"Guinevere, after peeping at the side for so long, can't I finally come out?"

The name of the visitor was directly revealed in one sentence.

After hearing this name, Annie was even more surprised.

Even if she is from the United States, because she wants to kill gods, she is familiar with famous myths, and naturally knows Celtic myths.

Guinevere, isn't she the princess who had an incestuous relationship with Lord Lancelot and betrayed King Arthur?

Could it be that this is also a mythical character? ! .

Chapter 494

Under Annie's curious eyes.

The twelve or thirteen-year-old girl bowed to Su Mo with an incomparably beautiful appearance.

"My concubine is Guinevere, and I have seen His Majesty Su Mo and this Hades."

Although she was facing two godslayers, the girl's attitude was still calm, and she focused more on Su Mo. She must have seen Su Mo's overwhelming strength.

"Please forgive Su Mo, Genie Weier didn't mean to peep, just because of your power, didn't dare to come forward!"

After introducing herself, she immediately bowed her head again, expressing her apology for her peeping behavior just now.

As I said before, witches are all people with the aptitude for spiritual vision.

Liliana has the qualities of a witch.

The ability of witches can be traced back to the source, because they have blood from the ancestors.

Compared with witches who only have thin blood, as the ancestor of the source, the power of Spirit Vision is naturally the strongest.

Spirit Vision, its principle is to obtain information from the Netherworld.

As the ancestor of God, Guinevere has the ability to directly set foot in the underworld.

Before, when Su Mo was dealing with Ansheela, she had been peeping at the nearby secluded world.

It wasn't until I heard what Athena said that I finally couldn't help showing up.

After hearing her visit.

Su Mo didn't have time to say anything.

On the side, the goddess Athena, who was comforting and appeasing Sierra, couldn't help but step forward.

The petite silver-haired goddess looked a little smaller than Guinevere.

The power of the whole body is more terrifying than ordinary main gods and god kings.

Athena proudly raised her head and scolded Guinevere in front of her with angry eyes.

"I thought it was an old friend who arrived, but I didn't expect you to be a traitor!"

I said it before.

The Goddess of the Earth, who is regarded as the Dragon, Snake and Monster by the Heroic God of Steel, hates most of the Heroic God of Steel.

Athena is a rational avenger, she has the bearing to admit her defeat, but she puts hatred on the last steel.

Ansheela is a crazy type of avenger. If there is no Athena restraint, her hatred will inevitably burn herself out.

Both of them are one of the typical ideas of the orthodox Mother Goddess.

However, among the defeated earth goddesses, it is inevitable that there will be those who rebel and intend to help the enemy.

Although he was cut off by the heroic god of steel, he did not hold hatred for the heroic god of steel.

Instead, he turned around and helped the Hero God of Steel in his crusade against the Earth Goddess.

This kind of existence will naturally be regarded as a traitor by the Mother Earth.

"My compatriots in the past, do you know how to spell the word shame? The descendants of our mother goddess and the steel that slaughtered dragons and snakes have been mortal enemies since the age of mythology! You are willing to become that filthy steel. Handmaiden of the Hero God?!"

An angry Athena scolded Guinevere in front of her.

"If there is no suitable reason, the concubine will turn you into a rock and sleep!"

If you are defeated in a dignified manner by the enemy, you must admit the bravery of your opponent even though you are unwilling.

But if you are betrayed by your own people, it is an unforgivable sin.

Looking at Athena's appearance, it seems that she will use the magic eye of petrification at any time to turn the ancestors in front of her into stone sculptures.

Facing this deadly threat, Guinevere looked at Su Mo without the slightest panic.

"Goddess Athena, do you want to ask His Majesty Su Mo's opinion before making such a move?"

"Although this concubine is just a divine ancestor, she also possesses information that can tempt Master Su Mo (cedc). If you attack this concubine rashly, you might offend Master Su Mo!"

Looking at her confident smile, she obviously thought she saw through the relationship between Su Mo and Athena.

Since Su Mo's side is dominant, it only needs to remain useful to Su Mo, and the threat from Goddess Athena can be taken lightly.

Hear her say that.

Athena wanted to retort.

But after sneaking a glance at Su Mo, she felt that she was being hit.

No matter how powerful she is, she is only a subordinate god who belongs to Su Mo. If Su Mo doesn't let her take action against Guinevere, she really can't do anything about it.

Thinking of this, the petite silver-haired goddess couldn't help being a little sullen.

See her like this.

Su Mo rubbed the head of the young goddess with some humor.

"No problem!"

he said softly.


Guinevere looked at him suspiciously.

