A sense of urgency should be given to them, but it is definitely not to cancel that reward. Back to Izayoi will definitely not make himself a person who breaks his promise.

So now he began to really think about what to do to give those Hokage who were not well prepared for this game a sense of urgency.

After thinking about it, I still feel that the punishment for Hokage should be a little heavier. If this is the case, those Hokages might know the good intentions of Nigai Izayoi or are afraid of punishment, so they practiced hard. .

Chapter 507 Excusing Responsibility

After thinking about it, I think that among my thoughts, punishment is more reliable, but there are many kinds of punishment in the world, which one is better to put on Hokage?

Although now they still have a certain idea of ​​what to do about this matter, maybe they have a clue, so they don't think as hard as before, and they still can't figure it out.Nihui Shiliuye decided to discuss this matter with Ning Zhibojing, and maybe he could know what to do.

"Hurry up and share your own thoughts with your friends. Don't think about canceling the rewards anymore. Now that I think about it, if the rewards are not cancelled, we will change them into punishments. If they are disobedient, I will let them have a long memory."

Then Ning Zhibo thought about it carefully, and it seemed that a little more punishment was not enough.

Besides, besides the idea of ​​canceling the reward that he thought about before, he also has other ideas in his mind, so now, he might as well listen to what Nihui Shizaiye thinks.

So he watched Nihui Izayoi with great interest, meaning to let him continue talking.

Then look at his expression, knowing that he is willing to listen to his thoughts, he began to seriously describe his thoughts.

"The reason why those Hokages don't want to listen to us is mainly because they feel that the intensity of the current matter is too high for them, so they have that kind of rebellious mentality. We will not cancel the intensity of the practice. But we can add some punishments to the original type, let them know that if they don't practice well, there are more difficult punishments¨. "

After Ning Zhibojing heard Nihui Shiliuye's words, he felt quite disdain for Nihui Shiliuye's feeling in his heart, after all, there is not much time now.

Those who don't have much energy and have other time to deal with those punishments, going back to Izayoi to come up with this method, isn't it just a waste of time.

"If you say you want to give them some punishment, then you don't know what punishment they are. You have to know that we have spent so much time in it. Is it a waste of time to ask the punishment to copy some self-criticism? , can't you be more thoughtful?"

When he said this, Ning Zhibojing's tone was very serious, as if he was teaching Rehui Shizayoi a lesson.

But he had this kind of meaning in his heart. After all, he didn't need to come up with a way to cancel the reward, but instead thought about other punishments!

It was really a sentence that woke up the dreamer. After Nihui Shiliuye heard his words, he thought about it in his own mind, and felt that what he said was not unreasonable, and time is running out now.

If some time was really wasted copying the review papers, or something that had nothing to do with the competition, this kind of punishment was also a waste of Hokage's own time.

"Otherwise, if anyone is disobedient, they will be given corporal punishment. After all, corporal punishment is also exercise now, which is also good for them. At the same time, it can also be a warning to others, and they can be asked to sit together. Push-ups or sit-ups In other words, if they have suffered a lot, they will train well, so they won’t stop listening to our orders.”

Nihui Shiliuye lowered his head and thought for a while, he really couldn't think of a better way, so he thought of corporal punishment, and at the same time asked appropriately, Ning Zhibojing didn't know about this The solution is not feasible.

"Why are you still thinking about this method? You know this method is for them. It's because of our hard training now, so they don't care about it. If you use corporal punishment, wouldn't they be more controversial? Now, it’s even more difficult to manage.”

In Ning Zhibojing's heart, he really looked down on boys from the bottom of his heart.Originally, the training was already more difficult, but now there is more physical punishment than training.

Nihui Izayo raised his head, he wanted to say something to refute him, but he thought a lot in his mind.

What Ning Zhibojing said made some sense and there was no way to refute it.

Those Hokages know that if they don't do it well, there will be corporal punishment, maybe they will really ignore the words of Shizayoi and Ning Zhibojing.

This will instead make their approach run counter to their purpose, and I really don't want to see this situation when I go back to Izayoi, and it seems that this method really doesn't work.

Back to Izayo had no choice but to give up the punishment for these Hokages (Nodo's) in his own mind, and several people were silent in this place again, each thinking of different things in their minds.

In the end, Ning Zhibo Jing couldn't bear it anymore, and said directly: ".~The two of us should stop wasting time here, just listen to what I said before and cancel that reward, let these people have a A little sense of urgency, now you have nothing to do with us, why not try my method, okay, maybe it will really work?"

"No, no, no, I will never do that kind of thing. I promised that thing, and now I will cancel it myself. If I really do it, what do those Hokages think of me?" Back to Sixteen Ye refused again.Woolen cloth.

