They looked at Izayoi in horror, and asked in horror: Who are you?How did you have such a powerful cultivation base?How did you come to have this power?

Hehe, my name is Izayoi, you must have heard of my name.Shiliuye said with a faint smile.

Sixteen nights?Sixteen nights?They muttered these three words, and suddenly, they thought of the meaning of the three words Izayoi.

You are!They looked at Izayoi in disbelief, and asked tremblingly: You are Izayoi, you are that genius boy, are you that super genius with legendary talent?

good.Sixteen nights nodded.

Are you really Izayoi?One of the men in black asked in surprise, and the other men in black were also shocked, unable to believe that the man in front of them was that legendary figure.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

They always thought that Izayoi was an ordinary person, and it was impossible to reach that level, so they didn't regard him as a threat at all.

It was just a clown, but now, the reality told them that not only did Izayoi not die, but he grew up instead.

0 ......

That's right, I'm Izayoi, I didn't expect you to be very well informed.Sixteen Nights said.

The faces of these men in black were shocked, because if this man was really Izayoi, then they really kicked the iron plate.

Izayoi didn't care about the shock of these men in black and directly drew their swords and slashed at them, and the men in black also fought back.

Their moves fought together, Shiliuye's body shed some blood, and at the same time, the men in black died one after another.

These black-clothed men are quite strong. After sixteen nights went through a hard fight, they finally killed all these black-clothed men. At this time, he also suffered some injuries.Knife.

Chapter 669

After sixteen nights dealt with the men in black, he took the map and looked at it. He found that there was only one place left, so he came to that place according to the map.When he arrived, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. He saw that this place turned out to be a huge castle. The castle was very magnificent and looked very unusual.

When he was living in his castle, suddenly many giant dragons in front of the castle discovered the existence of "Zero Three Three" Izayoi, and rushed towards him one after another. These giant dragons breathed out flames and looked extremely terrifying.

Seeing this, Shiliuye hurriedly took out his sword. He knew that these giant dragons were terrifying, and he was really not sure how to deal with them, but since he was already here, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

The giant dragons let out an angry roar and rushed towards Izayoi, and they spewed flames at Izayoi, it seems that these giant dragons are really not easy to mess with.

Unexpectedly, he spewed flames out of his mouth, and Izayoi couldn't dodge and was directly sprayed, and his body was directly burned by the flames of these giant dragons.

Izayoi was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect the flame to be so powerful. If it wasn't for his strong physical fitness, he would have been burned to ashes long ago. It seems that the dragon here is really not simple, it is so terrifying !

He hurriedly used the healing technique to heal his body, but the flame on his body did not disappear, but became more and more vigorous.

Seeing Izayoi's body getting weaker and weaker, these giant dragons shouted more arrogantly.

He quickly used the wind blade to chop down one giant dragon, but before he could deal with the second one, two more giant dragons rushed up and rushed towards Shizayoi.

The speed of the giant dragon was very fast, and it rushed to Izayoi almost instantly. He quickly used the wind wall technique, and blocks of ice shields blocked in front of him.

But his body was severely injured, and blood was left at the corner of his mouth. He knew that this time he would definitely die.

Izayo closed his eyes in despair, he knew he was going to die this time.

At this moment, he found a forest in the distance, and he decided to go to the forest to escape.

Thinking of this, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed towards the forest, and the giant dragons also chased him. They seemed to know that he was going to escape, and they all sped up their pace and chased towards Shizayoi.

Their bodies collided with Izayoi's body, and Izayoi's body flew out a few meters before falling hard to the ground...

But they didn't stop, they continued to rush in the direction of Izayoi.

what!Seeing those huge bodies running towards him, Izayo couldn't help screaming, he didn't expect that he would die here today, he never thought that he would die in the hands of giant dragons.

The claws of the giant dragons grabbed Izayoi, and Izayoi felt great pain in his body. He knew that he had to quickly get rid of the attacks of these giant dragons and hide in the forest.

At this time, a burst of energy burst out from his body, and the giant dragons were directly ejected, but the giant dragons did not give up, and rushed over again.

He quickly summoned the wind magic, and then used the wind blade to block these 2.2 dragons, and then ran towards the forest, hoping that he could enter the forest and hide.

However, the giant dragons continued to block him, and he continued to release some sword energy, slowing down the speed of the giant dragons, and then ran crazily into the forest.

At last he was almost reaching the forest, when the dragons continued to charge up. .

