However, from the bottom of his heart, he still prefers human beings, because he is a human being himself.

"Wait for you to adjust your status, we will set off immediately."

Su Jue did not immediately send everyone to the western battlefield, but asked Naz and others to adjust their status first.

Although in their current state, it is easy to beat tens of thousands of terrain dragons, but Su Jue hopes that when they reach the western battlefield, they can maintain their peak state.

After hearing Su Jue's words, although Natsu really wanted to refute, but after seeing Makarov glaring at him, he calmed down and adjusted his state, slowly recovering the magic power in his body.

The same is true for Gray, Gajeel and others.

About 10 minutes later, their state was adjusted to the peak state. Seeing this, Su Jue directly used the power of space to transfer everyone to the western battlefield without saying a word.


On the western battlefield, gunpowder smoke spread all around, and countless magic artillery bombarded the battlefield, constantly bombing the dragons and terrain dragons on the ground, but some dragons soared in the sky, releasing the dragon curse, destroying the magic artillery on the Great Steel Wall.

Su Jue and others soon arrived at the inner mirror of the Great Steel Wall and came to the western battlefield.



Not long after he came to the western battlefield, Su Jue's ears were engulfed by the sound of bombing and the roar of dragons. When he looked up to the outside of the Great Steel Wall, he saw many scattered giant dragons in the sky, avoiding magic cannons. Attacking with magic, while continuously releasing the dragon curse.

Compared with the battlefield on the north side, the intensity of the western battlefield has increased many times. Even in the inner mirror of the Great Steel Wall, it will be bombarded by the long-range magic released by the dragon clan!

However, Su Jue soon noticed that a small number of human soldiers on the western battlefield were constantly retreating, and were running straight towards the rear of the human forces without stopping.

Seeing this, Su Jue quickly understood that Stella, who had hidden a lot, had already started to make a move, and the big powers in the rear were terrified when he made a move, so he withdrew the soldiers from the frontline battlefield.

You must know that the western battlefield is the most critical position of human power. If the Great Wall of Steel is lost, then there is a great possibility that human beings will fall into a situation where they will never recover!

However, under such circumstances, some of the soldiers on the frontline were transferred away. This shows that Stella beat those kingdoms too hard, and those big countries had to transfer some soldiers from the frontline.

"It turned out to be you, all sages!"

At this moment, a general wearing a dark gold (bedc) knight uniform walked up to Su Jue and the others, and said through gritted teeth.

This general was named Willard, and he was the first lieutenant general of a big country that Su Jue and others encountered when they first came to the western battlefield.

But five years later, Willard has already been promoted to the general of a great power by virtue of his many military exploits in the western battlefield.

However, even the general did not dare to express dissatisfaction with Su Jue and other "sages". There was only one reason why Willard showed such an attitude.

"What happened in the Xiute Kingdom has nothing to do with us. You can send all your soldiers back to resist Stella's invasion."

"As for the frontline battlefield, you don't need to worry about it, we can keep it by ourselves."

Seeing Willard's attitude, Su Jue was not surprised at all, and said to him calmly.

After all, they had revealed before that they were representing the Xiute Kingdom. As long as Willard was loyal to his country, he would definitely be disrespectful to Su Jue and others.

But Su Jue didn't bother to talk too much with him, just let the other party resist Stella, anyway, he might not be able to survive.

The total number of armies of the major countries exceeds 200 million, but if all soldiers wear a set of magic armor and several magic weapons like Stella, 20 is already very good.

So in this dispute of human forces, even if the number of troops in the Xiute Kingdom is not as large as that of other kingdoms combined, Su Jue doesn't think that Stella will lose.

As for those sages and heroes, as long as they dare to take the lead, Stella will definitely make them die miserably!

Although he has never had a formal battle, Su Jue also knows that Stella's strength is the strongest among the local human forces!

"You guys, are you willing to stick to the frontline battlefield?"

After hearing Su Jue's words, Willard was stunned for a moment, his eyes somewhat unbelievable.

In his opinion, since Su Jue and others represent the Xiute Kingdom, they will definitely prevent the soldiers from the frontline from withdrawing and help the Xiute Kingdom win.

But the current situation seems to be a bit different. According to Willard's guess, Su Jue and others probably only maintain a cooperative relationship with the Xiute Kingdom.

But this also makes sense. If Su Jue really wanted to rule the world, he would have conquered all the kingdoms of human forces. How could he stay in the northern battlefield in obscurity for five years? Long?

"Thank you, if you don't die in this battle, we will definitely build the greatest hero statue for you!"

