I'm afraid there will only be a little trace left, and when he cuts them, there will be a sharp pain in Izayoi's arm, which makes him give up the attack helplessly.

At this moment, he gathered a burst of flame energy and built it again, and then slashed towards a robot. Fortunately, this time it finally had some effect, and the sword slid over and left a little damage on the robot. .

Chapter 652 Appearance of the Mechanical Beast

Izayoi hurriedly gathered his strength again and slashed at the other robots. Although the damage was very low, it could slow down the speed of the robots and make Izayoi's attack sharper.In this way, Izayoi was fighting with the robots on the ground, and Izayoi's sword kept slashing at the robots.

Although he failed to bring any harm to these robots, he kept them from approaching him. This was his tactic.

However, this is only temporary, as Izayoi consumes more and more physical strength, when he is really exhausted.

He will no longer be able to compete with these robots, and then he will become a corpse, maybe not as good as a corpse, because he doesn't even have the strength to move.

Izayoi decided to run away, he jumped up, jumped over the obstacles of the robots, and shuttled through the palace, the robots quickly chased after seeing him.

Izayoi looked back and found that the robots were chasing after him, so he quickly summoned a wall of ice with his sword, blocking his back and blocking the way of the robots.

He continued to run forward quickly.

The ice wall was easily destroyed by the robot behind him, the ice wall shattered, and the robots rushed out (becc) from it.

Izayo kept dodging, fleeing forward under the cover of the ice wall.

Soon the robots caught up again, and Izayoi summoned many icicles with his sword again, trapping all the robots in it.

Under such circumstances, the robots had no choice but to attack the icicles non-stop.

This method is very good, but this method can only trap the robots for a period of time, and cannot completely stop them. The icicles soon all shattered, and the robots rushed out one after another.

Seeing this, Izayoi quickly used the space to move and disappeared in place again.

As soon as he disappeared, he heard continuous explosions behind him.

Sixteen nights looked back, only to see flames shooting up into the sky from behind one after another, and these flames were emitted by the robots.

Their shells burn in the air, emitting a beautiful pattern similar to fireworks, blooming gorgeously in the air.

These flames fell into the icicles and instantly melted the icicles. This scene made people tremble with fear.

Izayoi hurriedly used the wind tornado to blow towards the robots so that they could not continue to attack.

Izayoi constantly used wind tornadoes, rolled them into the air, then used wind tornadoes to roll them back, and then used wind tornadoes to sweep them away, which almost formed a rotating tornado.

Sixteen nights took this opportunity to move forward rapidly.

But soon, the robots caught up again, and Izayoi summoned an iron cage, hoping to trap these robots.

He didn't know how long this iron cage could trap the robot, but there was always a glimmer of hope, after all, it was a treasure.

However, the robot

He had no choice but to use space magic, using a space barrier to wrap the entire house, turning the entire house into a strong fortress, trapping all the robots in it.

But this trick is useless, after all, there is only such an area, and it is impossible to include the entire house.

So doing this will not have any effect at all, and it is still unable to resist the attack of robots. At this time, the robots have come to him.

The robots opened their mouths and bit down one after another, tearing his defense apart. .

Chapter 653

At this time, Shizayo had no choice but to run away quickly, and at this moment he found a room.In a panic, he hurried into the room, hoping to use this room to escape.Fortunately, after he entered the room, the robots did not come in again.

However, at this moment, a giant robot beast in the room found Izayoi, he rushed to Izayoi quickly, and kicked at Izayoi with a huge foot, Izayoi hurriedly backed away, avoiding the attack foot.

At this moment, Izayo was about to leave the room, but saw that robot kicked him again. Izayo didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly dodged and avoided the kick.

But the robot's foot smashed another wall, and a crack was exposed where the wall was broken.

Sixteen nights couldn't help but come up with a plan.

He immediately used space magic and entered the space crack.

The giant robot kept waving its fists and bombarding the surroundings, but it couldn't find Izayoi. He kept roaring and smashing back and forth in the room, making the room a mess.

Izayoi quietly observed in the space crack, observing the situation outside.

Suddenly, the mechanical beast fired a cannonball, knocking him out of the space crack, and fell into the ruins. He got up from the ground and quickly used the space to move.

