"No, no, ordinary monsters can't have skill books. Only those boss-level monsters can have skill books and be attracted by us."

There was a lot of discussion among the people.

They found that when they killed enough monsters, they would occasionally find that after these monsters died, they would drop books of martial arts cheats or skill books.

In fact, these martial arts secrets naturally come from the dreams of all living beings, because the virtual universe combines the dreams of countless living beings and absorbs the memories of these living beings.

Therefore, the various skills, various martial arts skills, and cultivation experience mastered by these creatures are also integrated into the virtual universe and become a part of the virtual universe.

Then, under the interference of the Book of Wisdom of World Items, these skills, martial arts skills, cultivation experience and other knowledge quickly condensed into books of martial arts and skills books.

When players get these martial arts books and skill books, they can instantly learn these martial arts, just like being enlightened by top masters, saving an unknown amount of training effort.

Chapter 765 This is the battlefield of all races, martial arts skill book

"No way, is there really such a skill book in the virtual universe?"

Someone was very surprised.

After all, it only took a few days for the virtual universe to appear, and most people didn't get the skill book. For them, getting the skill book is not much different from winning a big prize.

"Of course there is such a skill book."

Someone immediately said: "In fact, someone took a video and took out the skill book they got. Some people even put it up for auction. The auction price reached 500 million, and this is only a low-level skill book. If it is an intermediate skill book If it is a book, or even an advanced skill book, I am afraid that the price will reach more than several billion."

"No way, if that's the case, wouldn't it mean getting rich overnight if you get a skill book?"

Many people swallowed a mouthful of saliva. They worked hard every day, and they might not be able to earn millions, but now as long as they get a skill book in the virtual universe, they can instantly become rich overnight.

Who wouldn't be tempted to tell this kind of thing.

"It's true that you will get rich overnight. Don't you know that many game studios are now entering the virtual universe one after another, and they are all frantically brushing up skill books? This is a pure gold mine market."

163 "Isn't it? Originally a martial skill, if you want to cultivate it to the state of perfection, you will not be able to succeed in decades, or even hundreds of years. Especially those warriors with ordinary talents, I am afraid that it will take a lifetime to succeed.

To be honest, there are still a lot of warriors with ordinary talents in this world. If at this time, someone can buy a skill book for a little money, and then instantly make their martial skills reach the level of perfection, who would not be crazy. "

"Indeed, it is said that after the news got out, many rich people went crazy. They don't have any talent, they just have money. If they can buy skill books with money, then they will definitely not be stingy."

"It's no wonder that the prices of those skill books are rising steadily, because these rich people have raised their prices."

"Since this is the case, then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and enter the virtual universe. This is an opportunity to make a fortune. If there are too many skill books, I'm afraid there will be no such price."

"Stupid, if the skill book is really easy to drop, and if there are a lot of them, the price will not rise steadily. Do you know how many monsters can be killed to burst a skill (affb) book? It takes tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dead, to drop a skill book."

"That's right, and the monsters in the virtual universe are not as simple as the monsters in the game. Their strength is genuine. Unlike those games, it is for the convenience of players to have fun, thereby reducing the difficulty of the game, but this is a real game. Among them The difficulty can be imagined, those monsters in the virtual universe are not so easy to kill."

"It's true. These days, I don't know how many players have been killed by monsters. Every time they die, they have to rest for a day before they can enter again."

"And if you really got the skill book, why sell it? Why not use it for yourself?"

"That's right, it's true only when one's own strength increases. The stronger one's strength is, the more benefits one will gain. It's not stupid or something to ruin one's future for a little money."

"In short, the price of the skill book cannot be reduced. As time goes by, the price will definitely increase."

There was a lot of discussion.

They all felt that the appearance of the skill book definitely changed the structure of the entire Xuanhuang tribe, making it easier for the Xuanhuang tribe to practice martial arts.

Of course, this will also attract more people to enter the virtual universe, kill monsters and upgrade.

"And haven't you discovered it yet? These monsters in the virtual universe are actually not fictional, but real." Suddenly, the well-known netizen Bai Xiaosheng jumped out and broke the news. "No way, you mean, those monsters in the virtual universe are not fictional, but real?" Many people were taken aback.

Because many people have fought against those monsters before, they can feel the tyranny of those monsters, and their strange abilities, which made them suffer.

Fortunately, they are immortal players, otherwise they don't know how many people will die.

"That's right, these monsters must exist in reality, and they come from countless races in the heavens and myriad worlds."

Netizen Bai Xiaosheng said decisively: "For example, there are sea monsters, bloods, demons, barbarians, ghosts, wolves and other races, and there are many unknown races that we have never come into contact with. .

The problem is that we have not been in contact with it. It does not mean that Master Daozu has not been in contact with it. In fact, Master Daozu knows many times more races than we do.

And these races turned into monsters of the virtual universe, so you now know the good intentions of Master Daozu, the virtual universe is definitely the training ground for our Xuanhuang clan.