After thinking everything through, Willard immediately respected Su Jue, and said with firm eyes.

Then he directly took out a thick magic wand, and fired a huge pale yellow smoke into the sky. .

Chapter 330 The Lord of the Four Elephants vs. the Holy Dragon King

A huge cloud of light yellow smoke suddenly appeared in the sky above the western battlefield, and its shape was still in the shape of boots. This made the soldiers on the battlefield retreat in the direction of the Great Steel Wall while facing the attack of the Dragon Clan.The light yellow smoke here is the signal flare on the frontline battlefield. The smoke in the form of boots represents retreat, and if it is in the form of double swords, it represents the start of war.

Although I am very puzzled by the idea of ​​a sudden retreat, every soldier on the front line has a very high quality, and they all take obeying orders as their bounden duty, obeying the orders of the signal flares.

On the other hand, the Dragon Clan doesn't understand what humans are doing now, but they won't let go of such a good opportunity.

So their offensive became more and more intense. From the original range of 5000 meters away from the Great Wall of Steel, they advanced 1 meters in less than a minute-!

At this time, the Dragon Clan is less than 3000 meters away from the Great Wall of Steel. If this situation is placed on the northern battlefield, although it is a bit urgent, it is not absolutely desperate.

But here is the western battlefield!

The Great Wall of Steel is the greatest lifeblood of human beings. If the dragons really advance to the Great Wall of Steel and enter the interior, then the fate of human beings will be tragic.

Although most of the soldiers standing on the Great Steel Wall were retreating, some soldiers were worried that the dragons would invade the inner territory of the Great Steel Wall, so they stayed where they were, constantly manipulating the magic cannons to bombard the terrain dragons on the ground. , and the Dragon Clan above.

But at this moment, a cold current suddenly emerged. In addition to the openings opened by the magic cannon on the Great Wall of Steel, this cold current formed a side as high as 2000 meters in less than three seconds, with a length of tens of meters. Kilometers of ice walls!

"Everyone evacuate quickly, there are sages here to take over, don't worry about problems!"

Witnessing the appearance of the ice wall, although Willard was extremely shocked, he quickly calmed down and asked all the soldiers to evacuate as soon as possible.

On the other side, tens of kilometers away from the west of the Great Wall of Steel, there is an extremely large mountain range.

On this mountain range, there are many giant dragons of the Dragon King level staring at the battlefield, and even Sinclair, the left guard of the Holy Dragon King, is here in person!

"No, such an exaggerated ice magic, it's that human coming!"

"I knew that there must be a reason for the evacuation of humans. Since that human no longer abides by the contract, then I have no choice but to invite the king, and the king is on the battlefield!"

Looking at the exaggeratedly large ice wall ahead, Sinclair's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Although it felt a little angry at Su's refusing to abide by the contract of the Holy Light, the sense of fear in its heart was even stronger at this moment!

Therefore, it quickly circulated a force of holy light and opened a door of holy light in midair.

Afterwards, Sinclair's figure quickly shuttled through the gate and entered another sacred place of the Dragon Clan, where the Holy Dragon King lived.

The Holy Dragon King has the same strength as the Space Dragon King. Although the Holy Land constructed by itself is not as powerful as the Realm of Time and Space, it is not accessible to everyone.

"Until Lord Sinclair returns, we must hold the battlefield."

After seeing Sinclair leave, a shadow dragon king said to the rest of the dragon kings in a low voice.

"Reduce the attack of troops first, and divide the invasion into multiple times, so as to reduce the casualties of the tribe."

The White Dragon King at the side thought for a moment, then murmured.


Regarding the White Dragon King's proposal, none of the Dragon Kings objected.

In other words, attacking in multiples and invading batch by batch can prevent the Dragon Clan from being cleared by Su Jue at once, and at the same time prevent Su Jue and others from suddenly pushing the battle line to the Dragon Clan's position.

However, it's also thanks to Su Jue's just wanting to protect the front line of the war, otherwise, he would have run directly to the Dragon Clan's position, and an Ice God Sealing Realm would have frozen over [-]% of the Dragon Clan!


On the Great Steel Wall, most of the soldiers were stunned when they witnessed the miraculous ice wall descending in front of the Great Steel Wall.

Only then did they understand why they had to evacuate.

Because someone as strong as Su Jue is standing in front of them, no matter how many troops the Dragon Clan sends, they will be completely wiped out!

Ultra-large-scale attacks are often so unreasonable!

As the soldiers gradually retreated, Su Jue did not retreat to the ice wall in front of him, but manipulated the ice to make a few big openings in the ice wall so that Naz and others could join the battlefield.

