Moderating doesn't even seem threatening.

However, everyone present was speechless.

Invisible coercion is above everyone.

The subtle storm that was still raging at first stopped in an instant.

The atmosphere became extremely dull, and everyone felt as if they were tightly pressed by heavy stones, making it difficult to breathe.

Meanwhile, people were horrified to find out.

The sky suddenly changed color, as if the world was angry.

Dark clouds covered the entire sky.

The thick clouds are as heavy as lead ink.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it.

Under this incomparably dull pressure, people didn't dare to make even the slightest sound.

For fear of angering a certain existence.

And feel the pressure deep into the bone marrow.

Even if she is as proud as a "lady", she can't help feeling a strong sense of awe.

In one thought, the world changed color.

Even the Empress of Winter Solstice cannot do this level of things.

"Ma'am" looked at Su Mo in horror.

I finally understood that I seemed to have provoked a terrible enemy.

she immediately asked in a trembling voice.

"What the hell are you-"

Not finished.

was interrupted.

It wasn't anyone's voice that interrupted her.

But a shock.


Dazzling purple thunder, like a sword of punishment, fell from the dark clouds.

Straight to the body of the "lady".

The foolish executive had only time to cover himself with ice.

It was directly engulfed by the violent thunder.

Haven't had time to exclaim yet.




The violent thunder continued to slam down from the clouds.

The dazzling thunder pillars struck her again and again.

Dozens of thunderbolts struck down.

The clouds slowly returned to calm.

At this time.

Su Mo spoke.

"You just have to answer, yes or no, that's it."

"I will choose whether to regard you Solstice as my enemy, depending on your answer."

"Other than that, no other words are needed."

Deal with domineering fools.

more domineering than fools.

Seeing the arrogant and domineering fools in the past, they are now taught to look like this.

The knights of the West Wind Knights had a vague sense of happiness in their hearts.

In addition to happiness, there was a trace of doubt in their hearts.

And this doubt is also held by Paimon on the side.

"Su Mo, if you split like this, that bad woman won't survive, right?"

"What are you still asking her about?"

Paimon curiously circled around Su Mo.

Seeing his god-like power, he can stick to him without any scruples.

In addition to Ying, it is estimated that there is only Paimon!

In this regard, Paimon is still pretty cute.

and so.

Su Mo rubbed Paimon's little head, then answered patiently.

"The power of thunder and lightning is certainly mighty."

"But in the elemental reaction of this world, sometimes it is easy to be restrained by the ice element."

"Not to mention, due to some special reasons, the thunder skills have always been scraping."

"In addition, this woman still has the power bestowed by the Queen of Winter, and she will not die so easily."

Ice can break thunder shields.

Su Mo doesn't know what the specific principle is, but there are such rules in this world.

Maybe it uses the power of superconductivity to transfer the lightning to the ground?

In addition, the Lei Department was already a little bit stretched, and Su Mo didn't have the intention to kill, just wanted to teach him a lesson.

The "lady" was still alive after being bombarded by thunder and lightning.


Although still alive.

but not fully alive.

To put it simply, it is in a state of being half-dead and seriously injured.

After the ice layer that protects itself has dissipated.

The "lady" was lying on the ground in embarrassment, her whole body scorched black.

This way, just as she had ridiculed Wendy, was like a wild dog on the side of the road.

"What, have you thought about how to answer?"

Su Mo's cold voice came.

The "lady" trembled in fright.

She was about to say no.

At this time, he remembered what Su Mo said before.

Resist the pain.

The "lady" suddenly stood up from the ground, and sat up in shock from dying.

Then shout.


"We have absolutely no intention to be your enemy!"

Then, finally, he couldn't bear the injury on his body.

With a "boom", I fainted on the ground.

See the other side cowardly.

Su Mo didn't mean to beat the underdog.

He directly waved his hand and put down the other fools.

The fools who had regained their freedom immediately approached the "Madam" and surrounded her.

Then, he looked at Su Mo vigilantly and helplessly.

They wanted to be vigilant.

It is the education they have received since childhood.

However, in front of Su Mo, none of them dared to raise their swords again.

So, we can only look at each other.

A look of grievance, weakness, and helplessness.

It was an eye-opener for Qin and Kaia and others.

It was the first time they saw the arrogant fools slumped.

For some reason, seeing this scene, they felt very happy.

Qin Qiang held back the smile on his face and walked to Su Mo calmly.

Then asked.

"Mr. Su Mo, what are you going to do with these fools?"


Su Mo shook his head and said very freely.

"Just now they were just finding fault, I just shot back."

"Since they've all confessed, I'm too lazy to kill them all."

After all, the Queen of Winter Solstice should have planned to fight against Tianli.

It might actually be a teammate.

Lessons are enough, there is no need to actually kill people.

Hearing Su Mo's words, Qin nodded immediately.

"I understand!"

Then, she immediately walked up to the crowd of fools.

Under the vigilant and fearful eyes of the fools.

Qin forced a straight face and said seriously.

"Ms. Fools Executive Officer was accidentally hit by thunderstorms in extreme weather while visiting the statue of Fengshen, and was seriously injured as a result."

"In this regard, our West Wind Knights would like to express our sympathy and condolences, and wish your executive a speedy recovery."

"That's what happened today, isn't it?"

What is talking nonsense.

This is talking nonsense.

"Lady" was almost struck to death by lightning, but in the mouth of the piano, it was just an accident.

Just a so-called extreme climate disaster.

Hear her words, don't say fools.

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