Someone said with emotion. .

Chapter 639 The Mysterious Yellow Star with Accelerated Time Flow, This Is the Symbol of the Higher World

In fact, in the past ten years, although Xuanhuangxing did not have too many invasions of alien creatures, after all, many alien creatures were intimidated by Xuanhuangxing's power, and did not dare to act rashly.

But even so, the void passages deep inside the Xuanhuang star still appear from time to time, and some of them connect to many lower worlds.

It is because of this that the country of Hua, which has greatly increased in strength, will naturally take advantage of the victory and pursue it, attacking one low world after another, and occupying all of these low worlds.

Due to the skyrocketing strength of the Hua nation, the number of extraordinary fighters is endless, coupled with the advanced technological power, facing those lower worlds, it is simply crushing one-sidedly.

It didn't take a few days for these low-level worlds to be conquered, and incense and Taoist temples were set up in every place to convert these low-level worlds into Taoist believers.

So in the past ten years, the country of Hua has conquered [-] low-level worlds, which has also allowed the country of Hua to obtain huge resources, which has further increased its national power.

"However, the speed of time in the other world is different from that of our Xuanhuang star. The other world is only one day in the past, but our Xuanhuang star has passed a year, and the time flow of our Xuanhuang star is simply a mess."

Someone sighed.

In fact, as many Hua people entered the different world, they immediately discovered the inconsistency of the time flow in the two worlds. Often they only entered the different world for a day, but when they came back, they found that Xuanhuangxing had passed for a year.

This kind of thing really scared a lot of people.

"In fact, the time flow rate of our Xuanhuang star and the other world were the same before, but since the aura storm came ten years ago, the time flow speed of our Xuanhuang star has suddenly accelerated many times, which caused such consequences. soundtrack.

"Nimma, if this is the case, then we have been in a different world for one year, then our Xuanhuang star has passed 360 and five years? If we have not been promoted to the Transcendent Realm, maybe the human beings in Xuanhuang star will die of old age 11. .”

This is the first time someone has heard of the problem of the different time flow rates of the two worlds, and they are shocked.


At this time, the well-known netizen Bai Xiaosheng jumped out and said: "But the faster time flow is actually a great benefit for our Xuanhuang Star civilization. Especially now that the spiritual energy is recovering, facing countless alien creatures Invasion, which can greatly enhance our strength."

"Oh, why is there such a great benefit? Wouldn't this cause our human lifespan to become very short? It often doesn't take long before our lifespan is exhausted."

Some people still don't understand.


Someone sneered: "It seems that you still don't understand the benefits of a fast flow of time. Our world has passed a year, but the other world has only passed one day. This means that we have developed for more than 300 years, but the other world has only passed away." In the past year, such a long time, who can imagine how far our Xuanhuang star will develop."

"That's right, according to scientists' guesses, the world with extremely high time flow rate is the real advanced world. One world has developed for tens of thousands of years, and the other has only developed for hundreds of years, even if you think with your knees , which world should be the truly powerful existence.”

"Indeed, although we Xuanhuangxing can crush those low-level worlds, we are a bit stretched when facing the middle-level worlds, let alone those high-level worlds.

After all, the time for our extraordinary power to appear is too short, and those middle-level worlds have developed for tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years, and they don't know how many extraordinary powerhouses they have accumulated.And we have the support of Taoist ancestors, in fact, the background is not much worse than these worlds, what we lack is actually just a lot of development time. "

"That's right, I was still worried before that even if we mastered the method of cultivating extraordinary power, it would be difficult to compete with those advanced worlds that have been cultivating for countless thousands of years.

But it’s different now. Time in our world is speeding up. Ten years have passed in another world, but thousands of years have passed in our world. One can imagine that if our world develops for thousands of years, who knows that our power will develop To what extent, even the higher world is nothing more than this. "

"That's right, although our lifespan will be exhausted very quickly, the benefits for the development of the entire civilization are self-evident. This is the power that countless worlds dream of having." "But in this way If so, wouldn’t it be time-consuming for us to invade the other world? It will take decades to colonize successfully?” “Yes, even if the colonization is successful, the time flow of the two worlds is different, so mining the resources of the other world It’s probably going to be very difficult.”

