Because after these troll legions came out of the space tunnel, they rushed towards the largest city nearby, so Paradise City of the United States of Undead was nearby.

So naturally, they rushed towards Paradise City, full of murderous intent.

"It's over, the United States is probably completely over this time, and I don't know how many people will die."

"Paradise City has a population of 2000 million people. If these troll warriors were to ravage it, at least 2000 million people would die, even if the number of people killed and injured in the world war is no more than that." "It can't be stopped, it can't be stopped at all." Can't help it, conventional combat power can't stop these troll warriors at all, ordinary bullets and bombs hit them like tickling." "Use nuclear bombs, only nuclear bombs can destroy these troll warriors."

"Impossible, the top leaders of the United States don't have this determination, because the nuclear bomb exploded on the territory of their own country, and it will kill not only the troll warriors, but also the people in the country. Any president will step down because of this incident." It's the moment of life and death. If you don't care about stepping down or not, if you don't kill this group of troll warriors, I'm afraid that more than 2000 million people will be killed or injured. "" Fortunately, we live in the country of Hua, otherwise we would not know how miserable it is. "

"In fact, you don't need to worry about the United States. Everyone in the United States has guns. The territory is vast and the people are tough. It's not easy to die. They will definitely survive."

"Nimma, you're still talking about the United States at this time. Haven't you seen the horror of those troll warriors? You're not afraid of guns at all. The so-called guns are just matchsticks, which are useless. If you use them, they may even irritate the other party." .”

"It's cold, the United States is completely cold, please pray for them, and hope that God can bless them." Many netizens from the Hua country discussed it.

Seeing these live videos, they immediately felt the horror of alien creatures. The opponent was definitely the enemy of civilization, the enemy of race, and almost an endless enemy.

Once aliens invade, there is basically no possibility of coexistence.

Fortunately, the invasion of alien creatures happened in the United States, not in the Hua country, and there was such a long distance between them in the Pacific Ocean.

So in a short time, they don't need to worry about those trolls coming to Hua Country.

Although it was just a spectator for China, it was a fatal crisis for foreign countries. The crisis of life and death caused the entire foreign network to panic.

"Oh, my God, a horrible monster appeared outside my house. Is there anyone to save me? I frantically called the police, but no police responded to me." A netizen from the United States asked for help on the Internet, because the call was impossible. There is no response from the police, and now the only option is to call the police online, so that there is still a chance for help.

"It's useless, don't dream, now even the police are running away, and countless trolls are attacking, you save yourself and wish you luck." Another netizen said helplessly. "Dog, we taxpayers have paid so much money, what did the army go to at the critical moment, where did the police go, and they are nowhere to be seen." "Yes, yes, where did these monsters appear from? Yes, why did you appear in Paradise City for no reason?" "Damn dignitaries, hateful officials, how much did you guys hide from us?"

"Didn't you say that there are no alien creatures in the world? What's going on with these monsters now, and where did they come from? Can someone explain to me?" "It's a lie, those officials are all I'm lying, no politician is a good thing." Many netizens in the United States panicked and terrified. .

Chapter 196 The Foreign Netizens Who Regret the Backstory, the Troll Legion Raids the United States

"I've said it a long time ago. The people of the Hua country are right. The void passage to the other world has appeared long ago. But the Hua country chose to make it public, but our country chose to hide it and lie. These politicians are all lying. , don’t care about our life or death at all.” A foreign netizen cursed.

"Those TV media and news media are all accomplices, helping those politicians to deceive us, how much money these bastards took from those politicians."

"Fortunately, I still trust these news media so much, I didn't expect to cooperate with politicians to deceive us, now it's all right, there's a big trouble, so many monsters from other worlds have invaded, what should I do now." "Before I was still laughing at Hua As for China, I didn’t expect myself to be slapped in the face now, we are all fools, fooled by these bastards.” “We are all fools, fooled by these media and capital, we believe what they say , I don’t have any ability to think independently.” Many foreign netizens regretted that they didn’t believe the news from the Hua country, thinking that it must be fake news made by the Hua country.

After all, how could there be other worlds in this world, and how could there be a void passage connecting other worlds on Xuanhuangxing? This is not nonsense or something.

But facts speak louder than words.

Many troll warriors rushed out from the void passage, and began to wreak havoc on the land of the United States, attacking Paradise City, causing countless casualties.

This group of people also woke up suddenly, after all, the existence of these trolls cannot be concealed any longer.

They are all dying, and if they are still awake, then there is really no way to save them.

