"Ice God Sealing Realm!"

Accompanied by the explosion of mana, a bright light blue light burst out from Su Jue's hands, as if it was the light of a cold star.

It's just that this ray of light is a terrifying nightmare for all dragons!

Soon, the cold current spread across the entire earth, and with the surge of cold air, everything on the earth was frozen into a thick layer of frost!

Except for Fairy Tail, most of the terrain dragons and ordinary dragons on the ground were frozen into ice sculptures, and with the spread of the cold current, more and more giant ice sculptures kept appearing on this battlefield!

"Not good! This cold current is approaching us!"

"Run, this cold current is very strange, even I may be frozen!"

The Ice Dragon King, who is most familiar with the cold air, soon noticed that the cold current was rapidly spreading to the sky, and immediately ran away without thinking!

Although it is the Dragon King of the lineage of ice dragons, and its control over ice magic has reached the peak level in this world, it does not dare to resist Su Jue's release of the Ice God Sealing Realm.

Intuition tells it that as long as it dares to touch the spreading cold current, it will definitely be frozen, and it is still in a situation that cannot be lifted!

Hearing what the Ice Dragon King said, the rest of the dragon kings did not hesitate for a moment, and decided to run for their lives!

Just kidding, even the Ice Dragon King with the strongest ice resistance has run away. If they still don't run away, should they just stay here and become an ice sculpture?

"Unfortunately, you are still a step late."

Witnessing the fleeing of the Dragon Kings, Su Jue's expression remained calm.

Since he dared to release the super-wide range of the Ice God Sealing Realm, he naturally wouldn't let these dragon kings run away! .

Chapter 323

In front of the Ice Dragon King's escape, thick icicles several thousand meters high suddenly rose from the ground, directly blocking its way!

"Crack clap clap..."

As time went on, more and more icicles protruded from the surface, forming a semicircular posture.The range of these icicle groups exceeded several kilometers, which not only cut off the path of the dozens of dragon kings, but also directly divided the battlefield, preventing the follow-up terrain dragons from entering the battlefield unimpeded like before.

The high-level fairy art of Ice God Sealing Realm can retain all the characteristics of the ice fairy arts that Su Jue has learned before. Among them is the ice fairy art he is most familiar with, the Ice Emperor Art, which has the ability to freely control ice!

This is also the reason why Fairy Tail and everyone can avoid the impact of this super-wide-range high-level fairy attack.

"No, I can't run away!"

"Then we shall perish together with mankind!"

"No matter what you say, we are also the Dragon King, and we should bear the majesty of the king. Even if it is death, we cannot die so meaninglessly!"

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, and the cold wave was coming, these dozens of dragon kings all made decisive choices.

Soon, they all turned around immediately, bursting out all the magic power in their bodies to cover their bodies, resisting the attack of the cold wave, and facing the ground, the Fairy Tail people except Laxus and Gildas, Run away at extreme speed!

They all possessed intelligence no less than that of human beings, so they naturally knew that fighting against Su Jue would only lead to faster death, so they chose the relatively weak Naz and others to die together once and for all!

"Is the target Natsu and the others?"

Seeing the flight trajectories of those dozens of dragon kings, Su Jue's hands once again glowed with bright light blue light, and a more intense cold wind swept past, blowing around the group of dragon kings in less than three seconds.


The Dragon King, who was hit by this cold wind, was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant even though his body was covered with powerful magic power!

Soon, these dragon kings who were frozen into ice sculptures all fell towards the ground one after another. Due to their huge bodies and ice layers, they directly smashed craters on the ground, and there were even many ordinary dragons and terrains. The dragons were all smashed to death!

In less than ten seconds, the entire battle situation changed drastically, which made the soldiers standing on the Great Steel Wall feel that everything in front of them was extremely dreamy.

"Since those dragon kings have been dealt with, we should also clean up all these miscellaneous soldiers!"

After witnessing the fall of the dragon kings turned into ice sculptures, Gray relied on his own understanding and the power of the cold wave released by Su Jue to increase the power of his Ice Destroyer Devil Art to a certain extent.

Afterwards, his left hand constructed an ice bow with a complex structure, and his right hand directly produced ten ice arrows, which were fired directly towards the dragons in front.

The number of enemies is very large, so there is no need for him to pursue precision. He can attack more than a dozen Terrain Dragons with just one arrow!

"Ice Demon Zero's Broken Bow!"

Suddenly, the ten arrows fired by Gray pierced dozens of terrain dragons!

