She knows that her strength is definitely not comparable to Su Mo.

However, now that it is a battle of sword skills, the Master will naturally not use extraordinary power.

Therefore, worried about Su Mo's injury, she felt that it was necessary for the master to pay attention.

After all, this is just a discussion, she doesn't want to hurt such a good Master.

Hearing Okita's words, Su Mo nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm ready."

He has long been waiting for Chief Okita's move.

Before, it was because the basics of swordsmanship were not enough, so we had to start from the basics.

Now that his kendo realm has exceeded the standard, he is fully capable of learning that magic sword.

"it is good!"

Seeing that the master is ready.

The kendo girl showed a dignified smile.

"This is my strongest sword, Master, please see it clearly!"

Saying that, she put on a flat-eyed stance.

This is one of the swordsmanship starting moves in preparation for thrusting.

The momentum on Mr. Okita's body gradually became stronger, like a sharp sword that could pierce through everything.

Then, she started to move.

"One step supersonic!"

"Second step!"

"Three-step sword!"

Clearly separated by a distance of six or seven meters.

Okita only needed three steps to reach Su Mo.

The girl who used to be lively and lovely now has an awe-inspiring temperament.

A good momentum is brewed before the sword is released.

peaked at this moment.

The kendo girl aimed at the sword in Su Mo's hand.

Then, finally, the real attack was launched.

"Anonymous three paragraphs—poof!!!"

Ms. Okita used a special skill.

Ms. Okita is about to draw her sword.

Miss Okita went straight to the street!

"Boom!" sounded.

The kendo girl fell directly to the ground, blood spurting out of her mouth.

Sword skills are useless.

She is already dead.


Su Mo silently looked at the girl lying on the ground in front of him.

Even though I thought this would happen, I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

He sighed and leaned down.

Picked up Mr. Okita.

"Are you okay? Okita?"

Carefully asked.

"No, it's fine!"

The disgraced kendo girl shook her head.

"It's my old problem."

Because Okita Soji was seriously ill when he was alive.

And, die in your 20s.

Therefore, people's impression of her has always been weak.

Therefore, she who descended as a servant also obtained an A-level inherent skill [Sickness].

All operations run the risk of sudden weakness.

It's something like a curse.

This skill, once it strikes at a critical moment.

What just happened.

All of a sudden, he vomited blood.

Then he threw himself on the street and fell to the ground.

Therefore, Su Mo didn't believe in Chief Director Okita's combat effectiveness before.

He recognized her swordsmanship strength.

But with the point of [sickness], there is no way to put it into actual combat.

"Chong, Sister Okita!"

On the other side, the tableware has been packed, and they are watching Sakura who is practicing swordsmanship.

Also noticed the situation here.

Although she had seen it several times, she was still a little flustered.

Immediately, the hot water and towels that had been prepared for a long time were brought out from the room.

Su Mo took Chief Okita back to the corridor.


I never thought that I would be hugged by a princess one day.

Chief Director Okita was a little embarrassed to hide in Su Mo's arms.

"Actually, don't be so nervous, let me rest for a few minutes and I'll be fine soon!"

Soji Okita has a lot of experience with her own body.

Just take a break and you'll be fine.

[Sickness] Although this inherent skill is fatal once it occurs.

However, as long as the attack is over, nothing will happen.

Really don't have to worry too much.

"Even so, I can't live up to Sakura's wishes."

"Besides, even if there are no sequelae, it will be very painful when the attack occurs, right?"

He looked at Chief Okita, who was obviously a little weak.

Su Mo naturally wouldn't listen to her, but insisted on carrying her to the floor to lie down.

Sakura, who had a worried look on her face, was busy, putting a hot towel on Mr. Okita.

feel the relationship between the two.

Chief Okita was very moved.

"Master, Sakura..."

She hesitated whether to tell the two of them that she was actually fine now.

After receiving the supply of the master's super-powerful magic power, the time it takes for oneself to recover has been greatly shortened.

But after thinking about it, I saw Sakura's worried eyes.

She felt that what the Master said was right.

So, after a thank you.

She obediently obeyed Sakura's command and leaned against the pillar in the corridor.

Then, I remembered my performance just now.

She couldn't help covering her face.

Okita-san is a big failure!

Originally, I wanted to show my handsome side to the Master.

Unexpectedly, the chain fell off at the critical moment.

The sword skills that had been brewing for a long time did not come into play.

Instead, he threw himself on the street in disgrace.

Ahhhhh!What a shame!

Ms. Sakura no Saber looked disappointed.

In terms of swordsmanship, it is no longer comparable to the Master, and even the swordsmanship that he treasures has not shown its power.

Could it be that his greatest value in teaching swordsmanship is gone?

Then what can you do?

In teaching swordsmanship, if it doesn't come in handy.

Could it be that Ms. Okita is about to become a comedian? !

Just when she was thinking so sadly.

Su Mo on the side spoke up.

"That move just now looks very good."

"If you rest well, can you teach me then?"

He looked seriously at Chief Okita in front of him.

Although the girl did not use this sword skill.

However, Su Mo has a considerable understanding of the Noble Phantasm held by Okita.

An anti-human magic sword called [Unnamed Three-stage Thrust].

Its essence is nothing more than three swift stabbing strikes.

However, with unparalleled skill and speed.

Chief Okita made these three thrusts happen at the same time.

Not "almost simultaneously" but "exactly" horizontal thrusts.

The moment when the three-stage thrust was launched.

The spur of one, the spur of two, and the spur of ginseng exist in the same position at the same time.

Even if the one thrust is blocked, the second thrust and the ginseng thrust will penetrate the same position.

Due to the existence of such contradictions, the tip of the sword will cause "event collapse".

In essence, the three-stage thrusting became a sword skill that could not be defended.

Using the eventual collapse caused by it, this move is also very good at destroying objects.


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