"It's over, it's over, that group of trolls has rushed into Paradise City, and all the soldiers and police deployed on the front line have been wiped out, and they can't hold back even for a second." A netizen from the United States posted a distress message in horror.

Originally, when these trolls appeared, the army of the United States immediately launched modern war weapons such as fighter planes and tanks, trying to stop the advance of the troll army.

But they suddenly discovered that the speed of these troll fighters was really too fast, and they jumped tens or hundreds of meters at random. When they faced each other, all the soldiers of the United States on the front line were killed.

Tanks and chariots were all smashed to pieces.

Even their firearms seemed to have turned into fire sticks. All the bullets poured on the troll's body, but were easily resisted by the opponent's muscles and skin, only making the sound of metal collisions.

Apparently the bodies of these trolls are as hard as steel.

"Police, soldiers, where are you all dead? How can there be so few soldiers in our country?" Some netizens from the United States called for the domestic army to protect themselves.

He shivered when he saw those terrifying trolls coming. Even with a shotgun in his hand, he didn't have any power to resist. "It's useless. Most of the soldiers have gone to protect those dignitaries and those villas. Those of us who have no power and power can only ask for more blessings."

"That's right, whoever asks those rich people to pay more taxes, the government will naturally protect those who pay more taxes, and those of us who don't pay taxes and eat government benefits all day long will naturally have no protection."

"Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy by the government. This is a game of chess played by the country. It is a big game. Now the country's welfare burden is too heavy, so I want to eliminate us rice bugs and reduce the burden on the country. We are dead. After that, the country will naturally not need to bear too much welfare.”

"So the United States has won again? How can we win?"

"If you win, you'll be paralyzed, we're all dead, and it's a fart to win."

Many netizens from the United States were crying and crying, hoping that the army would come to save them. Unfortunately, the army on the front line was defeated long ago.

In a short period of time, it is almost impossible to continue to gather more soldiers.Rumble~~ After breaking through the line of defense, these troll warriors became even more unscrupulous. They rushed into private houses and started to kill. The so-called doors and walls couldn't resist the troll warriors at all.

In an instant, houses and high-rise buildings could not resist the invasion of these troll warriors. They waved the big sticks in their hands, which was extremely terrifying.

Wherever they went, all the buildings were turned into ruins, causing countless casualties.

The wailing and cries of the people of the United States were heard everywhere.

Unfortunately, no one can help them, they can only help themselves.

0.. . .Ask for flowers. . . 0 At this very moment, the government headquarters of the United States.

Many congressmen, high-ranking officials, as well as the president and his staff gathered together, their faces extremely solemn. Through remote surveillance, they saw the scene of the troll legion wreaking havoc on the cities of the United States.

"Damn it, you damned bastards, didn't you say that this invasion of another world is a sure thing? It's just a walking war, but now, millions of troops, a full million troops, are all wiped out In another world, only a few soldiers and generals can escape, how do you want us to explain to the people, whether they will choose me in the next election or not."

The President of the United States cursed and became furious.

Originally, he thought that the invasion of the other world was a sure thing. After all, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces, many soldiers, and the most advanced weapons of Xuanhuangxing were assembled.

Moreover, the level of science and technology in the other world is only in the tribal era. Many creatures in the other world can only carry out primitive hunting, and there is no technology at all.

So they also think that there is no problem with this invasion of another world.

But they never expected that this group of seemingly primitive alien creatures possessed terrifying combat power. Any troll could compare to a squad of fully armed soldiers. More importantly, these trolls The number is numerous, calculated in billions.

"Your Excellency, we have nothing to do. Who knows that there are creatures like trolls in this different world, and our modern weapons have completely lost their effectiveness. Bullets can't penetrate their bodies and muscles. Only bombs and missiles are worth a little bit. As a result, many trolls were killed."

A general of the United States said helplessly.

They really knew too little about the troll world, and they didn't know what kind of power the other party possessed. As a result, they attacked rashly and ended up like this.

"Fart, I don't care what your reason is, in short, you failed this time, and you also allowed millions of troll warriors to enter the territory of our United States. Even Paradise City has encountered a huge threat. If this continues, our United States Do you know that tens of millions of people will be killed or injured this time?"

The President of the United States cursed and became furious.and.

Chapter 197 The United States that used nuclear bombs, Alaba the devil king of jungle trolls

"Your Excellency, if this continues, our United States may not only kill or injure thousands of people, but may even kill or injure hundreds of millions of people." An aide said in a deep voice.

what? !

Hearing this, the face of the President of the United States changed drastically. You must know that the current United States only has a population of 2000 million. If [-] million people were killed or injured, it would be equivalent to one-third of the population completely disappearing.

