・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

After listening to Izayoi's words, the young man nodded and replied: "Since this is the case, brother Izayoi, then I will go first and leave." The figure of the young man disappeared from then on.

Izayo looked at the young man who disappeared in an instant and couldn't help feeling a little shocked. He didn't expect the young man to be so powerful that he could disappear under his nose.

Immediately, there were many more speculations about the identity of the young man, but it was useless to think so much, after all, this man would not regard himself as an enemy but his friend.

He had to rush back to detoxify that Hokage, thinking of Izayoi also decided to leave, he checked his backpack to make sure that none of the materials in his backpack were lost.


Then he looked at the kit in his arms, and found that he hadn't forgotten to bring the kit, so he was ready to set off. He looked at the blue sky outside, and then at the continuous grass around him.

His heart was full of hope, he believed that he would be able to rush back in time, and then remove the toxin from that Hokage's body, thinking of this Izayoi couldn't help but cheer up.

He took a breath of air, and the air was very fresh, which also made him feel very good. He encountered many difficulties and setbacks along the way, but he believed that all of these would be resolved by him.

He will definitely become stronger and more powerful. At that time, no matter any enemy comes in front of him, he will not be afraid of him, and he can use his powerful strength to solve it. Thinking of this, his heart is more determined.

Izayoi is in a very good mood now, he is heading back quickly, he believes that he will be able to catch up, and that he will be able to remove the poison from that Hokage.So.

Chapter 595

Sixteen nights embarked on the journey in this way, he didn't realize how many people were following him behind him in the dark, he just kept moving forward, he wanted to go back quickly.And the people who followed him were a group of assassins, they were here to assassinate him, but they didn't attack him at this time, because his strength should not be underestimated.

They decided to wait for him to relax his vigilance before shooting and killing him, so they followed him to hide their tracks.

Although it was broad daylight, these assassins' methods of hiding their tracks were so clever that Shiliuye didn't find them for a long time, and these assassins were also secretly happy.

They thought in their hearts, they didn't expect this guy to be so slow, and he didn't notice it after following him for so long. It seems that the "nine seven three" assassinations should be very easy.

After a while, Izayoi felt a little tired, so he found a stone to sit on to rest, and the assassins saw him stop.

Knowing that his physical strength is a bit exhausted now, this is a good time to assassinate, so the assassins appeared one after another and rushed towards him.

Izayoi didn't realize it for a moment, he looked at the ugly look of those assassins, and asked suspiciously: "Who are you? Why did you come to deal with me?"

The assassins laughed loudly after hearing Izayoi's words, and one of them looked at Izayoi with some contempt.

"You don't care who we are, we are just a group of assassins, our purpose is to assassinate you."

"We don't care about other things, so you should stand there obediently waiting to die, and wait for us to take your head to receive the reward."

The assassins rushed towards Izayoi while laughing, but Izayoi didn't expect that someone would take his own life, and the goal of this group of people was still his own head.

So he was ready to fight, but his current state was really bad. Just now the assassin used a hidden weapon to scratch his arm, and when he picked up the sword, he couldn't even hold it steady.

The assassins smiled and satirized Shizaiye: "You can't even hold a sword now, how can you fight us, if you are sensible, kill yourself quickly!

Shiliuye snorted coldly, and replied: Hmph, if that's the case, don't blame me for being rude, I want to see how powerful your hidden weapons are?

The assassins laughed and said: Then let you see how powerful our hidden weapons are.

Izayo was stunned, startled in his heart, and couldn't help thinking: No way, are their hidden weapons really that powerful?

No, I must find a way as soon as possible, otherwise I will be shot into a hedgehog by them, but the most important thing now is to find out how powerful their hidden weapons are.

Sixteen nights thought in his heart, suddenly turned his head, and thought of an idea, that is to kill them all quickly, if they are allowed to use the power of hidden weapons, the consequences will be disastrous.

After all, these hidden weapons are poisonous. Even if he is not shot by these hidden weapons, he will probably be poisoned by poisonous arrows. This is an uncontrollable thing, and we must be careful.

Thinking of this, Izayoi immediately moved his figure aside, and at the same time quickly approached the assassins. When he was three steps away from the assassins, Izayoi suddenly sent out a few iron darts and flew towards the assassins.

The assassins were startled when they saw the iron dart flying towards them, and quickly dodged, but the reaction of these assassins was too slow, and they couldn't dodge at all.

They were all hit, some were directly shot through the chest and died, some were nailed to the ground, and some were directly hit in the abdomen and fell unconscious on the ground.

The assassins were all dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the man in front of them would be so cruel. He would attack with several iron darts as soon as he made a move. This kind of attack power was simply too strong, and they were a little scared.

You, you devil, who are you?One of the assassins looked at Izayoi in horror.

Shiliuye snorted coldly, and replied disdainfully: Huh, let me tell you, I am a devil!You are the ones who assassinated me, of course I will kill you, otherwise you will continue to assassinate me!

