Moreover, these mountains and rivers with spiritual intelligence all contain extraordinary power, and they possess terrifying strength at the legendary level just after they were born.

If you continue to grow, even becoming a saint is a breeze.

"Master, even if trillions of otherworldly beings enter the American continent, I'm afraid it won't have much impact, it's just a drop in the ocean." The Book of Wisdom laughed.

To be honest, trillions of ants are actually insignificant existences, probably not enough to fill a small town, and the current American continent is twenty times larger than before.

With the annexation of the demon world by the Xuanhuang star, I am afraid that the area will be further increased.

In this way, if these alien creatures enter the American continent, they will probably find out immediately that they are just ants in this world, not worth mentioning at all.

To some extent, the security level of the American continent is probably second only to the Southeast Asian region.

After all, the poisonous Gu land in Southeast Asia is still too terrifying. Any virus can cause a crisis of extinction, and the American continent is only a large area, and there is no way to cause a crisis of extinction to other worlds.

But even so, the current American continent has become very safe. Any alien creature entering the American continent may not be able to leave a small town.

"This shrinking enchantment is indeed like a divine skill."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

"Master, if this is the case, why not create such an enchantment for the country of Hua? If the country of Hua has such an enchantment, then alien creatures are not worth mentioning at all."

the Book of Wisdom asked.

"Indeed, if the country of Hua also has such an enchantment, it will naturally become extremely safe. The problem is that this will reduce their self-motivation and make them feel no sense of crisis."

Xia Chuan said in a deep voice: "A race is born in sorrow and dies in peace. If there is no external oppression, then a race will soon kill each other and die from within.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a certain sense of crisis in the Hua country, so that they can have the motivation to grow rapidly and will not slack off. ""I see. "

The Book of Wisdom nodded. It also understood this truth. Creating an absolutely safe environment actually has no effect on the growth of a race.

This is simply a kind of behavior that encourages the growth of seedlings.

This race may be protected in a short period of time, but if it is done for a long time, it will destroy the potential of this race. If it faces a greater crisis, it may be destroyed in an instant.

"By the way, master, there is actually another place in Xuanhuang Star that needs to be dealt with, and that is the area where the North Bear Country was originally located." The Book of Wisdom said, "Due to the demise of the North Bear Country, this vast territory is in the middle of nowhere. No man's land, but occasionally there will be passages from other worlds in this place, but because no one is guarding it, this place has become a paradise for alien creatures.

If we don't manage it, I'm afraid it won't be long before this area of ​​North Bear Country will be occupied by alien creatures, which may cause huge troubles. "

It means that in the entire Xuanhuang Star, most of the areas actually have the power of Xia Chuan, and it is just that the vast territory of the North Bear Country and the Antarctic Continent has not been touched...

This could be regarded as the blind spot of Xuanhuangxing's defense.

After all, these places are uninhabited, so naturally they will not cause too many casualties, and few people will pay attention to them all the time.

"The territory of the North Bear Country and the Antarctic Continent, one in the North Pole and the other in the Antarctic, are all well-known no-man's land, and there is snow all the year round, so not many people are willing to live there. It is indeed a missing part. Defensive power." Xia Chuan touched his chin: "Okay, since no one lives in these places, then let these two places be completely forbidden to life, so that the problem can be completely solved." He said himself idea.

"Wait, does the master want to freeze these two areas?" The Book of Wisdom immediately understood Xia Chuan's thoughts. "That's right."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly: "Using the power of the ice and snow scepter, a world item, directly creates an absolute zero cold barrier, and all creatures and substances in this area are completely frozen. That is to say, even if these two areas appear There are alien creatures appearing in the alien passage, I am afraid that they will be frozen instantly and lose the breath of life as soon as they come out of it." He said his thoughts straightforwardly. "So it's really a good way." The Book of Wisdom is now a little sympathetic to the alien creatures that appear from these two areas. If they find a passage to the alien world, they think it is a passage to the land of wealth. .

