The space dragon lineage is the absolute leader of the neutral dragon clan, so when he saw Ashit's appearance, he mistakenly thought that the space dragon was about to intervene in the battlefield.

After all, in the previous history, the space dragon lineage did not attack the radical dragon clan, and the only thing that helped humans was to save the human army that was about to be destroyed.

So seeing the appearance of Ashit, he had to treat it with caution.

"I am the Lieutenant General of the Besefin Kingdom, Willard Fergus, and I am very glad to have your support!"

"I am deeply sorry for the rude behavior just now, but this is also a helpless move. After all, there will be dragon invasions here from time to time."

Willard put his right hand against his left chest, lowered his head slightly to Su Jue and the others, and quickly explained.

"Having such a reaction also shows that you have great ability to resist invasion, which is a good thing."

Prechto stood up at this moment and said calmly.

In the era of the magic war in Aslant's world, he almost had such a conditioned reflex, because once the war broke out, no one could live comfortably.


Suddenly, bursts of soaring roars came from afar, causing Willard's expression to change involuntarily.

This means that the dragon clan has launched an attack again!

But before Willard gave the order, the soldiers quickly ran to their guarded positions, and their fighting qualities were extremely high.

".~I'm sorry, the first meeting ended so hastily, and I didn't even catch up with a feast."

After seeing that the soldiers had gone to their respective positions, Willard turned his head and said embarrassedly to Su Jue and others.

"It doesn't matter, it is more important to resist the dragons."

"Since we have come here, let us take charge of a regional battlefield."

Makarov said to Willard with a serious expression.

"Okay, then the northern side will be handed over to you. As long as you can hold on for 10 minutes, our army will immediately support you!"

After hearing Makarov's words, Willard hesitated for a moment before making this decision.

Because it was not long since the last battle with the Dragon Clan, there were a lot of casualties in the frontline war. At present, the soldiers led by Willard seem to be many, but they can only stick to the western battlefield.

So asking Su Jue and others to stick to the northern battlefield is actually a helpless move, but as long as reinforcements arrive, they can stabilize the western battlefield and send soldiers to support the northern battlefield.

Although this decision was made, Willard actually meant to take risks, because he didn't know the specific combat power of Su Jue and others at all. He only hoped that the space dragon, Ashit, could resist the dragon clan for a while longer. .

"Then we're on it!"

Looking at the northern battlefield that Willard pointed to, Naz and the others rushed over impatiently.

"Remember, although I know that you may not be able to adapt for a while, in this world, most dragons want to slaughter humans, so when resisting dragons, you must be careful, and don't be soft-hearted!"

Before rushing to the battlefield on the north side, Su Jue spoke very seriously to Lucy and the other girls. .

Chapter 319

Perhaps it is a good thing to have a kind heart, but conscience will not only not play a role in war, but will become a fuel bottle and kill the friendly army!

That's why before the official battle, Su Jue would first remind Lucy and other kind-hearted girls. "Well, we will definitely not implicate you!"

When Lucy and the others heard this, they all nodded seriously.

"Let's go then."

All of a sudden, a strong spatial fluctuation erupted around Su Jue, transporting Fairy Tail and the others to the northern battlefield at once.

On the northern battlefield, the Great Wall of Steel can still be seen here, but there are not many human soldiers guarding here, only a few thousand.

Compared with the 10,000+ soldiers on the western battlefield, the northern battlefield seemed to be abandoned.

But the actual situation is not like this, because the northern battlefield has many powerful magical strategic weapons, and the number of these magical strategic weapons is about double that of the western battlefield!


The earth-shattering roar of dragons resounded in the sky. Thousands of giant dragons were soaring in the sky, continuously emitting breath and dragon magic, and launched an attack on the Great Steel Wall and the human soldiers above.

In addition, there was a shock wave from the ground. A few thousand meters away from the Great Wall of Steel, there was a group of large creatures resembling 193 dinosaurs running wildly towards them.

These dinosaurs belong to the species of sub-dragons, named terrain dragons, which were cultivated by the radical dragon clan as cannon fodder and siege weapons for launching wars.