"There is no need to worry about this. Once the Taoist temples are spread all over the world after the successful colonization of the foreign world, then the Xuanhuang star is equivalent to swallowing this world, and then the time flow of the two worlds will be close to each other. But those are not yet complete. In a successfully colonized different world, the speed of time between the two parties is still different, so it will take a long time to colonize the different world.” Many netizens talked about it, but in fact, they, keyboard warriors, had long since I don't know how many times I have discussed it, but I know it well.

Everyone knows the pros and cons.

This is naturally bad for individuals, after all, the lifespan will soon disappear, but for the entire race, the entire civilization, it is a great good thing.

"However, you don't need to worry about your lifespan being consumed too quickly. If you really don't want to die so soon, then you can enter another world and stay for a while. As long as you stay for a few months, I'm afraid you can see It will be the Xuanhuang (Qian Zhao) star hundreds of years later."

Some netizens said excitedly.

"It's so simple. If everyone goes to another world, is there still anyone in Xuanhuangxing?"

"That's right, now the country strictly prohibits, unless you are a person with permission, you can't cross another world." Many netizens discussed it.

"Actually, life energy is consumed quickly, and it's only relatively speaking."

Bai Xiaosheng said in a deep voice: "In fact, the time we spent in Xuanhuangxing is not much different from other places, and the length of time has not decreased.

And the most important thing is, staying in Xuanhuangxing, our cultivation base can achieve faster breakthroughs. If we can be promoted to the ninth level of extraordinary, then we will have 3000 years of lifespan.

If you can be promoted to Legendary, you will have a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, so the mere acceleration of time flow is nothing at all, the most important thing is the breakthrough in our martial arts cultivation. ".

Chapter 640 is the Taoist ancestor who activated the power of time, the best era of cultivation

"That's right."

A netizen agreed with this point: "If you go to another world, you will lose the high-concentration aura environment of Xuanhuangxing and the huge cultivation resources. I am afraid that you will not be able to break through the Transcendent Realm, and you will live for more than 100 years at most.

The reason why we have what we are today is not because of our talent or how hard we worked, but because we were lucky enough to be born on this planet.

If we leave Xuanhuangxing, I'm afraid we will be beaten back to our original form in an instant, and we may not be able to break through much in our cultivation base, nor can we pry into a higher realm. "

He felt that Bai Xiaosheng's words were very reasonable. If the martial arts cultivation level could not be broken through, then it would be meaningless to continue to live in an ignoble existence. It was just suffering in this world.

"But Xuanhuangxing's time flow speeds up, who made it?"

Someone asked very curiously.

"Do you still need to ask? It must be the handwriting of Master Daozu. In order to promote the cultivation of our Xuanhuang star humans and accelerate the rise of our Xuanhuang tribe, Master Daozu personally took action and moved the law of time, making the flow of time in our world faster. , This will allow our world to develop for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years in a short period of time." 087 Bai Xiaosheng said naturally.

"My God, Master Daozu's power is really too strong. If you play with the power of time at will, I really don't know what level Master Daozu's power has reached."

"Do you still need to ask? It must have reached the highest level, otherwise how could such a thing be possible."

"At first, I was still wondering how Master Daozu allowed our Xuanhuang tribe to rise quickly and quickly recover the power of civilization. After all, our Xuanhuang tribe has declined for so long, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with those ancient races and higher worlds. After all, they all develop Hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years.

But it's different now. Master Daozu directly accelerated the time flow of Xuanhuangxing, so that we can develop for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years in a short period of time. In this way, we can make up for our body defects, and we have plenty of time to prepare all kinds of strength. "

"This is the greatness of Daozu. He is simply the only true god, omnipotent."

"Yes, fortunately we have the protection of the Dao ancestor, otherwise we would have become slaves of other races."

