and so.

When a god-killer from a foreign land came to this island.

The hearts of all magicians trembled.

... 0th

How unreasonable the godslayer is, and the countries that have godslayers have a deep understanding of it.

Although they are the only existences that can fight against the gods who do not obey.

But it is also the existence of a god whose lethality is no less than that of a disobedient god.

As the battlefield of battle, in the battle to eliminate the god of disobedience, a city, and sometimes even a small country, is often paid for.

If it is a remote mountainous area, the loss is not bad.

If an economic center like Manhattan is affected, the economic losses caused will not only be measured in billions.

And now.

There are two people who can easily cause hundreds of billions of dollars in losses, and both are gathered in the heart of this United States.

Anyone with a bit of common sense will have a high tension of stepping on a high-voltage line to cross a single-plank bridge.

The only thing that can make magicians breathe a sigh of relief is.

Hades was on their side, their own king.

Even if the king of a foreign country wants to make trouble, his own king should be able to resist—right?

I was still a little confident.

But thinking of Su Mo's record, they all had doubts.

The king who can defeat the oldest and strongest group of godslayers, the Marquis of Woban, can his own king really stand it?

With such doubts and apprehension.

Magicians gather at the airport to prepare for the pick-up.

After the hatch is opened.

They immediately saw Su Mo, who was walking at the front, and the petite, silver-haired girl who was following him.


Feeling the breath of the god of disobedience, the magicians panicked.

But they try to hypnotize themselves.

how can that be possible?

How could a god-killer walk with a disobedient god?

This unscientific!Not magic either!

However, the magician who was good at spiritual vision among them had already discovered the truth and fell to the ground foaming at the mouth.

After seeing this scene.

No matter how much they tried to pretend to be an ostrich, they couldn't do it anymore.indivual.

Chapter 491

The magicians live in Bengbu.

But even if they couldn't hold back, they were not qualified to ask Su Mo.

Only Wang can speak to Wang Peer.

Even if Su Mo brought the god of disobedience, they had no right to question.

Fortunately, Annie, who received the news, had already put on makeup and hid aside.

Seeing that the magicians were so cowardly, they didn't dare to talk to them at all.

She sighed, put on her mask, and came to the front of Su Mo.

The attire of Hades is very famous. After the magicians saw it, they had no doubts whether it was fake or not.

Give the stage to the two godslayers.

"In the words of the ancient country of the East, it should be said that I am lucky to meet! I heard that Mr. Su Mo is coming to help me get rid of the Lord of the Flies, I almost couldn't sleep with joy."

Using voice-changing magic, Annie said in a cheerful neutral voice.

To say good face, pretend to be polite, in fact, the atmosphere of the United States and the Celestial Dynasty are very similar.

Probably a common problem in big countries.

Although Anne just received the news not long ago.

But this did not prevent her from expressing her enthusiasm in opera-like words.

However, her words were not entirely false.

Although a godslayer, Annie's favorite thing to do is actually something similar to Spider-Man and Batman.

Therefore, for other godslayers, when they hear Su Mo's purpose, they may subconsciously worry that he will come to snatch their prey.

After all, power can be obtained by hunting the gods of disobedience, and power is undoubtedly the most precious thing for godslayers who have long lifespan and power forever.

But for Annie, the freak.

She really doesn't value power very much. Compared to this, she hopes to solve the troubles of Lord of the Flies.

Known as the Lord of the Flies, it was a young god named Ansheera.

Ancestor God is a reincarnated existence after the fall of the Mother Earth Goddess, who lost the divine personality, and has a very powerful immortality.

Even death can be resurrected by reincarnation.

Therefore, although Anne had killed each other many times, she had never been able to truly end Ansheela's life.

To her, Angela was like a candy that couldn't be ripped off.

Obviously very weak, but unusually troublesome.

If someone is willing to help her, it must be better.

Therefore, she really welcomes Su Mo's arrival.

However, she never expected it.

As soon as they met, Su Mo gave himself such a big surprise.

The moment she saw Athena behind Su Mo, she passively entered the battle mode, which was the influence of the godslayer's physique.

And being able to focus on that level.

The god of disobedience in front of him must be at the top level of strength.

Even she is not sure to win.

So, after chatting with Su Mo, she looked at Athena and asked Su Mo.

"However, Mr. Su Mo didn't seem to have mentioned anything about this goddess before."

She tries to explore the relationship between the two.

Not gossip, but pure fear that they will fight here.

As a godslayer with rare common sense, she still knew what the consequences of a war in Manhattan would be.

Su Mo didn't care about her careful probing, and replied casually.

"Didn't I say it before, I will bring my female relatives with me."


You mean, this goddess is your daughter-in-law? !

Hearing this, Annie thumped in her heart, thinking to herself.

If you say this, you are going to fight.

Done!The United States is over!

However, after a few seconds, nothing happened.

She looked at Athena in surprise and found that the goddess had no objection.


She stared at Su Mo with wide eyes.

Apparently realized something.

This compatriot actually has a goddess in his bag?

And this kind of operation? !

As if seeing what she was thinking, Athena said with some displeasure.

"My concubine only belongs to the master because of her defeat. You don't want to have those dirty associations!"

Although for Su Mo, she is willing to be called the master.

But for other godslayers, she still has the pride of being a goddess.

Hear what Athena said.


Annie nodded, indicating that you were right.

But in her heart, she didn't think so.

Even the master is called, how far is it from further contact?

But she also knows that these can't be said...

Since the other party has recognized the master, as long as Su Mo doesn't tell her, she will not make trouble.

So, don't worry about this god of disobedience for the time being.

After perfunctory Athena, she looked at Su Mo again.

"Since it's a female relative, it doesn't matter. In order to welcome Mr. Su Mo's arrival, I specially arranged for the best chef to come and receive him. Should we go now—?"

The etiquette of picking up the wind and washing the dust is still necessary.

She didn't understand Su Mo's preferences, but Li Duo didn't blame it, but it was an oriental saying.

From Su Mo's name, we can also guess his birth.

Annie was mainly worried that Su Mo would be a person who demands etiquette just like Patriarch Luo Hao.

Fortunately, Su Moyuan was not as troublesome as Luo Hao.

Honesty is more important than politeness.

So, after waving his hand and declining Annie's invitation, Su Mo said bluntly.

"There's no need for so much red tape, I'm here just for Ansheela, the Lord of the Flies, and I'm ready to leave after recycling her."

Hear Su Mo's words.

Both Annie and the surrounding magicians breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they can leave after the fight, they don't have to suffer.

"How embarrassing this is!"

While pretending to be enthusiastic, Annie quickly took out an electronic map.

"But Mr. Su Mo, we have already found out the current location of the Lord of the Flies. If you are really in a hurry, I can take you there."

Seeing her eagerness, it is obvious that she is worried that it is easy to ask God and difficult to send God away.

Su Mo shook his head amusingly, and then took her shoulder.

"Don't be so troublesome, I have already locked the position of the Lord of the Flies, let's go directly without delay."

Say so.

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