The blue man died before he could react. He opened his eyes wide with disbelief on his face. It was obvious that he couldn't believe that his life had come to an end.

At this moment, the rest of the blue people released a stronger magic circle, which seemed to incorporate the life force of these blue people, and it was stronger than before.

Moreover, within the range of this magic circle, their movement speed has also increased a lot. Although Izayoi's speed is fast, it is not easy to catch up with them.

I have to say that this magic circle is really interesting.

Seeing these blue people galloping within the range of the magic circle, Izayoi sneered, and then he used the Dragon Nine Stance, and the dragon shape appeared on the soles of his feet in an instant.

Izayoi flicked the dragon's tail, and immediately those blue people flew upside down, and all fell to the ground.

His strength is much higher than theirs, so they only lost.

Sixteen nights came to a blue man who was lying on the ground, kicked him in the chest. The blue man was kicked and rolled a few times, and then fell to the distance, seriously injured and unconscious.

Izayoi continued to kill the next target.

At this moment, these blue people finally realized that they were not Izayoi's opponents and fled to the distance. When Izayoi saw them, they quickly chased after them and kept attacking them.

It has to be said that the speed of these blue people is really too fast. Even if Izayoi keeps chasing them, they can only get close, but they can't catch up at all.

Even if they catch up a few times occasionally, they will soon be bounced off by their energy, and at most they will only leave a long trace behind them.

Seeing this, the blue people also knew that they couldn't get rid of Izayoi like this, so they changed direction, and Izayoi also changed the direction of chasing, following them around.

The loud bang sounded throughout the jungle.

Izayoi's Dragon's Nine Forms were indeed powerful enough, and each attack flattened an area.

Those blue people were beaten into a mess, while running away, while avoiding Izayoi's attack.

Bang Izayoi's fists rained down on them. Although those blue people had stronger bodies than ordinary people, they were helpless in the face of these attacks.

They decided to go all out. At this time, their bodies erupted with powerful aura. They joined forces to form a huge attack wave. After seeing this move, Izayoi was shocked. He knew that if he was hit by this move, he would probably die. .

After the attack wave formed, it immediately attacked Izayoi, and quickly avoided it after seeing Izayoi. 000

He didn't want to be subjected to such a violent move, the power of this move was too powerful, even he would be seriously injured.

boom.With a loud noise, Izayoi dodged an attack and was pushed back several meters. These blue people were all excited when they saw that their attack had worked.

They knew that their attack would definitely seriously injure Izayoi, but they didn't expect that Izayoi was fine.

Izayoi stood firm, looked at these excited blue people, shook his head, and then said to them: Are you at this level?Your attacks are useless to me!Speaking of Izayoi, he rushed towards these people.

These blue people were stunned after hearing Izayoi's words. These people had an illusion, as if they were children playing around, and Izayoi didn't take them seriously at all.

They were furious, and continued to use that move. Izayoi didn't expect that they could use such a powerful move again, so he hurriedly fled away. .

Chapter 626 Jump off the cliff

This group of blue people continuously released a powerful shock wave. This shock wave was so strong that Izayoi did not dare to confront it head-on.So he kept running away. When the blue people saw it, they quickly sent a few blue people to intercept Izayoi to prevent him from escaping.

Looking at them, Zulan Shiliuye felt very difficult to deal with, as his own strength was simply not as good as them.

If they fought recklessly, they wouldn't be afraid of him, and there were so many of them, and if they came up to besiege him together, it would be impossible for him to resist.

what to do?Sixteen nights thought about it, and he decided to run away.

Since he couldn't fight hard, he had no choice but to run away. He wanted to run away, but these blue people didn't want him to leave, but chased him away.

He knew that if he escaped like this, there was no way to escape, and he still had to face more serious problems.

At this time, he suddenly saw a forest not far away, and there were many trees in this forest.

So Izayoi flew there, and after passing through the cover of the trees, he finally escaped from the encirclement of those people and entered the woods.

The forest was huge, and after Izayoi ran for a while, he also found himself out of sight of the group of blue people.He took a look at his current situation. Although he said that the current situation was very dangerous, it was very safe.

He thought what should he do now?Should I go to rest first or find a hidden place to hide first?

At this moment, he hesitated. After all, he didn't know if those blue people would chase after him. If they did, they would definitely attack him.

Just as he was hesitating, the group of blue people chased after him and hit him with a sword. Izayoi also blocked it with his sword, and then he ran quickly and fled to a bush among.

Seeing that he had entered the grass, his heart was a little more stable.

call!He let out a long breath and relaxed.

