"Master, now the area of ​​053 has become a virus breeding base. They fight each other in this place, just like raising Gu. As time goes by, more and more terrifying viruses and Gu insects will be bred. ’ The book of wisdom marvels.

It feels that this area is like a large Gu breeding base, filled with countless viruses and bacteria, they seem to live in a virus society where the weak eat the strong, either you die or I live kind.

Now it doesn't know what kind of terrifying ultimate poison will be cultivated in this area.

"So, if there is a passage from another world in this place, you don't need to worry about defense?" Xia Chuan touched his chin.

"Master, to be honest, I'm still more worried about whether those creatures from other worlds can get out alive after they enter this area, and even if they open a channel from another world, they may allow countless viruses and bacteria to invade the world they are in. Time may cause a crisis of extinction."

The Book of Wisdom sighed.

To be honest, the degree of terror of viruses is more shocking than any damage to living things.

The emergence of the smallpox virus caused hundreds of millions of human deaths and injuries, causing the greatest casualties in human history. If the vaccine had not been found, this virus would continue to wreak havoc.

And these extraordinary viruses that escaped from the world's props plague watering can are many times more terrifying than smallpox. Once these viruses leak out, they will definitely cause huge casualties in those other worlds.

If there are passages from other worlds in this area, those other world creatures had better not open them. Once they are opened, it will be like opening Pandora's box, which will bring death, disease and disaster. "That's good." Xia Chuan was very satisfied.

He transformed this area into a Jedi in order to prevent those alien creatures from escaping from Southeast Asia. Now this poisonous Gu land may have become a forbidden place for life.

If these alien creatures really run in, there is only one dead end. To some extent, this place is the biggest biological barrier.


Thinking of this, Xia Chuan's figure flickered, and he immediately left this place. Anyway, this area has been transformed, and how it will evolve next depends on how nature chooses.

Another day passed.

With the mutation in Southeast Asia, countless people in the whole world know the news of this place.

"It's over, it's over, it's over, Asia and Southeast Asia are over."

"Isn't it? Just in the past one or two days, there are no netizens in Southeast Asia who can access the Internet, and no one (affb) can send messages."

"That's right, now the whole of Southeast Asia has been wrapped in a mysterious fog, just like the Sakura Country back then, no signal can be sent out, and the signal can't be sent in either."

"No, no, the difference from Sakura Country is that there are at least people in Sakura Country who can surf the Internet and send messages, but in Southeast Asia, there is no way to send out a single message. There is no doubt that all people in Southeast Asia are dead. Like the African continent before it, the whole of Southeast Asia has become a death sanctuary."

Many netizens talked about it.

When the disaster struck, there were still many Southeast Asian netizens frantically surfing the Internet and sending out distress calls, hoping that people from all over the world could save them.

But after only two days, these messages completely disappeared. This is not because they were deleted, but simply because these people can no longer access the Internet.

In layman's terms, these people are dead, so no one can go online again.

"How did this happen? In terms of the degree of civilization development, Southeast Asia should be higher than Africa. Why did it die so silently, and no one survived."

"Yeah, what happened? Are those winged people really that scary?"

"It's terrible. It was the land of Africa before, and now it's the Southeast Asian region of Asia. So what will the next region be? Will it be South America and North America?"

Many netizens are terrified.

They no longer have any thoughts of gloating, they only have the idea of ​​mourning the death of the rabbit, after all, it was Southeast Asia and Africa that suffered disasters before.

So who will be next.

They don't think they are so lucky. If they encounter the invasion of alien creatures, they may not be able to resist with the strength of their country.

"Nimma, don't be alarmist here. We in South America and North America have the strongest country in the world, the United States, and thirteen aircraft carrier fleets. Those alien creatures dare not approach our American continent at all." That's right, disasters similar to Southeast Asia and Africa are absolutely impossible to appear on our American continent. Even if a disaster does occur, we have the ability to resist it. "

Many netizens from the American continent yelled and said harshly.

