A man in a tunic suit said in a deep voice: "First, in Europe, the North Bear Country, the Great Britain Country, the Noodle Country and other countries have all been destroyed. Now they have unified into one country. It seems that a sect has been established, and they all believe in one god. Now they It is a country of faith, and rarely has contact with other countries.

The Sakura Country closest to us, due to the attack by the world of demons, resulted in countless casualties. How the situation is, no one knows.

As for Africa, let alone, it was invaded by the spider world, and as a result, the entire African population became extinct, and not even a single person survived. The African continent has even mutated, and no one knows what is going on inside.

North America and South America belong to the territory of the United States. It is said that there are often small-scale invasions by alien creatures, and many people have been killed or injured. However, those alien creatures have not launched large-scale attacks for the time being, so they temporarily It is still able to maintain peace and stability. The United States has no intention of dealing with us now. I am afraid that they are all in trouble now. "He showed a look of schadenfreude.

Before the spirit energy revived, the United States united with a group of countries to try to suppress the Hua country, and it was threatening, but now, it was completely destroyed by those alien creatures, and the entire country's territory was devastated.

As for the allies of the United States, they are now dying and injured, and few of them can still breathe. "I see, what about Southeast Asia? How has Southeast Asia become?" Someone asked curiously.

Compared with other places, Southeast Asia is the closest to the country of Hua, and if any problem occurs, it may affect the country of Hua in the first place.

So they are more concerned about the situation in Southeast Asia.

"The situation in Southeast Asia is not particularly good. Because they are close to the ocean, many places have been attacked by marine life. They used to rely on the ocean for food and have been fishing for generations. Now they don't even have to catch fish. They starved to death a lot of people, at least two-thirds of their personnel were reduced."

Another one said: "Especially in countries such as the Curry Country and the Thousand Islands Country, due to the famine problem, they died too many people, and even produced a plague.

They also want to send a request to the embassy, ​​hoping that we will send people to help them, and even want to buy food from our country to help their people. "

"Help them? We also want to, but we have more than enough energy."

"Indeed, it takes all our strength to guard against the alien creatures in our country now. Isn't it nonsense who is interested in getting involved in Southeast Asia?"

"Let them ask for more blessings, the landlord's family has no food left."

Everyone shook their heads.

They receive distress signals from many countries every day, but they choose to ignore them. After all, the current Hua country is not strong enough to rescue everywhere.

However, the weak Southeast Asia is good for the country of Hua, at least it will not jump out everywhere to disgust the country of Hua.

At this time, the external network was also full of wailing voices, and many foreign netizens also frantically posted on the Internet, sending out signals for help, hoping that others could help them.

Especially for netizens from Southeast Asia, it is extremely miserable.

"It's over, it's over, our country has been fishermen for generations, but due to the mutation of marine life, we can no longer catch fish. Once we go out to sea, it's not fishing, but being eaten by fish..."

"Isn't it? Those fish in the ocean are not fish at all, but beasts. We lifted a fish before, but the other fish rushed to our boat and bit off the head of our companion in a few bites. It died too." Many people, even our fishing boats were eaten like chocolate."

"That's right, if you encounter sharks, it will be even more terrifying. Now they are like giant monsters in the deep sea. If you bite them down casually, a warship will be bitten in half."

"Encountering those schools of fish is no longer a good harvest, but encountering a group of gods of death. They are simply more terrifying than piranhas, and their teeth can easily bite through steel."

"That's true. Now we don't dare to go to the sea at all. We can only hide in the island and sit and eat."

Many Southeast Asian netizens said in despair.

Originally, their main food came from the sea, and they didn't know how many fish they caught every year. After all, the cultivated area in their country is not very large.

Now all of a sudden, most of the creatures in the ocean have been reduced, causing them to fall into a food crisis in an instant.

"Save us, great United States, hurry up and send your aircraft carrier to save us, we are willing to kowtow to you, serve you as dogs, and let your warships be stationed in our ports, as long as you are willing to sell us a little food."

Someone asked for help from the United States on 5.1, hoping that this great empire would send someone over.

"Don't dream, the United States is in danger now, how could it come to save you?"

"Isn't it? The entire sea has become extremely dangerous now. Those mutated sharks, mutated whales, and mutated octopuses are extremely terrifying. They can even eat aircraft carriers. It is said that three aircraft carriers in the United States were killed by one of them because they were too aggressive at sea. The whale swallowed it in one gulp."