Through this training ground, not only can we improve our martial arts cultivation, familiarize ourselves with martial arts skills and fighting skills, but more importantly, let us familiarize ourselves with the abilities and strengths of countless races in the heavens and myriad worlds.

The so-called knowing ourselves and the enemy is the only way to win every battle. If we are not familiar with the races of the heavens and worlds, once we encounter them, we may suffer heavy losses because we are familiar with their power.

But it is different now, because the virtual universe has recorded a large amount of information about the countless races of the heavens and the world, and transformed them into virtual monsters, and we can fight these monsters to the death, so that we can naturally become familiar with the countless races of the heavens and the world. Race information, even if we encounter these races in the future, we will be able to handle them with ease. "

In fact it is.

These virtual universe monsters were also specially transformed by Xia Chuan, many of which came from the heavens and myriad worlds, such as various monsters from the miniature world, from the race that invaded Xuanhuang Star in recent years.

There are also major peak races from the martial arts world, as well as ordinary races.

Especially the life of many races in the martial world, because these races are representative, they can basically be regarded as one of the peak combat powers in the universe.

It can be said that Wujie is equivalent to the encyclopedia of cosmic races.

So Xia Chuan naturally visualized these races of life in the virtual universe, let the Xuanhuang tribe be familiar with these races of life, even if they encounter them in the future, they can easily solve them. "It turns out that the virtual universe is the training ground for our Xuanhuang tribe."

"This is not as simple as a game world, but also an important tool for the rise of our Xuanhuang clan."

"It seems that in the future we also need to spend time in the virtual universe. The virtual universe is of great benefit to our practice." Everyone discussed. .

Chapter 766 The Sacrifice of Believers, 24 World Items

A few more days passed.

At this moment, the Lihai Peninsula villa area is closed.

As the virtual universe continued to spread, the virtual universe at this time was completely integrated into the lives of all believers, and Xia Chuan immediately felt relieved that he didn't need to pay attention all the time.

After all, with the Book of Wisdom watching over him, he wouldn't worry about any major problems in the virtual universe.

"Master, the growth of the virtual universe is going smoothly. Most believers have entered the virtual universe, and their power has also promoted the growth of the virtual universe."

The Book of Wisdom said happily.

You must know that although the virtual universe was created by Xia Chuan, it has just begun to be created, and it is only an initial universe, which has not fully grown.

However, after many believers entered the virtual universe, the power of dreams in them would continuously flow into the virtual universe, crazily enhancing the power of the virtual universe.

The former lord of the Nightmare Kingdom just unconsciously collected the dream power of some creatures, but now, Xia Chuan is actively absorbing the dream power from the creatures~. The efficiency between the two is simply different- Ten thousand times more than that.

It is precisely because of the huge power of dreams pouring into the virtual universe that the growth rate of the virtual universe is countless times faster than before.

Even the greater the number of believers, the stronger the power of the virtual universe, and the two complement each other.

"That's right. It doesn't look like it will take long for the virtual universe to become a very powerful weapon in our hands, and it can even grow into a top-level artifact."

There was a gleam of light in Xia Chuan's eyes.

To be honest, the creation of the virtual universe is not just an auxiliary artifact that can be used as a tool for believers and assist believers in their rapid growth.

In fact, it also has extremely powerful combat capabilities.

After all, the virtual universe is essentially a nightmare universe, which can also be called an illusion. If you use the virtual universe, you can instantly drag the enemy into the illusion.

And the stronger the virtual universe is, the stronger the power of illusion will be, and the more real it will be.

When the enemy is shrouded in the power of the virtual universe, they will not know where they are at all, and will be trapped in the fantasy universe forever.

At that time, these enemies will be like beasts in a cage and can only be slaughtered.

To some extent, this is a kind of extreme illusion, and it is also a growth illusion. When it reaches its peak state, even gods can be easily trapped in the virtual universe.

Booming~~ Vaguely, Xia Chuan felt dense bubbles appearing in the entire peripheral area of ​​Xuanhuang Star, which seemed to cover the entire planet, forming a shell of nothingness.

It's as if the virtual universe has enveloped the entire Xuanhuang star. It seems that the virtual universe has become a barrier for the Xuanhuang star. When the enemy invades the Xuanhuang star, they will invade the virtual universe first.

"Isn't it? I feel that if this virtual universe continues to grow, it may be able to match the power of our world props. Maybe the master is creating new world props."

The Book of Wisdom said excitedly.

"Create new world props?"

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam. Up to now, he didn't know the origin of the world props, whether the world props were conceived naturally or created artificially.

Moreover, even an artifact cannot compare to the power of world props. It is conceivable that the power and mystery of world props are definitely unusual treasures.

If one can create treasures comparable to world props, it will be an unimaginable achievement.

It is estimated that no one has been able to do this since ancient times.

That's why the Book of Wisdom is so excited, it feels a hunger for all unknown knowledge, like a moth to a flame.