They feel that those netizens who said that the American continent will suffer catastrophe sooner or later are really heinous and unforgivable crimes, which are clearly cursing them.

Because they are also extremely terrified deep in their hearts. Once a disaster strikes, the country does not have the power to save them. Now they can only close their eyes and wait for death.

Other than that, they can't do anything. .

Chapter 591 Disasters around the world can only be relied on by Chinese people

"Hehe, don't deceive yourself here. Your American continent is not a land favored by God. Don't forget the last time the troll world invaded. If it weren't for the gods, how many people would die in the United States."

"Isn't it? What kind of thirteen aircraft carrier fleets, this force is nothing. If it was really that powerful, they wouldn't be too scared to hide in the port and dare not come out, for fear of being destroyed by sea monsters."

"Indeed, these fleets are only able to deal with some weak countries. They have no resistance at all against those mutated sea monsters. A warship is like a large coffin."

"Don't think that the American continent is a special place. It is estimated that it will not be long before you will encounter the invasion of alien creatures. It will depend on what you do then."

Many netizens sneered, thinking that the netizens in the American continent are too naive, they can't be alone, and they will definitely suffer a terrible disaster.

"To be honest, the American continent is not dangerous. They have strong soldiers and strong horses. Even if there is an invasion of alien creatures, they must be able to resist it. If we say that the most dangerous place now, it is undoubtedly our kangaroo-country."

A Kangaroo country netizen cried: "We are so close to the country of Thousand Islands. Although our land area is not small, in fact it is just an isolated island in the sea. There is no land around. If those mutated marine creatures attack our Kangaroo country, I'm afraid we will destroy the country the next day."

"Isn't it? Originally, the population of our kangaroo country was small. It was only 500 million before. After several catastrophes, the population of our kangaroo country is now only 700 million. If this continues, I'm afraid our kangaroo country will be really dead."

Another kangaroo country netizen couldn't help crying, too scared to death.

"Impossible. Your kangaroo country is a developed country with a vast land and few people. Why did it become so miserable?"

Many people were stunned. They didn't expect that the Kangaroo Country, which should be like a paradise, has become so miserable now, with a population of only 700 million left.

To be honest, with such a small population, there is only the population of a large city.

"It's because our country is vast and sparsely populated, and there are more animals than humans. Since the recovery of spiritual energy, those rabbits, kangaroos and other animals have mutated immediately and become extremely aggressive. Even if we use guns, it is difficult to kill them. , and our houses are all made of wood, so the defense is not as good as those brick houses."

A Kangaroo country netizen explained: "In this way, the mutated creatures in our country plundered us everywhere, and the population of our country was reduced by more than half in a short period of time.

To be honest, the whole country is panicking now, because from time to time you can hear those mutated sea creatures roaring, and it seems that they will attack at any time.

If these mutated creatures really come ashore, then none of the remaining 700 million people in our Kangaroo Country will be left. I hope everyone will send troops to rescue us. "

"Yes, we are the loyal younger brothers of the United States. Why didn't the United States send seven or eight aircraft carriers over to pick us up? This island is really getting more and more dangerous. If we continue to stay, we must be dead."

"Brother United States, please show kindness and save us, or we will die."

Many kangaroo country netizens have gone online to ask for help.

Ever since they saw the situation in Southeast Asia, they were frightened to death and never dared to stay in the Kangaroo Country. After all, they were besieged on all sides and surrounded by oceans.

Of course they also have ships.

The problem is, once their ship goes into the sea, it may be attacked by mutant sea beasts. During this time, it is unknown how many people who boarded the ship were killed by those sea beasts.

"Sorry, the United States is in trouble now. We can't send a single aircraft carrier. To be honest, you hold on for a while and come to rescue you after we solve the situation at home." 0... A member of the United States yelled.