"Nimma, it's no wonder I haven't heard any news about the Armada of the United States recently. Are marine creatures so terrifying now? Even the warships of the United States can only hide in the port and dare not come out at all."

"Now that the whole world's ocean trade has stopped, don't even think about buying food from other places."

Many foreign netizens are extremely desperate. .

Chapter 578 The despair of Southeast Asians, the sudden invasion of alien creatures

"The United States is hopeless, why don't you ask the country of Hua for help."

At this time, a foreign netizen immediately thought of a solution: "You are so close to the country of Hua, and it is said that life in this eastern country is very good now, the people's life is rich, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, I should be able to help you through Difficult."

He felt that these Southeast Asians should seek help from Hua Guo. After all, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

"Do you think we didn't ask the Hua country for help? In fact, we don't know how many calls we have made, but the replies to us are all helpless. These bastard Hua people are simply helpless. Want to watch us die."

A curry country netizen gritted his teeth, full of resentment.

"Impossible? Impossible. It is said that now the entire country of Hua has enough food and clothing, and another bumper harvest. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and there is no threat from those mutated creatures in 05. How comfortable is life, how can there be nothing you can do?"

Some people simply don't believe such claims.

"Isn't it? I think this is the conspiracy of the Chinese people. They are ambitious. They want to watch us die before occupying our territory."

"That's right, I've known the ambitions of the Chinese people for a long time. They have been eyeing our country's territory for a long time, but they have never found an opportunity before, and now this opportunity has finally come.

The reason why these bastards didn't intend to save us is that they hoped that those mutated creatures would kill us, and then there would be no one in the territory, so they would send people to occupy it. In this way, the entire Southeast Asia would be under the rule of the other party. "

"Nimma, what a despicable and shameless Hua people. I have seen their wolf ambitions for a long time. I didn't expect to be so shameless. They just want us to destroy the country. The Hua people are not trustworthy at all."

"Hehe, do you think we care about their rescue? Even in the face of the threat of mutated creatures, we still have the ability to survive, and we don't need the Chinese people to meddle in their own business."

"That's right, I'd rather be killed by a mutated creature or a creature from another world than eat a grain of rice that the Chinese gave us."

"If there is a chance, I must make these guys pay the price. Southeast Asia is the territory of our Southeast Asians, not the back garden of this eastern country."

Many Southeast Asian netizens gritted their teeth and pointed their finger at the Hua country. "To be honest, I think the reason why these mutated creatures are so cruel and attack us Southeast Asians everywhere is that the Hua people may secretly instigate them."

A netizen suddenly expressed his guess.

"No way, this matter is true or false, do you really have evidence?"

Many people were shocked.

"Hehe, do you still need evidence for this? Look at the current situation in the country of Hua. It lives and works in peace and contentment, with good weather, no shortage of food at all, and no mutated biological attacks. It seems to be very peaceful."

The netizen gritted his teeth: "But other countries, all of them are extremely miserable, with countless casualties, attacked and killed by mutant creatures, ten rooms and nine empty rooms, life is worse than death.

Why do those mutated creatures specifically attack our country, but not their country? Doesn't this prove the problem?

Of course, I'm not saying that these mutated creatures are controlled by the Chinese, but I think it must be that this eastern country deliberately drove those mutated creatures out of its own country's territory with the help of powerful forces, and then let these mutated creatures come to attack us specifically. country, causing us heavy losses. "

As soon as these words came out, countless netizens were shocked, and all of them suddenly realized. "Nimma, after hearing what you said, I feel that there is a great possibility."

"No wonder I think this incident is a bit weird. It turned out to be a conspiracy by the Chinese people."

"It must be that they deliberately drove a large number of mutated creatures into our country, which caused the disaster in our country."

"Despicable and shameless bastards, this must be a conspiracy and trick they came up with to take the opportunity to occupy Southeast Asia. This is the borrowed knife killing in Sun Tzu's Art of War."

"Damn Orientals, I know they are very shameless. They have been war fanatics since ancient times. Some people wrote books on how to guide war more than 2000 years ago. One can imagine their horror." "We These Southeast Asians are all little white rabbits, how can they be the opponents of these war madmen."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and everyone was extremely angry. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that the miserable situation of their own must be caused by the Chinese.

If it wasn't for the opponent to drive away a large number of mutated creatures, those mutated creatures wouldn't go crazy and attack their country and their city.