The faces of many netizens are full of fanaticism. After ten years of nurturing, basically everyone is a devout follower of the Taoist ancestor. They firmly believe that the Taoist ancestor is the ancestor of the human race, the great god who led their Xuanhuang tribe to revive.

In fact, the Dao ancestor did it. In just ten years, the Xuanhuang tribe has undergone earth-shaking changes, and their strength has increased countless times.

"The emergence of this storm of spiritual energy may cause the number of extraordinary warriors to grow explosively, at least it will increase the number of extraordinary warriors to as many as [-] million."

Bai Xiaosheng said with emotion.

He feels that the power of the Hua Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger now. The extraordinary warriors before were all land gods, the kind that could only be expected, but now, they are everywhere, which is really unbelievable.

If the ancient ascetics lived to this day, they would definitely be taken aback by today's Hua Kingdom.

"No way, will the number of extraordinary warriors increase so much?"

"Isn't this a matter of course? Seven or eight hundred million people have reached the realm of the Grand Master, and they are only one step away from the Transcendent Realm. Now they are assisted by the spiritual rainstorm, washing the marrow and cutting the scriptures, and the breakthrough becomes It's a matter of course."

"That's right. If it weren't for the 14 billion people who have increased in the past ten years, and they are all children at present, and the oldest is only ten years old, then the number of people who have broken through to the Transcendent Realm will be even greater."

"To be honest, the children born in the era of spiritual energy recovery, they are living in the best era. They can start practicing from an early age and lay the best (affb) foundation. Their aptitude is probably better than our generation. Breakthrough I am afraid that his speed will be even faster, and he may be able to become an extraordinary warrior."

"It's not impossible. Our Xuanhuang clan should be the top race in the heavens and the world. It is normal to have similar qualifications. Otherwise, why should we stand at the top of the world?"

"It's a pity that even though many people have been promoted to the Transcendent Realm, most of them are only at the first and second levels of the Transcendent, and there are very few warriors at the third level of the Transcendent. It is said that the strongest warrior so far It's only the fifth level of extraordinary, it seems that the difficulty of cultivation is getting more and more difficult."

"This is also a very normal thing. It is said that the cultivation of the Transcendent Realm is very difficult. If it is normal, it will take decades to break through the first level. If the aptitude is not enough, you may even be trapped at this level. Unable to break through."

"Indeed, when I went to other worlds before, I also saw many low-level extraordinary warriors. They were also like this. They were trapped in this realm for hundreds of years and could not break through. If it weren't for our Xuanhuangxing being very special, it contains huge opportunities , I am afraid that we can only be trapped in this realm, and we will not be able to break through for the rest of our lives."

"This is the difficulty of practice, one step at a time, never reaching the sky in one step." Many netizens discussed and felt endlessly.

They have already begun to perceive the difficulty of cultivation. When they were still at the ordinary level before, they broke through every few months, and the efficiency was amazing.

But after being promoted to the Transcendent Realm, the speed of cultivation suddenly slowed down, and some people even stood still.

But this is also the normal practice speed.

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed.

Xia Chuan finally woke up from the practice. After several days of practice, he also completely consolidated the second-level cultivation of the saint, and mastered the huge saint energy in his body.

He even used the power of his blood domain to a superb level.

This also laid a solid foundation for him to break through to the third level of the saint. "Congratulations, master, you have broken through to the second level of saint."

The Book of Wisdom said happily that it also sensed that with the improvement of Xia Chuan's cultivation base, its power and computing power have also been greatly improved, and it can even be said to have leaped.

There is no doubt that the power developed by the book of wisdom is getting stronger and stronger.

"It's just a small matter. Now it's just the first step of the Long March. By the way, do you know what Xuanhuangxing has become?" Xia Chuan asked very curiously.

After all, he had been away from Xuanhuangxing for ten years. During this period of time, Xuanhuangxing would definitely undergo earth-shaking changes. He was very curious about Xuanhuangxing's appearance at this moment. .