This is an unimaginably severe blow to the entire country.

Maybe their country will go back to the Stone Age at once. "What do you mean by that?" asked the President of the United States at once.

"Your Excellency, those trolls are really terrifying. Even if our bombs and missiles have a certain degree of lethality, they still cannot be completely wiped out. If this "[-]" continues, not only Paradise City It will be destroyed, even Rocket City and Motor City will disappear on the territory of our country, and the towns along the way will disappear.”

A staff member said with a serious face. "What is your plan, then?" asked the President of the United States.

"It's very simple, let's use the nuclear bomb." An aide immediately said. "This!"

The pupils of the president of the United States contracted. You must know that the nuclear bomb is Xuanhuangxing's strongest weapon, and it can be regarded as the ultimate bomb. The power in it can destroy the world.

When a super nuclear bomb bombs down, the buildings in a radius of tens of kilometers will be completely destroyed, and the power of it is terrifying.

Of course he knew that the nuclear bomb could destroy the group of trolls, but it could also destroy the people of the United States. After all, the power of the nuclear bomb would not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves.

"Your Excellency, you know what you mean. The reason for the hesitation is nothing more than worrying about harming the people, but if we don't use nuclear bombs, then not only the people in Paradise City will be killed and injured, but people in other cities may also be killed or injured." The staff said in a deep voice, "Now is the time for Your Excellency the President to choose, whether to continue to let the situation rot and kill and injure more people, or to use Paradise City as a bait to completely wipe out the group of troll legions."

His voice was very cruel, completely treating ordinary people as the numbers in the report.

But sometimes civilized wars and racial wars are like this. The benevolence of women will not accomplish great things. Only an extremely cruel mentality can make civilized races survive.

After a long time, the President of the United States had a gloomy face, and then slowly said: "I understand, let's start the nuclear bomb. Now is the moment of urgency. I will bear all the consequences and costs." Of course he knew that he had issued the order. After this order, how much infamy will be carried in the future, no matter whether this war is won or lost, the United States will be devastated.

But in the face of the aggressive troll army, he had to issue this order, otherwise the entire United States might perish because of this.

"Yes, Your Excellency."

After receiving the order from the President of the United States, many staff members breathed a sigh of relief. With the President's permission, they can let go of these terrifying alien creatures.

At this moment, among the troll legion.

They are all jungle trolls, the elite of the troll family, living in the jungle, possessing extremely powerful combat power and strong physical recovery ability.

As long as they are in the jungle, they are immortal trolls.

These jungle trolls wield the power to manipulate plants.

And this time their leader is Gulaba, the king of jungle trolls.

"Master Gulaba, it seems that this group of alien humans is nothing special. Although they have mastered some strange weapons that can cause a certain degree of damage to our soldiers, if they are approached by us, they will not be our opponents at all. , We bombarded and killed them in one face-to-face, they are really weak and weak."

A jungle troll laughed and spoke a complicated troll language. Only the trolls could understand this language, and other races only knew that the other party was talking, and it was basically difficult to translate. "Isn't it? With such strength, they dared to invade our troll world. It's simply reckless." "But isn't this very good? It's really great to have the opportunity to taste the delicacy of the human race."

"That's right, these human beings are really rare delicacies, and they contain a huge amount of energy. After eating a dozen or so, I feel the power of the troll in my body increase rapidly, and maybe I will be promoted to The realm of extraordinary trolls is 0..."

"If we can eat up all the humans in this world, then there is no doubt that our jungle trolls will become the most powerful troll tribe in the entire troll world." "This is simply a huge opportunity given to us by God. "

Many jungle trolls are extremely excited. They feel that they have stepped into a gourmet paradise, just like a tiger entering a sheepfold. There is food everywhere, and there are no enemies.

If this is not Paradise, then where is Paradise?

They feel that they are not fighting at all, but enjoying delicious food. "Don't be careless."

At this time, the troll king Gulaba said in a deep voice: "Don't forget that this group of humans had a weird and powerful weapon that killed tens of thousands of our troll warriors in an instant. If those humans use this weapon again, it may cause us countless casualties, we must be careful and vigilant about this, and don't fall into the trap of humans." Even if they are now advancing with all their might, the jungle trolls As a king, it still needs to be extremely cautious.

After all, this is a different world, people are not familiar with the place, and no one knows what kind of power this world possesses. Once they fall into the enemy's trap, they might die in this different world. 5.0 So even though they seem to be progressing very smoothly now, it is not too optimistic, and is still vigilant about the enemy's methods.