Moreover, their military strength is already very weak, and their country is extremely primitive, with many wild animals, so it is difficult for them to resist the invasion of those mutated creatures. "Retaliation, we must take revenge and let those Easterners know the horror of our Southeast Asians." Someone shouted, trying to retaliate.

"Don't dream, now that we can't even launch a boat, how can we get revenge on each other?"

"Isn't it? And now that international trade is completely interrupted, it is impossible to reject the products made by the Chinese. No, I don't want to refuse, but I can't buy the goods I want to buy. They don't need ours at all. Waste paper, even when we 053 knelt on the ground and begged others, they were unwilling to buy it."

"That's right, we can't even deal with mutant creatures, how can we deal with such a behemoth? If we really provoke the other party, I'm afraid we will be destroyed the next day." "Don't try to destroy the country without destroying the country, continue like this, We Southeast Asians are all dead, as if we were Africans."

"Indeed, it is said that the Africans have been completely wiped out now, and all of them are created by those alien creatures. If there is an alien passage in Southeast Asia, maybe we will also enter the end of Africa. "Nimma, don't be crowed here, don't talk if you can't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Many Southeast Asian netizens cursed.

Originally, their life was extremely difficult. If there was another alien invasion, they would be completely cold.

"Oops, I was really hit by this bastard. It seems that there is an alien passage in Curry Country. A large number of birdmen are flying out of it, and they are killing people. Many people in Curry Country have been wiped out. It’s gone.” At this moment, a netizen frantically posted on the Internet.

what? !

As soon as these words came out, many Southeast Asians were ashamed. They didn't expect that there were good and bad spirits, and now alien creatures really began to invade Southeast Asia. .

Chapter 579 The huge disaster in Southeast Asia, the invasion from the winged world

Immediately, one after another, the videos were frantically posted on the Internet, being seen by countless people.

At this moment, a video was played, and in the vicinity of a void passage, countless strange creatures similar to humans were appearing with wings on their backs.

The opponent has a human face and bird body, wearing armor, holding spears, bows and arrows, helmets and other weapons, which is like the clothes of soldiers in the agricultural era.

But the opponent's bow and arrow is extremely terrifying, one shot to kill, it seems that the arrow contains special energy, like a laser beam, it can easily penetrate the reinforced concrete.

Even tanks were easily blasted by these bows and arrows.

They fly in mid-air, are extremely flexible, and their speed is unimaginably fast, even the fastest birds on Xuanhuang Star can't match these creatures.

At this time, many fighter planes took off, trying to knock down these birdmen.

But this is of no use at all, because these birdmen are too flexible, they can easily dodge these attacks, and at the same time, they shoot back with one arrow.

As a result, one can imagine that the fighter planes in the sky were like dumplings, falling from the mid-air one after another, smashing hard on the ground, exploding with a bang, and scattered into countless parts.

Faced with the attack of these birdmen troops, many countries in Southeast Asia were retreating steadily, unable to fight back.

"My God, what kind of creature is this? How can it be so terrifying? Are modern weapons not their opponents?" Many people cried out in horror after seeing this video.

The power they are proud of comes from the terror of modern weapons, but now, all of these weapons have lost their effect.

Facing this terrifying alien creature individual, they are almost powerless to fight back.

"Winged people, it is said that these beings come from the Winged world, they are the overlords of the Winged world, with civilization and wisdom no less than ours." "Damn, when did we in Southeast Asia provoke such a terrifying race and civilization?" ? "

"It's not to provoke these races, but a void passage suddenly appeared in Curry Country, connecting to the Winged World, and as a result, this group of Winged Warriors ran out and began to invade our country." "Oops, these people Wingman warriors are different from other alien creatures, they can fly, and there are no restrictions on their regions, and the whole of Southeast Asia is under their peak." "Asshole, they are not just for the curry country, Qiandao Countries such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc. are all under their military peaks, and all countries have been invaded." "It's not an opponent, not an opponent at all. Southeast Asian countries are retreating steadily, and all armies have been defeated." We are defeated." "Help us, is there someone to save us, we are about to be taken away by these Yiren fighters and become slaves." "Brother Hua, please help us, we will never dare to swear online again you guys."

"Yes, you can take away the territory of Southeast Asia if you want, as long as it can guarantee our safety." "Those alien creatures are not human at all, they are here to massacre." Many Southeast Asian netizens were terrified shouted.