Chapter 508 An Explanation

After Hokage heard the news, they were also very angry, because they felt that they had put in so much effort for training, but they didn't get any prizes later, which was too disappointing.And I heard that Uchiha Madara was manipulating behind this, so I felt very upset, so the group of Hokage discussed to discuss with Uchiha Madara. After all, it was Uchiha Madara's idea. If Uchiha Madara didn't If you have an idea.

Then I can still get those prizes, so the group of Hokage found Uchiha Madara, and saw that group of Hokage and Uchiha Madara said: "Why did you ask Nihui Izayoi to cancel our rewards? You know, If you don't find Nihui Izayoi."

"Then we still have rewards, and now Reverse Izayo suddenly canceled the rewards for us. This must be a ghost behind your back, so if you don't give us an explanation, I am 910. Let you go."

"Of course, as our teacher, we shouldn't say anything about you when you treat us like this, but you have indeed violated our rights and interests. After all, the prize is not given to us by you, but by Reverse Izayoi. "

"So you have to give us an explanation. Although you are a teacher, we dare not punish you, but you have to remember that you canceled our prizes, and we can't carry out normal training, because we don't even have prizes. .”

"Then what motivation is there? Don't think that it is impossible to cancel our prizes, then let us stand out from the competition and give us prizes. So I hope you will measure it and don't lose the big with the small."

"Because we don't rely on prizes to support our training, we just get used to our training, and then we have to get prizes. If it is canceled for us suddenly, then we will definitely not be able to adapt."

"So I hope you can take it seriously, because this is not only our business, but also something you have to think about."

Uchiha Madara didn't expect to cancel their rewards, they were so excited, and even dared to threaten themselves, knowing that they had no intention of participating in this matter, just because Nigai Izayoi was his friend.

That's why I came up with this idea, but I didn't force Nihui Izayo to do this, and Nihui Izayo didn't agree at the time, but why did he agree later?I don't know either.

So why do I want to be this blame man, and I didn't expect Quan Hokage to be so courageous that he dared to threaten himself. You must know that you are their elder, and they don't even know how to respect their elders.

Then why are you still training?I think it’s okay to just disband, anyway, a person who doesn’t even know how to respect his elders, then I don’t think he has any need to compete, but I still can’t pierce them.

Because if I break up with them, then I won't be easy in front of them. After all, I still have to face each other every day in the future, so (becb) should I take this responsibility?Then think about it, and I have nothing to do with this matter.

So why go against this group of hokages, and if you fight against them, you will not get any benefits. If this is the case, then you can't help but push the blame on Nihui Izayo, because Nihui Izayo He is their coach.

So, it might be better if Nigai Izayoi is allowed to solve this matter, and this kind of Hokage should listen to Nigai Izayoi more.

So, I saw Uchiha Madara and the group of Hokages saying: "I think you can understand the facts first, because I feel that you don't know anything now, and then you think that I ruined your good deeds, and I canceled it." your prize."

"Where did you get the news? It's impossible for you to sentence me to life imprisonment just because I met you last time. I didn't tell Nihui Shizayoi that I would cancel you." prizes."

"All of this was done by you back to Izayoi yourself, so it doesn't have much to do with me, and why should I cancel your prizes? What does your matter have to do with me? Why should I meddle in your business?"

"I think you guys are really whimsical. I just met Nihui Shizaiye for a while, and then you thought it was my idea. It's really chilling. Anyway, I'm also your elder. I didn't expect you to speculate on me like this."

"Anyway, let me tell you the truth, this matter is not decided by us, so the real decision maker is still going back to Izayoi. Come and trouble me."

"Because I can't decide whether to give you prizes or not? Because the prizes were given to you by Naihui Izayoi. I'm just a friend of Naihui Izayoi. I don't have any rights, and I have nothing to do with you. So don't bother me any more."

"I'm begging you, this is also a respect for your elders, because I did it, I will admit it, I didn't do it, even if you beat me to death, I will not admit it.".

Chapter 509 Feeling Guilty

Everyone also nodded, thinking that what Uchiha Madara said made sense, because Uchiha Madara had nothing to do with him, so Uchiha Madara didn't have to take such a risk to cancel his reward.However, this rumor does not mean that it was spread casually. It must be true. As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind. If it weren't for Uchiha Madara blowing the wind in Nikai Izayo's ear, how could there be such a result.

However, now that Uchiha Madara has made it so clear, if you press him again, it really means disrespecting the teacher, so he said to Uchiha Madara: "Okay, since you have said so, if we Follow up with your words."

