"It is possible to communicate with more dimensions and time and space,"

There was a gleam of coldness in Xia Chuan's eyes, and his consciousness was instantly immersed in the depths of his mind.

He found that after the extraordinary tree in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness had grown to a height of 99 meters, its branches had broken through the sky, extended from the sea of ​​consciousness, and penetrated into the void.

I saw that at this moment, the branches of these extraordinary trees merged into the void, and easily communicated with the dimension time and space, as if directly opening these dimension time and space, each branch of the extraordinary tree was like a straw, slowly devouring from The energy in the depths of dimensional time and space.

Of course, he could do this kind of thing when he was at the eighth level of legend.

The problem is, when he was able to do this kind of thing, he also discovered a huge problem, because when these branches penetrated into the depths of the void, they would be blown by void storms from time to time.

It can be said that when the branches of the extraordinary tree stretched out and penetrated into the void, the storm in the depths of the void roared madly, producing terrifying destructive power.

Therefore, any creature that dares to penetrate the depths of the void, if it cannot withstand the power of the void storm, will be completely destroyed, and its entire body will be wiped out.

Don't look at the roots and branches of the extraordinary tree on his body that can penetrate the void, but he will always face the threat of void storms. If he can't resist, then these passages will be destroyed and destroyed.

Fortunately, the roots and branches of these extraordinary trees will continue to regenerate, even if they are destroyed, they will grow back again after a while.

But even so, every time it is damaged and repaired, it takes a certain amount of time.

But it's different now.

After being promoted to the ninth level of legend, every branch and every root of the extraordinary tree on Xia Chuan's body became stronger and stronger, able to withstand more powerful void storms.

Even indistinctly, densely packed runes appeared on the surface of every branch and every root, producing powerful rune power.

Obviously, these rune barriers also protected the branches and roots of the extraordinary tree to a great extent, resisting threats from the outside world, and preventing them from being destroyed by the void storm.

"Communication dimension time and space."

With a thought, Xia Chuan circulated the legendary power all over his body to communicate with the extraordinary tree in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. It seemed that the whole tree began to tremble.

The countless runes on the Extraordinary Tree seemed to light up, like countless stars began to shine, bursting out with endless brilliance.

Branches and roots are like water pipes, connecting every dimension and time and space, wriggling constantly, devouring the energy deep in the dimension and time and space.

At this moment, he can breathe out the aura of heaven and earth all the time, without any effort at all, it's like the instinct of breathing, he can breathe in and out the aura of heaven and earth.

In this way, the efficiency of devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has increased many times compared to before.

"too strong."

There was a gleam of light in Xia Chuan's eyes.

There is no doubt that the efficiency of his practice is more than ten times stronger than before, not only the number of communication dimensions is more, but also the energy that devours each dimension has become more.

It can be said that now his body is like a black hole, swallowing huge amounts of energy all the time.

As long as he didn't use up his energy all at once, he wouldn't have the possibility of energy failure. "Now I can communicate with [-] dimensions." Xia Chuan squeezed his fists, feeling extremely excited deep in his heart.

Immediately from his body, the endless power of primordial spirit permeated the time and space in all directions, and immediately he felt the densely packed dimensional world hidden in the depths of time and space.

This is one of the benefits of improving the power of the primordial spirit, which can communicate with more dimensions of time and space.

Ninety thousand dimensional worlds!

Undoubtedly, after being promoted to the ninth level of legend, he has already sensed the existence of a full [-] dimensional time and space, and can even use the power of the primordial spirit to open [-] dimensional time and space at the same time.

A huge amount of spiritual energy surged in, like a natural disaster of spiritual energy, crushing the sky and covering the ground, and countless spiritual energy condensed into substance, pouring down like a flood.

To be honest, opening [-] dimensional time and space at the same time, the aura of heaven and earth that can be obtained is extremely amazing, it is almost like a landslide and tsunami, with endless aura rushing in.

I'm afraid that even ordinary saints cannot swallow so much aura of heaven and earth at one time.

The current Xia Chuan is like the Kunpeng, an ancient divine beast. With every breath, he can create a huge tide of aura, turning the endless aura into a boundless giant wave...  

Of course, the reason why the amount of aura has increased so much is not just the simple addition of [-] dimensional time and space, but more importantly, the passage of each dimensional time and space is larger.

In this way, the spiritual energy gushing out from each channel will naturally become more. "let's start."

There was a frightening light in Xia Chuan's eyes.Ye la la~~ At this moment, with Xia Chuan's thoughts moving, his huge primordial power immediately communicated with the countless time and space hidden in the depths of the dimension, and a full [-] dimensional time and space responded to his resonance.

Under the impact of his primordial power, at this moment, [-] dimensions of time and space were simultaneously opened.

If someone can see the passages of time and space, they can immediately see the sky above Xia Chuan's head, and immediately there are many passages of time and space, and the portals are opened.

Immediately afterwards, a huge aura of heaven and earth poured down as if money was not needed, like a landslide and tsunami, all of the aura poured down on this villa.

