The original two wells have long since withered, but the name of Shuangjing City has been preserved.

Tiger still has the self-consciousness of being a tour guide. While setting up the car, he passionately explained the origin of Shuangjing City to everyone, but Su Jue's attention was not on this at all.

Su Jue noticed that on the road, there were quite a few carriages with similar specifications to them, and quite a few of them, like them, were hung with various flags with different symbols on them.

Obviously, this is a magic guild.

"Why are there so many guilds gathered here? This shouldn't be a coincidence?".

Chapter 783 Comprehensive Selection

Chapter 780 Two Wells City

The scene in front of him made Su Jue feel that something was wrong.The gathering of so many guilds made Su Jue inexplicably reminded of the scene of Ishgar's sorcerer performing martial arts.

After being reminded by Su Jue, Tiger felt something was wrong.

"Indeed, why are there so many flags with the magic guild logo? Is there any guild gathering?"

The town where Tiger is located is too remote, and there are no magicians, so the news is too remote.Seeing this posture, Su Jue was 100% sure that with so many mages gathered together, there must be some big action.

Many carriages were completely blocked outside the city gate. Tiger tried his best, but he couldn't make the carriages move forward. As soon as the carriages stopped, the carriages behind them immediately retreated. blocked.

A small officer who looked very shrewd stood on the top of the city tower, holding a magic-blessed horn, and issued orders to the people below: "Everyone, keep order and don't riot, our southeast province The selection activities will start normally tonight. After the gates of the city are opened, all the guilds of the Magic Guild will enter in an orderly manner. Anyone who dares to cause trouble in the town will not only be disqualified from this selection, but will also be punished accordingly 々¨."

"Selection? What selection?"

Su Jue frowned, feeling more and more wrong.

At this moment, all the front, rear, left, and right sides were blocked by other carriages, so Su Jue had no choice but to let Tiger get out of the car and chat with the people nearby, trying to trick them into what was going on.

Although Tiger looked a bit naive, in fact this guy was a bit smart. He didn't bother to get a general idea of ​​the situation from the people next to him.

Now the entire Western Continent is under the control of the King of Magic, and they are determined to fight an all-out war with Ishgar.

In addition to the Twelve Shields and their magical powers, the Western Continent is also selecting folk magical powers and preparing to transfer them to Ishgar.

Although the vast majority of guild mages can only serve as cannon fodder, in order to select generals from the dwarfs, the West Continent still carried out selection activities.

Each province is used as a unit to select and assess the magic guilds within the jurisdiction.

In the end, each guild can choose several guilds as the key training objects.

These guilds will be given special tasks during the battle. If they survive the battle, there is a chance that after the war, they will be given the green light all the way and be promoted to the direct subordinates of Twelve Shields.

The prestige of Twelve Shields in the Western Continent is not weaker than that of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar. For many mages, being able to become a subordinate of Twelve Shields is simply a symbol of prosperity.

And if it can be selected as a key training target by the province, it can also get rid of the fate of cannon fodder and survive the war more easily.

Therefore, this selection (Li Qianhao) activity received positive responses from various branches of the Magic Guild, and all those who came to participate in the selection were enthusiastic.

Those who can be promoted as cannon fodder are basically small guilds with little reputation.Most of the mages in these guilds are B-level and A-level. If there is no adventure, it is basically impossible to have a chance to be promoted.

But this time, the selection of the entire Western Continent is an adventure for these middle and low-level mages! .

Chapter 784 The Lottery Ceremony

Chapter 780 Three Comprehensive Selection

After listening to Tiger's explanation, Su Jue was almost convinced.He agreed with Tiger to disguise them as the magic guild, so that the road would be unimpeded and trouble-free.

Unexpectedly, what they did was self-defeating.

At this moment, their way of retreat was also blocked. It seemed that it would be impossible not to participate in this military selection.

Tiger also knew that it was his proposal that caused this big trouble. At this moment, Tiger had a smirk all over his face: "Brother Su Jue, what is before us is one good news and one bad news."

"The bad news is that we seem to have to participate in this selection. The good news is that all the teams participating in the selection of 583, Shuangjing City will arrange board and lodging! Hehehe, at least we don't have to spend our own money."

Su Jue didn't intend to blame this fool at first, after all, he proposed to pretend to be a magic union, out of good intentions.

But seeing Tiger's stupid look, he was really out of breath.

Su Jue returned to the carriage, and went to discuss with Gerald and the others: "What should we do, let's force our way through? If we force our way through, no one should be able to stop us."

Su absolutely didn't want to waste time on such boring issues. In his opinion, things that could be solved by force were not problems.

But Gerald shook his head and denied Su Jue's approach: "No, there are so many eyes staring at us, we can't be too ostentatious. Besides, there is no harm in participating in the selection."

"It's not bad, but it's boring."

Su Jue gave Gerald a white look, wondering if this guy had lost his mind.How to become like Tiger.

Gerald waved to Su Jue, signaling Su Jue to let him finish speaking.

