Chapter 420 The real Msisha in the past

In Tsunade's mysterious and mysterious explanation.Nihui Shizai help the tornado in a dazed way.

But when Tsunade asked him to hug the tornado tightly, Nigai Izayoi still refused.

Tsunade frowned and said, "What's the matter, don't my sisters deserve to cough cough..."

Nihui Izayo raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you want to take a rest?"

I don't know if Tsunade came here after drinking too much alcohol.

Back to the time when Izayoi looked at her and coughed violently as if she was choking.

Said very worried.

"Do you want to sleep and sober up?"

He didn't see the twitching corners of Tsunade's eyes at all, and the way the green-haired girl in his arms was already gnashing her teeth and glaring at Tsunade.

After hearing Nikai Izayoi's words, Tsunade shook his head helplessly.

Tornado's eyes dimmed even more.

Just going back to Izayoi's next words made her eyes sparkle again.

Ni Hui Shizai said: "You are so drunk, don't do anything good or bad for the tornado."

Tsunade chuckled.

"Don't worry, my old lady...'s technology is absolutely safe."

Going back to Izayoi, I have the feeling that this old driver just wanted to drive.

But it seemed that he tried hard and held back.

Less than 10 minutes later, I went back to Izayoi to take another look.

Tornado's hand was already healed, as if it had never been injured.

Back to Izayoi looked back and forth for a long time, amazed.

"This recovery ability is really strong."

"There's no better way to go back in time and go back to where you were before."

Tsunade said very proudly.

"of course!"

"Who do you think I am? I'm Tsunade!"

Tornado flicked his wrist, and found that there was indeed no problem at all.

Immediately said in surprise.

"It's really no problem!"

"Thank you, Tsunade."

Nihui Shizaiye said: "Since there is no problem here, I have to go first."

Tsunade was taken aback, and said, "Aren't you going to accompany Tornado?"

Nihui Shiliuye said: "Isn't it good? And with you as a good girlfriend, I won't stay here anymore."

He doesn't want to play with girls, they are too difficult to understand!

After finishing speaking, Nihui Izayo left immediately.

Under Tsunade's gaze, Tornado sighed in great disappointment.

After Nihui Izayo left, he deliberately went to take a look at the world of the magical girl Madoka.

Homura Akatsuki is still living a very happy life with Madoka.

Tokisaki Kurumi is also here.

The elves' time is almost endless.

And as an elf who controls time, Tokisaki Kurumi has a weirder way of survival than other elves.

When Xiao Meiyan, the demon of the universe, had to go out to destroy the monster.

Tokisaki Kurumi, a slender and weak girl, will take on the responsibility of accompanying Madoka.

Going back to Izayoi, Madoka probably didn't think of it.

Homura Akatsuki, who is a decathlon, is always on sick leave.

Tokisaki Kurumi, who is assumed to be a sickly girl, is full time.

Anyway, looking back at Izayoi is quite interesting.

And Tokisaki Kurumi seems to have recovered his form.

When I saw Nihui Izayoi, I couldn't help but threw myself into his arms.


Nihui Izayo caught her very naturally, and put her aside.

He said very naturally: "Don't make trouble. I have something to do with Homura, where is she?"

In Tokisaki Kurumi's left eye, the golden color flashed away.

Then she chuckled and said, "Homura is already on her way back."

Nihui Shizaiye said: "Okay, take me to find her..."

Tokisaki Kurumi took him to an empty music classroom and waited.

Within 2 minutes, a scorching black flame suddenly appeared in the icy cold air.

Then the black and white wings suddenly opened, and then from the air.

Xiao Meiyan stepped out of the flames.

Lightly fell to the ground.

He also fiddled with his hair casually.

Until this time, she didn't find anyone.

Xiao Meiyan raised her head, and then a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Then he asked softly, "Mr. Administrator, why are you here?"

After obtaining the true ending after reincarnation again and again, Xiao Meiyan's heart finally calmed down.

Although she is still killing continuously now, she has already determined her direction in her heart.

Looking back at Izayoi's eyes as calm as water, he smiled.

He knew that he didn't need to say anything more to Xiao Meiyan.

So he went back to Izayoi and re-spoken.

"I want to go back to the timeline I was in before."

In that timeline, Izayoi sees the Hound of Tindalos for the first time.

It was also the first time with Msisha.

2.1 Back to Izayoi At first, he only thought that this was just a thing that could be killed at will.

As a result, after thinking about it for a while, I found that the other party was not simple.

Among the endless Outer Gods, there are three existences who can almost be called the roots of all Outer Gods.

They support everything in the universe, so they are also called "Three Pillars of God".

These three are-

Shabu Nicholas, the black goat of the forest, who is "the god of darkness and fertility, who breeds thousands of descendants";

Nyarlathotep "The Creeping Chaos";

Yog-Sothoth "All to One".

These three simultaneously represent darkness, chaos and nameless mist in the universe. .

Chapter 421 Msisha's Warning

Back to Izayoi just thought for a moment, then suddenly realized.These three seem to have met him before, no matter from the side or the front.

When Nihui Izayo realized this, he frowned tightly. -

If someone told him it was a coincidence.

Naihui Izayoi must have slapped the opponent in the face.

The other party's mother didn't even recognize him.

That is a complete denial of him, of those three.

After all, they are not ordinary existences.

And among them, except Msisha, the opponent of Yog-Sothoth, who was attracted by Reverse Izayoi himself.

Nyarlathotep's avatar, Nyazi, appeared on his own initiative.

Shab Nicholas' black goat cubs simply rooted right in front of him.

Going back to Izayoi didn't understand.

What on earth do I have that these three outer gods are so concerned about.

...Could it be the 14 third perpetual motion machine in the body?

Back to Izayoi is not sure.

But if this is the case, then these three outer gods are really menacing.

Thinking of this, Nihui Izayo couldn't help but want to sigh.

Then he laughed wantonly.

This is what he expected!

A strong enemy to face in the future!

Akami Homura and Tokisaki Kurumi glanced at each other, obviously they didn't know what Naikai Izayoi was laughing at.

But Naihui Izayo waved his hand, and then said.

"Forget it, no matter how much."

"Send me back to that time to have a look first."

Going back to Izayoi, I always want to see if Msisha is dead.

——The kind of creature that manipulates time and space.

Will it really disappear once and for all?


Msisha is the opponent of Yog-Sothoth, one of the three pillar gods.

Reverse Izayo didn't believe that it was gone after such a toss.

Although Xiao Meiyan couldn't understand it.

Haven't we already been there?

And it is obvious that Reverse Back to Izayoi has already tried.

There is absolutely no way to save people.

But looking at his expression, Akami Homura still nodded to Nihui Izayoi.

Even if everything is over, Reverse Izayoi still wants to find other ways.

This moved Xiao Meiyan very much.

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