He was really scared just now, he didn't know if he would be killed by them.

Now that he was out of sight of the group of blue people, he could breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the group of blue people surrounded Izayoi from all directions.

Izayoi's heart hung up again, he knew that this time the trouble might be serious.

Izayoi didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, he quickly used teleportation to disappear from sight.

The moment Izayoi disappeared, those people used teleportation to chase after him, and Izayoi's heart suddenly hung up again.

Doesn't he know that he can escape this time?If he is still caught this time, then he will definitely be very tragic.

Thinking of this, Izayoi accelerated the speed of his escape.

When approaching the depths of the forest, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he was safe for the time being. At least the group of blue people couldn't help him for the time being. He believed in his ability and could avoid the group of people. hunt down.

At this moment, the group of people chased over here again.

Izayoi's face became serious again, what should I do this time?The situation this time is different from the past. These people are the enemies Izayoi hates the most. Once they chase after him, he will really die.

Just when he was thinking of a solution, a powerful energy suddenly appeared in front of him, a huge energy shield enveloped him, and then a blue person appeared in front of him, his eyes were full of coldness killing intent.

Your end has come.His voice was cold and his eyes were cold, as if everything was his fault.

Humph, I won't lose.Izayo stubbornly raised his head: Even if we fight to the end, I will not lose.

He knew that he couldn't admit defeat now, because he didn't want to die here, so he had to win this war. Only in this way could he ensure that his own life would not be lost.

Ha ha!The blue man gave a crazy smile, and he shook his head with a smile: I advise you to be obedient and grab it!

Hehe, do you think I will surrender obediently?What you think is too simple!Sixteen nights said coldly, he didn't take the other party's words to heart, he felt that he would not lose so easily.

But it is not wise to confront them head-on now, so he fled again. He saw that there seemed to be tree holes in the trees in the distance, so he decided to hide there, thinking of here

He quickly ran towards the tree, and then got into the tree hole.

After he got into the tree hole, he vaguely saw that the group of blue people seemed to go away, thinking that they hadn't found him.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed secretly: Fortunately, fortunately, those people didn't find me. If they found me, then I really couldn't escape.

Thinking of this, a bitter smile appeared on his face: I may really be doomed now!

Alas~ (of) he couldn't help shaking his head, but his heart was full of confidence, as long as he insisted on the will in his heart, he would not give in easily.

I will never lose this battle.He thought silently in his heart.

He decided to slowly improve his strength first, and then kill these blue people.

He thought that the group of blue people had already left, so he came out of the tree hole, but what he saw was completely stunned.

The blue man who had gone far away actually returned again, and was chasing after him at this time, and his speed was extremely fast, and he came to the tree hole in the blink of an eye.

The group of blue people used a powerful shock wave again, Izayoi felt anxious, and then slashed with his sword, unexpectedly, the shock wave was cut open. .

Chapter 627 Kill the Blue Man

Izayoi didn't expect his strength to be so powerful. He waved the sword in his hand, pointed at those blue people and mocked: "Aren't you very powerful before? Come again if you have the ability."

The blue person continued to release the shock wave, but the shock wave was cut off by Izayoi with a single sword, and Izayoi used the sword energy again to destroy all these shock waves.

Sixteen nights continued to laugh: Hahaha!Your attacks are too weak, you dare to be rampant in front of me, get out of here, don't embarrass yourself here.

After hearing Izayoi's words, everyone felt extremely angry, but they had no choice but to launch the shock wave again.

But these attacks were still easily resolved by Izayoi. They were unwilling to continue releasing them, but Izayoi continued to attack.

Another 3 minutes passed like this, and these people were already out of breath. At this time, Izayoi had already rushed in front of them, and they quickly swung their swords to resist.

But Izayoi's sword was sharper and harder than the swords in their hands, and their swords couldn't stop Izayoi's attack at all.

Izayoi swung his sword again and cut all of these people's bodies into pieces, and Izayoi's strength became stronger and stronger.

This is my strength, my strength is far stronger than yours, you just suffer and die obediently! "

In an instant, his strength was greatly improved, and he released waves of sword energy, hitting those blue people, and those blue people quickly used the protective shield.

However, these protective shields failed to withstand Izayoi's attack, and were torn apart by Izayoi's sword energy, and all the blue people flew upside down and fell to the ground hard.

The people in blue knew that they couldn't fight Izayo at this time, and fled to the mountain one after another. Of course, Izayo refused to let them go, and kept tracking behind them.

