After about half an hour.

A girl was brought into the room by Ye Yu.

This is a Caucasian girl with blond hair and blue eyes who is well groomed.

She is Raphael Lynn!

"Mr. Xiao, hello, hello, nice to meet you!"

"Ms. Lin, your Chinese is very good..."

"Thank you Mr. Xiao."

Raphael Lin spoke awkward Chinese. Although she spoke in a clumsy manner, her words were neither humble nor overbearing, and she was generous and decent, and instantly gained Xiao Junlin's favor.

One of the two wants to sell the shares, and the other wants to buy the shares. It can be said that they hit it off!

The atmosphere of the conversation was very harmonious.

After a short greeting.

Xiao Junlin invited Lin to sit down and drink tea.

At the same time, he said bluntly: "Ms. Lin, if I'm not wrong, you are here to sell the shares in the orange in your hand, right?"


Raphael Lin was stunned!

She hasn't even opened her mouth yet, how did Xiao Junlin know?

Is this oriental man so powerful?

Prophet? ? ?

But even though she couldn't stop beating the drums in her heart, the recent operating conditions of their company would never allow them to continue to pretend to be false, so she also admitted it very generously, saying:

"Yes, Mr. Xiao! Your news is very well-informed, and I am very surprised!!"

"Recently, our situation is indeed very bad, and we need a very large sum of money! Although we are very optimistic about the future of Tangerine, we are sorry, we really have no way to continue..."

"We need to protect ourselves, so we need to sell a large part of the stock!"

"Hehehe!" Xiao Junlin smiled and said, "Ms. Lin, this is a very wise choice."

"Then I don't know how many shares you want to sell?"


Raphael Lin said seriously: "We expect to sell 5% of the equity in exchange for 70 billion US dollars!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xiao Junlin immediately laughed when he heard it!

This Lin is really a master negotiator!

No wonder their Yahu would send her out to negotiate.

Although Xiao Junlin gave her a straight-forward attack as soon as he arrived, which disrupted her preparation and deployment, she still managed her own rhythm very easily!

What 5% ah, this is completely bluffing ghosts!

Judging from the current situation of their group, the sale of 5% of Juzili's shares is a drop in the bucket at all, and it will not achieve the slightest effect.

And now the market value of Tangerine Li is only about 300 billion US dollars.

Selling 70% of the equity for 5 billion is too outrageous, right?

"Xiao Junlin, do you think the price is too high?"

Raphael Lin said awkwardly: "In fact, even if I don't tell you, you must know it, and you should even know it better than us? The future in Tangerine is very bright! It is even expected to grow into Dragon Kingdom and even the whole world. One of the best Internet giants in the world!"

"If we didn't want to alleviate our own debt crisis, we would never choose to sell the shares in Juzili at this time. After all, it will be listed soon, right?"

"At this time, we chose to sell 5% of the shares in Juzili at a high price. It shouldn't be too much, right? Because we firmly believe that it will definitely make a lot of money in the future!!!"

Raphael Lin's words were full of deceptive nature.

It can be seen that she has done enough homework on this trip!

However, Xiao Junlin shook his head again after hearing this, and denied: "Ms. Lin, first of all, how likely is Juzili to be listed in Xiangjiang? You should be able to figure it out, right?"

"So in a short period of time, the shares in Tangerine are still unable to be cashed out! You know this better than me, otherwise you wouldn't be so eager to sell it!"

"Of course, I'm not dissatisfied with the price. After all, money is just a number to me! So even if it's a premium acquisition, in the long run I'm actually making money."

"I'm just not satisfied with this shareholding ratio. You clearly agreed to sell 20%. Why did you only say 5% when you came to me?"

After Xiao Junlin finished speaking teasingly, the face of Rafael Lin on the opposite side suddenly changed!

She looked at Xiao Junlin in disbelief, as if she had seen a ghost!

That's right!

She did lie to Xiao Junlin.

She not only concealed the real price, but also changed the proportion of the shares sold. Yahu Group didn't just want to sell 5%, but 20%! ! !

This was the result of unanimous discussions among the shareholders of the group before she set off.

They want to use this 20% stake in Juman Li in exchange for more than US$400 billion in liquidity!

But these...

How did Xiao Junlin know?

595. I Broke My Legs for IPO, I'm a Part-time Worker

Raphael Lin is panicking now.

She felt that she had no secrets at all in front of Xiao Junlin!

"Hehehe, don't be nervous, let me tell you about my price tag, would Ms. Lin want to hear it?"

Without waiting for Raphael Lin to answer, Xiao Junlin continued: "I will buy all 23% of the shares in your hands at a five-fold premium. You can choose to agree or not."

"Five times? 23%?"

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