The assassins were all dumbfounded after hearing Izayoi's answer, they didn't expect the man in front of them to be so arrogant...

An assassin yelled, and said unconvinced: "Okay, if that's the case, let's try our hidden weapons, see how powerful our hidden weapons are, and see who is better!"

Speaking of which, the assassin quickly ran towards Izayoi, and at the same time quickly pushed his hands forward, a black gas burst out from the assassin's palms, and shot straight towards Izayoi.

As soon as Izayoi saw this situation, he knew that the assassin had used a hidden weapon, so he hurriedly blocked it with his sword, but his palm was still hit by the hidden weapon.

Although it was only a small wound, it caused Izayoi pain.

Izayoi's brows were frowned tightly, and his whole body seemed to tremble a little because of the pain, which made the assassin very happy, he thought that the attack power of his hidden weapon was quite powerful.

His hidden weapon attack power can make anyone suffer, and even make the other party lose their combat effectiveness, but he never expected that the man in front of him would react so quickly.

It was so strange that he was able to avoid his own attack, and it really shocked him.

Haha, it seems that you are really good, not bad, not bad!The assassin taunted loudly.

What the assassin said made Shizaiye very angry, he snorted coldly, and said 2.1: Huh, I think you are only mediocre, and you actually used such a low-level trick to deceive me.

Speaking of Izayoi, he raised his sword and attacked the assassins. He was really angry now, wishing to kill all the assassins in front of him.

You don't need to waste your efforts, my hidden weapon is indeed a relatively low-level hidden weapon, but don't forget your own current situation. "

"I think you don't have much strength at all, and you are still injured now, let's see how long you can last.

The assassin yelled loudly.

After listening to the assassin's words, Shizai also realized his current situation. Now he doesn't have much strength to fight. If he continues to delay like this, he will really die. .

Chapter 596 The Lion's Big Opening

The assassins smiled and looked at Izayoi, as if they had defeated him. "Haha, you are already surrounded by us, you can't escape, just accept your fate obediently.

Sixteen nights stared at them coldly.

I will never give up, I will fight with you, you wait, I will not make it easy for you.

The assassins also looked at Izayoi with disdain.

Haha, how can you fight us in your current state, you are already at the end of your battle, you should accept your fate obediently and stop struggling.The assassin smiled mockingly.

Hmph, even if I'm at the end of my strength, that's beyond your imagination.Sixteen nights said coldly.

Oh?so smart?It seems that you really have some strength, but in my opinion it's not enough, if that's the case, then let us send you on your way.

Yeah?Then I would like to try it.Izayo also replied with a smile.

court death.The assassins were a little annoyed and turned into anger. After speaking, they rushed to Izayoi together, and their skills were very vigorous. They turned a few times in the air and came in front of Izayoi.

You are not my opponent, you should retreat quickly.Shiliuye looked at these assassins coldly, and now he also wanted to try their martial arts.

Although he has been seriously injured now, he still really wants to know how many abilities these people have. This time, he really wants to show his true abilities, otherwise, it may not be who wins and who loses.

The assassins did not flinch, but became even more arrogant: Hmph, since you are so ignorant, then we can only beat you to a pulp. Let me see if you dare to say such arrogant words then.

Shiliuye also looked at this group of people with a smile, and said disdainfully: Hehe, is it?

come on!

The assassins brandished their swords, guns and sticks to attack Izayo, while attacking, they kept provoking Izayo, as if they wanted to provoke Izayo.

Seeing this group of people attacking him non-stop, Izayoi did not panic, but was very calm. It seemed that he had already expected that these people would attack him, and now he just waited for these people to attack him. Also take advantage of this opportunity to attack them.

Seeing that Izayo didn't dodge his moves, but stood and let himself attack, the assassins became even more angry, and stepped up their attack speed, as if they wanted to kill Izayo as soon as possible.

Seeing that the assassins stepped up their attack, Shizaiye was also relieved. In this way, these assassins should have some skills, not ordinary assassins.

The reason why he is so calm and calm at this moment is because he still has the kit left by the young man in his hand, although he doesn't know if the crisis the young man mentioned refers to this time.

But Shiliuye felt that he was indeed in crisis at this time, so he took the kit out of his arms, and then opened the kit, and he saw the words on the kit.

He immediately understood that besides this note, there was also a very useful hypnotic powder in the kit. As long as he sprinkled the hypnotic powder on these assassins, he believed that his own crisis would be resolved immediately.

Thinking of this, he began to act. He first sprinkled all the hypnotic powder on the assassin, and then his body immediately retreated.

At this time, the assassins also noticed the abnormality here, so they immediately shifted their targets and chased towards Izayoi.

The hypnotic powder landed on the assassins and was inhaled by them. Then their eyes became blurred, and the huge drowsiness began to attack their nerves, making them gradually slow down.

Then at this critical moment, a wooden stick was slammed on the assassin's body, knocking the assassin unconscious.

The assassin's body fell to the ground, and the corners of their mouths were drooling, obviously they had been tricked.