As for him, he left a hole in the magic cannon under the Great Wall of Steel to make these strategic magic weapons work.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

In the past five years, under the guidance of some generals, members of Fairy Tail who are not good at fighting, represented by Lucy, have learned how to use the magic cannon on the Great Steel Wall.

Therefore, in this war, represented by Lucy, she directly controlled tens of thousands of magic cannons on the Great Wall of Steel, and continuously bombarded the Dragon Clan!

Tens of thousands of magic cannons sound like an exaggeration, but the actual control is not difficult. Sometimes in the western battlefield, the control personnel are killed by the dragons, so there is a central control room here, which can be operated by only a few people Tens of thousands of magic cannons!

However, the control of several people has a high possibility of attacking friendly forces, and the accuracy is difficult to guarantee.

But this time all the human soldiers have retreated, and there are a lot of dragons on the battlefield, so Lucy and others can completely bomb the dragons without any scruples!

... 0


On the other side, countless dragons roared on the battlefield.

The Great Wall of Steel protected by the ice wall cannot be broken in a short time, but when they saw Naz and others jumping from inside the Great Wall of Steel onto the battlefield, they soon had a new attack target.

"Tsk, is this looking down on us?"

Looking at the dragon clan whose number exceeded [-], and hundreds of thousands of terrain dragons running wildly, Natsu couldn't help grinning.

If it was five years ago, he might feel a little scalp numb, but now, he has great confidence to resist.

And this time, he is not fighting alone, Gray and others have already stepped onto the battlefield!

"Stinky Flame, let's compete this time, who can defeat more dragons!"

Witnessing the dragon's attack, Gray's upper body was naked, black lines covered his body, and completely covered his right face, entering a semi-demonic state!

Compared to five years ago, Gray is now able to perfectly control all the power of the semi-demonic state, and will not be eroded to the heart!

"Hmph, let's have a try!"

Naz snorted coldly when he heard this, but was soon overwhelmed by the fighting spirit.

Afterwards, extremely hot golden flames burst out from his fists. Compared with five years ago, his current Dragon Flame has stronger power and temperature!Down.

Chapter 331 Where is Jeff

On the battlefield, countless dragons kept charging, but under the bombardment of flames and frost, they were stopped from advancing.At the same time, Erza and others also began to step into the battlefield and launched an attack on the Dragon Clan.

Immediately, countless brilliant magics flew past on the battlefield, and at the same time, powerful sword energy continued to slash.

However, less than 5 minutes after the battle between Fairy Tail and the Dragon Clan, a golden light emerged from the sky, so dazzling that even the sun seemed extremely dim in front of it!

"finally come!"

The dragon kings in the dragon camp couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the golden light in the sky.

With the golden light shining even brighter, a huge golden gate stands in the sky, like the gate leading to heaven, full of sacred aura!

Soon, two huge "[-]" golden holy dragons flew out of the gate,

"I am the king of holy dragons, Noah Raphael!"

"Human, are you sure you want to hinder the pace of our race?"

A voice full of infinite coercion came from inside the golden gate. Although the tone seemed very indifferent, it made all the dragons on the battlefield involuntarily lower their dragon heads and fold their wings in the direction of the golden gate.

"This coercion..."

On the other side of the battlefield, Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and Laxus all sensed a huge pressure, as if the whole body was blessed with dozens of times of gravity, they couldn't help being forcibly pushed down to the ground!

As dragon slayers, their physiques are gradually becoming as strong as those of the dragon clan, and they also carry a special dragon breath.

In normal times, they can deter some monsters with this dragon breath, but when facing dragons whose strength is far superior to theirs, they will be oppressed by the opponent's breath!

The power of the Holy Dragon King is far beyond the level of the Four Heavenly Kings, being able to be at the same level as the Space Dragon King, its strength is even stronger than the Holy Twelve Shields!

At the same time, a very special wave came from Naz.Faintly transmitted from the bodies of Gajeel and Wendy.

Accompanied by the emergence of this wave, they all felt inexplicable heart palpitations, as if some power was about to burst out from their bodies.

"If you are willing to retreat, I will naturally not continue to attack you."

Su Jue said calmly. At the same time, after seeing the performance of Naz and others, he immediately used the power of space, superimposing hundreds of space folds around them.

The aura of the Holy Dragon King is powerful, but it cannot cross the barriers of multiple spaces to affect Naz and others.

As for Naz.Su Jue also noticed Gajiro and Wendy's abnormal reactions.

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