"What kind of company is Longhua Optoelectronics? Why haven't we heard of it before?"

"It is said that the current best lithography machine of Maxus is only at the 5NM level... As we all know, the chip industry of our Dragon Country has been lagging behind Europe, America and other countries for at least 50 years. How can we catch up quickly? No! 1NM is already Completely surpassed!!!”

"Xiao Dong, you are not addicted to bragging, are you? Why does it sound so fake to me?"

"Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong, can you reveal some more inside information?"

The reporters screamed with excitement.

They are extremely sensitive to hot spots, and they have already smelled a hint of international news!

Once this matter is exposed, it will definitely shock the mouths of the entire international community...

However, Xiao Junlin just shook his head indifferently.

He didn't intend to say anything more, because the purpose of his trip had been fully achieved.

And the most important thing is that everyone didn't realize from the beginning to the end that in fact, Xiao Junlin has been leading the continuation and development of the topic in this interview.

The reporters asked what Xiao Junlin wanted them to ask.

The news that the reporters received was also the news that Xiao Junlin wanted to disclose to the outside world!

And his purpose of doing this is naturally to create momentum for the upcoming Longhua Optoelectronics Technology...,

"Sorry, everyone!"

"I just came back from Xiangjiang, and I haven't had a rest. To be honest, I'm really tired now.

Let's call it a day! "

Xiao Junlin waved his hands with a warm smile on his face.

Ye Yu immediately ordered a group of bodyguards to separate the crowd and break the road!

The more curious the reporters were, the more he could not speak at this time.

This appetite must be hung on all the time, waiting for the incident to completely start to ferment.

The bodyguards stepped forward one after another, and the mighty team moved forward slowly.

Xiao Junlin also left here quickly with everyone.

But the doubts he left for everyone and the huge information just revealed made all the reporters dumbfounded!

As long as all these news are exposed, I believe it will definitely attract wider attention from all walks of life!


It was early in the morning of the second day when Xiao Junlin returned to Shangjing.

One piece of news after another began to blow up the Internet.

"One person holds a huge wealth of [-] trillion yuan, how terrible is Xiao Junlin, the world's richest man? "

"Juzili's shareholders' net worth is exposed, what kind of impact will this company's listing bring to society? "

"Xiao Junlin!An absolutely rational man who can kill relatives righteously! "

"Longhua Optoelectronics Technology? Is the 1NM incident true or false? "

"Commercial use of 5NM lithography machines is on the agenda, may Longguo usher in a booming development? "

"Longguo Technology Overtakes Europe and the United States, How Much Truth Does Xiao Junlin Say! "

News headlines full of gimmicks one after another completely seized the entire market the day after Xiao Junlin returned to Shanghai!

What he said at the airport was also disclosed by major newspapers on the Internet!

Countless netizens were in an uproar after seeing the news...


"Boss Xiao's net worth is actually [-] trillion? What is the concept of [-] trillion!!!"

"Wealth can rival a country, do you want to be so exaggerated?"

"This guy, corrupt and pervert the law and do all kinds of evil, right? Otherwise, how could there be so much money?"

"Bullshit, everything is bullshit! Everything Xiao Dong does is legal and reasonable. You bastards who can't eat grapes, you can make money if you have the ability! One world, same group of keyboard warriors!"

"666666!! Although it is rumored that the big bosses of the major chaebols in Europe and the United States are worth tens or millions of billions, but they are all big families that have been passed down for hundreds of years or thousands of years! Xiao Dong alone has several trillions. , if you talk about personal assets, you must be able to enter the top ten in the world, right?"

Netizens were all discussing with dissatisfaction and shock!

Everyone used their own ways to express their envy and hatred for Xiao Junlin's wealth...

Many of them were mentally distorted and maliciously attacked him.

However, what Xiao Junlin said in the interview was recorded by the major media, and his words were very reasonable. After hearing what he said, everyone had to be completely convinced up!

But there must be many who are secretly sour.

So when Xiao Junlin broke the news about the technical problems of the lithography machine, these distorted netizens instantly found a place to vent!

657. Hot Discussion on the Internet, Xiao Junlin's Shocking Remarks

"What the hell!"

"You can't do this without brainstorming, can you?"

"Who doesn't know that our technology in lithography machines lags behind foreign countries by more than 50 years? So you just say that you can catch up, but you are actually overtaking? What do you think?"

"I just checked. What about Longhua Optoelectronics Group, the registration time is full and it's only a full month. What does this mean? This means that Xiao Dong is bragging that he doesn't even write a draft..."

"Hehehe, maybe the [-] trillion yuan worth of others is also blown out of his mouth?"

"Damn it, if you don't do business every day, you will know how hot it is. You can die if you stop bragging? Can't you do more practical things?"

"It is an irrefutable fact that European and American lithography machines are better than our Longguo's. Do you think you can brainwash us ordinary people just by talking about it?"

Netizens started attacking Xiao Junlin with wave after wave of comments!

A flood of messages swept over, as if he wanted to drown Xiao Junlin with his saliva.

Everyone would never admit that they attacked him because they were sour of money, so they could only use the lithography machine as an entry point to vent their dissatisfaction constantly.

Perhaps only in this way can their unwillingness to be mediocre be better vented!

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