"Persevere, sir, if we can persist, do we still need to ask for help? You should think about it carefully." "Isn't it? If we really wait for you to rescue us, we will be dead long ago, so we don't need your help. ""When you really arrive, it is estimated that we will only have a corpse left."

"Our kangaroo country is the most loyal ally of your United States, you can't abandon us like this." Many netizens from the kangaroo country shouted.

"Haha, don't dream, you're still asking for more blessings, now the United States can't launch a warship, and even the overseas territories, such as Hawaii, Midway Island and other islands have given up, how can you have the strength to save them?" you."

0...seeking flowers...

"To be honest, there is only one country that can save you now, and that is the country of Hua."

"That's right, if Hua is not willing to save you, then no one will be able to save you." Many netizens gloated.

"Go away, even if I die, I won't be saved by those Orientals."

"That's right, we are great white people, how could we succumb to the dirty orientals." "I would rather be eaten by sea beasts than pour tea and water for these orientals, nodding and bowing."

Hearing these words, the netizens of the Kangaroo Kingdom immediately became angry and cursed. Of course, they also knew that the only one who could save themselves was the Hua Kingdom.

After all, this oriental country is now peaceful and peaceful, and its people are rich. It has not encountered disasters from alien creatures. It not only maintains its strength before the disaster, but even its national strength is constantly improving.

The problem is that they now have only 700 million people in the Kangaroo Country. If this eastern country really comes, I am afraid that this land will be occupied by this eastern country.

At that time, the owner of this piece of land will have to change his name.

Honestly, there's no way they'd like to see that happen. "Then you will be eaten by sea beasts."

"When has it come, I am afraid that my country will be occupied."

"In the past, there were many curry countries. People in Malaysia said so. Now they are all cold and turned into corpses. I guess they regret it in hell now."

"Anyway, after you die, this land will be occupied by other people. It is estimated that you will soon become the ancestors of this land. In the future, archaeologists may only dig out the remains to study the remains." "Now Cherish the time you still have to talk on the Internet, before long, you will be the same as Southeast Asians, and you can only surf the Internet in hell." Many people gloated and said that they don't care what the kangaroo country thinks Yes, anyway, disasters will not depend on human will.

If you don't have strength, you can only disappear in this world.Xi.

Chapter 592 The high-level officials of the United States who surrendered to the devil, the appearance of the traitor of Xuanhuangxing

At this moment, in the capital of the United States, in a certain conference room, many congressmen and the president gathered together, all of them looked very solemn, as if they were dead at home.

In fact, since the recovery of the spirit energy, they have had similar expressions, bad news, bad news, always bad news, and no good news has been delivered. "I believe everyone has heard similar news. The African continent has become a jeopardy, and the Southeast Asian region of Asia has also become a forbidden place for life."

The President of the United States has a solemn face: "Even European countries, such as Great Britain, North Bear Country, Noodle Country, Machine Country, etc., have been destroyed. They joined together to form the European Union, and it is a true sense of the word. The alliance is no longer the disorganized state it was before. It is said that they have won the favor of God and obtained the "zero five three" amount of power bestowed by God.

Don't look at them causing heavy losses and countless casualties in Europe due to the invasion of alien creatures, but in fact they have completely stabilized, and there is no doubt about their safety for the time being.

As for the ancient oriental country, I suspect that they have left a lot of behind-the-scenes in history, which caused them to obtain endless benefits when their spiritual energy recovered.It can be said that all countries have suffered huge losses due to the change of Xuanhuang Star this time, but this ancient eastern country has not suffered much loss, and its national power is still thriving. "

"The damned ancient country in the East knows a lot of information, but never shares it with us, causing heavy losses to our United States. Now our Armada is lying in the harbor and dare not go to sea at all. Once it goes out to sea, it will be destroyed by the deep ocean." Killed by the monsters everywhere, our fleet is now practically useless."

A congressman gritted his teeth, resentful.