I saw that the number of these wingman legions exceeded several million, and they dispersed the various legions and attacked and killed the countries in Southeast Asia at an incredible speed.

And the goal of these Winged Warriors is very clear, that is to capture the human beings in this world, and once they catch one, tens of millions of human beings will be captured by them in a short time.

Those human soldiers who tried to resist were also killed by them.

It can be said that the entire Southeast Asia is devastated at the moment, with ten rooms and nine empty rooms, and blood flowing like rivers.

Many Southeast Asians are now in danger, hiding in a secret place, trembling, for fear that they will be discovered by these winged warriors, and thus be poisoned by the opponent.

They frantically asked for help online, hoping to get help, and even eager to get rescue from China, but unfortunately no one could help them at the moment.

"My God, it's miserable, it's too miserable. Two-thirds of the population of Curry Kingdom died because of the aura tide before. There were originally 14 billion people, and then there were only more than 4 million people left. Then There was a famine and an attack by mutated animals, leaving [-] million people dead.

But now, unexpectedly being attacked by these alien creatures again, I am afraid that more than half of the population will be killed or injured soon, and it is unknown how many people will survive in this land in the future. "

"The Curry Country is nothing, but the Thousand Island Country is the worst. Their country originally had a population of 5000 million. After various disasters, only [-] million people remained. Now they are being attacked by creatures from other worlds, causing heavy casualties. ""Indeed, the disaster is just the beginning. Didn't you hear what happened on the African continent last time? Due to the attack by alien creatures, the entire African continent died, and now no one can set foot in Africa The mainland." "" Nima, the entire continent is extinct, is this the invasion of alien creatures?So is there any other safe place for the entire Xuanhuangxing in the future? "

"To be honest, the only safe place on the entire planet right now is the country of Hua. Except for this eastern country, all other countries have more or less experienced huge disasters, with countless casualties."

"Damn Eastern countries, why are they able to be the safest isolated island in the world, other countries have suffered so many casualties, but this Eastern country, it seems that nothing happened at all." "Yes, why are these Easterners so Luckily, does God take care of them?" Many foreign netizens gritted their teeth, envious and jealous.

Comparing the disasters that happened in Europe, Africa and other places, the only country that has not experienced a huge disaster is the eastern country of Hua.

Even the United States was invaded by alien creatures, and as a result, the entire Paradise City completely disappeared, killing and injuring tens of millions of people, and (Li Hao) also suffered from the disaster of the spiritual energy tide, and has not yet recovered. "You bastards, stop gloating and find a way to save us." The Southeast Asian netizens were simply furious.

Other foreign netizens stayed away from themselves because of the disaster, but they didn't feel much tension. They all seemed to be watching a play, wanting to see what Southeast Asia would look like in the future.

But for the locals, this is a life-and-death crisis. If one is not careful, he will be caught by the Winged Warriors, either as a slave or killed. "You should hide and wait for the rescue of others."

"That's right, we can only watch, we can't do anything at all." "Let's pray to the gods, maybe the gods can save you."

Many foreign netizens are also helpless, they can't do anything through the screen, they can only cheer from a distance. .

Chapter 580 Breaking Through the Mystery of the Saint

Fengcheng Lihai Peninsula villa area.

Crash~~~ At this moment, Xia Chuan, who was retreating, suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a frightening light, as if piercing through this void, and his body was filled with a powerful aura, which made people tremble.

After a period of practice, he can be considered to have completely consolidated the cultivation base of the legendary ninth level, allowing the power of the blood to fully integrate into the depths of his brain, making his brain evolve into a legendary brain.

It can be said that now he can be regarded as a truly perfect legendary creature.

"Sure enough, is this the feeling of the ninth level of legend?"

Xia Chuan squeezed his fist.

He felt that the legendary blood in his body was integrated into one body, running through every corner of his body, it can be said that he was already in an extremely perfect state, and the chaos was as one.

It seems that with every gesture, powerful blood power erupts from his body, and any random movement can activate the supernatural powers of the blood, bursting out unimaginable power.

Moreover, his legendary bloodline has become so tyrannical that the blood in his body is as hot as the sun, and any drop of blood at will can turn into a volcano.

If ordinary ghosts approached his body, they would be instantly vaporized and wiped out.

"Now I have a life span of nearly 10 years."

There was a gleam of light in Xia Chuan's eyes.

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