But in 5.1, who would have imagined that as soon as he stepped out of the void passage, he immediately entered a world of ice and snow, and then his body and soul were frozen, turning into bones of the ice and snow land.

It can be said that from now on, these two places will probably become Xuanhuangxing's life forbidden place, ice and snow forbidden place.

No life can set foot in these two places.

But if you think about it carefully, this is indeed a good way to protect these two places. Anyway, these two cold places are uninhabited places, so it is better to freeze them directly.

In this way, no one can survive in these places.

Xuanhuangxing humans cannot use it, and neither can creatures from other worlds.

This is the way to do it once and for all, and there is no need to worry about alien creatures nesting in these places.

Chapter 658 The American Continent is Withered, Shocking the World!

At this moment, many netizens in Hua country also discovered the situation in the American continent at this time.

After all, in the current Internet age, it is almost impossible to hide some important things.

"It's over. The American continent seems to have also been attacked by alien creatures. Many netizens in the United States have asked for help online. I hope we can help them."

Someone noticed the situation on the Internet and found that many netizens in the American continent were sending out distress signals online.

"Your news is outdated. The American continent has been attacked by the demon world. Now the entire American continent has been killed, and none of them survived. Even if we go to the rescue, we can only find a bunch of corpses. There are also people Said it was too late.

Due to a certain degree of information gap between the Chinese network and the external network, the news will not be delivered in time. After all, not everyone pays attention to what happens in foreign countries.

"Impossible. The military power of the United States is so powerful. It is said that tens of thousands of nuclear bombs are stored. How can it be said that there are no nuclear bombs?" Many people were shocked and couldn't believe the news they saw.

After all, ten years ago, the United States was still the strongest country in Xuanhuang Star. At its peak, it was said that one country could beat the whole world. But now in 05, alien creatures invaded, and as a result, the entire country disappeared completely.

No, it's not just that the United States is gone.

Because there are still many countries in the American continent, and these countries also disappeared along with the United States.

"Nothing is impossible. According to the news from the Internet before, because the devil has occupied the United States ten years ago, all the high-level officials of the United States have become slaves of the devil. This also caused the United States to fall long ago. Now the devil The invasion of the entire world has resulted in the disappearance of all people on the American continent."

A man speaks of information he has received from abroad.

"No way, are these high-ranking officials of the United States idiots? They actually became servants of the demons, and they willingly handed over their lives to those demons for their disposal."

"There is no way around this. It is said that the devil took out his life span and power to youhuo these dignitaries of the United States. As a result, these old dignitaries agreed to the devil's conditions in order to have more life spans."

"It's so stupid. People who are not of my race must change their minds. Even if they really prolong their lifespan, so what. My life and death are controlled by the enemy. It doesn't make any sense at all."

"These powerful people are like this. They often like to sell the rope and hang themselves."

"Lesson, this is the lesson, whoever dares to collude with other races is a traitor of the human race and must be killed."

Numerous netizens from the country of Hua were talking about it with a look of embarrassment. No one thought that the famous United States would play itself to death by itself, which is really unbelievable.

If the Congressmen of the United States had not been corrupted by demons, perhaps the American continent would not have disappeared so quickly.

But now, it is their short-sightedness that has led to the complete disappearance of humans in the American continent.

"If the humans in the American continent disappear, what about those demons, after they occupy the American continent, will they attack us next?"

Some people worry about this.

"Don't worry about this. It seems that the gods discovered the actions of these demons, so they personally took action to kill these arrogant demons. Even now, the American continent has undergone incredible changes because of the power of the gods."

"What do you mean? What incredible change happened?"

"This is not very clear. The power of the satellite cannot capture the specific situation of the American continent at this moment. It seems that some kind of force has distorted the magnetic field and shielded all power from prying eyes."

