"Haha, this is also our modern technology. It is made of a special extraordinary material, the core rock. It is extremely strong. Even if a nuclear bomb is bombed on it, it can only blow out a small crack. .”

The man in the military uniform explained: "And similar to the city walls, there are a total of three checkpoints in a city. Only by penetrating through three such city walls can we reach the inner city, which is where we humans live." "Nuclear bomb?!"

Taoist Xuanwei and others blinked their eyes, not understanding what the other party was talking about.

"By the way, forget that you don't even know what a nuclear bomb is. Let's put it this way, even a full-strength attack by a legendary warrior can't hurt this city wall much." Understand and explain to the other party. "Awesome, the city wall that even legendary fighters can't hurt is too strong."

"However, it took so much effort to build such amazing city walls. What is the purpose of defense?" Defense." "With such an astonishing city wall, no matter how many monsters come, I am afraid they will not be able to harm the human city."

Many veterans discussed and were shocked.

They could feel the astonishing defensive power of this thick city wall. Even if they bombarded it with all their strength, they would probably only drop some debris, and it would be impossible to even hit the traces.

Just at the first glance, they can perceive that this is a super city that is impossible to fall.Xi.

Chapter 727 The fusion of mechanical civilization and human civilization, this is the future world

"Wait, I'm afraid it will cost a lot to build such an astonishing city wall. Doesn't everyone have to do hard labor? How many people will die?" Taoist Xuanwei couldn't help asking.

He thought of the era he lived in. In order to build the Great Wall, he didn't know how many farmers were recruited, how much time was spent, and how much money was spent.

Often a certain dynasty is because it is too laborious and wasteful, which leads to the change of dynasties and the birth of a new dynasty.

Corvée is synonymous with tyranny in ancient times.

"Haha, senior, this is not the Ming Dynasty."

The man in the uniform laughed: "Hundreds of years ago, a lot of manpower and material resources were needed to build city walls, but in modern society, people are not needed at all to build city walls, and even various buildings. The rune machine can replace us to complete all kinds of "one, three, three" jobs."

Speaking of which, he pointed to the various machines working in the distance: "See if that rune excavator has sharp runes integrated into it, which contains indestructible power, whether it is rock, steel or other metals , Digging it up is as simple as digging tofu.

Usually, such a rune excavator can dig out thousands of tons of soil in one day, which is a workload that no amount of human beings can complete.

There is also a rune crane, which incorporates gravity runes, which can easily eliminate the gravity of objects, and can easily lift objects no matter how heavy they are.

In addition, there are transportation machinery, reinforced concrete machinery, road machinery, rock drilling machinery, etc., all of which have been integrated with various runes to evolve into extraordinary machinery.

These extraordinary machines freed human beings from heavy labor. As long as human beings controlled these extraordinary machines, various engineering constructions could be completed. ""This! "

Taoist Xuanwei and the others were shocked. They did not expect that such a magnificent building was all built by these machines, and no human effort was needed at all.

What human beings need to do is to draw design drawings. As long as the building is designed well, these extraordinary machines will come to build magnificent buildings one after another. "Of course, in addition to these construction machines, supernatural machines with similar facts have been integrated into thousands of households."

The man in military uniform smiled slightly: "For example, a nanny robot, this kind of nanny robot can take care of babies and children, so that parents can temporarily escape the heavy work of taking care of babies.

Even similar robots can help with various housework and make various delicacies. In short, like nannies, they are almost omnipotent.

It is because of the emergence of nanny robots that even if a family has ten children, it can do a job with ease, and there is no need to worry about the baby being left unattended.

There are also cleaning robots, which are responsible for cleaning up garbage on the streets and maintaining the cleanliness of buildings; security robots, which are responsible for maintaining order on the scene, ensuring the safety of pedestrians, and so on. "" Incredible, really incredible. "

Taoist Xuanwei and others also followed the vehicle at this moment and entered the city. They immediately saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives. There was a lot of traffic everywhere, and extraordinary machines everywhere.

It seems that this is already a world where humans and machines coexist.

To be honest, even if they wanted to break their heads, they never thought that the world would look like this hundreds of years later, which was already beyond their imagination.

"Honestly, how many people are there in this city?"

A veteran asked curiously.

"Yingtan City is just a small city, so it only has a population of [-] million so far."

Said the man in military uniform.


Hearing this, Taoist Xuanwei and the others almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. A city with a population of [-] million is actually only a small city. I am afraid that the population of this city alone is comparable to the population of the entire dynasty back then. .

"Haha, seniors, the population of our country has already exceeded 300 billion. In fact, the population of truly big cities exceeds [-] million, and some even exceed [-] billion."

The man in military uniform laughed: "To be honest, if it weren't for the purpose of countering the alien passage on Longhu Mountain, the country would not have built a city here. In fact, Yingtan City can be regarded as a fortress, which is specially responsible for resisting alien creatures. The invasion. Most of the people living in Yingtan City are soldiers, and once they are mobilized, they can become soldiers immediately."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "I remember that in the early days of the recovery of spiritual energy, in order to better protect all the people, the country announced the construction of dozens of cities, and each province will build one or two super cities. ...

