Hard to do!

Teresa is actually the granddaughter of Otto and Miss Secretary! ?

"What's the relationship between her and Karen? She is so much like Karen."

Yae Sakura asked, she has been struggling with this question since she met Teresa.


Kiana, who was eavesdropping, was a little curious, because Otto also mentioned this name when Otto talked to Teresa earlier.

Moreover, the surname is also Kaslana.

Could it be some distant relative of myself?

"Of course she looks like Karen." Otto smiled, "Little Teresa is an experimental subject created by Karen Kaslana's DNA. Lotus-like blood."

"And it is precisely because of this that I adopted her as my granddaughter. By the way, I also have a secretary named Amber, who is also a clone of Kallen. In terms of seniority, she is still Teresa's sister."

Yae Sakura frowned slightly, Otto's words contained content that she could not easily understand.

However, this is undoubtedly a big deal for Qiyana.

Qiyana looked at Teresa in the closet. She never expected that her aunt who smiled all day as if she didn't know the troubles in the world was actually a clone of someone else.


Kiana grabbed Teresa's hand.

She must be suffering.

If this kind of encounter falls on him, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

Kiyana looked at Teresa worriedly, but the latter's face didn't change much, because Teresa knew from the very beginning that she was Kallen's clone A310.

However, the experience of these 40 years is not false.

She is A310, but she is also Teresa.

"what happened?"

Teresa asked in a low voice, she was a little surprised by Qiyana's attitude, she had no idea that Kiyana was feeling sorry for herself.

And Kiyana shook her head, holding Teresa's hand tightly.

As if to become Teresa's power.

Feeling the fiery temperature of Kiyana's hands, Teresa became more determined to let Kiyana stay by her side.

Otto didn't directly say that Teresa was actually made by himself. If there was only Yae Sakura, he could show his cards casually, but there was still a Kiana hidden in the room.

Now is not the time to let Qiyana know these things.

However, the time to tell her everything is getting closer.

"Then...Otto, your relationship with Kallen..."

It seems that she is not a normal childhood sweetheart.

Yae Sakura didn't go on, because she felt very strange. Karen died 500 years ago, but why there are clones of Karen in this world is obviously created by Otto.

Could it be that he wants to revive Karen?

Yae Sakura somehow sensed Otto's thoughts in the past.

And Otto looked at Yae Sakura and let out a sigh of relief.

"Karen Kaslana is my fiancée."

Otto said simply.

The hearts of Yae Sakura and Kiana jumped suddenly, but Teresa didn't care. She had heard about Saint Kallen hundreds of times since she was a child.

"But ah, she died more than 500 years ago."

"In the past, I also wanted to resurrect her, and worked hard for it, even going crazy."

Yae Sakura listened to Otto's narration, while Kiana bit her lower lip lightly. She never thought that Karen was actually Otto's fiancee.

For some reason, her heart was very complicated.

"But not long ago, I found out that it's really good to resurrect Kallen? Is this really what Kallen is willing to do?"

"My thoughts."

"Being changed."

And this person is...


Not long ago, I became a Catholic bishop!

However, Otto knew someone would take a seat.

Say yes, little Qiyana.

"Karen doesn't want me to be bound by the phantom of the past either."

"Speaking of which, when Karen was being judged, she once said in front of my fiancé that she fell in love with you who was possessed by the Lawrence."

Yae Sakura was taken aback.

Then, a puzzled look appeared on his face.

This puzzled expression fell into Otto's eyes, and Otto continued.

"Perhaps, this is what she wants to tell me that I am no longer attached to her. I should move forward and create a new future instead of sticking to the nightmare of the past."

"Unfortunately, I only realized this when I met fate not long ago."

Full of lies and good words.

"In the past, I've always lived for Kallen."

Otto gave a weary smile.

"To be honest, I'm tired of these 500 years."

Otto knew that when the original Otto revived Kallen, it was his death.

Because his long-cherished wish has been fulfilled, he has lived enough, and he has no reason to live.

As a joke of fate, Otto and Kallen are just two intersecting lines, and when they intersect at one point, they drift away.

If Otto lived any longer, it would only increase the pain.

"I, now I want to live for myself, for those I like, and for those who like me."

Otto smiled, with a little ease.

And Qiyana was in a slightly heavy mood. She found that Otto was a man with a mysterious past. His experience was like a glass of wine, which made people want to taste it carefully.

Kiana wants to taste Otto.

I want to peel off his coat, count the scars left by time on his body, and savor the historical hoard.

Although Otto had a fiancée in the past, so what?

just now!

By Otto's side.

It's me Kiana Kaslana!

It was me who made Otto change!

I am the person who likes Otto, and the person who likes Otto is also me!

Qiyana took a seat directly.

"That's great." Yae Sakura can understand Otto a little bit, because she also lost Kallen, but Otto has been able to move forward, which makes Yae Sakura a little envious.

Should I also move forward?

"Master Bishop, thank you very much for telling me so much, I understand a lot."

Yae Sakura bowed slightly to Otto, but she was a little confused.

Kallen loves herself?


Obviously, he just regards Kallen as his best friend.

How can a girl like a girl.

The traditional-minded village girl doesn't understand Lily.

"Yeah." Otto nodded, and when he was about to let Yae Sakura go back to have a good rest, he suddenly frowned.

It wasn't that there was another knock on the door.


Instead, there were roars and explosions in St. Freya Academy.

Enemy attack!

Chapter 152. Anti-entropy invasion

"Actually, you don't have to follow."

One of the anti-entropy executors, the blue-haired chicken coop Einstein looked at his friend standing beside him.

Tesla was dressed in light clothes, with his hands crossed over his chest, watching the St. Freya Academy not far away. There was a fire burning in the academy, and the siren sounded endlessly.

Cocolia carried out a frontal raid, and she sent Watt to make a high-profile breakthrough directly from the main entrance to attract attention.

"I'm worried about that woman, Cocolia."

Tesla said.

"And I won't go there, I'll meet you here, it's safe."

"Yeah." Einstein nodded, "I've already notified him, and he'll come over later."


Tesla nodded.

"It's been a long time since I saw him."

A faint smile appeared on his face.

"I should meet up with Cocolia, and I will go to St. Freya with her later."

Einstein took a final inventory of his gear, and Tesla asked a little worriedly.

"Will Teresa cooperate with us?"

"Yes." Einstein said with a flat expression that he was completely in control, "As long as Teresa sees something in the underground church, she will choose to cooperate with us."

"Then you only need to be careful of Cocolia, but the one she sent out to lead the charge was actually a clone of Joyce. It's really a high-profile attack."

Tesla's face was full of anger, and she clenched her hands into fists. Walter Joyce was her best friend, and she had worked side by side with her in the past, but that woman in Cocolia dared to do such a thing that blasphemed the dead, making her Difficult to accept.

"It's as stupid as Otto's (beep~)."

"No, that bastard Otto is more beastly."

Tesla spat.

She hated Otto from the bottom of her heart.

"Now is not an opportunity to tear up the face with Cocolia, when the time comes, Destiny will be happy to see this scene."

Einstein said calmly, and Tesla looked at her with slightly sad eyes. Obviously, Einstein should be more angry than himself, but for the sake of anti-entropy, she can only be rational.

"We will make it."

Tesla said.

"Well, we'll make it."

Einstein nodded, and then walked towards the agreed place with Cocolia.

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