how many people he killed. .”

what? !

Many ministers were shocked and angry. They had naturally heard about the scene of the country of surgery. They originally thought that this man was a doctor who saved lives, so he shouldn't be too bad.

However, as the head of the country of surgery, he has lived for countless years and has long since become a psychopathic doctor. His favorite thing to do is to cut up human bodies and sell human organs.

It can be said that Zhang Jing does not know how much money he has made every year from selling renti organs.

Sometimes medical skills can save people, but naturally they can also harm people.

Even in the country of surgery, you will see many strange-shaped creatures, such as a human head with a snake body, a centaur body, a human head with a bird body, and so on.

In fact, this is a masterpiece of the country of surgery.

His favorite thing to do on weekdays is to transplant human organs into other creatures, and then create powerful orc warriors one by one, so that they not only have the wisdom of humans, but also have the strength and talent of those extraordinary animals , it can be said that this kind of life transformation is common in the country of surgery.

0..Ask for flowers. .

So there is an extremely powerful orc army in the country of surgery.

If this were not the case, then these countries composed of doctors would have been wiped out by other vicious countries long ago, or had become vassals of other countries long ago.

"Of course, the person who caused the most serious casualties in this invasion is undoubtedly Sima Nan, the lord of the Plague Kingdom."

Na Jin Yiwei continued: "This person has mastered a world item plague watering can, this world item can spread all kinds of horrible plagues, and it spreads extremely fast.

When he arrived at a place, a plague would spread. Often without knowing it, a city or even a continent would be spread by the power of the plague, causing countless deaths and injuries.

0... 0 To be honest, even if the other lords add up to kill people, they are far inferior to the damage caused by Sima Nan, the plague country. This is simply the destructive power of destroying the world. "

His face was very serious.

To be honest, if it was other means, Tang Guo could still defend against it. The problem is that the ability of this plague is almost impossible to defend and stop.

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