And, Su Mo, who is studying bundling skills.

"This time the prisoner, is it you who took care of it?"

Her tone was a little surprised.

"Long time no see, Huang Quanchuan!"

Su Mo said hello to this old friend, and then shook his head.

"This time the prisoner was not solved by me, but by my lovely student."

"I'll just say it."

Huang Quanchuan Aisui nodded in anticipation.

"The prisoner looks unscathed, but it doesn't look like your handwriting."

"It seems that the prisoner was lucky this time, and I didn't encounter you."

Look at her expression.

It seems that he is really happy for the mortals,

"What are you talking about, it's like I'm a violent maniac."

Su Mo retorted back confidently.

"So far, I have never killed an ordinary prisoner!"


When Huang Quanchuan Aisui heard this, she looked at him speechlessly and complained.

"It's already a very dangerous thought to think of a killer!"

As for Su Mo's words, what kind of treatment was given to the unusual prisoners.

She, who once worked in Anbu, didn't intend to get to the bottom of it.

At this moment.

Behind Huang Quanchuan Aisui.

A little girl with glasses and a security guard uniform, but her expression was unexpectedly timid, spoke up.

"Senior Huang Quanchuan, Senior Su Mo! Calm down, now is not the time to quarrel!"

She is Koizumikawa Aiho's junior security guard——Teksojuri.

A timid glasses giant (marshmallow) girl.

hear her.

Huang Quanchuan Aisui shook his head amusingly.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, we're not quarreling, this is how our normal communication is."

She and Su Mo are acquainted with each other, so naturally she won't pay too much attention to her tone.

"Eh, is it?"

There are some surprises in the iron decoration.

But looking at the expressions of Su Mo and Huang Quanchuan Aisui, it really didn't look like they were angry.

Immediately, she bowed her head apologetically.

"Sorry, I misunderstood!"

"do not mind."

Su Mo waved his hand.

After chatting, I got to know the situation.

Huang Quanchuan Aisui and Tie Zhuangzuili prepared to escort the two prisoners into the back compartment.


when approaching the prisoner.

Only then did Huang Quanchuan Aisui notice the dull eyes of the two prisoners.

"This is... mind control?"

She realized that the prisoner had been subdued with superpowers.

She suddenly looked up at Su Mo.

Su Mo turned his attention to Shokuhou Caoqi.

"The ability can be unlocked!"

At this time, Shokuhou Caoqi was secretly observing Huang Quanchuan Aisui.

His eyes rolled around, not knowing what he was thinking.

After hearing Su Mo's order, she immediately responded.


Press the remote control to release the ability control.

The two prisoners recovered immediately.

They looked around blankly, wondering when they were tied.


Huang Quanchuan Aisui felt that the blond girl looked at her a bit strange.

But didn't care about that.

Instead, he noticed the school uniform on Shokuhou Misaki.

"I heard (ceai) say that you went to become a teacher at Tokiwadai, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Saying that, Huang Quanchuan Aisui seemed to remember something, her eyes slightly wavered.

"Wait, the mentally capable person, plus the Tokiwadai school uniform..."

"Your student, shouldn't you be the sixth in LV5, [Psychological Mastery]?"

She immediately guessed Shokuhou Misaki's identity.


Shokuhou Caoqi nodded, then quietly stood beside Su Mo.

"I didn't expect that the auntie of the security guard knew me!"

she said with a sweet smile.

"A, Auntie?!"

Huang Quanchuan Aisui's expression suddenly stiffened.

She didn't expect that she would be called that.

Obviously she is only in her 20s!

Accidentally received a blow here at Shokuhou Misaki.

There is no way to say anything to the students.

So, she turned her dissatisfied eyes to the prisoner in front of her.

"Speaking of which, you two are really lucky!"

"To commit a crime under the eyes of two LV5s, I have never seen such a bold criminal."

A bee-eater prays, and a Su Mo.

Those who commit crimes and escape in front of these two LV5s.

She thought it probably didn't exist.

"What, what?"

"Two LV5s?"

The two prisoners were immediately stunned when they heard this.

Finally, through the fantasy master, he raised his strength to LV3 level.

Then just came out and met two LV5s?

What level of bad luck is this!

Only then did the two know why they had been arrested without realizing anything.

Encountered two LV5, which is no wonder.

Just as they looked at each other and bowed their heads in despair.

Su Mo's voice sounded.

"No, strictly speaking, they didn't commit a crime in front of two LV5s."

As he spoke, he pointed to Misaka Mikoto beside him.

"With this child, there are actually three LV5s."




Several people present were silent for a while.

The two prisoners showed expressions of wanting to cry without tears.

Shirai Kuroko on the side couldn't help showing a look of pity.

"You two are brave enough to rob a bank in front of three LV5s!"

"Even if you enter the labor camp, this experience can be regarded as an urban legend!"

Other criminals, how can there be such a row?

Hear what Shirai Kuroko said.

The eyes of the two prisoners lit up.

"That's right!"

"In the future, we can go out and say that in order to catch the two of us, Academy City dispatched three LV5s!"

"Sounds great!"

The two prisoners suddenly felt that being caught like this didn't seem like a bad thing?

Take it out, it seems to be able to brag.

Hear them.

Huang Quanchuan Aisui, who is also a teacher and a security guard, couldn't help sighing silently.

"You two idiots, what do you want this card for?"

"Is it possible that you still want to be bad after you come out?"

"It seems that in your re-education through labor, thought reform is also the top priority!"

So complaining, she escorted the two prisoners to the trunk.

Take it back for interrogation.

It is estimated that these two people will be sent to the juvenile labor camp for reform.

After the guards left.

Su Mo, who got what he wanted, also bid farewell to Misaka Mikoto and his party.

After saying goodbye.

Su Mo and Shokuhou Cao Qi then left together.

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