Athena's eyes flashed immediately.

"I said it's fine."

Su Mo said in a relaxed tone while following the smooth silver hair of Goddess Athena.

"Since she is the goddess of my family, there is no reason to be bullied by outsiders. It is up to you whether you want to turn the other party into a stone sculpture or turn your bones into ashes. If someone thinks that mere intelligence can restrain me, they don't know me too well. already."

Su Mo's tone was as calm as water, but the water was full of wind and thunder.

Hearing this is the equivalent of "go for it, I've got you covered".

Even the proud goddess Athena could not help but be moved.

The silver-haired girl let Su Mo touch her head, and then looked at Guinevere in front of her with a proud expression, her eyes had turned into golden vertical pupils.

"Rebel! What are your last words?"

"……how so?!"

Facing Athena's gaze, Guinevere became a little flustered.

"Even if it's related to the final fate of the godslayer, isn't His Majesty Su Mo not interested?"

She tried to arouse Su Mo's interest, but it was in vain, Su Mo didn't seem interested at all.

Immediately, she was sitting on wax.

That's not what the script says.

Obviously he has grasped the relationship of interests, but the calculation fails, which is simply unreasonable.

Fortunately, when he lost to another godslayer, the black prince Alec, a few years ago, he already knew that godslayers were unreasonable.

So for this situation, she is not without a record.

In the face of Athena's anger, the little god ancestor did not directly bow to the explanation, but straightened his chest and said bluntly.

"Please forgive me, Goddess Athena! Although our Earth Goddess also has a period of incarnation of dragons and snakes to fight with the heroic god of steel, since the age of mythology, serving the heroic god of steel has been our destiny."

"Like Lord Athena, although you did not surrender to the Hero God of Steel, you are not surrendering to His Majesty Su Mo and become a dependent of Su Mo's Majesty?"

"In this case, the concubine chooses to serve the last steel, but it is just obeying fate. If you think this is wrong, please feel free to point it out!"

Guinevere did not choose to beg for mercy, but explained her choice dignifiedly.

And, using Athena's current situation as her shield.

After hearing this explanation.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!"

Athena's tone was still merciless, but she lost her previous resentment.

"But you are right about one thing. It is the duty of the loser to surrender to the winner. If this is your chosen destiny, then I will ignore it."

Since he surrendered to Su Mo, he naturally couldn't accuse the other party of surrendering to the last steel.

In addition, the attitude of the gods to fate is completely different from that of humans.

Since the other party is following her own destiny, she has nothing to say.


Of course, there are still some dislikes.

Athena snorted lightly, and took Angela to the other side of the ship, seemingly out of sight and out of mind.

Angela, who had returned to her young girl's posture, also glanced at her compatriot Guinevere ignorantly, as if she didn't understand why everyone couldn't get along well.

Then, he was very obedient and was pulled away by Athena.

See Athena leave.

Guinevere finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Life and death are on the line, and even an undead ancestor would find it hard to breathe.

Seeing her like this, Su Mo didn't have any plans to pity Xiangxiyu, but just asked curiously.

"Speaking of which, why did you appear here? Isn't that guy Tony chasing you?"

I heard Su Mo ask this.

Guinevere, who had just come from the juncture of life and death, thought that Su Mo was caring about herself.

She shook her head and said happily.

"Thank you Su Mo for your concern, but the concubine is fine."

"Although he was closely pursued by the King of Rakshasa, because of the black prince Alek who disrupted the situation, and the fact that his concubine can create a phantom of a god, he managed to escape from the king of swords."

In general, god ancestors can only create divine beasts.

But Guinevere is a special case. With the Holy Grail, she can use the magic power of the Holy Grail to summon the phantom of the gods.

Although, the phantom of the gods lacking self-will, no matter how much magic power they have, they can't match the true gods of disobedience.

But it's enough to delay time and block enemies.

Originally, the King of Swords was not good at tracking.

Guinevere only needed to shake him with a trick at a critical moment to get away successfully.

"Of course, this move can only last for a short period of time. Although the King of Swords doesn't admit defeat, he has a very keen sense of smell. No matter how far he runs, he can catch up. It's too troublesome. It's just pure luck."

"Well, I don't know what information the King of Swords got, and he suddenly chased after his concubine."

After sighing.

Guinevere is very frank about her strength and encounters.

At this time, she suddenly remembered something and asked curiously.

"By the way, how did His Majesty Su Mo know about the concubine?"

Curious about the Holy Grail, or for some other reason?

Guinevere was thinking about the answer in her heart, thinking about how to induce Su Mo accordingly.

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