The number of terrain dragons that appeared in front of the Great Wall of Steel was very large. The reason why the radical dragon clan was able to maintain a war with humans for hundreds of years was because these dinosaurs reproduced very quickly and their growth cycle was very short.

"There are more than [-] earth dragons ahead, hurry up and prepare the earth vein magic pulse gun!"

Facing the two-sided attack from the sky and the ground, the human soldiers standing on the Great Steel Wall did not panic at all, or they had long been used to this situation.

Soon, dozens of elongated gun barrels suddenly protruded from the inside of the Great Steel Wall, facing the ground, and a light yellow magic power was constantly condensing.


In less than three seconds, these gun barrels fired a yellow shock wave, which directly hit the ground, producing a huge circular wave, which was close to the ground and quickly sprayed away towards the terrain dragon ahead!


After being hit by the Earth Vein Magic Pulse Cannon, thousands of terrain dragons in the front rolled upwards instantly, and hit their friendly troops.

Although their injuries were not light, it was far from killing them directly.

Because when the Radical Dragon Clan cultivated Terrain Dragons, they added the power of Earth Rock Dragons to make their defenses extremely strong.

However, the attack of the human soldiers will not be limited to this one time. More and more gun barrels protrude from the inside of the Great Steel Wall, launching more powerful and more numerous shelling attacks.

"Sure enough, war will make any world's military weapons develop to a very strong level."

Flying up into the air, seeing the scene where the magic cannon bombarded the terrain dragon, Prechto couldn't help saying.

"However, now it's time for us to fight against the real main force!"

Afterwards, his eyes turned to the group of dragons soaring in the sky, and a terrifying dark magic power erupted from him, appearing in this world in a materialized form!

"This is what happens when the magic power reaches high dimensions!"

"Great! With sages to help us, this resistance may be able to last longer!"

Seeing Prechto flying high in the sky, the soldiers standing on the Great Steel Wall couldn't help cheering.

However, as the dragons approached, their voices were gradually replaced by the sound of bombing, because more and more anti-aircraft magic cannons protruded from the Great Steel Wall, and fired continuously towards the dragons in the sky. Dao magic guided shelling.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, the shells flew, and the sky was covered by a large amount of gunpowder smoke!


(bedc) But soon, a giant dragon flew out of the gunpowder smoke. After a roar, it fired a dragon's breath towards the human soldiers on the Iron Great Wall!

As more and more dragons flew out, more dragon breaths erupted, and in an instant, thousands of magic shock waves of different colors were displayed on the entire battlefield!

Such a scene looks very dazzling, but it has endless murderous intent!

"Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

At this time, Natsu ejected a powerful golden flame from his mouth, flying towards the sky like a wave.

In addition, Fairy Tail's people also followed the attack of the magic cannon and continuously released powerful anti-air magic to block the dragon's breath falling from the sky.

In the midst of the fierce battle between the two sides, a deep dark magic ball condensed in Prechto's hands, and a terrifying breath emanated from the inside, making the giant dragons in the sky aware of it. sense of crisis.

"The law of the devil!"

Accompanied by the explosion of the dark magic ball, a wave of darkness was generated around Prechto, covering an area of ​​several kilometers in an instant!


In the darkness, the howls of the giant dragon could be vaguely heard.

The law of the devil has the same power as the law of the goblin, and can instantly regard the caster as the target of the enemy, and inflict mental and spiritual devastation!

After the darkness dissipated, one after another unconscious giant dragons descended from the sky and fell to the ground.

But it didn't take long for the corpses of these giant dragons to be moved by Su Jue to the outside of the King City of Xiute Kingdom by using the power of space. This was their previous cooperation with Stella.


After releasing the demon law, Prechto couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

This super magic is transformed by him according to the law of goblins. Although it will not cost life, it will also pay more magic power.

However, with this super magic trick, all the dragons that just invaded were wiped out by him alone, and many terrain dragons in front of the Great Steel Wall also died!

" this sage-level magic?"

"Why does it feel like this magic is stronger than the magic of Sage Homer?!"

Originally thought it would be a protracted battle, but after witnessing the power of the devil's law, the soldiers all looked at Prechto dumbfounded.

