This is enough to make everyone realize that this crisis is more troublesome than ever before.

Maybe it can affect the survival of the entire earth.

Su Mo was not surprised by this result.

At this moment, another emergency communication came.

"Report captain, Shengli Feiyan No. [-] crashed! Xincheng and Dagu team members have successfully jumped off the plane!"


Hearing this report, Megumi frowned slightly.

She wasn't surprised by the crash of the Victory Jebi.

After all, this kind of crash has happened too many times. Every time a monster appears, the Victory Jebi almost crashes once.

And most of the time it is Xincheng and Dagu.

Although she has always had some doubts about this, it is impossible to face monsters without any loss.

It is enough that the two of them can return safely every time.

So this time, she had no idea about the crash.

What she cares about is-

"Why did it crash?"

There were no monsters in front of him, only a gate of hell that looked very strange.

(ceaj) In this case, what brought down the Victory Swallow?

As soon as she asked this question, she got the answer.

However, it wasn't the answer that came from the Victory Feiyan No. [-].

It was what she saw with her own eyes.

A flash of light flashed, and the red Ultraman appeared in front of the gate of hell above the sky.

This Ultraman is the well-known Defy King.

"Ultraman Guja!"

Junjian Hui shouted in surprise.

Although it wasn't Ultraman Tiga, it couldn't make her feel completely at ease.

However, Ultraman Guja is also far more powerful than the Victory Team.

If you cooperate well with him, it is also related to the possibility of this gate of hell.

However, when she just thought so.

I saw that there was an invisible shock wave shimmering with white light, bombarding the body of Ultraman Guja from the ground.

The invisible thought wave is quite powerful.

Directly blasted Ultraman Guja from the air to the ground.

This move was very familiar to her.

"This is--Kirielod!"

At this time, she finally knew who the opponent she faced this time was.

Then, after knowing it, the situation in front of him did not get better.

Hidden in the crowd and attacking Ultraman Guja, it is difficult to analyze who the Kyrierod is.

Even if it is analyzed that there are so many people as meat shields, it is difficult for them to take measures.

Fortunately, although the Kyrierod people have IQs, they have no brains.

After stopping Dagu from blocking the gate of hell, they jumped straight out of the crowd.

Itabashi Mitsuo and Onuma Keiko charged directly at each other.

Immediately after the collision, the two different bodies deformed.

This is the body of the spiritual body transformation, which is directly fused together.

Then, a huge, more powerful monster appeared.

- Kyrielord II!

The Kyrierod who evolved from the previous form has a body similar to Ultraman.

This is a combat form developed entirely to deal with Ultraman.

"It was originally intended to use Ultraman Tiga as the best prop to show his power."

The huge monster let out a harsh laugh.

"Since you appeared first, let you taste this power first! Hahaha!"

"Under everyone's eyes, die miserably! Ultraman Gujia!"

Laughing wildly.

Kyrielord II launched an attack on Dagu.

Seeing the evolutionary form of Kyrierod II, the expressions of everyone in the victory team also became serious.

"It looks more ferocious than the last form, is Ultraman Guja really okay?"

Remembering the last time, Ultraman Guja was defeated by this monster and shriveled.

Seeing this time, this monster has actually evolved and become stronger, and everyone in the victory team couldn't help but worry about Ultraman Guja.

They hoped that Ultraman Gujia would win, but they were not very optimistic about it intellectually.

Hear them say so.

In the camp, Su Mo, who has not yet planned to enter the camp, smiled.

"Don't underestimate Gujia Ultraman."

"He is no longer what he used to be!"

The first time I met a Kyrierod.

That was the third time that Su Mo encountered a monster.

At that time, both he and Dagu were still newbies.

That's why those Kyrielords have a chance to escape.

And now they are already worlds apart from before.

Needless to say, Su Mo, the power he shares now has completely crushed himself at that time.

Even without using the power of Ultraman, you can crush these monsters.

During this period of Dagu, under the guidance of Su Mo, there has also been a reborn change.

Specializing in fighting, he has a good affinity with the power-type Ultraman.

During this period of time, the strength has more than doubled.

Even in the face of the evolved Kyriairods, he will not be powerless to fight back. .

Chapter 451

Facts have proved that Su Mo's calculation is not wrong.

Kirierod II confidently aimed at Ultraman Tiga.

They don't care about Dagu.

Therefore, they, who were inflated, felt that it was not difficult to deal with the Ultraman Guja in front of them.

When it was just a normal form before, it could easily deflate Ultraman Guja.

Now that it has been strengthened to the second form, isn't it more than enough to deal with this miscellaneous fish?

Therefore, they directly greeted them in a composite form similar to Ultraman Tiga.

However, what they never expected was—

"I'm not what I used to be!"

Dagu roared in his heart, but his footsteps were very calm and opened the distance.

The Ultraman he transformed into is good at strength and defense, but slightly inferior in agility.

Therefore, late strikes and consecutive attacks are his areas of expertise.

In the face of Kyrierod II in front of him, he became much more stable under the training of Su Mo, and he did not take the lead in attacking.

The cautiously watching Ultraman Guja, in the eyes of Kyrierod II, was a sign of fear.

Therefore, they didn't realize that they were the one who needed to delay the time, but they were very arrogant and charged directly towards Da Gu.


The punch that easily smashed several high-rise buildings was easily avoided by Da Gu.

When Kyrierod II used his old moves due to inertia.

Dagu took the opportunity to get close.


An inch punch was hitting Kyrierod II's chest.

Then followed by a slide.

Dagu used his whole body strength to directly slam into the arms of Kyrierod II.

"Stay on the mountain!"

The whole body concentrated on the shoulders, and then suddenly exploded.

Directly knocked Kyrielord II into the square.

The ground of the whole city shook.

- Dagu, what are you protecting? !

Fortunately, no one has yet accused him of it.

After flipping Kyrielord II directly to the ground.

Dagu started his happiest play.

He directly bullied himself, rode on the body of Kyrierod II, and then kept beating the monsters under him.

This is also the tactics that Su Mo taught him.

Once you have the upper hand, you must be relentless, expand the results, and never give the opponent a chance to breathe.

I have to say, this tactic is very effective.

"Bang bang bang!"

Steel fists dozens of times the size of a casserole slammed into Kyrierod II's face like raindrops.

For a time, the two Kyrierods who were still laughing wildly were knocked out.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

Why, they were beaten like this by mere "second cavalry"?

It's not just that they're dumbfounded.

The people of the winning team were also a little confused.

"Ultraman Guja, is he so strong?"

In the face of Kyrierod II, who was obviously much stronger than before, Megumi was surprised that he could achieve this victory.

"It seems that Ultraman Gujia has been growing!"

Xincheng is not surprising.

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