No, not right!

The forest god Kainas does not seem to have this characteristic, but this escaped god species is too embarrassing, and it is not surprising to be expelled from the gods.

"more or less."

Su Mo replied casually.

"I originally wanted to find out where the god Cainas went."

"I didn't expect that when I was walking, I saw a strange spirit nearby, and I picked her up."

For Su Mo, finding Fanlou was also an unexpected gain.

He was just looking for the spirit nearby.

Unexpectedly, the first discovery was not Kainas, but Saillou.

When he found Fanlou, the young girl had stripped away her spirit and fell into a state of false death.

However, for Su Mo, this situation is not difficult to deal with.

Essence and Godhead are equal.

As for things like Godhead, he has a lot of knowledge in his mind, and it is not difficult to flatten and round.

Therefore, he directly activated the spiritual marrow and forcibly awakened this god species.

And, brought her back.

“…” ”…”

Hearing Su Mo's words, Jibril's mouth twitched.

If the gods were so easy to pick up, she would also like to pick one up.

But, now is not the time to complain about this.

"Is it the Saillou?"

Some curiously looked at the young goddess Ming in front of her.

"I always feel that there is an unexpected lack of majesty."

Jibril commented softly.

It is not that she has never seen the power of the gods.

Every time Su Mo uses his power, the power that is absolutely irresistible shows the fact that the gods are absolute.

However, on the young girl in front of her.

She couldn't sense the strong aura of majesty.

The sense of absolute power that only the gods can have is not reflected in the young girl in front of her.

Instead, the doubts are deeper.

It seemed that he heard Jibril's words.

The young goddess spirit species looked at her suspiciously.

"Who is [Fan Tower]? Suppose you are talking to me now, but what is the connection between me and [Fan Tower]?"

As soon as the Lord God opened his mouth, it was a series of questions.

Jibril realized she was talking to herself.

Although I don't know the gods in front of me, why would I have doubts about such a basic thing.

However, Jibril didn't mind sharing her worldview.

"[Fanlou] is you, your name is Fanlou!"

She said it as a matter of course.

Such an answer brought more troubles to Fanlou.

"Why am I [Fanlou]? Why did you name me this way? What's the meaning of this name?"

She tilted her head and continued a series of rhetorical questions.

who I am?Where am I?What am I going to do?

One of the three questions of philosophy.

If an ordinary person heard it, he would have been choked on the spot.

But Jibril was no ordinary person.

Hearing Fanlou's natural question.

Jibril replied in a more confident manner.

"Master Su Mo calls you Fanlou, so you are naturally Fanlou."

"There is no need to ask why, the words of Lord Su Mo are the eternal truth."

"You don't need to have any special meaning. The act of Lord Su Mo's giving you a name represents enough meaning!"

As a fanatic of Su Mo, Jibril didn't think there was anything strange about these questions.

Since it was Su Mo's name, it must have deep meaning.

She may be curious and inquire, but she will never question it.

But obviously, this kind of answer did not satisfy Miss Fanlou.

"Your words have no basis at all, that is blind faith! Blind obedience!"

The young goddess said so accusingly.

In the face of this accusation.

Jibril nodded in acceptance.

"Yes, I am a blind believer!"

"If Lord Su Mo said that the sea is red, then dyeing the sea red is my task."

"If Master Su Mo says that crows are white, then dyeing all the crows in the three thousand worlds white is a subordinate mission."

"So, if Master Su Mo calls you [Fanlou], then no matter what name you have, to me your name is just Fanlou."

This natural attitude made Fanlou speechless.

In Jibril's worldview, the power of interpretation rests with Su Mo.

Therefore, she does not need logical inference, nor does she need to make careful arguments or make bold assumptions.

Just take Su Mo's will first.

It was because of this that she was not at all lost in her heart.

It is a completely different existence from the Fanlou itself.

After realizing this, Fanlou still insists on his own point of view.

"Your blind faith and blind obedience are only valid for you."

"As for my name, whether it is [Fanlou] or not is still not a valid argument."

As the first and oldest god species.

Before she was picked up by Su Mo, she had no name.

Therefore, she seemed very concerned about the name she suddenly had, and wanted to ask the other party to give her a perfect explanation.

However to this.

"¨~Why do we need valid arguments?"

Jibril was puzzled by her thoughts.

"The name is just a code name, it's just a convenient way to call it."

"As long as you know, we're talking about you, right?"

As an idiot officially certified by Su Mo.

Jibril can think of this, it is really commendable.

However, this issue is exactly what Fanlou cares about most.

"According to what you said, how can you be sure that the one called [Fan Tower] is me?"

"If the puppy on the side of the road is also named [Fanlou], wouldn't I be the same as a puppy?"


Hearing this, Jibril couldn't help but cast a look of help to Su Mo.

She is the type that is not good at words.

With such a curious baby on the stall, there is really no way to continue.

Su Mo nodded amusingly and answered.

"The situation with the same name does exist, and there is a possibility of being confused, but this is not a reason to give up the name, right?"

"To put it bluntly, the name is used as a code name to reduce the cost of communication, and the occasional error is within the allowable range."

Duplicate names, and names that are too long, will cause problems.

However, as long as there are generally not too many misunderstandings, names can reduce a lot of communication costs.

Hearing his (good) words, Fan Lou thought for a while and nodded.

"Indeed, it's more efficient to communicate by name."

However, she was not satisfied.

"However, you still haven't explained why you call me [Fan Tower]."

"The name should have meaning, but I can't see the connection between me and Fanlou."

Having said that, she cast an inquiring look at Su Mo.

And this.

"The Fan Tower doesn't have any special meaning!"

Su Mo just spread his hands and said so.

This is a lie.

Hollow, in fact, has an empty meaning, which is a metaphor for this young girl's never-ending doubts.

However, Su Mo didn't say that.

Because what he wanted to say was another point.

"The meaning of words will change with the times and the environment."

"So, there is no need to struggle with the original meaning of the word."

"As long as you keep using the name, the meaning of the word will slowly become synonymous with you."

"That is to say, the meaning of this word will directly refer to yourself."

Just like the strongest symbol of Artesius.

It is not uncommon for the name of a strong person to become an adjective in the end, covering the original meaning with the essence. .

Chapter 435

"What you mean is that the word [Fanlou] has no special meaning."

"But let me give meaning to this name?"

As expected of the gods, he quickly understood what Su Mo meant.

But she is not such an easy child to satisfy.

"But, what am I? A spirit species? What is the definition of a spirit species?"

The god who doubted everything continued to ask Su Mo.

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