"Maybe it's a little bad, if that's the case, then~ let's leave first."

Uchiha Madara also sighed, it seems that he really shouldn't wade into the muddy water, this reversion to Izayoi really killed himself-.

Just when the group of Hokages were about to leave, they found that Reverse Izayo was standing behind them. It was obvious that Reverse Izayo had come behind them a long time ago, but they didn't notice it. The group of Hokages saw Reverse Izayoi is also very respectful.

Because they also know that they have done something wrong, they spoke loudly before, but now they are basically afraid to speak. After all, Nihui Shizaiye is one of their coaches, so they still respect the coach very much.

And it was Reverse Izayoi who gave them rewards, so no matter what?They will all miss Nihui Izayoi's kindness, so they don't dare to offend Nihui Izayoi too much, they only dare to find Uchiha Madara to vent their anger, if they are asked to go back to Izayoi theory.

This is definitely impossible and unrealistic. Reverse Izayo stared at them for a long time without speaking, because he thought these Hokages were too naughty, right?

Dare to trouble Uchiha Madara, you know, the reason why Uchiha Madara did this is entirely for his own sake, and he can't drag Uchiha Madara into the water.

So, Nihui Izayo said to them: "I just listened to your speech, and I was really chilling for you, this Uchiha Madara was thinking of you, I didn't expect that you would dare to trouble him. "

"You know, if they don't care about you, he doesn't have to say such things at all, so I hope you can cherish them and become feelings for you, and don't go to trouble Uchiha Madara at every turn."

"Because Uchiha Madara is also your elder anyway, as a junior, is this how you treat your elders? If this is the case, then I teach you training, it is really for nothing."

"Because I think you don't even understand the most basic ethics, so what qualifications do you have to talk about training? I think that if a person wants to succeed in a certain professional field, he must first cultivate himself, as the so-called self-cultivation ability The Qi family will bring peace to the world."

"Self-cultivation is naturally the first priority. If you can't even take care of yourself, how can you participate in this current competition? So I hope to face up to my own problems."

"Because your problem is not in your technology, but in your character, because I think you are really disappointing me, and you have done such an ethical and moral thing."

"You know, this Uchiha Madara is also one of your coaches anyway. Although he is not your head coach, he also has great kindness to you. I didn't expect you to do such a bastard thing. It really makes me too disappointed."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Everyone also nodded, and felt that what Nihui Shizaiye said made sense. As a junior, it was indeed a bit inappropriate to question the elders like this, but the reason why he did such a bastard thing.

Is it because my reward was cancelled, so I asked Nihui Izayoi, actually we don't want to do this, because we are also a good boy who keeps his own way, but it's just the reward we should have received.

Why was it canceled?Then we heard that it was Uchiha Madara's idea, so we came to trouble Uchiha Madara. We played very well with Uchiha Madara before, so no matter what happened, we would not come Trouble with Uchiha Madara.

.......... 0

But this matter is really too important, because this reward is very important to us, so it is understandable for us to do such a bastard thing, I hope you can understand it.

Back to Izayoi was also very helpless, I didn't expect them to be so plausible at this time, it seems that this reward is really important to them, so I said to them: "Okay, since you all said so gone."

"Then let me tell you the truth, I have no intention of canceling your rewards, I just had this idea, but I didn't implement it, so don't worry, your rewards will still be according to my agreement."

"I will definitely give it to you. Don't worry, because you still don't believe me? Since I have promised in front of you, I will definitely fulfill my promise and will never deceive you." .

Chapter 510 Adding Rewards

Hokage was also very happy after hearing the words of Izayo Nigai, because they still believed in Izayo Izayo Nigai's words very much. If Nigai Izayoi said such a thing, it proved that his reward was guaranteed, after all What Naihui Izayoi said will always count.Because he didn't say much, he said that he still believed in him very much, so he said to Nihui Shizaiye: "Okay, if this is the case, then we will go to the training as soon as possible, and you must not think that it is cancelled. our bonuses and incentives.”

"We can train with peace of mind. If we don't give us rewards, we don't have any "September [-]" power training, so don't use this to motivate us, because it may be counterproductive."

"This may be counterproductive in your eyes, so I hope you don't make the same mistakes again, because if we train, we rely entirely on ourselves. If we want to train ourselves, it must be training."

"If you use a certain method, it will not achieve your goal at all, and it will be counterproductive, so I hope you can adjust your own strategy. I don't know, but of course you hope that we can train better. "

"But we will do our best. I hope you can trust us, because we have made an oath to be the first in the competition, so don't worry, we will never let you down."

"And you also know that once we set the flag, then we will bravely move forward, and then we will never face difficulties, and then we will be a little afraid to move forward, because we think these difficulties are nothing?"

