
There was a smile in Otto's emerald eyes, as if mocking Bronya for not being able to understand this.

Seeing Otto's eyes, Bronya reacted.

Because Teresa is a Catholic.

"If I resign from the post of Bishop of Destiny, and Teresa succeeds me, then the head of the Far East branch will naturally have a vacant position."

"Then Teresa, who is a Catholic bishop, will naturally send someone she knows to be the head of the branch. After all, that is where her dream started."

Hearing this, Bronya had a strange expression.

"I don't think I've seen Lady Teresa before."

If Teresa wanted to choose the head of the Far East branch, it would not be her turn.


Otto smiled, without explanation.

It's normal for Bronya to think this way. After all, Teresa may just be a stranger who will call her granddaughter to her in the future.

However, in the original history, Bronya and Kiana Mei will be admitted to St. Freya Academy and have a good relationship with Teresa.

And if Teresa chooses a candidate to succeed her branch chief, it must be Bronya.

Because Bronya is the most reliable.

However, these ideas are all based on conjecture, but the shelter they are in now, according to the current situation, is far from being as simple as an ordinary shelter.

this sanctuary.

Maybe it doesn't belong to this world.

Maybe something happened, from "a certain world", and accidentally fell into this world.

It's not impossible.

Because of the existence of fireflies, it shows that there is such a possibility.

If there are fireflies, Otto doesn't think he will be surprised even if Auntie Yaya and Auntie Firefly are in the same room.

But they should all appear as stigmata, just like fireflies.

Otto smiled.

If Yai has the stigmata of Aunt Bengya, then with Miss Leilu, she can fight landlords in the consciousness space just like Qiyana.

However, Otto was also worried about something.

All kinds of things, plus the "Steins Gate" world line, Otto wondered if there was something wrong or BUG with the tree of imaginary numbers.

And the cause of all this, could it be the bishop.

It's no wonder that Houkaizhi wanted to kill himself as soon as he saw him before, and didn't even give him a chance to explain and surrender to the enemy.

After all, this bishop is a pest that plagues the tree of imaginary numbers.

Otto pushed Bronya's wheelchair and walked. The lights in the shelter were dim. Under the dim light, the two looked like ghosts.

However, pushing the wheelchair with one hand, Otto took out the communication terminal with the other.

Fu Hua still didn't reply, but Otto wondered if he should tell Qiyana that he might have to stay in the Far Eastern branch during this time.

After all, I have to sit in this refuge.

This was something that Joyce and Anti-Entropy wanted to obtain secretly, so the bishop naturally wanted to get it.

In a short time, I wanted to find clues about the world line of Steins;Gate, but it was very difficult...

"Sir Bishop!"

The call rang out.

A Valkyrie cried out.

"We have found clues about the world line of Steins;Gate!"

Chapter 336. The Catholic Bishop Falls Here

The air in the room was a bit dull, perhaps because the windows were not open, or the atmosphere was oppressive.

Estherine, with dark circles on her eyes, held the teacup, stared at the turquoise tea in the cup, and took a sip.

But even the tea could not dispel her drowsiness.

Originally, she had little sleep time every day. In the past few days, she has not adjusted the jet lag.

"Da da da."

Footsteps sounded outside the room, except for Iserine, the other three people in the room couldn't help holding their breath.

However, when the footsteps stopped, the closed door was suddenly pushed open.

Cocolia with bright golden curly hair walked into the room, her plump and plump body wrapped in a dark green military uniform.

Violet eyes swept across the room, and walking confidently, Cocolia came to the table and sat at the top.

Then, he frowned.

"The air is so stuffy, why don't you open the windows."

Cocolia said.

After the words fell, someone immediately went to open the window, and after opening the window, the dull area dissipated.

"Welcome back, everyone."

Cocolia looked at the four unkempt people in the room, they all had something in common.

That is, they are all members sent by anti-entropy to cooperate with destiny.

They're all tech geeks.

And the four of them also received their own secret mission.

"What did you gain this time?"

Cocolia asked with a smile.

The cooperation between Destiny and Anti-Entropy has started for several days. They entered the ruins together, and when the cooperation was on track, the four of them returned to Anti-Entropy to report on their duties.

Etherine handed over a document to Cocolia, which recorded what Destiny and Anti-Entropy had jointly explored, and the exchange of benefits in it was none of her business.

