"You mean?"

"for this I!"

Drinking a single cup alone made the king feel more and more irritable. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a big wine jar, and drank boldly.

Obviously, the scene next to him hit him too hard, especially the touch of his past experience, which was far beyond other people's imagination.

"Hmph, who are you talking about, miscellaneous cultivator!"

On the other side, Jin Glittering, who comforted the girl in this era, also came over, and he could naturally sense the melons of these two.

He looked unhappy, and he didn't know if he hadn't recovered from the emotion just now, or he was angry at the two people watching the show here.

He walked to the side of Jin Xingxian in the chat group, picked up a jar of wine, and drank wildly.

"As for you, bastard, you just don't know how to be blessed when you are blessed. This era can develop into this way, already, you can't imagine it!".

Chapter 294 An Era That Needs You and Will Not Abandon You Welcomes You to Anonymous (Please Customize)

"I know!"

Uruk touched the wine jar with a golden touch, and took a few sips. He was too lazy to care about the image or the king's appearance, and said casually,

Of course he knew, after all, as a crowned magician with the clairvoyance of seeing the future, he had already seen the end of the city of Uruk.And now, waking up is great!

"You don't know, you don't know at all!"

For some reason, the chat group Jin Shining soon became a little bit drunk. Looking at the former self in front of him, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that this bastard deserved a beating:

"If it weren't for the people in our chat group, just relying on this group of Chaldeans, you would be able to keep a fart!

And you have no idea what I have accepted in this era. "

"Stop talking, oh~"

Jin Shining of Uruk sighed, and her mood became depressed. Yes, it is very good now, but loss and parting~ are not so good.

"I really didn't expect, and I didn't understand, that Siduri's body was so sad."

"Yeah, you don't know at all, you don't know anything, you're an ass!

I am the one who knows, understands and understands the most, and really feels the existence of Siduri's feelings. "

Jin Shining in the chat group was excited, and a feeling of sadness like Siduri's was brewing in it.

Hmph, anyway, he is not the king anymore, so there is no need to insist on anything, to cover up, who is the cover up for?

After all, this era does not belong to oneself, without its own subjects, without its own city of Uruk, and without its own Siduri and Enkidu.

nothing left!

"I, at that time, was the one who was abandoned!"

In the chat group, Jin Shining said loudly that even after countless hours in the Hall of Valor, the sadness in his heart has not been relieved at this moment.

Or it is precisely in that kind of place where there is no concept of time and no change, staying alone, the sadness in my heart will become more and more terrifying.

That's right, he was the one who was abandoned...

Now that she had predicted Siduri, knowing that she would die if she went, she still went, and she allowed him to go!



Jin Shining covered her head, completely imagining how desperate she was when she didn't know Siduri's death.

At that time, he deceived himself that he didn't want to take care of it, and he couldn't completely hide it, so he chose to let Chaldea exist to check.

But, so what, the ending is unavoidable!

He had already seen that on that battlefield, Siduri, who had been polluted by the black mud and turned into a monster, replaced Jin Gu, the guy who still belonged to Enkidu in her eyes, and the current fatal blow.

However, he was powerless to stop it!

And Enkidu, who was rescued, and Jin Gu, who was also the lock of the sky, disappeared against Tiamat not long afterward.



In this group of guys, one sacrificed to protect his companion, and the other completely unfolded the power of the sky lock, and realized that he had truly restrained the God of Creation.

They all walked very well, without any regrets, even that boy Jin Gu just wanted to experience the time that once belonged to Enkidu again.

But what about yourself?

He could only sit on the cold and lonely throne and watch this scene happen with his own eyes, but he was powerless to stop it.

How is this situation different from Siduri at the moment?

"Stop talking, drink!"

"drink wine!"

The two kings clinked glasses abruptly, as if they wanted to spend all their sorrows in the wine, and evened it out.

But all this can only be in vain...


In the outside world, after the victory of the war, everyone is lamenting the time they have gained and lost.

On this side, the pace of going back to Izayoi also reached the end. In this world full of light and white, he saw the God of Creation.

"Hello, Tiamat!"

Seeing the target he finally found, Nihui Izayoi raised the corners of his mouth and said happily.


The silver-haired Tiamat looks very similar to the initial state of the outside world, and also has a long horn growing on the back.

But at this time, she showed an extremely weak and thin figure.

Although there was no expression on his face, it was obvious that Nihui Izayo could feel that an emotion called sadness was slowly brewing and fermenting in this space.

"Is this the sorrow in the heart of Tiamat, the abandoned God of Creation and the mother of all things?"