"As long as we persevere, we will surely succeed, so I also hope that you can trust us once and let us win the championship in the competition."

Reverse Izayoi and Uchiha Madara are also very pleased. They didn't expect that this time they would be self-defeating, but the reward was not cancelled. This farce gave them a motivation, and this may be the goal they want to achieve!

After the group of hokages left, Uchiha Madara was also very guilty, because he just threw all the responsibility for everything on the head of Nikai Izayoi. In this way, he is indeed a bit irresponsible .

Because after all, it was I who came up with the idea for Nihui Izayo, so it would be immoral for me to put the responsibility on Nihui Izayo for what happened now.

But it's not easy for me to explain to Nihui Izayo, because I don't know what kind of person I will become in Nihui Izayo's mind, but I should explain, I still have to explain, After all, if you don't explain it.

There might be a bigger misunderstanding, so I said to Nihui Izayo: "I am really sorry for what happened to Nihui Izayo just now, because these Hokages have been making trouble with me, so I can't do anything about it." , and then put all the responsibility on you."

"But this is not my original intention. I just want them to leave quickly and stop making trouble with me here, because I really can't stand them. After all, so many of them come to me, and my pressure is still very high. big."

"So I have no choice but to say that you did all of this, but this is not my original intention. I hope you can understand me."

"Because your prestige is greater than mine, so if I say you did it, they won't have any idea, but if I did it, they will definitely chase me..."

Afterwards, Uchiha Madara continued to say: "Then, I am sorry for you in this matter, because if it weren't for my bad idea, they wouldn't be like this, so I am really sorry for you, but there is no such thing now. Self-defeating."

"Because after all, they already have the motivation to train, but it's still my fault that this matter is so wrong, because not only did I come up with this idea, but I also blamed this responsibility on you."

"It's really my fault, so I hope you can forgive me, because if you don't forgive me, then I really can't see you, because I feel that I am a sinner, if you don't forgive me .”

"Then I don't know what to do."

Nihui Shizai just laughed, and then said: "Don't think too much here, how could I not forgive you? Besides, there is no forgiveness or unforgiveness between the two of us, because 2.1 because both of us are good friends."

"And if you don't tell me that I did it, then they will definitely embarrass you even more, so I can understand what you mean, and the reason why you came up with such an idea is entirely for my sake, and now my purpose is not It has been reached."

"So just put 1 hearts at ease. I will never blame you for this matter, and I will not forgive you for this matter."

"Because I think you are doing these things for my sake, but it is for my sake? Then what else can I not forgive you? Don't think too much here.".

Chapter 511 Intention to Relax

Uchiha Madara was also very happy. He didn't expect that he would say this behind his back, and Nigai Izayo would not hold grudges, and then comforted himself like this, he was really happy!But since Nihui Shizaiye treated him like this, he should treat him better.Because it was really not good for me to speak ill of him in front of those Hokages before, so I said to Nihui Izayoi: "It seems that you really treat me as a brother, I didn't expect you to be like this Treat me, anyway, I am very happy now."

"And I didn't give you a brother in vain. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask me. If I can do it, I will definitely go through fire and water. Anyway, if you have any difficult things in the future."

"You must think of me, because I am definitely your strong backing, what do you ask me to do, I will definitely do anything, as long as it is something I can do, I will definitely help you. I will never say a word of no .”

Nihui Shizai also laughed, and then said: "Okay, okay, I know, it's getting late now, I have to go and talk to my spicy Hokage, because I feel that they are not I really want to train."

"So I want to motivate them, because I want to take this opportunity to educate them, because they are too lazy, so if I educate them, they may be better."

"Because only if I educate them, can they take what I say to heart. If I don't care about it, then they will definitely not want to do anything good, so it's getting late."

"Then I'll go first, you'd better work slowly here, because I think I've taken up too much of your time and caused you a lot of trouble."

Afterwards, they went back to Izayoi and found the group of Hokages. Hokage was also very happy to see the back to Izayoi, because after all, the rewards he gave to him were restored, so it is said that he went back to Izayoi Still a man of his word.

So Nihui Shizai said: "What happened just now, I am really sorry for you, because I didn't expect that canceling the rewards would have such a big impact on you, and at the same time, I also know the status of these rewards in your hearts."

"Actually, you are not greedy for that reward. What is it? You just think that this should be what you get, so it is my bastard thing to cancel your reward, so I want to make up for this bastard thing I did. .”

"I decided to add rewards to you, and then add another reward to you on the basis of the original rewards. This is also my compensation to you, because the bastard things I did before really disappointed you. "

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