Chapter 641 Completion of Huaguo Super City Plan, Super Fortress on Land

"Master, compared with ten years ago, Xuanhuangxing has undergone earth-shaking changes."

The Book of Wisdom.

After it returned to Xuanhuangxing, it immediately connected to Xuanhuangxing's network, obtained countless information, and knew the development of Xuanhuangxing in the past ten years.

Basically, it knows exactly what happened to Xuanhuangxing in the past ten years.

"Oh, go into details."

Xia Chuan asked curiously.

"First of all, due to devouring a large amount of original energy from other worlds, the area of ​​Xuanhuang Star has increased twenty times compared to before, and the concentration of aura has also increased several times."

The Book of Wisdom said: "It can be said that the current Xuanhuang Star can accommodate more lives than before, which also makes the population of Xuanhuang Star - explosive growth.

Of course, in fact, only the population of Hua country has achieved growth, and most of the populations of other countries in Xuanhuang star have remained the same, or even decreased. "

It said that the current population of Hua has increased to 28 billion, and the population is still growing crazily. It won't be long before the population may exceed [-] billion, [-] billion.

"That's a good thing."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

To be honest, he also felt that the population of the former Hua country was too small, only 14 billion people, barely enough to fill a part of the area.

But compared to the heavens and the world, this population is not enough to fit between the teeth.

If the country of Hua wants to grow into a super race that conquers the heavens and the world, it must increase its population by a large amount, and a population of trillions can only be regarded as just the beginning.

Even a population of one billion billion is not particularly large.

"Also, the previous super city plan of Hua country has been completely completed."

The Book of Wisdom continued: "So far, a total of 5000 super cities have been built, and each super city can accommodate more than [-] million people.

People who originally lived in small mountain villages, towns, county towns, etc. have all migrated to super cities, and everyone has become urban residents. "

It means that on the land of China now, there are super cities one after another, like super fortresses on the land, which are indestructible.

It can be said that the city wall made of these extraordinary materials cannot be damaged even by nuclear bombs. This is simply the strongest fortress.

And the reason why these people are willing to relocate into big cities is because the state has awarded everyone a house of their own, and it is distributed free of charge.

Basically, the ideal of home ownership has been realized.

"Isn't there any other alien creatures invading during this period of time?"

Xia Chuan asked curiously.

After all, he has never received any distress messages in the past ten years. If he really finds any irresistible danger, then the believers will contact him through the incense Taoist temple.

At that time, he will definitely know the news.

However, during the ten days he stayed in Wujie, he didn't receive any such news, and it was still so calm, as if he hadn't encountered any danger.

"There are still alien creatures invading."

The Book of Wisdom said: "Especially in the territory of Hua, there have been a total of 38 invasions of alien creatures, large and small, in the past ten years, and each invasion of alien creatures is huge.

However, since these alien creatures basically came from the middle world or the elementary world, they did not pose much threat to the country of Hua.

When these alien creatures entered the territory of the Hua Kingdom, a vast army was immediately stopped by the huge city wall. They tried their best, but they were unable to break into the city wall.

Then the Chinese army used a variety of modern weapons, such as firearms, missiles, rockets and other weapons, to kill all these alien creatures.

It is precisely because of these things that those people who cannot leave their homeland also know the danger, so they agreed to live in the super city, and now basically all Chinese people live in the super city. "

It said that the defense plan of the super city did play a big role. Due to the thick wall blocking the relationship, those alien creatures could not enter the city wall to kill, which greatly protected ordinary residents.

Without the defense of the super city, I am afraid that these ubiquitous alien creatures would have long ago not known how much slaughter they have caused, causing countless deaths and injuries to the people of the country.

"Isn't there no extraordinary warrior who sneaked into the city and started killing?"

0...seeking flowers...

Xia Chuan continued to ask.

He doesn't believe that a super city can stop those powerful extraordinary creatures. Although a frontal attack cannot enter the super city, what if the enemy sneaks into the super city.

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