After all, no matter what rules the poet comes up with.

The rules of the gift game itself will still be fully followed.

In other words, this gift game must have a way to be cracked, which is a legitimate form.

However, if the poet adds his spirituality to the gift game.

With the help of the characteristics of poets, the conditions that were impossible to hold can be established.

This is also cheating.

Belonging to hanging behavior.

Previously, Chloe had been treating Maxwell's games as the result of cheating.

In this regard, Canary has reservations, but has not found any clues.

However, Su Mo found something wrong.

"If your game is really pure cheating, and only contestants with the gift of cold and heat can crack it, then you don't need to make the game so perfect."

He pointed out areas that are very easy to overlook.

[Eternal Tribulation Return] This gift game, if you ignore the BUG of the victory condition.

It's easy to see that this is a very well done game.

From the perspective of game aesthetics.

If it wasn't for the painstaking effort, the average poet would not be able to build a game of this level.

Not just specifically confusing written language.

There are also two winning conditions specially set.

The winning condition itself has also reached a deadlock with the [Eternal Tribulation Return] phenomenon.

"If it is really cheating, there is absolutely no need to build these redundant conditions."

"Just leave the second victory condition."

Since the first condition is in fact impossible to achieve.

Why not simply delete this condition?

Anyway, the theoretically impossible victory condition was not recognized by Hakoba.

"A game so painstakingly built can never be a useless decoration to cover up cheating."

"So I'm guessing, your boon game isn't cheating by expanding the explanation."

Su Mo came to a conclusion that shocked the Death God Chloe and others.

If the other party did not cheat.

What about these two, almost impossible winning conditions?

Even though Su Mo has the gift of cold and hot realm, it does meet the conditions.

His situation was purely accidental.

In terms of the logical structure of the game, these two win conditions are problematic.


When the hearts of the people were shaken.

Su Mo revealed the answer.

"Unless the first victory condition is not impossible to achieve, the phenomenon of time reversal can be broken in itself."

In the end.

Everyone thinks that the first condition is impossible in principle, and the second condition is purely based on luck.

That's why I feel that this game is cheating and does not allow the contestants to survive.

But what if the first win condition can be met?

——Smash the hub of reincarnation.

That is to say, killing Maxwell's Demon, if it is possible.

Then it is natural that this game will be recognized by the center of the small garden.

Hear Su Mo say that.

Maxwell took a timid step back.

After thinking of something, he immediately regained his confidence and shook his head firmly.

"Impossible! Even if you are an unparalleled hero who has killed a three-digit demon king, it is absolutely impossible to break the eternal return!"

"Eternal robbery returns to itself, even if you control the mighty power of time and space, you will never be able to crack it!"

Investigating its root cause, the essence of Eternal Calamity Return is not the retrospect of time and space.

But in infinite time, a finite number of elementary particles, a possibility of permutation and combination.


Even if Su Mo has mastered the power of time, he can reverse or speed up time.

It is absolutely impossible to break the eternal return.

In this regard, the Maxwell Demon has full confidence.

The barrier that even the power of time and space can't break makes his immortality comparable to that of a protoss.

Under such circumstances, how could he believe that Su Mo had the power to kill him?

Not to mention Su Mo, even the main god of the almighty realm is here.

Maxwell's demons have full confidence and escape with their lives.

Seeing the confident look of Maxwell's Demon.

Su Mo couldn't help laughing a little.

"If you're so confident, why do you keep going back?"


Although he said he was not afraid, Maxwell's demon's legs were honest and kept moving outwards.

Obviously cowardly.

Hearing Su Mo's ridicule, Maxwell's demon cursed inwardly.

——You are in control of the realm of cold and heat. As long as you want, you can end the game in an instant. What can I do if I don't hesitate?

However, in order to avoid angering Su Mo, he still stopped.

Only then did Su Mo speak.

"Maxwell, haven't you found out?"

"If it is said that the poet who built the game did not add his spirituality to the gift game to help you cheat."

"Then, with your spiritual power, why do you build a gift game of the level of [Eternal Tribulation Return]?"

Without the slightest contempt, Su Mo asked in a tone of explaining the facts.

[Eternal Calamity Return] itself violates the law of entropy increase.

Don't look at the scope of this boon game is not wide.

I think it is not difficult to construct this phenomenon.

To know.

Most of the current spirits of Maxwell's demons are on the perpetual motion machine of the third type.

The spirituality that originally belonged to the second type of perpetual motion machine is only five-digit level.

And [Eternal Calamity Return] is obviously only related to the second type of perpetual machine spirit.

Then the problem is coming.

A game of the level of [Eternal Tribulation Return] is constructed with only five-digit spiritual grids.

Is this reasonable? !

This is of course unreasonable.

After hearing this, the Maxwell Demon was stunned.

Not far away, Chloe, the god of death, was also stunned.

The canary beside him nodded suddenly.

"Sure enough, the [Eternal Tribulation Return] phenomenon must be limited!"

If it is said that the spirit of Maxwell's demon is not enough to build a real [Eternal Calamity Return].

Then, the gift game built today must have its limitations and flaws.

The real [Eternal Tribulation Return] is incomprehensible with their current strength.

However, if it is a limited game, there is a possibility of frontal attack.

Thinking of this, Leticia on the side was still a little puzzled.

"Just now Su Mo used dozens of powers to no avail. What is the limit?"

If you can't find the type of restriction, even if you crack this step, it is still useless.

However, now that they are in this situation, there is no trace of worry on the faces of everyone.

They looked at Su Mo collectively, obviously confirming that Su Mo must have got the answer.

And so is it.

"In my dozens of previous attempts, I found one thing in common."

Su Mo looked at Maxwell in front of him.

Those calm eyes made Maxwell's demon seep cold sweat on his forehead.

"No matter what kind of power I use, what kind of damage I cause."

"[Eternal Tribulation Return] itself will restore everything to its original state."

"Except for one thing—"

"That was my original attack."

Mithra's Sunfire, Artemis' Moonfire, Zhurong's Xinyan, Veleslana's Wild Boar Incarnation...

These forces once crushed Maxwell.

Then, the damage caused is all back to the way it was.

Apart from the disappearance of the attacks themselves, everything was the same as before Su Mo launched the attack.

"If it is really a normal situation, the Yang Yan I created should also recover with [Eternal Calamity Return]."

"Since there is no, it is the key to explain this."

"Thinking about it, the spiritual status you hold is not enough to build a real [Eternal Calamity Return]."

"The second type of perpetual motion machine itself is related to energy, so I have a guess."

"Perhaps, the key to driving the [Eternal Calamity Return] phenomenon is the need to suffer an attack with sufficient energy."

Su Mo expressed his conjecture.

"What you call the phenomenon of rewinding time itself requires energy consumption to carry out."

"However, due to the spirit of your perpetual motion machine, it is all used to maintain the gift game and cannot provide energy."

"So, only when the enemy's attack is a pure energy attack, will the [Eternal Calamity Return] phenomenon be triggered."

After this conjecture came out.

Several people not far away were amazed.

Turn the energy of the enemy's attack into fuel for casting [Eternal Tribulation Return].

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