And every cell in his body is also greedily devouring the aura of heaven and earth, constantly increasing the original energy in his body.

Nine is the number!

When the number of dimensional space-times reaches [-], these time-space wormholes gather together and seem to form a huge field, as if they are connected to each other.

It seems that with Xia Chuan's body as the center of 5.1, the area with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers has formed a cave of heaven and earth, and the concentration of spiritual energy in the surrounding areas has shown a geometric progression.

Even though he tried his best to suppress the leakage of spiritual energy, the power of the legendary ninth level is enough to affect the world with a radius of ten thousand miles, opening the channels of other dimensions and time and space, and rapidly increasing the concentration of spiritual energy in this area.

Why is the mountain not high, there are immortals and spirits.

This is because every time the immortal practices, every time he swallows the aura of heaven and earth, it will cause changes in the surrounding world. Even though it was just an ordinary mountain before, as the immortal continues to practice, then this area will become a fairyland, and the mountain where the immortal lives will also become a fairyland. It will become a fairy mountain.

The same is true.

Even if the closed city was originally just an ordinary city, with Xia Chuan's continuous improvement in cultivation, this place will be subtly transformed into a paradise. .

Chapter 573 Blood Veins Integrate into the Brain, the Power of the Sage's Brain

Crash~~ At this moment, Xia Chuan's body seems to have turned into a black hole, devouring the aura of heaven and earth in all directions. Every cell in his body is like a small black hole, devouring every ray of energy.

He felt that the legendary power in himself was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This energy is also integrated into his muscles, skin, bones, and even every cell in his body, which further refines his legendary body. "The power of the blood seems to have begun to penetrate into the brain." Xia Chuan's eyes revealed a gleam.

He felt that the legendary power in his body had entered a deeper level, penetrated into his muscles, bones, bone marrow, internal organs, and finally began to come to his brain.

It is conceivable how important the brain is to life.

What is the brain.

In fact, the brain includes the telencephalon and diencephalon, and the telencephalon includes the left and right cerebral hemispheres.The telencephalon is the main part of the advanced nervous system of the vertebrate brain. It is composed of the left and right hemispheres and is the largest part of the human brain.

It is conceivable that the brain is one of the most important parts of the human body. The reason why human beings can produce wisdom is due to their extremely developed brain.

The reason why other animals do not produce intelligence is because they do not have a sufficiently powerful brain.

It can be said that only when the brain evolves can the entire race evolve.

Of course, since the brain is an extremely delicate part, more delicate than any part of the human body, it's like some supercomputer.

Once a part is damaged, it cannot be used anymore.

The same is true for the brain, so only by advancing to the ninth level of legend can the power of legend and bloodline penetrate into the brain.Crashing~~~In an instant, Xia Chuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and he felt the legendary power surging from his whole body, from his limbs, vigor and veins, internal organs, many blood vessels, etc. parts spread.

This is like an army encircling the city from the countryside. At this moment, most of the cities in the country have been occupied. As long as the capital is finally captured, the unification of the country can be completed.

The same is true.

The brain is the last part of the legendary fighter's strengthening, and the endless legendary power instantly submerged into his brain, permeating every corner of the brain.

You know, the brain is composed of about 140 billion cells, weighing about 1400 grams, the thickness of the cerebral cortex is about 2-3 mm, and the total area is about 2200 square centimeters. It is estimated that about 10 brain cells will die every day (the less the brain , the more brain cells die).The capacity of a person's brain to store information is equivalent to 1 libraries with a collection of 1000 million volumes. It can be said that people who are best at using their brains only use 10% of their lost brain capacity in their lives.

Every human brain is actually a supercomputer, but the computing power in it is idle for most people and cannot be fully utilized.

But it's different now. When the power of legend was integrated into Xia Chuan's brain, the power of his brain was developed crazily, and the efficiency was improved rapidly.

Boom~~ At this moment, his brain undergoes earth-shaking changes, and the endless power of legend and power of faith are integrated into every cell in the depths of his brain.

Vaguely, there seemed to be the voices of countless believers singing from the depths of the void, and the infinite power of faith surged in, pouring into his limbs and bones, making his body full of golden light.

This made his brain shine brightly, like a golden sun, and even the skull of his brain was tempered to be extremely bright, like it was made of gold, without any impurities.

Immediately afterwards, a huge message instantly sank into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"The sage's brain, this is a brain that incorporates the power of the book of wisdom, not only develops the brain's ability to the extreme, but also makes the brain undergo a huge evolution.

Ability 100: Thinking acceleration, it can increase the thinking speed to more than a million times that of ordinary people. Others think for a day, while my brain thinks for [-] million days, which is close to the thinking speed of time standing still.

Ability [-]: Analysis and identification, it can easily gain insight into all kinds of information on creatures and objects, even if you have never seen each other before, you can also gain insight into the strength and skills of the opponent.

Ability [-]: One mind is multitasking, it can think in multiple numbers at the same time, multitasking with one mind, can think about multiple problems at the same time, and practice various martial arts supernatural powers and strengths.