But the country did not expect that the population increased so fast, and most importantly, the land area increased faster, and all geographical environments changed in the blink of an eye.

So the country began to continuously expand the number of super cities and the area of ​​the cities. So far, 130 super cities have been built in the country, and they are still in the process of continuous expansion.

I believe you also understand that because the alien passages appear too randomly, no one knows where the alien passages may appear, and then a group of alien creatures will be killed to invade our world.

That's why super cities came into being. The establishment of these city walls can keep countless alien creatures out of the city walls, preventing them from impacting our ordinary people.

In fact, the establishment of these city walls has indeed played a very important role. In the past few decades, there have been hundreds of invasions by alien creatures, and even a wave of beasts.

These alien creatures attacked our city, but because of our strong walls, they couldn't do anything, not even the gates.

It can be said that these city walls have saved countless human beings and minimized the harm caused by the invasion of alien creatures. To some extent, these cities 5.1 are fortresses of war. "

He said that the establishment of these super cities is essentially a fortress to protect the people, and it is also the front line against alien creatures.

"I see."

Taoist Xuanwei and others nodded.

In fact, the moment they entered the city, they immediately sensed the chilling atmosphere in the city, and countless powerful weapons were hidden in the dark.

Many of the weapons made them feel terrified, as if they were like a light on their backs.

If they dare to act rashly in this city, they will definitely die without a place to bury them.

The most important thing is that all the human beings in the city are supernatural. All adults have basically stepped into the superhuman realm, and they are all humanoid monsters. .

Chapter 728 Daozu contract, becoming a citizen of the Xuanhuang tribe

Not long after, Taoist Xuanwei and others came to a government building under the leadership of the man in military uniform.

"This is the government hall of our Yingtan City. Since you are all recovered from the ancient times and do not have the identity of this era, you need to apply for an ID card of this era. If you don't have an ID card, you will be unable to move in this world. Cannot enter any human city."

The man in military uniform said in a low voice.

"Apply for an ID card? How to apply?"

Taoist Xuanwei and the others nodded. They also knew what the so-called ID card was. In fact, in ancient times, there were all kinds of certificates or guides.

If there is no similar certificate, it is not allowed to travel to other cities. This is actually the ancient version of the household registration management system, which is passed down in one continuous line.

"We need to collect your fingerprints and pupil patterns. These things are unique to you. Most importantly, we need to check your blood." The man in military uniform said.

"Check the blood on our body? What does this mean?" Taoist Xuanwei and the others had their pupils constricted and their hearts skipped a beat. "Literally."

The eyes of the man in 05 military uniform showed a gleam of coldness: "I believe all seniors know that our world has been invaded by many worlds, and this world has long been infiltrated by many creatures.

Although these alien creatures were unable to capture our city and were driven away by us, there will still be some alien creatures who pretend to be us humans and try to steal the secrets of our Xuanhuang tribe.

These alien creatures have many means. For example, a certain alien creature, the doppelganger, their camouflage is even more lifelike. Even things like fingerprints can be simulated 100% by the other party, and there are almost no mistakes.

But no matter how powerful their transformation skills are, it is impossible to disguise our Xuanhuang blood. This is the unique power of our Xuanhuang clan, which cannot be disguised by any race of life.So we don't pay attention to how true and heartfelt the other party's words are, as long as we test the blood in the body, everything will be clear. "

Obviously, the human race was once invaded by these alien creatures and caused considerable damage, so now the Hua Kingdom is very strict about this kind of thing, and does not allow any race of life to sneak into the Xuanhuang tribe silently.

"Of course, if you don't have the confidence to pass the blood test, you can leave now. We won't make things difficult for you." The man in military uniform smiled slightly.

leave? !

Hearing this, Taoist Xuanwei and the others twitched their mouths, they all came to the city of the human race, how could they still leave.

There is no doubt that if they really have such thoughts, they will be regarded as spies of alien races in an instant, and they will be shot dead in this place all at once. "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, we are all people with Xuanhuang blood, not alien creatures, so we are naturally willing to accept the blood test." A Taoist vowed.

Although they are secretly feeling guilty in their hearts now, but the arrow is on the string, and they have to do so. It can be said that they can't help them now, they can only obey the other party's mercy.

"That's good."

The man in the uniform laughed: "By the way, in addition to testing the blood in your body, you also need to sign a Taoist contract, so that your safety can be truly confirmed."

"Daozu contract? What is a Daozu contract?"

Taoist Xuanwei and others couldn't help asking, curious.

"The so-called Daozu contract is the power of the contract given to us by Daozu. As long as a contract is signed on it, it is mandatory. Once you violate the content of the contract, you will be punished by the power of the contract. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth Use, so now no one in the entire Xuanhuang clan dares to violate the Daozu contract, once signed, they can only obediently obey."