Returning to that room again, the moment he came back, he saw the giant robot beast attacking him. He drew out his sword and slashed at him.

The giant robot beast was hacked by him, but it was not damaged at all. There was not even a single injury on his arm.

Izayoi felt bad, and hurriedly used the space to move again, but he found that he seemed unable to use it.

At this moment, the robotic beast slapped it with its paw, and Izayoi was slapped in the chest, vomiting blood and flying out.

This time it's a joke.Izayoi rolled a few times in the air, stabilized his body, and quickly used space magic to escape from this ghostly place.

However, the space magic seemed to be out of order, and he couldn't use it at all. All this was caused by those robots. They sealed the space, and Izayoi wanted to use space magic, but he couldn't use it.

At this time, a huge foot stepped down, and Izayoi was stepped on the sole of the foot again.

No, you have to find a way to escape, or you will really be killed by this robot beast.Sixteen nights was extremely anxious.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

At this moment, his body emitted a golden light, and he rushed towards the door quickly. Just when he thought he had escaped, the robot outside the door started to attack him.

Facing the attacks of robots and robot beasts, Izayoi felt quite difficult to handle, and he wondered if there was a way to get rid of this situation.

0 0 ..

At this moment, he thought that he could let the robots fight this robot beast, so that he could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Thinking of this, he created a space and locked the robot and robot beast inside, hoping that they would fight.

As he expected, the robots and the robot beast quickly fought, and the robot beast swung its claws to attack the robot.

At the same time, he flicked the robot with its tail to send it flying, but the robot fought with it with fists and feet.

The scene of them fighting together is really like a war movie.

Izayoi stood outside the space, looked at the battle situation in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

He thought his plan had worked perfectly.Knife.

Chapter 654 is damaged

At this moment, Izayo suddenly heard a roar coming from inside. He knew it was the sound of mechanical beasts, and the mechanical beasts were fighting.At this moment, the mechanical beast and the robots are fighting fiercely. They fight together, they collide violently, they fight together, and bite each other.

The mechanical beast swung its claws and killed a robot, but soon the robots surrounded it.

The mechanical beast couldn't escape, and was forced to entangle "Zero Twenty" with the robot. The robot waved its arms and fought with the mechanical beast, and the mechanical beast was constantly hit by the robot.

They are fighting fiercely.

After the mechanical beast was hit by the robots, it immediately swung its fist at the robot, and the robot also swung its fist to fight head-to-head.

Powerful energy was ejected from the mouth of the mechanical beast, and the robot also fired energy cannons to fight against the mechanical beast.

They fought inextricably, but after just a few seconds of confrontation, the mechanical beast was at a disadvantage. The robots firmly suppressed it, and they fought harder and harder, as if they wanted to tear it apart.

The mechanical beast kept waving its fists to fight against the robot, and bursts of violent noises burst out from its mouth.

This sound makes it very painful.

Its head is constantly shaking, it seems to be unable to hold on, it seems to be about to fall, its body is shaking, it seems to be unable to hold on.

At this time, the mechanical beast continued to emit powerful energy, but it still had no chance of escaping, because the mechanical beast could not escape at all, as long as the mechanical beast moved slightly.

It will be caught by the robots and hit hard, smashing it to pieces, but its head is still shaking.

At this moment, the mechanical beast suddenly became stronger, its body glowed brightly, and its injuries were rapidly healing.This change surprised Izayoi, he didn't expect the mechanical beast to be able to recover from its injuries.

But it wasn't over yet, the body of this mechanical beast suddenly grew taller, more than half a meter taller than before, and its body was twice as thick as before.

Its eyes also became larger, with a red light emitting from the pupils, and many fine and dense spikes grew on its body.

It is deforming!This mechanical beast is transforming!After the transformation, the mechanical beast actually started to fly towards the sky...

Flying up, even able to fly up.Sixteen nights thought inwardly.

After the mechanical beast flew up, it wanted to attack the robots, but the robots did not flinch at all, and attacked it one after another, and some robots even hit it with shells.

Amidst bursts of explosions, the mechanical beast's body gradually became smaller, its speed became slower and slower, and its body was hit by shells several times. There were many blood holes on its body, and the blood kept flowing down.