The blue people released sword energy to attack Izayoi, and Izayoi also released sword energy, fighting with the sword energy released by the group of blue people.

At this time, the blue people finally understood what is called a gap and what is meant by a disparity in strength. They knew that they could not continue to fight, otherwise what awaited them would be the fate of being killed, so they turned around and ran away.

But how could Izayoi let them run away? He immediately cast Shunpo and chased after the blue person. No matter how the blue person tried to escape, there was no way for the blue person to get rid of Izayoi.

Finally, there was a loud noise, and Izayoi smashed a big tree with his palm, and the big tree collapsed.

Several blue people fell under the big tree one after another and were crushed to death.Sixteen nights walked in front of them, looked at the group of blue people and said: How about it, now you are convinced.

The blue people nodded one after another, and one of the blue people said: You are a monster, your strength is beyond imagination, we are not your opponent at all, your strength far exceeds ours.

Sixteen nights said: You don't need to be discouraged, I know you are not reconciled, but this world is so cruel, if you don't have the strength, you have to die. "

At this moment, other blue people quickly attacked Izayoi, and then rescued the blue people under the tree, and they continued to flee towards the top of the mountain.

Izayoi used Shunpo to chase after him again.

snort!I don't believe I can't catch up with you.Izayoi snorted coldly and sped up his speed. He knew that the blue people must have some kind of secret technique or be hidden somewhere, and now he needed to find them as soon as possible.

After a while, he saw the blue people. After seeing Izayoi, these blue people quickly used the concealment technique to avoid it, and Izayoi also used the concealment technique. They kept chasing like this, and no one could do anything to the other.

While fleeing, the blue person scolded Izayo for being shameless and shameless. This successfully angered Izayo, and made him speed up again. He wanted to kill all these people!

snort!You must die here today!Shiliuye shouted angrily, accelerated his speed, and caught up behind those people in no time.

The sword energy in his hand condensed, and then he slashed down with a sword, splitting one of the blue people, and his head rolled to the ground.

Seeing this, the remaining few people hurriedly used various methods to defend.Izayoi swung his sword again, and streams of sword energy emanated from his hand.

It hit those blue people, destroying their shields, their bodies were pierced by the sword energy, and they fell down one after another.

Izayo swung his sword again and chopped off another person's head. Although the other blue people were extremely angry when they saw this scene, they had no choice but to continue running to the top of the mountain.

Running and running, they reached a cliff, there was no road ahead, and Izayoi had already chased after them.

Shiliuye pointed at them and laughed, "You guys keep running, jump off the cliff if you have the guts!

When the blue people saw the cliff, their expressions changed. The cliff was very deep and steep. If they really jumped off it, there would be no bones left.

But at this time Izayoi had already caught up, and Izayoi drew his sword and slashed over. Seeing his attack, the group of blue people jumped off the cliff together. .

Chapter 628 The Tracking of the Giant Bears

Izayoi watched the group of blue people jump off the cliff, he frowned, he knew that if he let these guys continue to live, he might be attacked by them again.Thinking of this, he decided to go to the bottom of the cliff to see for himself. He wanted to make a rope and climb down along the rope to see the situation of the group of blue people.

So he prepared a lot of branches, and prepared to make these branches into ropes.

According to the steps he had mastered before, he quickly made these values ​​into ropes. After making these ropes, he tied the ropes to a tree that looked very strong.

Then he climbed down the cliff along the rope, and he observed the surrounding conditions carefully during the climbing process.

In his eyes, everything around him is now in his eyes, and his ears have also become sharper, and he can hear all the sounds around him.

He looked in that direction and found that it was the sound of a stone falling, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the stone didn't fall beside him, otherwise he would be in danger.

At this time, he had come to the bottom of the cliff, and there were no more plants here. When he looked up, he saw a raised stone on the edge of the cliff, and there seemed to be some bloodstains on the stone.

He knew that it should be the blood of the group of blue people. Along these bloodstains, he must be able to find them.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly ran towards the bloodstains, and soon he caught up with the bloodstains, and then he ran along the bloodstains.

Finally came to the end of the bloodstain, and then he found those blue people at the end, and they were all seriously injured at this time.

Shiliuye looked at them and said mockingly: "I said before, you can't escape from my palm, I advise you to be obedient and catch them with your arms tied!

Hehehe!Sixteen nights!I tell you!There is no way we will surrender!The blue man in the lead snorted coldly.

Hearing the words, Shiliuye showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: Since you are stubborn, don't blame me for being rude!

After all, he stepped on the ground with both feet, and the whole person jumped three meters high in an instant.

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