Chapter 670 Killing Several Giant Dragons

Izayoi finally entered the forest, but at this moment the giant dragons also caught up, but these giant dragons could not exert their real strength in such a narrow place.Sixteen nights were overjoyed, he knew that he could take advantage of the terrain of the forest to kill the dragons, thinking of this, he continued to run deep into the forest.

When the dragons saw it, they hurried to catch up, but they couldn't catch up with Izayoi's speed at all. Instead, they were thrown off by Izayoi for a certain distance because of their fast speed.

The giant dragons were very angry and kept roaring, but they didn't dare to stay too far away from Izayoi, otherwise their whereabouts would be revealed once they lost their target.

But at this moment, a giant dragon suddenly stopped 14, and then its speed suddenly became fast, rushing towards Izayoi. This is a giant dragon that is three times bigger than other giant dragons.

It was covered with black fur, and it looked like a moving hill, full of powerful explosive power.

Izayoi frowned when he saw the giant dragon, and then he immediately dodged the attack of the giant dragon and used his best trick.

Izayoi summoned a fire dragon, and the fire dragon rushed towards the dragon like this

, Before the giant dragon could react, it entangled it together, and then the fire dragon pulled it hard, and the giant dragon was instantly torn into pieces, leaving no residue.

Seeing that he had killed the giant dragon, Izayoi was overjoyed.

At this moment, the speed of the other giant dragons also increased, and they all rushed towards Izayoi. However, Izayoi was not afraid, and his flaming giant sword kept slashing out, killing all these giant dragons. One beat back.

At this moment, the other two giant dragons also rushed in front of Izayoi, and the two huge swords stabbed directly at Izayoi, and Izayoi did not show any weakness, and he also used his unique move.

A blue ball of light was produced out of thin air, and then directly blasted on a giant dragon. The giant dragon was directly blown up, turning into a sky full of flesh and bones.

Seeing them, the remaining giant dragons let out angry roars and rushed towards Izayoi, but they couldn't get close to Izayoi's body at all, and were knocked into the air again and again by Izayoi.

However, their flesh and bones are still extremely hard, even if they are blown up, they can still be reassembled, and their wound recovery ability is also amazing.

Huh, a bunch of stupid guys. "

After these giant dragons heard Izayoi's words, they became even more annoyed and rushed over at once, and then their giant claws also grabbed at Izayoi.

However, Izayoi didn't dodge, nor did he dodge, but let their giant claws grab onto his body, and then tore off their claws bit by bit.

Izayoi's performance made the giant dragons even crazier. They roared one after another, as if they wanted to tear Izayoi apart.

Under normal circumstances, it would be too easy for them to kill Izayoi, but in this forest, these 037 trees are always in the way, preventing them from exerting their full strength.

That's why Izayoi was able to kill so many dragons, but soon all the dragons surrounded Izayoi, so even if Izayoi had the advantage, there was nothing he could do.

After these giant dragons surrounded him, they released all kinds of attacks, some fire-breathing, some ice-breathing, and hit Izayoi together, and he was injured for a while.

He thought in his heart, is he going to die from here?No!Of course not.

At this moment, he took out a pill from his bosom, and quickly ate it. .

Chapter 671

After the previous elixir, Shizayoi's strength has changed drastically, and his aura has increased a lot compared to before.Seeing this scene, the giant dragons were taken aback. They didn't expect that Izayoi had such a miraculous pill, but they still didn't stop their footsteps, and rushed towards Izayoi one after another.

Shiliuye didn't expect these giant dragons to be so difficult to deal with, so he quickly took out the sword in his hand and swung it towards these giant dragons.

Although these giant dragons are powerful, their defense is not particularly strong. After being slashed by Izayoi's sword a few times, many giant dragons fell to the ground one after another, blood splattering everywhere.

Shiliuye looked at the dragon that hadn't fallen yet and snorted coldly: "How is it? Am I stronger now than before? If you don't want to die, get out of here."

After hearing Izayoi's words, the dragons were furious, and one of the dragons said.

Boy, I really didn't expect you to be quite powerful, but do you think you can defeat us like this?Tell you, you are wrong, we will use the last move to kill you.

Hearing what the giant dragon said, Izayoi's heart was shocked. Could it be that he was talking about the last move?How powerful is the last formula?Are these giant dragons able to perform?

This time Izayoi was a little scared.

He thought to himself: If these giant dragons can perform this last move, wouldn't I be in danger?no!I absolutely can't let them use this last formula!