The moment the ice arrow hit the opponent, a large area of ​​frost was frozen on the opponent's body, and another ice explosion occurred, directly bombarding hundreds of terrain dragons around.

Others besides him are also struggling to destroy the terrain dragon.

As for those ordinary dragons, only those who have reached the level of S-level mages can defeat them, so the task of solving ordinary dragons was directly carried out by Erza and others.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

When the Fairy Tail people resisted the Dragon Clan, those soldiers did not relax at all. Before manipulating the Great Steel Wall, they set up thick cannon barrels and fired powerful magic cannons, intercepting nine enemies from a long distance away. into more than.

Immediately, the entire battlefield was bombarded with artillery fire, and the sound of bombing resounded endlessly. In addition, there were all kinds of powerful magic and extremely lethal sword energy blooming on the battlefield.

With the support of the Fairy Tail guild on the northern battlefield this time, from being crushed by the dragon clan before, it has become a one-sided fight against the dragon clan!

After freezing dozens of dragon kings, Su Jue began to stop.

The Ice God Sealing Realm released this time not only kicked all the dragon kings on the northern battlefield, but also wiped out the number of terrain dragons to less than [-]. With the magic cannon of the Great Steel Wall, it is enough to make the Fairy Tails People exercised.

With the continuous fighting on the battlefield, more and more terrain dragons and ordinary dragons were defeated, and the Fairy Tail people gradually showed signs of exhaustion.

However, their eyes became sharper, and in the melee, they gradually mastered some survival skills.

For example, after fighting to a very tired level, directly find a corpse of a terrain dragon to disguise yourself, so that you will not be attacked by the terrain dragon.

The overall ability of Terrain Dragon is not weak, but the means of distinguishing their companions, they can only perceive by smell, which also makes some people gradually know how to deal with it.


About half an hour had passed since Su Jue's frozen dragon king group.

During this half hour, the Monster Tail crowd's attacks became more and more violent, directly blocking the terrain dragons and ordinary dragons within a range of 5000 meters outside the Great Wall of Steel.

Moreover, on the frontmost battlefield, Su Jue did not withdraw those icicles, which also hindered the support speed of the dragons, leaving only a few hundred ordinary dragons on the battlefield, while the number of terrain dragons It is not even five thousand!

At this time, in the west of the northern battlefield, that is, within the sphere of influence of the radical dragon clan, a man dressed in black and wrapped in a long white cloth quietly witnessed the changes in the entire battlefield.

".~Unexpectedly, I would enter this world (De Nuohao), and you were not killed by Akunologia, but came to this world instead."

"Natsu, it's great to see you again."

He looked at the battlefield, and Naz, whose physical strength was gradually exhausted, showed a gentle smile on his face.

If Su Jue could focus his eyes on him, he would be extremely surprised!

Because this person is the black mage who was buried in a different dimension of disorder by Su Jue himself, Jeref's day!

In the disordered and different space, terrifying space winds emerged everywhere, and in the deeper places, there were space storms that even Su Jue didn't dare to resist casually.

However, relying on his immortal body, Jeff endured the attack of the wind of space, and did not die. Instead, through his own perception of the power of space, he vaguely noticed the space coordinates of the world of Delaford, and then entered this world ! .

Chapter 324 Dragon Clan's Defeat Treaty

After entering the world of Delaford, Jeff was surprised by this world at first, because the war between dragons and humans made him seem to have returned to the age of dragons 400 years ago in the world of Aslant.But after his initial contact, he found that the dragons in this world are too weak, even dragons at the level of the Dragon King can't resist his random blow!

However, he met a very strange person in this world and fought against him.

As for the result of that battle, he was unscathed, but the human was only slightly injured.

If you were someone else, you might be curious about what kind of means that human has, but Jeref is different.

After he understood that the opponent could not kill him, he would not have the slightest interest in it.

Jeff originally thought that after entering the disordered space, he would be crushed to death by the space wind of the disordered space, or even the space storm.

However, in the disordered space, he only encountered the wind of space, but he was unable to kill him. As for the storm of space, he originally wanted to fight hard to see if he would die, but he unexpectedly sensed Go to the space coordinates of the world of Delaford, and enter this world.

"Naz, you are still alive, which means I still have hope."

"As far as 193 Yu Su Jue, if your ability can be improved again, maybe you can break my curse of immortality."

After glancing at Naz on the battlefield, Jeff's eyes suddenly shifted to Su Jue, and he said silently in his heart.

"Forget it, since you've come to this world, let's first meet the dragon masters of this world."