"That's good. Fortunately, the gods took action and solved these demons. Otherwise, I don't know how long these demons will wreak havoc on Xuanhuangxing."

"Actually, there is no need to worry. We also have the protection of Taoist ancestors. Even if these demons really come to our country, they will be wiped out in an instant."

"That's right, fortunately we have Dao Patriarch's protection, otherwise, how could we have survived to this day in safety."

Many netizens rejoiced.

To be honest, if they hadn't been protected by Taoist ancestors, their fate would probably be similar to that of the people in the American continent. I dare not say that they are all extinct, but they must have suffered heavy losses, and they must have suffered heavy losses.

"To be honest, too many people have died in Xuanhuangxing now. People from the American continent have disappeared, people from Africa have also disappeared, and Southeast Asia and the Middle East have also become no-man's land."

Someone said with emotion: "At this moment, the only two major regions left by Xuanhuangxing are our Hua Country, Cherry Blossom Country, and the European region."

"Wait, what about the kangaroo country, doesn't the kangaroo country still exist?"

Someone asked very suspiciously.

"How long has it been since you have been online, the Kangaroo Country disappeared five years ago."

Someone next to him said: "Because the Kangaroo Country is located in the Pacific Ocean, the country is a giant island, and there are no other countries around it, so it is in a state of isolation and helplessness.

As a result, under the attack of a beast tide, many marine creatures climbed up from the sea and attacked all the cities in the Kangaroo Country. As a result, all 500 million people in the Kangaroo Country died.

Later, the mysterious fog from Southeast Asia seemed to have expanded to the sea area of ​​the Kangaroo Country, directly annexing the sea area of ​​the Kangaroo Country, completely making this place a no-man's land. "

"No way, it is said that the Kangaroo Country and the United States are allies. When the beast tide appeared, didn't 100 the United States come to help?" Some people couldn't believe it.

"How could it be possible to help? The United States is in danger, so how could it be possible to help the Kangaroo Country?"

"Isn't it? I'm afraid the aircraft carrier of the United States was attacked by marine life just after leaving the port. The so-called aircraft carrier is just a large coffin."

"In this era of revival of spiritual energy, the so-called Invincible Sea Fleet has long been a thing of the past."

"That's right, due to the crazy mutation of marine life, the ocean has become a restricted area for human life. All ships cannot sail on the ocean mountain, otherwise they will definitely be attacked by mutated marine life."

"Poor kangaroo country, it is said that before they destroyed the country, they frantically sent messages to the United States, hoping that the United States would send troops to rescue them. Unexpectedly, no one answered the phone at all.

As a result, it is conceivable that in just one day, the Kangaroo Country has completely become history. As for the humans on this island, they have naturally become food and rations for marine life. "

Many netizens gloated and said.

But their tone is very calm now, after all, everyone is dead, so there is nothing to say.

The countries that had previously opposed the Hua country disappeared one by one.

There was no need for them to do anything, and in the end they committed suicide and disappeared into this world one by one. .

Chapter 659 The aura tide strikes again, the pattern of Xuanhuangxing

"No way, if that's the case, wouldn't there be only living people left in our East Asia region and Europe? There are no living people in other places?" Someone was shocked to discover this fact.

He felt chills, because the crisis caused by the recovery of spiritual energy was too terrifying. If the new population was not counted, then billions of people had died in Xuanhuangxing so far.

If he didn't live in the country of Hua, he might have died long ago.

Especially some people who immigrated abroad before, they thought they were going to heaven, and they might live a very rich life in the future.

But who would have thought that they were fleeing to hell and died instantly.

But in reality, there is no regret that medicine can be taken.

After all, since the recovery of spiritual energy, the traffic of the sea and the sky has been blocked, and basically no one can return to live in the country.

These immigrants can only be trapped in other countries, living and dying with these foreigners.

"That's right, in just ten years, Xuanhuangxing's population originally exceeded 70 billion, but now, even if our country's population has doubled, it's still only 30 billion."