Going back to Sixteen Nights was silent, without any conditions or jokes, instead of being unscrupulous in the past, he chose to respect.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

I respect this creation-like existence that gave birth to the entire Mesopotamian civilization.

"I gave birth to many lives..."

Suddenly, the Creator Goddess spoke, instead of singing all the time, she chose to use language to communicate. She said silently: "I was once loved by all living beings, but... the children now regard me as a jumping platform." , and want to get away from me."

"I want to love them all the time..."

While speaking, Tiamat's figure began to slowly disappear, starting from the footsteps, dissipating bit by bit.

"I also want them to stay by my side forever. Could it be that my love...is all wrong?"

"Who knows that?"

............ 0

Reverse Izayo shook his head, thought carefully and said:

"Perhaps, there is nothing wrong, but it may be that your love is no longer suitable for this era, not suitable for your children today.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, you are right, they are right, but it is not suitable, it is wrong in itself! "

This is the point of view of Naihui Izayoi, the evil of human beings is also the love of human beings.

It can be said that even compared to those gods who love humans, such as Ishtar and the others, Tiamat loves humans the most, and loves his own children the most.

However, the times have changed. The human beings who were once addicted to this love, but who have left this era, are no longer used to this kind of love.

In the simplest terms, the relationship between Tiamat and human beings is one of doting, and the other of resistance and non-acceptance.

There is nothing wrong with a mother who loves her child, and there is nothing wrong with a child who wants to be independent, so if you are wrong, you can only be in this era.

"But, I know a little bit."

Nihui Izayo raised his head, looked at Tiamat seriously, and said what should have been the protagonist: "All your children love you!"

(Gudazi, who had quit the group chat, was whipped to death mercilessly...)

"That's why it's what it is today."

"That's it, so... you want to go?"

Tiamat nodded, his figure was still gradually dissipating, and had already dissipated into the middle of his body.

The anger of being abandoned has completely disappeared, and what is left is only sadness.So.

Chapter 295 Afraid of Being Abandoned, A City That Does Not Allow Sadness and Mercy (Please Customize)

"Don't go, don't leave me..."

This being who once created the world, created life, created human beings and gave birth to the entire civilization, is speaking helplessly at this moment,

At this moment, she is no longer as scary as she was in her initial state, and she was so desperately powerful.All that's left is helplessness...

This is a mother, begging, begging her children not to abandon herself.

It's a pity that in the established destiny, there is no way to get a response.

Those who once carried their destiny paid countless prices, sacrificed generations of people, got rid of this part of doting, and chose to truly face their destiny.

Now that it has been abandoned,

How can it return again, come back here again?

Tiamat also understands, and also understands, when the figure is slowly dissipating, when the whole body is about to disappear.

Her "[-]" eyes became hazy, and a line of crystal tears flowed down from the mother's eyes.

She said: "No, love me again..."

According to the instructions of fate, she should disappear!

However, this time, it was different!

A tyrannical figure rushed into the long river of fate, smashing this trajectory completely with each punch.

Under the light of the light dissipated by the long river of fate, the corner of the figure's mouth raised into a smile, and he hugged the God of Creation in front of him, and said with a smile:

"I'm sorry, I won't promise you such a thing, such an unreasonable thing!"


Tiamat murmured, as if he didn't quite understand this scene, obviously he hadn't reacted yet.

"Your child didn't leave you because he loved you, hmph, and this era doesn't need you, but it doesn't mean that there is no era that doesn't need you!"

Reverse Izayo grabbed Tiamat's body that was about to dissipate, with a sharp light in his eyes, and pulled back fiercely.


As the long river of void twisted back and forth, a violent and unknown explosion sounded.

This man actually forcibly pulled back the light and shadow in front of him from the rules and destiny!

"Hahaha, I knew I could do it, haha, my uncle is the worst collection of human beings, back to Izayoi!"

Nihui Izayo laughed wantonly, obviously very pleased with the results of his actions, he looked at Tiamat in front of him, and said seriously:

"For you, I have stayed in this era for so long, and worked so hard to come to you step by step, just to bring you back to an era that needed you and loved you!

If you want to disappear so easily and want others to stop loving you, isn't that unreasonable? "

Looking at the obviously unreasonable Reverse Izayoi on the opposite side, Tiamat did not argue with the other party, but said:

"There are still, don't you abandon my era?"

"Of course! You want to have a child to accompany you and not abandon you. People in my era also lack a mother to care for, haha, isn't this a win-win situation?!"

Nihui Shizai said with a smile, he snapped his fingers casually, and suddenly, even in this spiritual world, two contracts appeared out of thin air:

"Stay here with peace of mind. If you are willing, I will take you to an era that needs you with the contract of the world!"

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