Seeing this, the robots quickly controlled the mechanical beast, but the mechanical beast resisted very tenaciously.

Their machine guns kept firing at the mechanical beasts, but the shields on the mechanical 2.2 beasts were so thick that they couldn't pierce the protective cover of the mech man's machine guns at all, and just let their bullets leave a few holes in the shield.

Moreover, these holes are still gradually healing, and soon they will have no loss, but their machine gun bullets are useless.

At this time, the mechanical beast started to use its own skills, and the mechanical beast could fly. .

Chapter 655 The Mountain on the Map

I saw that the mechanical beast began to deform, its body became bigger, and its injuries were also healing rapidly. After a while, the mechanical beast returned to its original appearance.At this time, the robots were basically damaged, and only a few were still stubbornly resisting. When the mechanical beast saw them, it rushed to these robots, and then used its sharp claws to end the lives of these robots.

This battle was won by the mechanical beast, but the mechanical beast was also seriously injured at this time, and it was about to die soon. Izayoi quickly recovered the space, and then rushed towards the mechanical beast.

He waved the sword in his hand, summoned a huge fire dragon, and roared towards the mechanical beast. Now he was confident that he could knock down the mechanical beast with one move.

As soon as the fire dragon was formed, it struck the mechanical beast with powerful power, blasting a big hole in the mechanical beast's chest.

The mechanical beast just struggled a little, then fell down immediately, never moving again.

Back to Izayoi fumbled for the password door, wanting to see if there was any way to get in, and suddenly thought of the password dropped when he killed the machine receiver just now.

He put the password in front of his eyes, and after careful confirmation, enter it in the place corresponding to the password.

But the code door didn't move at all, Nigai Izayo frowned tightly, and lightly pressed the middle point of the code door with his hand.

There was a rumbling sound, and the password door suddenly opened.

Nihui Shizaye was afraid that there was a deceit in it, and if there was a trap in it, he would be caught off guard.

He picked up the corpse of a robot beast from under his feet and threw it in. After confirming that there was no response, he walked towards the door.

The coded door is completely different from the outside, obviously there is only one door difference, but it seems like two different worlds.

As soon as Nihui Shiliuye entered the door, he felt a strong wind blowing behind him, and he turned sideways very quickly.

His reaction was quick, and the person who attacked him rushed over before he could recover his strength.

The man who attacked him was a man in black, his whole body was wrapped tightly, and he was holding a crescent-shaped knife in his hand.

Going back to Izayoi, he could only see his eyes clearly, which had a very wolf-like light shining in them.

The two looked at each other for only a moment, and the man in black rushed towards him with a big knife in his hand very quickly.

Nihui Izayo fought with the opponent with a weapon, the man in black moved very strangely, clinging to him like a poisonous snake.

This style of play made Nihui Izayo feel a little disgusted, and it seemed that the man in black was rushing to kill his target, and every move was fatal.

It's just that no matter how insidious martial arts are, there are flaws. After the two of them fought for a while, the man in black obviously couldn't keep up with his physical strength.

At this time, he was huffing and panting, and he turned back to Shizaiye to attack the man in black's Xiasanlu, and when the opponent took his eyes off Xiasanlu, he killed him with one blow.

The white knife went in, the red knife came out, and the man in black fell limply to the ground.

Nihui Shizaiye looked at the body of the man in black with cold eyes, squatted down, and carefully checked whether there was anything on his body that represented his identity.

He first lifted off the mask on the face of the man in black, revealing a face with scars, which he had never seen before.

Looking back at Izayoi's keen-eyed discovery, there seemed to be a familiar mark behind the ear of the man in black.

He turned the head of the man in black slightly to the side, carefully inspecting the sign, as if it was drawn with ink.

The shape of the sign is very strange, he recalled carefully in his mind.

Only then did I realize that I had seen this logo in a book, and it belonged to a mysterious organization.

Unexpectedly, the logo that appeared in the book was actually seen on the man in black at this time.

Going back to 020 Izayoi stabilized his mind and continued to search for other objects on the man in black.

He almost took off all the clothes on the man in black, only then did he realize that there was a document on his waist.

The document was written on kraft paper. He unfolded it and read the contents carefully.

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