At this moment, Xia Chuan's heart moved, and he immediately heard voices. "Ding Dong, your devout believers sacrificed a world item, the Heavenly Punishment Whip, to you." "Ding Dong, your devout believers sacrificed to you a world item, the Cursed Music Box." "Ding Dong, your The devout believers sacrificed a world props childish gloves to you." "Ding Dong, your devout believers sacrificed a world props cleaning broom to you."

Ye la la~~~ One piece of world props immediately emerged from the void, floating in front of Xia Chuan like this, all of them exuded a powerful, even destructive aura. 0…ask for flowers……

Vaguely, dense law runes appeared on their bodies, which seemed to contain the mystery of endless laws, unfathomable. "Sacrificing so many world props?" Xia Chuan was taken aback.

He knew that after annihilating the countries of the North Sea, he would be able to collect a large number of world props, so he has been waiting for the sacrifices of the believers these days.

After a while, the believers finally sacrificed all the world props they got, but he didn't expect to sacrifice so much at one time.

"Master, the believers sacrificed a total of 380 world props this time. If you add the previous ones, the master now has a total of 24 world props." The Book of Wisdom said excitedly.

To be honest, even when it was killed, it never occurred to its owner that it could obtain so many world props, which amounted to thousands of world props.

Moreover, these world props are not distributed to each person, but are controlled by the owner alone. This concept is not at the same level as other people.

After all, no matter how powerful the world props are, if they are distributed to different people, the power will be weakened a lot, which is not as good as the effect of all the world props concentrated on one person.

It is estimated that from ancient times to the present, no one has ever mastered thousands of world props like his own master, which is unheard of.

"How did you get so many world items? Didn't it mean that most of the world items in Beihai were obtained by the Kingdom of Time?" Xia Chuan asked curiously.

He knew that the Kingdom of Time was the true master of Beihai, and he also collected most of the world props. There were actually very few world props that could fall into the hands of other Beihai masters.

So even if these Beihai kings were destroyed, he didn't think he could get many world props.

"Well, some of the world props come from the Lord of the North Sea, but some of them come from the three sea areas. Because the belief of the master has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people over the years, those world props scattered among the people have also been donated by many believers. After all, they can't use these world props, so they might as well exchange them for contribution points and get more useful things." The Book of Wisdom explained.Xi.

Chapter 767

"I see."

Xia Chuan understood immediately.

In fact, some of the world props are lost among the people and are controlled by ordinary people. It is not because these world props have no power, but because these people cannot make the world props recognize their owners.

So for those people, these world props are actually not much different from scrap iron.

That being the case, they might as well choose to sacrifice the world props to the gods, and then get a huge contribution. If they do this, they will become rich overnight, and they will be able to improve their cultivation, and even promote them to the realm of saints. Thereby obtaining a lifespan of tens of thousands of years.

After all, for these people, it is impossible to use the world props in this life. As for leaving the world props to future generations, praying that someone in the future generations can refine the world props is too illusory.

And even if the "[-]" can really be done, that is the business of people in later generations, and has nothing to do with them.

They are not saints, why should they make this kind of dedication for a certain descendant in the future, it is better to use it now and get a long lifespan.

Because of this, many world props that were lost among the people began to be sacrificed to the gods one after another.

Thinking of this, Xia Chuan didn't continue to pay attention to this kind of thing. Anyway, no matter how he got these world props, it is actually a good thing for him.

Booming~~In an instant, he began to refine these world props one by one, and then a huge wave of information rushed into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness like a tide.

"The Heavenly Punishment Whip, the world's prop, is a special whip that possesses the power of Heavenly Punishment. When someone does something bad, just twitch this Heavenly Punishment Whip, and the person will be punished accordingly according to the severity of the crime. , and no matter where this person hides or what strength he possesses, he cannot escape punishment."


Holding the whip in his hand, Xia Chuan immediately felt the omnipresent power of divine punishment from the whip. It seemed that this whip was just like the legendary Whip of the Gods, dedicated to whipping gods and all living beings.

It seems that he can erupt unimaginable destructive power by lightly waving this whip. It is estimated that he can smash the endless void in an instant, and the power in it is endless.

"Master, this world item is very powerful."

The Book of Wisdom exclaimed: "It is said that mastering this whip is equivalent to mastering the power of heaven's punishment. A supreme being who can punish all enemies, including gods.

Of course, the stronger the holder's strength, the stronger the power of divine punishment that can be induced, and it also contains the power of cause and effect, the enemy has nowhere to escape. "

It means that the person who holds this world item once created the Kingdom of Heaven's Punishment. The ruler of this country calls himself the God of Heaven's Punishment and punishes anyone who disobeys his orders.

No matter where those people hid, they couldn't escape the power of the Heaven's Punishment Whip. When the whip hit, the earth collapsed, the four seas were divided, and the world was in turmoil.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely powerful world prop.

Ye la la~~ Before Xia Chuan carefully studied this world item, the Heavenly Punishment Whip, another huge message flooded into his sea of ​​consciousness. Obviously, another world item was refined by him.

"World Props: Cursed Music Box, this is a peculiar music box, which stores all the music and curses in the world, these two powers are combined.

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