"It seems that the population of Xuanhuangxing still depends on our country. If another ten years pass, the population of our country may increase to 60 billion, even if it is more than [-] billion, it is not a problem." "No, in this case, the population will increase. Not too much, can our land support it?"

"It's not a problem at all. The surface area of ​​our Xuanhuang star has increased by more than twenty times than before, and even the volume of Xuanhuang star is still increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye." "That's right, even if the volume of Xuanhuang star does not increase anymore Now, with the current land area, it can also feed tens of billions of people, which is not a problem at all."

"That is, even if we in East Asia cannot support so many people, but in other parts of the world, because these human beings are dead, they are all lands without owners, and we can still occupy them." . ""That's right, our Hua country is estimated to be the strongest human country on Xuanhuang Star now, and the area on the European side is not worth mentioning at all, and it is not as good as us. "Many Chinese netizens talked about it, and their confidence burst.

After all, the current state of Hua is different from the past. After a full ten years of development, its national strength has long been increased to tens of times, or even hundreds of times.

Coupled with the fact that other countries in the world have perished, they no longer have any competitors in Xuanhuangxing.

No, maybe the European region is also considered a competitor.

But their population is completely inferior to the current Hua country, so the two sides are not on the same level at all.

"However, what has become of the Southeast Asian region, the Arctic region, the American region, the African region, etc.? Although there are no human beings, there will be other creatures." Someone asked curiously.

"I don't know, but it is said that the country has sent some robots to explore these areas. Southeast Asia has become a poisonous place, where ordinary life is a dead end. Fortunately, the robots are not flesh and blood, otherwise they will die. "

At this time, the well-known netizen Bai Xiaosheng jumped out and said: "There are also the Arctic region and the Antarctic region. It is said that the temperature in these two places has dropped extremely recently, dropping to the level of [-] degrees Celsius, which is already close to Absolute zero, these two places are not suitable for any living beings to survive, and if they enter them, they will be instantly frozen.

As for the African continent, it seems to have become a paradise for extraordinary creatures. There are countless terrifying extraordinary creatures living in it. At the same time, the gravity inside is more than a hundred times that of other regions. At least extraordinary warriors can barely step into it to survive.

But this is only enough for qualifications. After all, the creatures living inside are too terrifying. At least they are all creatures of the Transcendent Realm, and some of them are powerful creatures that have even reached the Legendary Realm.

The last time people from our country entered inside, they checked out the environment a little bit, and then left quickly. They didn't dare to stay for a long time, otherwise they would surely die. "

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and continued: "As for the American continent, we currently know too little information, but the only thing we can know is that the American continent seems to have been transformed by Taoist ancestors and has become a It is a special place. It is estimated that the degree of danger will not be lower than that of the African continent and Southeast Asia."

"It seems that Xuanhuangxing is completely different now."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were all extremely emotional.

Compared with ten years ago, Xuanhuangxing is completely different now, and he doesn't know him at all.

"Wait, the National Information Bureau seems to have issued an early warning. Recently, the concentration of spiritual energy in the world has been rising sharply. It seems that the tide of spiritual energy is coming again."

Suddenly, a person exclaimed, and immediately found that on the Weibo hot search list, the spiritual energy tide is coming and successfully occupied all the topic lists.

""No way, the aura tide is coming again, which is a great thing. "

Many people were overjoyed.

To be honest, over the past ten years, due to the fusion of many worlds into the Xuanhuang star, there will be aura tides from time to time, causing the aura inside the Xuanhuang star to rise sharply.

At the beginning, they were still a little nervous. After all, the appearance of spiritual energy tides would cause huge damage to those who did not know how to practice, and explode their bodies.

But now, basically all the people in Hua country practice martial arts, even the elderly in their 80s and [-]s are at least master-level martial artists at this moment.

As for those martial artists who were unable to break through, they had already died in the past ten years.

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