Near the Wasi Tree Sea, six mages with extraordinary aura were standing on the edge of a cliff.

"I heard."

"Hear the sound that the light is about to disintegrate."

A man with short brown-red hair was wrapped around a light purple cobra. He stroked the chin of the cobra with his right hand while showing a rebellious smile.

"You're too impatient, Cobra."

"However, it is also a good thing to move faster."

A man with a long nose spoke calmly.

"That magic is hidden in this place, laser."

Cobra turned his head and smiled at the laser.

"That's the magic that brings darkness and destroys all light, right, Nirvana."

Charlie, whose face was made of building blocks, also spoke at this time.

Near him, there was a woman in a white dress. Her clothes were slit from the neckline to the navel, which looked very open.

In addition, on a magic carpet floating in mid-air, sat cross-legged a dark-haired man who had fallen asleep.

They are Sora and Midnight of General Six Demons.

".~The legendary magic will eventually fall into our hands."

At this time, President Wu also spoke. In his hand, he was holding a staff with a skull at the tip and a magic orb in his mouth.

The staff is not ordinary magic equipment, because the skull has self-awareness, and to some extent, it is the seventh member of the six generals.

"Is that magic called Nirvana really worth our expectation?"

Laser turned his head to look at President Wu, and asked with some doubts.

"Look, the earth has begun to die, because Nirvana is nearby!"

"As long as you get Nirvana, the world will be plunged into absolute darkness!"

Wuhui (Demo Zhao) held a skeleton staff in his hand, pointed at a part of the dark woods in the distance, and said with a hint of excitement in his tone.

In the past ten years, he has been searching for countless powerful magic, and even mixed into the magic research institute, just to destroy the world to the greatest extent!

But after mastering many advanced magics, and even many taboo-level magics, President Wu is still dissatisfied.

Because he feels that relying on these magics alone can only destroy a country to the greatest extent.

Even the continent of Ishgar can't be destroyed, so what's the point of destroying the world?

After wandering continuously for many years, President Wu naturally knows that besides the Ishgar continent, there are two very vast continents in the world!

Therefore, after reading countless magic materials, even thousands of ancient magic books, he finally locked on a target.

That is the magic created by the ancients, which is far more powerful than ordinary super magic. Countless super magic, Nirvana! .

Chapter 229 The Battle Between Dragon Slayers (Second Change)

The next morning, on the streets of Magnolia, all the shops had banners of the Harvest Festival, and the whole atmosphere was extremely lively.Walking on the prosperous street, facing the warm greetings from many residents, Su Jue responded to them one by one with a smile.

After entering the Fairy Tail Guild, not long after, Su Jue was dragged out by Erusa and others to go shopping, and at the same time enjoyed many performances by the Magical Guild, just like a circus.

However, this is not the most lively time of the Harvest Festival. At night, Magnolia will hold a magical parade. This is the grand parade that the Fairy Tail Guild is famous in the Ishgar Continent.

Su Jue, Erusa and the others played for a whole day, and after returning to the guild, they were still full of energy.


At night, bursts of bangs came from the sky, and over Magnolia, there were countless colorful fireworks.

At the same time, there are many colorful car parades on the streets of Magnolia,

Some of these cruisers are giant fish-shaped airbags, and some are giant pink rabbit airbags. At the same time, there are many five-pointed stars and peach-heart-shaped magical lights, floating around the entire convoy like dots of stars.

Most members of the Fairy Tail guild are traveling in cars, or dancing in doll costumes, or using their own performance magic, creating many beautiful pictures.

Among them, the performances of Gray and Leo are the most beautiful. They use ice modeling magic to directly construct an ice and snow castle, perfectly showing the beauty of ice.

Countless well-known tourists watched these pictures in shock. This is almost the top magic show.

At the back, you can even see that Naz's body is full of golden flames, turning into an oriental fire dragon soaring in the sky. The sacred golden flames give people a strong sense of visual impact.

In addition, Laxus also activated lightning magic and light magic, constructing a picture of a brontosaurus crossing the circle of light.

Afterwards, under the cheers of the crowd, Makarov wore a cat costume and kept waving his body on the stage, giving people a funny style of humor.

In the end, Su Jue, who had been onlookers all along, also used the power of the stars to construct the phantom of the four spirits of the sky!

"No way, is this also a performance of Fairy Tail?"

"Isn't this too shocking?"

The phantoms of the four spirits of the sky are more than hundreds of meters tall, and the sacred and majestic aura gives people a strong spiritual impact.


After the green dragon roared, a light blue energy fluctuation suddenly emerged from its body, covering the entire town of Magnolia.

"What kind of magic is this? It actually healed all the dark wounds I have accumulated for many years!"

"My cervical spondylosis is cured, which is amazing!"

All the ailments and injuries of the people shrouded in light blue energy fluctuations were healed in an instant!

In addition to controlling the power of thunder, Qinglong also controls the vitality of wood. It has extremely powerful life force and can recover many injuries and diseases.

After that, Xuanwu and Baihu also showed their supernatural powers. Compared with Qinglong's healing ability, they are boosting weapons and armor respectively, which can increase the attack power of all magic equipment and the defense power of magic armor within three days!

At the final stage, Suzaku soared in the sky, and streaks of crimson flames flew out of it continuously, falling to the ground like fireballs.