"Don't worry, Master Gulaba, the high priest of our family is here too. Once the jungle enchantment is cast, that so-called weapon will not be able to harm us at all."

"That's right, the power of that weapon is indeed huge, but it's only comparable to the power of the forbidden technique in our clan. Once the forest enchantment is used, I believe it can easily resist that mysterious human weapon."

Many troll warriors talked about it.

In fact, the reason why they dared to invade the other world was well prepared, that is, they brought the high priest of the tribe with them, and they could activate the jungle enchantment at any time.

This is the strongest defense method of the jungle tribe, even a nuclear bomb can resist it. .

Chapter 198 A jungle barrier that can defend against nuclear bombs, the desperate United States


At this moment, a high priest of the jungle troll suddenly sensed something, and when he looked up, his eyes showed a frightening cold light: "Lord Alaba, those humans seem to have made a move, using the so-called 'nuclear bomb' "It has already learned the name of that terrifying weapon from human mouths, although it doesn't know what the name of this weapon means, but it can be described through transliteration. "Are you using nuclear bombs now, are you underestimating our jungle trolls? Let these stupid humans see the power of our jungle trolls, it's not something a small nuclear bomb can compete with." Demon Lord Alaba sneered. "Yes, Lord Alaba."

The high priest took out a black scepter in his hand, chanted a spell silently, and a mysterious power gushed out from him, instantly submerged in every jungle troll.Crash~~ When every jungle troll heard this kind of spell, they immediately stopped, knelt on the ground, motionless, and followed the spell silently.

At the same time, a dark green vine 05 grew from each jungle troll, which was extremely tough, and then quickly entangled together at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Millions of jungle trolls, that is, millions of dark green vines, entangled with each other, actually covering an area with a radius of tens of kilometers.

Suddenly, a huge dark green barrier appeared in front of everyone, like a huge umbrella, covering the entire Paradise City with ease.

It seems that at this moment, under the influence of this force, countless trees and weeds in the entire Paradise City grew crazily.

What is frightening is that these weeds and trees seem to come alive, with a dark atmosphere permeating their bodies, and they have turned into man-eating plants and man-eating trees.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The human beings in the entire jungle barrier, the 2000 million human beings in Paradise City, suddenly discovered that the plants around them had become the most terrifying killers in the world.

The weeds seemed to have turned into sharp thorns, and they seemed to come alive, piercing the soles of each human's feet in an instant, and then piercing the human body.

The branches of the trees swayed, and each branch seemed to be turned into a dark spear, tearing the walls of the building with ease, and piercing the human body in the room in an instant.

At the same time, every flower in the room seemed to be transformed into a piranha, growing rapidly, and turned into a big mouth, swallowing the people in the room completely at once.

The plants that were originally intended to decorate the house have now turned into the most terrifying killers in the world.

A full 2000 million human beings were sacrificed by blood in an instant, and all the human beings in Paradise City were turned into the nourishment of these dark plants, and countless blood flowed into each plant.

This also multiplies the power of each jungle troll, presenting a geometric progression.Booming~~~ At this moment, fighter jets flew over, carrying a full hundred nuclear bombs on them, and they were launched instantly, bombarding the huge green barrier fiercely.

Immediately, a hundred nuclear bombs exploded loudly, bursting out with earth-shattering power. This is the embodiment of the ultimate weapon of mankind, and they released huge heat all at once.

In just one millionth of a second, the temperature at the center of the explosion was actually heated to [-] million degrees Celsius, which could burn up countless substances.

Even the so-called forest enchantment couldn't resist, and huge holes were blown out in an instant.

The huge explosion formed a rapidly expanding fireball, which rapidly expanded to 8000 meters within ten seconds. It formed a huge mushroom cloud, which passed through the troposphere and stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere, and reached the limit height of 10 meters in 67000 minutes. , which is higher than the height of seven Mount Everests.

The jungle enchantment was also blown to pieces, and hundreds of thousands of jungle trolls were blown to death and torn apart.

At this moment, many congressmen and high-ranking officials of the United States watched this scene with great nervousness, because this battle was related to the future life and death of the United States, so they couldn't help but be careless. "Haha, it's effective, it's really effective, this group of damned trolls is finally dead." A member of the council laughed, very excited.

"This is also a matter of course. A hundred nuclear bombs are enough to destroy the entire Paradise City several times. It is impossible not to kill this group of troll legions." "Isn't it? It's just a pity for the people in Paradise City. I died with that group of trolls." "There is no other way, even if there is no nuclear bomb to kill them, they will be killed by the trolls." Many congressmen discussed.

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