The man in military uniform explained: "After all, there are too many infiltration methods for alien beings now. They can find a human from the Xuanhuang tribe, and then threaten and lure them into adultery. In this way, we have no way to detect it in the blood test. something is coming.

There are even some alien beings that are spiritual beings, they have the ability to take away souls, they can take away other people's souls, occupy other people's bodies, and they can't be found by other beings.

But it's different now. After the Taoist ancestor contract, even if the other party is a spy of another race, once the contract is signed, it is impossible to leak any confidential information about our Xuanhuang clan. "

His face was very serious, indicating that similar alien spies emerged one after another, and the Xuanhuang tribe would have no peace for a day if the alien's desire to perish was not dead.

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Taoist Xuanwei and others were shocked. They didn't expect such a mandatory contract to exist in the world, but such a contract came from the mysterious Taoist ancestor, so everything can be figured out.

At the same time, they can also feel the situation of the Xuanhuang tribe at this moment.

On the surface, the Xuanhuang clan is extremely beautiful, sweeping the world, but in fact, it is very dangerous in the dark, and it is watched by countless races. If there is any mistake, it will be lost forever.

That's why the Xuanhuang tribe resorted to various means to not allow any alien creatures to invade their own tribe.

Of course, they also know that once they sign a similar contract, they will definitely have the power of restraint and lose some of their freedom, but they have all come to this place, and I am afraid that they cannot be left alone. The most important thing is the Dao Ancestor contract, but the content of the above contract is actually not too much, as long as you do not intend to reveal the secrets of the human race and betray the human race, then the contract will not have any effect."

The man in military uniform comforted him.


Taoist Xuanwei and others couldn't help but nodded, and they could only believe this for the time being, after all, people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

It didn't take long for them to be taken over by the men in military uniform. They underwent a series of tests and signed the Taoist contract at the same time. In the end, they passed the test very smoothly and got an identity card.

With this identity card, they can enter and leave all cities in the country, and they can also open bank accounts and buy various things in the world.

Basically, having this identity card means that they are citizens of the Xuanhuang tribe.

Of course, Taoist Xuanwei and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that even though they are ancients, they still have Xuanhuang blood in their bodies, and they are not alien creatures.

"Very good, since you have truly become citizens of the Xuanhuang tribe, then you can truly understand the power of our Xuanhuang tribe at this moment."

The man in military uniform smiled slightly: "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself before. You can call me Lu Debiao. My position is colonel."

Chapter 729 The Xuanhuang tribe conquered the heavens and developed Taoist followers

"It turned out to be Colonel Lu."

Taoist Xuanwei and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but smile, feeling a lot more relaxed. It seems that after they obtained their ID cards, the soldier in front of them finally recognized them and regarded them as his own.

Regardless of the fact that Lu Debiao seemed very amiable and believed in his words, in fact, the other party only believed in their three-point words, and did not trust him 100%.

But after they finished the blood test and signed the Daozu contract, the soldier in front of him really introduced himself. Obviously, the other party really accepted them.

But they didn't mean to blame each other.

After all, this era is too dangerous now, there are countless alien life forms, and no one knows what kind of strength these alien life forms have.

Once one is allowed to come in, it may cause an end beyond redemption.

Therefore, they would rather be stricter than cause heavy losses to the human race due to their own negligence.

"By the way, you should have also received your own mobile phone."

Lu Debiao, a man in military uniform, asked.

"Mobile phone? Is it this strange thing? It is said that this thing called a mobile phone can transmit sound for thousands of miles in an instant, and can communicate with people tens of thousands of miles away, as if it is close at hand."

Taoist Xuanwei asked curiously.

To be honest, when he first got this phone, he was taken aback. He thought it was some magic weapon of the fairy family. After all, this ability is too heaven-defying.

However, when he heard that everyone had one of these things, he was even more shocked. He never thought that such magic weapons of the fairy family were everywhere, which was very incredible.

"That's right, I believe that you are also a little familiar with your mobile phones. There is also a software on it called Shenming Trading Network. This is a trading website given to us by Lord Daozu."

Lu Debiao said: "Through this trading website, as long as you have enough contribution points, then we can exchange many treasures in this world and realize your many wishes." . "

After Lu Debiao's reminder, Taoist Xuanwei and others explored carefully, and quickly understood how to use the mobile phone.

Although they came from the ancients hundreds of years ago, they are extremely contemporary figures after all, and their wisdom is as high as the sky. Even if they are strange at first, they quickly become familiar with them.

After all, the operation of a mobile phone is actually extremely simple, even an old man in his 80s or [-]s can easily learn it.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, is this the God Trading Network? There are so many items listed on it."

"Just kidding, how come there are so many cultivation methods, so many martial arts? And they are all unheard of secret books, which are many times better than our Longhushan's."

"The inheritance of the Taoist ancestors, this is the inheritance of the Taoist ancestors. No wonder modern humans can practice so fast even without the ancient inheritance, and their foundation is solid. It turns out that they have received the inheritance of the Taoist ancestors."

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