Ability [-]: Future deduction, which can deduce the future several days later through subtle information, deduce imperfect exercises to perfection, and deduce technology to the point hundreds of years later.

This is a brain that surpasses the current technology of human beings by more than [-] years. There is no problem that it cannot solve. If there is any problem, it is just that there is not enough time. "


After Xia Chuan received these messages, his pupils shrank, and he felt that his understanding and wisdom had increased countless times at this moment.

It's like raising from a mentally handicapped person to a level of wisdom like Einstein's. In an instant, he perceives that there is nothing in the whole world that he can hide from himself.

The most important thing is that when his brain has evolved to the extreme, the legendary power and blood power of 053 on his body have been completely integrated into every corner of his body, forming a seamless and mixed body.

This is the horror of the ninth level of legend.

After being promoted to the ninth level of legend, the power of blood and legend has spread to every corner of the body. Only legendary fighters of this level can be called legendary creatures, and the body contains legendary blood.

If it is said that warriors below the eighth level of legend give birth to descendants, there is still a certain probability that descendants who cannot have the legendary blood will be born.

After all, the legendary bloodline is not so easy to inherit, and there is still a certain probability that it may inherit the genes from the mother, which will lead to the loss of the legendary bloodline.

In fact, many legendary warriors rely on a large number of children to give birth to some children who inherit their own legendary blood, and there are still some children who cannot inherit the legendary blood.

But as for warriors of the ninth rank of legend, as long as they give birth to descendants, they will definitely inherit their own legendary blood.

Because the warriors who have reached this realm no longer have any defects in their bodies, and the blood vessels all over their bodies contain legendary power, which is so powerful that it is outrageous.

Therefore, warriors of this level will inevitably give birth to descendants with legendary bloodlines, and the power of bloodlines that can be inherited is more than other legendary warriors, and their talents will be even more amazing. .

Chapter 574 The Birth of the Machine Empire, Huge Changes in Huaguo

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

Xia Chuan still stayed in his villa, silently comprehending the power of the ninth level of legend. After all, this realm is extremely important, and it can be regarded as the realm of complete legend, which is also the prerequisite for stepping into the realm of saints.

If you don't solidify your cultivation in this realm, you may not be able to be promoted to become a saint, so you must lay a solid foundation in martial arts, and don't leave any flaws.

Ye la la~~ Immediately, the entire villa was plunged into a huge vortex of spiritual energy, as if a Kunpeng was swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which contained a terrifying and mysterious atmosphere.

At this moment, great changes have also taken place in the Xuanhuang Star Hua Kingdom, and it has been almost 30 to [-] days since the last change occurred in the African continent.

Yang Wenjing, a perennial thief, was sentenced to three years in prison for stealing an electric car. He got out after two and a half years because of his good behavior.

And today is his first day out of prison.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?"

After Yang Wenjing was released from prison, he immediately saw an astonishing scene. Many construction machinery appeared on the road and were frantically repairing the road. In a short time, more than ten kilometers of expressway were repaired, and the efficiency was frighteningly high.

What shocked him the most was that these construction machines were operating automatically without anyone operating them.

Excavators are crazily excavating soil, bulldozers are constantly pushing away the surrounding soil, asphalt paver is constantly pouring asphalt, and road rollers are constantly flattening these materials.

No one is manipulating these machines, they seem to be running automatically, like hard workers, only rumbling sounds are heard around, as if the whole process is silent.

"Stupid human, didn't you see the sign here? Didn't you see that this place is under construction, and idlers are not allowed to enter? Believe it or not, I will shovel you out of this place directly."

At this moment, a bulldozer drove over, and the two headlights kept flashing. It seemed that there was a sound coming from inside the machine. It was very arrogant, like a punk.

"You, you can talk〃.?"

Seeing this talking bulldozer, Yang Wenjing was terrified and trembling all over. He couldn't believe his eyes, he was just dumbstruck.

"Why can I talk? As a handsome guy from the bulldozer family, isn't it a matter of course that I can talk? You don't have any knowledge at all. You have no knowledge at all. Just look at your appearance and you will know you. I don't even have a girlfriend, and I haven't touched a woman's hand."

The bulldozer looked at Yang Wenjing with contempt.

what? !

Hearing these words, Yang Wenjing was extremely aggrieved. He would be despised and ridiculed by a bulldozer. Few people would believe such words.

"Okay, it's working time now, don't babble here, hurry up and finish today's work, and we'll go to karaoke tonight."

At this moment, a young man in overalls ran out next to him and said to the bulldozer.

"Damn it, Liu Chen, what's the point of singing karaoke? What's important is whether there are any girls from the mechanical clan participating? A party without girls is meaningless at all." The bulldozer said loudly.

Obviously, this young man is called Liu Chen.

"Of course, it is said that the Tractor Flower next door also participated. This is a rare networking event. Maybe we will have to get out of orders tonight." Liu Chen said excitedly.

"Damn, if that's the case, then we have to work quickly, brothers, get the job done today, and we'll get off work early today." The bulldozer yelled. "it is good!"

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