Canary couldn't help but turn around and looked at Chloe with sharp eyes.

"That is to say, you kidnapped the god child of the Moon Rabbit clan?"

Almost the heir appointed by the gods, was kidnapped and disappeared.

Canary can imagine how much commotion there is in the Moon Rabbit clan now.

For a mess of this scale, an apology is useless.

"There's no help, I can't help you, wait to die!"

She immediately shook her head regretfully, and said Bian Que Sanlian to Chloe.

Originally wanted to help him, but this level of commotion is obviously not the way.

"Hey! I told you I didn't kidnap you!"

Croix reiterated again.

Black Rabbit also nodded.

After hesitating for a while, she told the truth.

"Actually this time...they ran away from home!"

"...I just accidentally bumped into this strange person, and then came here."


"Why are other people adults, and I'm a weirdo!"

Chloe's protest was, of course, ignored by everyone.

Canary breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, look at the two of them.

"So, what's going on, why the black rabbit sauce was sent as a gift, Chloe, please explain.".

Chapter 426

Under everyone's curious eyes, Croya brought out everything on the tray.

The little black rabbit on the side also added details.

The beginning of the matter was yesterday.

Bai Yasha left the heaven and descended from the realm gate Renli Tian.

When I was a guest of the Moon Rabbit clan, I talked to the parents of Hei Rabbit about the most exciting news in the heavens - the crusade of King Asura.

Naturally, everyone in [Arcadia], as well as the protagonist of the story, Su Mo, were mentioned.

【Arcadia】It is a very legendary community in Hakoniwa.

Black Rabbit has always been yearning for it.

For a long time, because her status as the Son of God is too important, she has been staying in the residence of the Moon Rabbit Clan.

Her parents have been reluctant to let her out for safety reasons.

Black Rabbit has never been to the outside world.

this time.

After hearing the relevant news.

With a longing for "Arcadia" and the outside world, and a longing for the young hero who defeated the three-digit demon king.

Black Rabbit finally made the first willful decision in his life.


It just so happened that because of the birth ceremony in a month, there was nothing to do as a child of God.

This gave her an opportunity.

So, after leaving a letter.

Black Rabbit set off with a simple salute and came to the famous commercial street.

While lingering in various lively shops.

The little black rabbit began to inquire about [Arcadia].

I want to meet my idols.

Then, as expected, he was deceived.

A young Hakoba nobleman, but a very precious talent.

Whether it is selling her to other communities or attracting her to their own community, it is a sure-fire thing.

Thanks to this, Black Rabbit encountered several waves of liars.

But it's clear that the crooks were underprepared.

Even a young Moon Rabbit is definitely not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Rabbit's claws are enough to easily shred steel, and can rival that of the godhead.

Not to mention, the Black Rabbit, as the son of the moon, has many divine weapons on his body.

Although she is young, she cannot exert her full power.

But it is by no means an ordinary five-digit existence that can be bullied.

In this way, after driving away some liars.

Chloe, the god of death, who was looking for a gift that he could come up with, found her.

On one side are the little fans who hope to see everyone in [Arcadia].

On the one hand is Chloe, who hopes to find a gift that will satisfy Su Mo.

After Chloe provided the flag of the Community as proof.

The two hit it off.

"Since it hit it off, why did the child look so scared just now?"

Leticia noticed the blind spot and asked Croya in doubt.

Black Rabbit's initial performance.

It's not like a fan meeting an idol at all.

Instead, it looks like an innocent passerby caught by cannibals.

The cowardly and miserable appearance really makes people feel a little pitiful.

"That's something I'd like to ask too..."

Chloe spread out her hands and looked helplessly at the little black rabbit beside Su Mo.

"I didn't make an appointment before. I asked you to meet Su Mo and the others. Would you do me a favor? Why did you change your mind when it came time to do it?"

Hear his questioning.

The little black rabbit scratched his ears embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, it was a misunderstanding."

She honestly bowed to Chloe and apologized.

Then, he covered his face ashamed and explained the reason in a low voice.

"It's mainly the line you taught people before. It sounds so strange... It makes people think too much."

For the innocent and ignorant black rabbit.

At first, she did not doubt Chloe.

It is not difficult to meet your idols just by dressing up as a gift.

However, when the black rabbit bought the ribbon by himself, and then tied himself beautifully.

This guy, Chloe, couldn't help but say more.

Let Heitu take the initiative to add a line - "Please enjoy me well" when the time comes.

This line touched the cordon of Black Rabbit.

No matter how simple she is, she understands that these words are definitely not good words.

because of youth.

She didn't realize that it was a strange adult word for harassment.

Rather, it is mistaking it for the meaning of enjoying the food.

However, there is not much difference between the two here.

The little black rabbit who raised his vigilance immediately recalled his previous experience of being deceived.

Then immediately began to suspect that Chloe was just a liar with a higher level of deception.

Its purpose is to stare at the wonderful rabbit meat of the black rabbit.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, when she was about to run away.

Just happened to be summoned by Chloe.

So, there was the first scene.

and so--

"I'm so sorry, I misunderstood you!"

The little black rabbit bowed one after another.

As a matter of fact, Chloe did fulfill her promise.

Take her to [Arcadia] headquarters.

On the contrary, Black Rabbit did not fulfill the agreed content.

At first, they suspected that Su Mo and the others were liars.

"Well, as long as Su Mo is satisfied, I will forgive you this time!"

Death God Chloe does not hold grudges.

In other words, he also knew that his actions were taken for granted.

Anyway, looking at Su Mo's expression, he was quite satisfied with this gift.

His purpose has also been achieved.

So with a big wave of his hand, Chloe revealed the matter.

After solving this problem and confirming that Chloe did not break the law.

The Canary is much more relaxed here.

Looking at the innocent look of the little black rabbit, she turned her eyes and seemed to think of something.

"Cough, black rabbit sauce!"

Canary squatted in front of the little black rabbit.


The little black rabbit immediately stood up straight, and a pair of rabbit ears snapped and stretched straight.

"You don't have to be so nervous."

Canary showed a friendly smile.

"You are running away from home this time. It stands to reason that we are allies with the Moon Rabbit family. At this time, we should inform our allies and ask them to take you back..."

Canary deliberately intimidated.

The black rabbit, who has not yet been deeply involved in the world, really got caught.

"Don't! I just came out for less than a day! Huh~~"

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