But when they were still [-] meters away from the ground, these fireballs turned into small Suzakus. Thousands of small Suzakus continued to swim on Magnolia, allowing everyone to watch the heroic appearance of Suzaku up close. !

Whether it was members of the Fairy Tail Guild, other tourists, or local residents, they all had smiles on their faces, revealing a happy expression on their faces.

After about 5 minutes, the phantoms of the four spirits of the sky gradually became transparent.

Their disappearance means that this magic parade is coming to an end.

When the magic parade was about to end, all Fairy Tail members raised their right hands, with their thumbs wide open and their index fingers pointing upwards, showing the iconic gesture of the Fairy Tail guild.


After the harvest festival and magic parade, the next afternoon.

"Laxus, come and fight with me now!"

In the Fairy Tail guild, Natsu stood in front of Laxus, raised his right hand with golden flames, and declared war.

"And me, I have to beat you this time!"

At this time, Gray also came over, with a flash of fighting intent in his eyes.

"Such an interesting battle, I naturally want to participate!"

Gajeel showed a seemingly ferocious expression, and laughed defiantly.

Compared with Natsu and Gray, Gajeel's iron dragon slayer magic is the most restrained by Laxus. Under the opponent's normal thunder dragon magic, even if he will not be seriously injured, he will almost will lose the ability to fight.

However, after devouring a large amount of ultra-high-quality steel, Gajeel has already activated another powerful mode. As long as he enters the capable mode, Gajeel will gain super lightning resistance.

"Alright, let me see this time, you guys have made a lot of progress in the past few months."

Laxus put down the wine glass in his hand, turned his head to look at Naz and the others, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"Wow! Laxus has accepted Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel's declaration of war!"

"I haven't seen such a battle for a long time!"

"I'm really looking forward to their battle. I just hope that Laxus will be merciful and don't send them all to the hospital like last time."

After seeing this scene, everyone in the Fairy Tail guild looked expectantly.

"Since Laxus has already accepted the challenge, let's all switch places."

A force of space emerged from Su Jue's body, and then he teleported everyone to a rocky area.

The three of them, including Laxus and Natsu, were in a vast flat terrain, separated by hundreds of meters.

As for the melon-eating crowd of Su Jue and the Fairy Tail Guild, they were separated by only two kilometers to avoid being affected by the aftermath of the battle.

Although they were far away from the battle field, Makarov quickly took out a piece of projection-type magic equipment. A total of four display screens appeared in mid-air, and each display screen was facing Laxus and the others.

"Although joining forces with you makes me very uncomfortable."

"But Laxus is super strong, don't hold me back!"

Natsu accepted Gray and Gajeel in a rare way, and gave them a warning.

Then golden flames burst out from his body, and even his eyes turned into the shape of dragon pupils! .

Chapter 230 The Mystery of the Scarlet Lightning and Dragon Slayer (Part [-])


A golden flame burst out from Naz's body, covering him directly.This is the powerful mode he possessed after devouring Su Jue's Dragon Slayer Divine Flame, the Divine Flame Dragon Mode!

In addition to Natsu, Gray's right arm is also covered with black lines of spells, which is the magic mode of Ice Destroyer~.

"This time, we must count the old score and beat that guy!"

At this time, Gajeel's magic power also exploded, his entire body turned into steel, and his defenses in all directions were greatly strengthened.

This is a new mode controlled by him after devouring a large amount of ultra-high-quality steel, the steel dragon mode!

"Unfortunately, you will lose again this time!"

Seeing Natsu and the others rushing over aggressively, Laxus shook his head slightly and said.

Then he was filled with violent lightning, and the powerful electromagnetic field caused countless gravel to float up!


In an instant, Laxus turned into a bolt of lightning, rushing straight towards Natsu!

And when Naz saw the opponent rushing over, he immediately ignited the golden flames on his arms and fused them together.

"The brilliant flames of the Divine Flame Dragon!"

A huge group of golden flames erupted suddenly, blasting towards the attacking Laxus at extreme speed!


A burst of thunder suddenly sounded, and the golden thunder and lightning erupted with incomparably powerful power, even directly smashing Naz's flames to death!

Then, in less than a second, Laxus appeared in front of Natsu, stretched out his palm full of lightning, grabbed the opponent's head directly, and smashed it to the ground!


In an instant, a huge pothole appeared in vain, Natsu's whole body was inserted into the surface, and at the same time, there were many cracks on the surface near him.


At this moment, a chainsaw-like iron dragon sword suddenly flashed, about to attack Laxus' waist!


However, Laxus had already caught Gajeel's movement, he quickly raised his right foot with violent lightning, and kicked him flying!

At the same time that Gajiru was knocked into the air, the iron dragon sword in his hand quickly split and many steel darts appeared. After piercing through the electric current around Laxus, they flew towards the opponent's chest!

"Ice Demon Zero Sword!"

At the same time, Gray's figure instantly appeared beside Laxus.

I saw him wielding an ice sword, and directly cut a cut mark on Laxus' waist!

"Unfortunately, you are still a little bit worse!"

After being slashed by Gray, a bloodstain appeared on Laxus' left waist, but under the stimulation of his lightning, the scar on his waist instantly formed a scar.

Afterwards, two lightning bolts appeared on his hands, which transformed into a thunderbolt like a halberd.

"Thunder Dragon Fang Tianji!"

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