"This is something that can't be helped. Before the spiritual energy recovered, we began to target this ancient eastern country continuously. We have already regarded the other party as an enemy of life and death, and launched various economic wars. It is normal that the other party is unwilling to cooperate with us. .” Another member of parliament expressed that he could understand the thoughts of the ancient eastern country.

"Fart, our United States is the greatest country on this planet. We don't allow any country to surpass us. This ancient country in the East wants to surpass us. This idea alone is a felony and should be hanged on the death penalty platform." That's right, any country on this planet, any human being must obey our orders, and no one is allowed to resist, otherwise it will be a felony, and our words are the law and the rules."

"Hehe, that happened before. Before the spiritual energy recovered, our United States was such a country, but now, our army can't leave the mainland, so we can only hide here. Even our most loyal ally, Kangaroo, is in trouble. , we are unable to lend a helping hand, can we still be regarded as the strongest country in Xuanhuang Star?"

Many congressmen are very helpless.

Due to the changes of the times, the power they possessed fell behind all of a sudden, and even the strongest weapon, the nuclear bomb, completely lost its effect and lost its original deterrent power.

This made them lose the title of the strongest country in the world at once, and now not many countries will obey the orders issued by their United States.

"To be honest, it's not a big deal that this ancient eastern country is unwilling to cooperate with us. After all, we have been at odds with this country from the very beginning. Although we are not considered enemies, we are better than enemies."

A congressman said in a deep voice: "The most hateful thing is the European Union. After they won the favor of God, they are all very arrogant and domineering. They don't pay attention to us at all. Even the orders we issue are treated like waste paper. Throw it away, and even treat us as country bumpkins, laughing at us for not being able to get God's favor."

He clenched his fists, furious beyond measure.

Since the European Union gained the favor of God, the human race in Europe began to develop rapidly, and they also began to produce a large number of warriors with extraordinary power.

Then combined with their original advanced weapons, their combat power soared, which is simply not the same.

The European Union, which could only submit to the United States, is now trembling, completely ignoring the United States, and warning the United States that you are no longer qualified to talk to me like this.

As soon as these words came out, the Congressmen of the United States were immediately furious.

In recent decades, the European Union has always been their little brother, but now it has begun to pull it up.

"Why can't we get the favor of God in the United States? Are we really abandoned by God?"

Some councilors clenched their fists, very unwilling...

Originally, he also wanted to communicate with God, hoping to gain God's favor, but unfortunately, no matter what actions he made, he could not get God's response.

So are the rest of the United States.

But this is also a very normal thing. After all, their minds are impure. In fact, they don't believe in God at all, they just want to borrow the power of God.

For the existence of no belief, the Temple of Incense and Fire will naturally not have any response.

"Well, since God has abandoned us, don't blame us for joining the devil's side."

The President of the United States is murderous.

"Your Excellency, do we really turn to the devil? If we do so, we will become Xuanhuangxing's spies and treacherous people."

Many congressmen said with some hesitation.

In fact, another passage from another world appeared during this time, and this other world was so powerful that they called it the demon world.

Because there are countless powerful demons living in this demon world, they are even more terrifying than the troll world.

The most important thing is that the demons in this demon world do not seem to intend to forcibly attack Xuanhuangxing, but intend to subdue a group of believers and make them servants of the demons.

In this way, the demons can gain a firm 5.1 foothold in this world.

At the beginning, the congressmen of the United States didn't want to agree. No matter what, the other party was a demon, and he was a human being. There was no chance for the two sides to get along peacefully.

But demons are really too terrifying. They not only possess powerful power, but also are vicious and cunning, possessing amazing wisdom.

They took advantage of various benefits to seduce countless Congressmen of the United States, making them servants of the devil.

And the biggest benefit is to restore the youth of these old members of the United States and increase the life expectancy of hundreds of years.

Originally, these congressmen were about to die of old age.

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