Thinking of this, Jeff immediately turned around and walked towards the west of the mainland.

The west of the mainland is the sphere of influence of the radical dragon clan, so he went to the west this time with only one main purpose.

That is to meet the strongest dragon species of the Radical Dragon Clan, the Holy Dragon!

Soon, Jeff's figure disappeared in place, and he walked towards the west of the mainland, and the dragons he met along the way were all killed by him in a death hunt!

Although he came to this world not long ago, he also knew the attitude of the radical dragons towards humans.

So he will not let any dragons block his pace, if there is, he will directly bury the other party, and let the other party's bones turn into a ray of wind in the air.


About 10 minutes later, the ordinary dragons on the battlefield (bedc) were almost wiped out, but there were still countless terrain dragons running towards the battlefield in the distance.

In this regard, Su Jue directly transferred Erza, Naz and others to the Great Steel Wall.

The high-intensity battle that lasted for more than 40 minutes, even though they are all very strong, consumes a lot of physical strength and magic power.

So Su Jue planned to let them adjust their status before continuing to enter the battlefield.

As for the continuous invasion of terrain dragons, the magic fort on the Great Wall of Steel is not a decoration.

The war has continued until now, and there are 950 seven high-strength forts on the Great Wall of Steel, and more than 2000 large-caliber gun barrels have all been activated!

Although these are not all the magical strategic-level weapons on the northern battlefield, with such a number of magical strategic-level weapons, it is not difficult to prevent the invasion of terrain dragons.

With the continuous defeat of the terrain dragons and ordinary dragons, just when everyone thought that the war was about to end, a powerful aura came from a distance.

Suddenly, in the western area of ​​the battlefield on the north side, a bright golden light suddenly burst out, and as this light continued to enlarge, it immediately turned into countless rays of light, flying towards it like a meteor!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Hundreds of rays of light were like cannonballs, carpet-bombing the entire battlefield. Even if there were surviving terrain dragons and ordinary dragons on the battlefield, they still ignored their existence!

With the baptism of the light, countless potholes appeared on the battlefield, and those lights continued to bombard, and they had come to the Great Wall of Steel in less than ten seconds!


At this moment, a huge ice wall suddenly rose from the ground. The height of hundreds of meters directly blocked the rays of light with extraordinary power from the Great Wall of Steel.

"Boom boom boom..."

The roar continued to resound throughout the entire battlefield. Although the power of these rays of light was very powerful, they could only cause a little damage to the ice wall, and some ice chips were thrown out.

After the bombardment of light lasted for more than ten seconds, it gradually stopped.

At the same time, Su Jue also shattered the ice wall in front of him, turning it into a large number of ice crystal thorns, and directly bombarded towards the distance.


Countless thick diamond-shaped ice crystal thorns streaked across the air, making bursts of piercing sounds, and passed quickly across the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke.

However, a bright golden light emerged from the distance again, and a huge translucent golden shield suddenly appeared at the western end of the battlefield.

"Bang bang bang..."

Thick ice crystal thorns continuously bombarded the giant golden shield, causing the super large golden shield to gradually show signs of shattering!

After ten seconds, all the numerous ice crystal thorns were attacked, and the golden shield was also covered with dense cracks, which quickly shattered in the next second, turning into clusters of golden fluorescent light, and dissipating in the air.

"I am the left hand of the Holy Dragon King, Sinclair Arnold."

"Humans, stop, this war is defeated by our people."

Soon, a golden holy dragon with a body length of more than [-] meters flew past in the distance, and made a huge sound, which spread throughout the entire northern battlefield.

The skin of this golden holy dragon is full of sacred golden dragon scales. Compared with other dragons, even the dragon king, they all have a sense of majesty far superior to each other!

The countless light attacks that appeared on the battlefield just now, as well as the exaggeratedly large golden shield, were released by it.

Based on this alone, it can be seen that Sinclair's strength has completely crushed the previous Dragon King!

"What are the conditions?"

Looking at Sinclair who was a thousand meters away from the Great Wall of Steel, Su Jue said indifferently.

Seeing the other party's figure, Su Jue knew that the other party's status and strength were the same as those of the two space dragons guarding the Space-Time Temple before, and that they were one of the strongest twin dragons in the lineage of holy dragons except for the Holy Dragon King.

However, since the opponent proposed the slogan of surrender, it must pay the price of defeat.

"My family can pay a thousand units of pure magic crystals, but you need to return all the dragon kings to my family."

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