Seeing this scene, Shizaiye secretly laughed in his heart, it really worked!

He started to move again, knocking the assassins to the ground one by one.

Seeing that all the assassins had already fallen, Izayoi heaved a sigh of relief secretly. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a crisis this time, and almost died. Fortunately, the kitten that the young man gave him saved him. He died.

Otherwise, he might be buried here, thinking of the cold sweat behind Izayoi, he knew that he could survive this time, thanks to that young man.

When I saw him next time, Izayo decided to thank him well. Thinking of this, Izayo started to visit these assassins to find out who they were, but he found out.

The faces of these assassins had been destroyed, as if they were deliberately hiding their identities. Seeing this, he sighed, knowing that he would not be able to figure out the identities of these assassins.

So he continued on the road, and when he reached a river, he wanted to cross the bridge, but when he got to the bridge, he realized that the bridge had been destroyed by someone.

Even if he wanted to go there, he couldn't go there, which made him very embarrassed. .

Chapter 597

He thought of the poisoned Hokage, the poisoning condition was extremely serious at this time, but he was trapped here by the river, which gave him a very headache.Now he must quickly come up with a good way to return to their place, otherwise, the poisoned response will definitely die because of this poison, but what is the solution?

At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, yes, he thought that he could rent a boat and then go across the river, thinking that Izayoi had an idea in his mind, so he walked towards the distance.

He knew that there was a boatman in that place who would rent out his boat, so he walked there slowly.

But to his disappointment, he saw that there were very few ships moored there, and most of them were dilapidated boats, which made him very depressed.

He didn't expect such a result. It seems that there are no good boats to rent today, but Shiliu also thought of himself, and the time is really urgent now.

Even such a small broken boat was fine, so he decided to explain his emergency to the boatman and asked the boatman to give him a boat to let him cross the river.

So he walked to the small wooden house on the side, and knocked on the door. After he knocked on the door, no one responded for a long time, which made pomegranate leaves feel very strange.

He thought in his heart, could it be that the boatman is no longer here, so isn't this trip in vain?

Just when he was about to give up, the voice of the boatman came from inside, and he asked Izayoi: "Who the hell is here to rent a boat at this time¨.."

Sixteenth Master was overjoyed at this moment, and then hurriedly said, "It's me, I want to rent a boat to cross the river, I have something important to do over there."

The boatman regained his spirits immediately after hearing this, and quickly opened the door.

Izayo looked at the man, and saw that the boatman was an old man dressed in sloppy clothes. At this moment, he was staring at Izayo closely, as if he was looking at his prey. The boatman looked at Izayo: " Is it you kid who wants to take the boat?"

Shizayo nodded after hearing this: "That's right, I'm indeed going to take a boat. What's the price for chartering a boat?"

At this time, Shizayoi had already made up his mind, no matter what price the other party said, he must rent a boat there.

After all, my time is too urgent now, and even a slight delay may poison that Hokage to death.

And the boatman naturally saw that Izayoi was very urgent at this time, and he began to have some kind of bad idea, that is, to offer a very high price. He knew that no matter what price he offered, Izayoi would definitely agree, so He opened his mouth to ask for a price.

"500 gold coins, I only need 500 gold coins, and I can send you to the other side. It's a very good bargain."

After hearing what the boatman said, Shiliuye was shocked, what kind of concept is 500 gold coins? There are countless things that can be bought with 500 gold coins, and this heirloom actually said that 500 gold coins are needed for a river.

This is simply the mouth of a lion.Even if Shizaye wanted to spend more money to cross the river, such a price was unacceptable to him.

At this moment, Izayoi was already a little angry. He pointed to the boatman's nose and asked in surprise, "Are you sure it's 500 gold coins?"

He felt that the boat owner might have said something wrong. After all, 500 gold coins was not a small amount. Often times, a boat like this would cost less than 500 gold coins or even a single gold coin.

And now the boatman took advantage of the fire to rob him and asked him for 500 gold coins directly. He felt that the boatman wouldn't do that.

However, Shiyou didn't expect what happened next, and the boatman nodded.

".~That's right, what I want is 500 gold coins. Do you want to give it or not? If you don't give it, you don't even think about crossing this river. You know that the only bridge here is broken now."

If you want to cross the river, you can only pass it down from Laozi, otherwise, if you think about it, you have nothing to do with it. "

Shiliuye really didn't expect the boatman to be so brazen, so Shiliuye looked at the boatman and replied speechlessly: "It is impossible for me to spend 500 gold coins to cross the river, so you should give up your idea."

Izayo really didn't want to mess around with the boatman here anymore, so he decided to think of other ways to cross the river. There was no need to waste time with the boatman, thinking of it, Izayo turned around and left.

He thought in his heart (Nuo Zhao is good) this boatman is really a lunatic who dared to ask for 500 gold coins. For such a huge sum of money, he knew that he could not afford so many gold coins.

How could it be possible to use these 500 gold coins to buy a mere qualification to cross the river? He decided to leave here quickly, and he didn't want to get too entangled with this guy.

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