This last move is too scary. Once I use it, I'm afraid I will die. I absolutely can't let this happen!

At this moment, purple flames spewed out from the mouths of these giant dragons. Those purple flames flew in the air, forming sharp blades, and came straight to Izayoi.

Seeing this, Izayo hurriedly took out the flying feather shield to cover his body, and these purple flames fell on the flying feather shield, making harsh noises.

Shizaiye was startled, he didn't expect the purple flame to be so powerful.

At this moment, another giant dragon spit out another ball of fire, which directly hit Izayoi's body, blasting Izayoi away, and at the same time, the flying feather shield in his hand was also hit by this blow The attack was shattered and fell to the ground.

Seeing that their attack worked, the remaining dragons also relaxed their vigilance.

At this time, there was a smug look in their eyes.

Izayoi's eyes also narrowed, and a cold smile appeared on his face. Looking at them, he asked in a cold voice: You guys are really hateful, I really didn't expect you to be so strong¨¨. "

The dragons laughed after hearing his words, ".~We have many means, stupid human beings, you don't know what power is, and you will never understand us.

snort!Shiliuye snorted coldly, since that's the case, then I'll let you understand what strength is, and then let me see how much strength you still have, how dare you brag about (good Zhao) with me.

After finishing speaking, a huge coercion suddenly appeared on his body, and this coercion rushed towards the giant dragons like a flash flood, making them feel unparalleled pain.

Awow, they all let out screams, and then fell to the ground, twitching continuously.

However, a stronger coercion was emitted from a giant dragon, which directly broke up Izayoi's coercion, and then the giant dragon rushed out, knocking Izayoi into a tree. .

Chapter 672 The Dragons' Counterattack

Izayoi only felt that a few ribs on his body were broken. He didn't expect these giant dragons to hurt him, and he felt a little annoyed.At this moment, his body suddenly emitted a golden light, a warm current, which healed his injuries, and at the same time, his strength was greatly improved.

He looked at those giant dragons and snorted coldly: "You guys just wait there to die, let you see my great strength."

After the giant dragons heard this, they were very angry and said violently: "Humans, we wanted to let you go, but we didn't expect you to be so reckless, and dare to shout here, I think you are really courting death.

After saying that, those giant dragons came to attack Izayoi. The attack speed of those giant dragons 037 was very fast, and they rushed to Izayoi almost instantly.

Looking at the attack speed of these giant dragons, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The golden light around his body suddenly flashed, covering all the giant dragons.

After those giant dragons were trapped in it, their bodies suddenly trembled continuously.

Roar With painful roars, their bodies slowly became more and more transparent.

Well, it's time to end the fight.

He looked at the giant dragons trapped by him and said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he violently (becc) both hands, and a huge attraction shot out from his palms, directly sucking all those giant dragons in front of him.

Immediately, the bodies of those giant dragons were continuously deformed, and then turned into pieces of minced meat and fell to the ground.

However, at this moment, a few particularly powerful dragons broke free from this restraint and rushed towards Izayoi.

snort!Izayo looked at those giant dragons, snorted contemptuously, then spread his arms and kicked his legs, a huge golden air wave shot out from the soles of his feet.

Then it dispersed towards the surroundings, and went straight to the giant dragons that had been culled.

With a bang, these giant dragons were directly blown out and fell to the ground.

Izayo looked at the giant dragons lying on the ground, and said calmly: Now, it's your turn.

Don't kill us, I am willing to do anything for you as a slave, as long as you let me go.

Don't kill me, please let me go.

Watching this scene, some giant dragons wailed in panic.

They couldn't believe what they saw with their own eyes. How could this human being be so powerful? He was like a god. Not only did he have terrifying strength, but he also had the power to make them despair. They were no match for him at all.

Looking at Izayoi, they felt that their heartbeats were about to stop, they didn't know how to resist, their strength was too weak.

Izayo looked at those giant dragons, snorted coldly, and then waved his hands to kill them all.

At this moment, he heard a sound in the distance, and realized that there were still a few giant dragons who ran away just now.

Izayoi frowned, he knew that if these giant dragons were let go, it would definitely cause trouble for him in the future.

Speaking of this, Izayoi's body turned into a stream of light and rushed over quickly.He wants to catch up with these giant dragons and kill them all.

When the fleeing dragons saw Izayoi catching up, they also sped up their speed suddenly. They didn't want to be killed after being caught up by this human being.

After a period of time, Izayoi finally caught up with all these giant dragons. .

Chapter 673 The Guards in Front of the Castle

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