what is it then?

Otto tried hard to pull his hand out, but the Honkai Will used his hands to prevent Otto from leaving.

It's a lot of strength.

Otto's face changed slightly, because he felt a strong force, and the hands of the Bengkai Will continued to gather strength, as if it was about to wring off Otto's right hand.

The flesh and blood collapsed, and Otto's right arm began to fail.

Without hesitation, Otto stretched out his left hand, not to help his right hand out, but to reach into the body of the will again.


Honkai Will twisted off Otto's right arm with both hands, but he couldn't stop Otto from leaving his body with a few stars in his left hand.

Take care of one thing and lose another.

But...the end is far more important than anything else that Otto has taken from him.

Never lose.

Otherwise, the trial of civilization will become a joke.

Otto took a few steps back again and again. He felt that his arm was really in trouble, so it broke again.

Will I always hold my shoulders like Vegeta in the future?

But... it's all worth it!

Otto looked at his left hand, with an unconcealable smile on his face, holding six twinkling stars in his left hand.

And their names came to Otto's mind.

its name.







Otto, who was supposed to take the exam on his behalf, took away the right to write nearly half of the test papers for the Honkai College Entrance Examination.

He can now be called [Honkai Will --- Otto]!

However, does that mean that what I just held in my right hand were emptiness, death, star, consciousness, domination, and erosion?

Perhaps there is also the unknown No.13 Herrscher.

Damn, how do you feel that those who stay with the will of the Houkai are stronger.

And Otto never expected that he held the final moment briefly just now, but in the end he still missed it.

The six stars shone with light, and the light penetrated into Otto's body, and the stars disappeared, but Otto felt that they were with him.

He successfully took away part of the power of the will of the collapse.

Otto looked at the Will of the Honkai, his severed arm was still inserted into the Will of the Honkai, and the Will of the Honkai stared at Otto calmly, and the broken arm began to turn into a little bit of fluorescence and penetrate into the Will of the Honkai.

Part of Otto was absorbed by the Honkai Will.

For a split second, Otto suddenly felt a gleam of coldness flashing through the eyes of Honkai Will.

But he thought about it, how is this possible, the will of the collapse is not human at all, even if he slaps him a few times, he will not have any emotions.

Maybe it's my own illusion.

But when you're done with what you have to do, it's time to leave.

As if aware of Otto's thoughts, a light door appeared behind him.

Otto turned his head to look at the light door. He didn't feel any danger. This might be the escape route prepared by the dog system.

Honkai Will still stood there, staring at Otto with slightly empty eyes.

Otto walked directly to the light gate, and the will of the collapsed will not stop him now, but it doesn't mean that he will still be like this later, if he can't walk later, then he will cry to death.

He didn't even think about competing for the remaining powers. After losing the surprise attack, Otto was temporarily ineligible to fight for it.

Half of Otto's body had already walked into the light gate, but he stopped suddenly and looked back at the Houkai Will who was still standing there.

He raised his left hand, and his left index finger pointed to the will of the collapse.

Humans point to this god who is above human beings.

"The will to collapse."

"Please get ready."

"Be prepared to be defeated by humans and me."

After speaking, Otto directly left this pure white space of nothingness.

Honkai Will stared at the direction in which Otto was leaving, and he suddenly raised his hand to grab his chest, and a hint of ferocity flashed in his originally plain eyes.

Because Otto took away part of his power.

So He hated Otto.

This is a matter of course.

But this is a very unbelievable thing for the will of the collapse.


Emotions that have never been experienced are welling up at the root.

[Is it human emotions? 】

But he knew that he shouldn't have such emotions.

He should have no humanity.

But the sentiment is undoubtedly real.

His face was constantly distorted, and the corners of his mouth were raised up strangely, revealing a frightening smile.

[It turns out... this is joy. 】

The feeling in my heart now is the joy that Otto Apocalypse said.

What a strange experience.

He pressed his forehead.

[right arm...]

Otto has a problem with his right arm!

It wasn't the Honkai Will that took the initiative to absorb Otto's right arm just now, but Otto's right arm turned into energy and was actively absorbed by the Honkai Will.



There is no doubt that He was polluted.

Divinity is tainted with humanity.


Why can humans pollute gods?

Not right, so wrong.

Otto has a problem.

No, the pollution cannot be deepened.

Honkai Will covered his cheeks with his hands.

After a long time, when he let go of his hand and opened his eyes again, indifference returned to his eyes.

However, His hands were placed on either side of his mouth.

Push up the corners of the mouth with two index fingers.

A weird and awkward handmade smile appeared on his face.



In Changkong City, Otto opened his eyes, and he found himself in a ruined wall.

Lowering his head, Otto didn't see the part below his chest.

And only the right arm is left.

This is the truth that belongs to Otto.

It was like a hallucination to be in line with the will of the collapse just now.

His soul steel body is still collapsing, and perhaps in a short while, this half of his body will completely disintegrate.

Otto turned his head with difficulty, and he found that Mei was still lying beside her, and she was still holding the dim gem of conquest in her left hand. .

Mei's body has escaped the control of Houkai's will, but there is no sign of waking up.

Picking up the gem of conquest with his right hand, Otto climbed onto Mei's body with a small half of his body, and then put the gem of conquest back into Mei's body.

The gap in the chest is full of flesh and blood, and the conquest gems return to their place.

Otto took a few breaths, so he should be fine. Even if Mei couldn't wake up temporarily, Miss Herrscher would wake up.

It's just that my body can't last long, but...

Otto looked at Mei's beautiful face.

A bold idea rose in his mind.

He was curious.

When he and Mei were separated, they met again.

At that time, how much will this girl love me?

After all, no one can defeat the dead.

Just like Kallen and Otto.

Otto felt that he could be Mei's Kallen.

Chapter 83. The Death of Otto

When was "I" born?

When that girl was born?

Or when that girl was locked in a dark room?

Or, after that girl's daily life was destroyed?

Can't remember.

But I still remember that I have been watching that girl since she was born.

At some point, I started to want to protect her.

The Herrscher of Thunder slowly opened her eyes, and she saw a blue sky.

so tired.

Ms. Lei Lu felt extremely tired all over, and couldn't mobilize any Honkai energy at all, and the Honkai energy absorbed in her body these days became empty.

As if the whole person died once.

"Wake up... ah."

A somewhat familiar voice sounded in the chest, Miss Lei Lu lowered her head, and then her scarlet eyes shrank suddenly.

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