But Cocolia shook her head.

"You know, that's not what I want."

Cocolia didn't fiddle with the documents. This kind of obvious thing has no value at all.

What she wanted to know was what anti-entropy hid in the shelter and brought it back.

Although she and Otto agreed that if something was found in the ruins, the two organizations would share it.


Conventions are weak.

As long as it is not discovered, it is naturally not a problem.

Anti-entropy will hide things that Destiny didn't notice when exploring, and then take them as their own.

And useless things will be thrown out and shared in an attempt to get a bigger share of the pie.

This was something she ordered a long time ago, and Cocolia didn't feel any guilt about this kind of thing, because she knew that Otto would do the same.

What cannot be hidden is taken out and shared, and what is not found is secretly taken away.

Etherine took out another report. Even if this behavior is not good, as a qualified scientist, she has a flexible moral bottom line.

However, thinking of this, the face of the Catholic Bishop inevitably appeared in her mind.

And that sound, "Doctor".

Cocolia took the report, browsed it, and nodded.

"Etherine, you are doing well."

"When the cooperation with Destiny ends, I will apply for the position of anti-entropy executor for you."

The eyes of the other three people in the room showed envy. To become the executor of anti-entropy is almost equivalent to having a status below one person.

But Cocolia, as the deputy leader, has this power.

She doesn't mind selling this favor either.

Etherine was at work anyway.

Originally, she wanted to help Xing Maer and Bronya apply for the position of executor, and let them help her, but they both fell into Otto's clutches, so Cocolia could only develop others.

However, regarding the temptation of this position, Estherine just nodded calmly.

In fact, compared to this kind of temptation, Estherine still thinks that the 20-year experiment funding promised by Cocolia earlier is more tempting.

Experiments are expensive.

"However, there is no information about the world line of Steins;Gate here."

Cocolia put the file on the table and said with a smile.

The Steins;Gate world line is Otto's name, but in order not to confuse the meaning and make it clearer what it is, Cocolia also decided that Anti-Entropy would also use Steins'Gate to call that miraculous world.

"I didn't find any relevant information, maybe it was found and hidden by the Mandate of Heaven in advance, or maybe there is no relevant information in this shelter at all."


Cocolia pondered slightly, she had a headache, what would happen if Otto found that world first.

"However, recently our exploration team began to have people missing."

Etherine said.

After working together in the past few days, Anti-Entropy has lost several people. There is no evidence of Tianming's attack, and it may just simply disappear.

"They are dead."

But Cocolia directly gave them the death penalty.

Because those people are all from Walter Joyce.

Joyce came to him yesterday and said that all his subordinates in the refuge were assassinated by the destiny, and there was not even a single one alive.

Cocolia thought that the destiny was going to tear her skin apart, so she hurriedly asked her trusted subordinates in the exploration team to come back, so as not to be killed by Otto.

However, except for the people placed by Joyce, the people in Cocolia are very safe, and the daily necessities have not been detained by destiny.

This gave Cocolia an idea, could it be that Otto was just dealing with Joyce's people?

After all, he was the one who made the agreement with him at the beginning, and the safety of Joyce's subordinates was not guaranteed by the agreement.

What's more, as a member of anti-entropy, Cocolia is also very aware of the grievances between Otto and "Walter Joyce".

However, Cocolia did not come forward for Joyce, and she even thought it was a good thing.

Because Joyce was looking for a bargaining chip for his cooperation, which was to help him become the anti-entropy leader.

But when that time comes, will Anti-Entropy listen to him, Joyce, or her, Cocolia?

So Otto's behavior of reducing Joyce's subordinates made Cocolia very satisfied, and even hoped that Otto would continue to work hard to reduce Joyce's power to the extent she could control.

Cocolia has big ambitions.

"By the way, Lord Cocolia, before we came back, we found something in the shelter, and now we have brought it back."

They had smuggled something out of a shelter under the watchful eye of Destiny.

was not discovered by destiny.

Anti-entropy has a mature quantization technology, which can transform objects into quantum states for storage, and when they need to be used, they can be transformed into entities.

Just like the Titans.

Cocolia carried more than 20 Titans along with her.

This is an excellent technology obtained through the X-10 experiment, but when thinking of the X-10 experiment, Cocolia thought of Bronya.

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