Therefore, their avatars can let some weak races live in the world they guard.

As long as you follow their rules.

The more he was in the universe, the more Naihui Izayoi believed that the thoughts in his heart were correct.

It wasn't the first time he had encountered some gaudy Outer God Families.

And Nihui Sixteen Nights would also like to thank Master Gu Yi.

The two of them had previously conducted a sweep of an alien race in the Marvel Universe.

Back to Izayoi also saw very familiar races such as giant worms.

He can even think about it bitterly.

It seems that Xiao Meiyan, the guardian of the world, is not doing well enough.

She didn't even care about the invasion of so many foreign gods' families in her own world.

He can only do it for him, punching and smashing them.

When he went back to Izayoi to deal with the giant worm in front of him, he suddenly frowned.

"Come out, Hound of Tindalos¨..."

He doesn't summon anything like Pokémon.

Instead, keep staring in one direction.

There's a Tindalosian hound in ambush over there.

After realizing that he was discovered by Nihui Izayoi, the other party obediently came out of hiding.

Going back to Izayoi, he found that the other party seemed very docile.

This might be the guy Akami Homura contracted with the Tindalos Hound contract coupon for her and Madoka's world.

He asked, "Why are you squatting by the side?"

"Also, I haven't settled with you yet."

The other party was about to reply respectfully, but when he heard the next sentence, he was shocked.

"Why is that, Izayo-sama!"

"I did nothing wrong!"

Nigai Izayoi pointed to the horrible corpse of the giant worm in front of him, and asked.

"If you Hound of Tindalos are really doing your job, how did these giant worms get in?"

"Besides, along the way just now, I also encountered a lot of things!"

While talking, Nihui Izayo looked at the other party very sternly.

"Let me remind you that my relationship with Msisha is quite good."

"If you don't answer well, I should be able to directly..."

Back to Izayoi smiled and gestured on his neck.

"Cut off your head like this."

Suddenly, the Tindalos hound was even more frightened.

Nihui Izayo narrowed his eyes, wondering why the other party behaved like this.

Especially why should you follow yourself?

Logically speaking, Msisha sent the Tindalos hounds to guard their world, regardless of their abilities.

At least it's loyal.

Soon, the doubts of Reverse Izayoi were answered.

The air fluctuated again.

Msisha appeared before him.

He bowed to Nihui Shizaiye, and said: "Master Shizayoi, long time no see, you are still radiant."

Back to Izayoi stared at Msisha several times with very surprised eyes.

This is really scary, isn't it? !

Where did such a big white wolf learn to bow and salute?

And long time no see what the hell? !

For the Hound of Tindalos, a million years is the blink of an eye!

But the time flow in Magical Girl Madoka's world is slower than in other worlds! ?

Back to Izayoi showed a very obvious expression of disbelief.

But Msisha still pretended to be nonchalant and said: "...~By the way, Izayoi-sama."

"Do you remember what happened to the Yisians?"

Back to Izayoi was stunned, and said, "Didn't I hand over the Yisi people to Frank at that time?"

He knew how much Frank hated the Yithians.

But as a warrior, Reverse Izayoi believed that Frank would definitely bring the Yis back to Tindalos City. (of money)

Because part of his wife's body was stolen by the Yisi people.

And it has been used to this day.

He will definitely hold back the pain in his heart in order to get back his wife's uterus.

Do the really right thing.

Msisha obviously also knew what Nihui Shizayoi was thinking.

He immediately said: "That's not the case, Master Izayoi."

"Frank, you did bring that guy back."

"And the other party is indeed a person with a very high status among the Yisi people."

"That's why we came to you."

Back to Izayoi said: "That is to say, where is the library where the Yisi people were found?".

Chapter 473 Caught a Gadget

Msisha nodded heavily!

Reverse Izayoi immediately clenched his fists.He didn't even suppress his excitement and said immediately.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go now!"

Msisha asked: "But those subordinates of yours, don't they need to be called over?"

Judging from the thinking of the Hounds of Tindalos, at least Izayoi should be surrounded by his subordinates.

Just like that time before.

Naihui Izayoi rested by himself, and then his subordinates searched for clues everywhere.

Anyway, he, the leader, would not do it himself.

Why is it this time?

Msisha was a little worried.

And this worry was quickly conveyed to Nihui Shizayoi.

Nihui Shizaiye laughed and shook his head, and said.

"I think you are in a panic, worrying about what these things are for."

"I'll take care of things, don't worry." 880

Msisha immediately remembered that the former Tindalos Hound was a punch.

That's still pretty easy.

Even if those Tindalos hounds rushing towards him were historical projections, it wouldn't be so easy.

Their Tindalos hounds really allyed with each other because they saw the strength of Naikai Izayoi and his subordinates.

Perhaps it is precisely because of knowing this that Nihui Izayoi doesn't care much about the other party.

It's good to be able to fight.

Let him be flooded.

As for the so-called subordinates...

Back to Izayoi believed that his group members would not care about such a small detail.

Even though he thought so, Nihui Izayoi still said something.

"They are my partners, not subordinates."

The expression on Msisha's answer looked very perfunctory.

Reverse Sixteen (becb) Ye said softly: "Now that we have found the location, let's go."

He was actually very hungry.

This isn't an understatement either.

I really know what kind of world the so-called "Yithian's library" was controlled by the surviving Yithians recently.

It was a world that was nothing new to him.

But Msisha clearly doesn't think so.

He suddenly realized and said: "So the Yisi people ran into your territory!"

"They really threw themselves into a trap!"

"My lord, we, the Hounds of Tindalos, are willing to be your pawns, to follow the traces of the Yithians first!"

"I don't know what you think?"

Msisha was obviously very careful when he said the last sentence.

After all, this is an act of entering other territories.

So many universes, most of which are defenseless against the Hounds of Tindalos.

And even if some cosmic territories have lords, they cannot resist the erosion of the Tindalos hounds.

But the forces under Nigai Izayoi's command are very different.

The Hounds of Tindalos cannot penetrate the barriers of the world at all, unless there is the consent of the return of Izayoi.

And those Yisians, relying on their wisdom and friendliness now, walked in quietly relying on their own weakness.

This is one of the reasons why Msisha deliberately went to communicate with Nihui Shizayoi at the beginning.

It's just that in getting along, Msisha didn't expect that the other party would be so willing to help, he was eager for justice, and he had an invincible impression of Reverse Shizaiye.

This time he was even willing to open up his territory for the Hounds of Tindalos to search for.

He must know, as long as the world entered by the Hound of Tindalos...

For hounds, that's the undefended back garden.

Even if they don't get into it most of the time.

But it was enough to make him feel better about the return to Izayoi.

Neither he nor Nihui Shizaiye actually realized that this was a function of the chat group.

But this does not prevent Msisha from looking forward to him even more.


Marvel World.

The Stark Corporation building.

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