She immediately opened her eyes and looked at Su Mo's actions.

I want to use this to analyze whether Mr. Su Mo has reached the level of LV7 powerhouse.

However, the next scene.

Ace's abacus was completely defeated.

Su Mo raised his head and glanced at the huge monster.

Then, take a step forward.

Hands together.

A magic circle appeared from him.

Covers the entire open space in no time.

The huge magic circle completely wrapped the figure of the floor master Balor.

Followed by.

"The Law of the Goblin!"

Su Mo directly activated the magic.

The ruthless light instantly slays the monster directly.

After the light dissipated.

The floor master Balor just fell to the ground.

When used before and after, no more than ten seconds.

see this scene.

Ace was completely bewildered.

If it is said that it is a sign of a level 7 adventurer to fight evenly with a level 7 floor master, and then defeat him with difficulty.

Who can tell her.

With a direct move, this floor is mastered.

What level of adventurer is the mark?

Is this really the combat power that a level 7 adventurer can have?

If it wasn't dozens of meters away, a huge magic stone was lying there.

Ais even thought she was dreaming just now, or saw some fantasy.

The unparalleled strength that Su Mo showed just now.

More like a god than an adventurer.

Thinking of this, Ais couldn't help but hesitate.

"Mr. Su Mo... Are you really human?"

She looked at Su Mo, her pupils were full of doubts.

"of course."

Su Mo glanced at her and immediately gave an affirmative answer.

Perhaps in the future, there will be him from other races such as God Su Mo and Demon Su Mo.

However, as long as there is still one world, he is human.

Su Mo's identity as a human being is beyond doubt.

Not to mention, Su Mo in all the worlds is not out of the category of human beings.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????

Hear Su Mo's admission.

Ace breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, his eyes became hot.

"Can humans... actually become stronger to such an extent?"

She felt like her worldview had been refreshed.

"If I show this level, there should be no problem."

After thinking for a while, Su Mo gave a responsible answer.

It's just to kill LV7 monsters in seconds.

Whether it is in Orari or in other worlds, it is far from the level of the outside world.

In the wrong world, the potential of human beings is not low at all.


Hearing Su Mo's affirmation, Aisi clenched her fists very excitedly.

If one day, I can become so powerful.

Maybe even his father can surpass it.

And his long-cherished wish to become stronger...

Just when she was overwhelmed with emotion.

Su Mo's voice sounded again.

"Why are you standing in a daze?"


"Do you want me to help you with your job?"

Ruthless urging from the boss.

Ace's thoughts were interrupted directly.

When she regained her senses, the breeze was blowing around her, and she turned into an afterimage with a slight jump.

Running to the distance, the magic stone dropped by the floor master.

Packed the huge magic stone into the same huge package that Riviria handed him before leaving.

Ais found that in addition to the magic stone, there was a shiny thing on the ground.

Is this... drop material?

Picked up this shiny thing that was less than the size of his fist.

Ais immediately ran to Su Mo's side and handed the thing over.

"Teacher, there are falling materials."

"This is... a crystal?"

Looking at what Ais picked up, Su Mo was a little surprised.

This is a transparent crystal with hundreds of facets cut like a diamond ball.

The whole body shone with crimson brilliance.

The color is very similar to the brilliance emitted by the monster's magic eye before.

"Material for Balor's Dead Eye?"

Su Mo didn't see how to use this thing.

But one thing is certain, this thing must have something to do with Balor's Eye of Death.

"Maybe it can be used as a wand?"

Ais, who was beside him, speculated curiously.

She looked at Lefiya, Riviria and the other magicians, and there seemed to be something like this on the staff.

"A wand that shoots death rays?"

——Awada eats a big melon?

Su Mo snorted.

"what is that?"

Ais was a little dazed and didn't quite understand what this meant.

"It's nothing, it's my topic."

Su Mo did not intend to explain in detail.

"Anyway, it's just a monster of this level. It's estimated that it won't be able to open good things like the magic eye to death. It's probably useless."

Su Mo is very sure of this.

Therefore, he did not pay too much attention to this item.

After thinking about it, I put this prop away.

Then, with Aisi, continue to enter the deeper layers of the underground layer.Eight.

Chapter 132

After crossing the 49th floor of the dungeon.

The level of the monsters has also reached the LV5 level.

If it is said that the previous floor was a situation where LV5 was more careful and could barely handle it.

So now this floor.

Even LV5 level adventurers may be in danger at any time.

If you are not careful, you may die here.

LV5 monsters of multiple levels cannot be easily dealt with by LV5 alone.

Although Ais had also arrived on this floor with the expedition.

But at this moment, he and Su Mo were still a little nervous when they came here.

Fortunately, Su Mo was right in front of her, which reassured her a lot.

The two continued to move at the speed of sound.

It didn't take long to reach the 57th floor.

Although you can go deeper.

But after measuring it, Su Mo believes that this depth has temporarily reached its limit.

This limit naturally does not refer to Su Mo's limit.

It was the limit that Ais could endure.

With Ais' current strength, even if she doesn't use her hidden skills.

One-on-one and LV6 level monster battles are not completely impossible.

But even so.

It may not be able to completely protect itself in the tide of LV5 level monsters.

One-on-one combat and one-to-many combat are completely different concepts.

Su Mo didn't plan to let Ais go to fight.

However, as a tool for attracting monsters.

Now this floor is perfect for her.

For a deeper floor, she will talk about her strength later.

Anyway, even this depth.

With Aisi as a tool, the speed of Su Mo's collection of magic stones will only be faster and easier than when he dives into the depths alone.

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