"Don't look at me, this dragon group is just a vanguard team, and there are more dragons coming in the front."

Sensing the shocked gazes from the soldiers on the Great Steel Wall, Prechto pointed to the distance. .

Chapter 320 This Human Being Is Something Something Wrong

"Tap Tap..."

On the northern battlefield, in the Radical Dragon Clan domain tens of kilometers away from the Great Steel Wall, there was a large group of Terrain Dragons constantly running on the ground.In addition, there are also many rock dragons mixed in with terrain dragons.

In the world of Delaford, rock dragons do not have the ability to fly, but they have a strong defensive force, like a steel-like rock body~.

At the same time, there are more dragons flying in the sky. There are many kinds of dragons in the world of Drake, and their reproduction speed is not as slow as imagined. Their growth cycle can even barely match that of human beings. Shopping with humans - one of the capitals for hundreds of years.

"Transfer the target first, and you use magic weapons to directly attack the enemy below."

"If the dragons enter the battle line too close, you will directly bombard the dragons in the distance!"

Witnessing the attack of tens of thousands of giant dragons, Su Jue finally knew what kind of heavy responsibility the front line of human power was carrying.

So he immediately jumped to the Great Wall of Steel and said to all the soldiers here.

Although the Great Steel Wall has countless powerful magic cannons, using these strategic weapons requires a lot of magic power.

Therefore, whether it is in the stage of war or in the stage of truce, many major human powers will pay a large amount of magic crystals to ensure that the magic cannons inside the Great Steel Wall can operate normally.

Afterwards, Su despaired and turned to the distance. Within the sphere of influence of the radical dragon clan, there were at least dozens of giant dragons of the Dragon King level.

Their purpose is very simple, that is, to wait until many major powers of human power send troops to support them, and then to slaughter them!

But after they saw Su Jue's first move, they made a decisive move immediately!

Because Su Jue directly used the power of space to pull, causing the thousands of dragons in the sky to fall like meteorites, smashing towards the group of terrain dragons whose number exceeded [-]!


Immediately, the earth splashed dozens of meters of soil like a river, among which were mixed with many huge terrain dragons.

In the face of this sudden attack, more than [-] terrain dragons were directly smashed to death on the ground. In addition, more than [-] terrain dragons were also affected!

Su Jue's attack directly or indirectly caused nearly [-] terrain dragons to be killed!

It is also because of this that the dozens of dragon kings who have been dormant will act decisively.

If Su Jue continues to fight like this, it is estimated that in less than 10 minutes, more than [-]% of this large dragon army will fall here!

"Natsu, Gray, and the S-rank mages except Laxus and Gildas, all dispatched, ready to face those giant dragons!"

"And everyone else goes to destroy the terrain dragons first. As for Laxus and Kildas, as well as Makarov and Preshito, you wait until the lives of the guild members are threatened before attacking!"

On the Great Steel Wall, Mebis transformed into a military adviser again, commanding the Fairy Tail crowd.

Although those terrain dragons were blocked, their speed did not decrease at all. Under the crowd tactics, they were less than 1000 meters away from the Great Wall of Steel!

That's why Mebis plans tactics based on his judgment of the enemy and himself.

Of course, if she can fully know the specific magic artillery inside the Great Iron Wall and the quantity, she can use these weapons to the extreme in this war!

This is not to say that Mebis' military ability is capable of crushing people in this world. After hundreds of years of war, in terms of military affairs, even some small-level officers can temporarily act commander.

However, Mebis was required to command the northern battlefield because the commanders guarding the front had all gone to the western battlefield. Compared with the northern battlefield, the number of dragons in the western battlefield was at least five times greater!

Therefore, there will be more human soldiers on the western battlefield, which requires multiple commanders to command together, otherwise the speed of transmitting military orders will be too slow, which will affect the development of all-out war.

The western battlefield is much more important than the northern battlefield. If the northern battlefield is destroyed, there is a chance to make amends, but once the western battlefield is destroyed, it means that the Great Wall of Steel has fallen!

The fall of the Great Wall of Steel means that the radical dragons can directly rush into the hinterland of human forces. If the situation reaches that level, humans have almost no chance of turning the tables!

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up!"

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