"Even if you use the ability of teleportation to let us cross Shuangjing City, our identity still cannot withstand the investigation. After entering and completing, we are still struggling. But if we can have another identity, it is the Southwest Province What about the winners of the comprehensive selection? At that time, who will dare to check our identities?"

"After we arrive in Wangcheng, not only will there be no more investigations, but we will become a wooing party for all parties!"

Gerald's words made several girls nod repeatedly.

Su Jue just didn't want to delay, he wanted to rescue Yakir as soon as possible, and then rush back to Ishgar.

He knew that there were still several members of the Twelve Shields hiding in the dark, eyeing the meteor brilliance of the Fairy Tail guild.

But he also understood in his heart that there was no rush to rescue Yakir.

Indeed, as Gerald said, if they can win the selection, they will have one more identity, which will be beneficial to rescue Yakir after they arrive at the royal city.

"Okay, then let's participate in this mysterious comprehensive selection, and see what level the wizards in the Western Continent are."

Su Jue finally decided to wait and see what happened.

Hearing that he was going to stay and participate in the selection, Tiger was so excited that he almost jumped on the spot.

This guy was originally a lord who was afraid of chaos in the world. He hid in the backcountry out of fear of crime.This time, with Su Jue and the others around, Tiger felt that he could let Lang go.

Everyone waited until the evening before the city gate finally opened, and the guilds who only participated in the selection entered the city in an orderly manner.

"All guilds, come to me and get the number plates. At noon tomorrow, the lottery ceremony will start, and then the selection will begin.".

Chapter 785

Chapter 780 The Fourth Lottery Ceremony

"The selection this time adopts a promotion system. As long as you win, you can enter the next round, and finally a champion team will be selected to become the magic guild recommended by our southeastern province. In terms of policies and resources in our southeastern province, There will also be a tilt.”

After the little officer finished speaking, he signaled the magic teams to go to the rest area.

In order to welcome these magic guilds participating in the selection, Shuangjing City deliberately left a large area of ​​open space in the central square, allowing the mages of various guilds to camp here to rest.

Most of the mages in these guilds had friendships, and after settling down in the open space, they quickly became one with each other. Only Su Jue and the others became a little deserted.

This can't be blamed on the other mages, after all, they are unfamiliar.

No one has ever heard of their magic guild "Magic Giant Bear".

By all accounts, this is a newly registered unnamed trade union.

What they didn't know was that this magic giant bear had just been established, and it wasn't even a legal official guild!From the very beginning, this was a fake!

Although no one wanted to talk to them, Tai Luo put on an appearance of a courtesan, and went to socialize with other guilds with a smile. After a while, he became familiar.

What makes Su Jue even more wry is that this idiot emphasized the guild logo on his back intentionally or unintentionally, and the inspiration came from himself.

He repeatedly created the illusion that he was the president of the Giant Magic Bear Guild, and Su Jue and the others were all under his command.

Although Tai Luo's appearance is very rough and very familiar, many guilds do not take Tai Luo seriously.

In their eyes, Tai Luo is just a b-level mage, and the guild he formed is naturally not much stronger.

This time, no matter how weak the guild participated in the selection in the southeast province, there were at least A-level mages in charge, and a slightly larger guild had several S-level mages under it, and there were even large guilds. There are many s-class and super-s-class wizards.

In the eyes of others, the so-called Magic Giant Bear Guild is really not enough.

Such a small guild is just there to make up the numbers.What awaits them is to act as cannon fodder on the battlefield, life and death are at stake.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

Regarding Taylor's friendship, there are some guilds with good attitudes, and they barely deal with it a few times, while some guilds simply ignore this guy.

Tiger didn't care about these negative attitudes at all.

This guy actually has a little bit of fun with his fellowship activities.


The group rested overnight in the carriage, and the next morning, the draw ceremony for the comprehensive selection began.

The 128 teams were divided into 64 pairs, and the winning team would advance to the next round automatically, and then fight again. After eight rounds, the final winning team would be the target of the Southwest Province.

This rule is very simple and straightforward, but it is also cruel enough. All guilds have only one chance, and the winner is king.

Fixing himself as "Honorary President", Tiger queued up early to draw lots.

When this guy showed his number plate 127 to the other teams present, there were a few commotions at the scene.

The intrusive stirring made Tiger a little confused.Down.

Chapter 786 Famous Guild

Chapter 780 The fifth miscellaneous fish?

Su Jue's hearing was very sensitive, and he heard everyone's complaints from afar. "No way, it's really a secret operation. This little guild with no reputation really got the number 127? Is this recommending the Sand Crab guild? Isn't this too blatant?"

"Is there any way? The Sand Crab Guild is a well-known guild in the entire Western Continent. It is said that their guild leader once fought against the Sand "[-]" Mo King. At that time, it seemed that they only lost one move. Pure strength Come to think of it, they do have the strength to compete for the championship in the southwestern province. The military must take care of such a guild."

From the conversations of these guys, Su Jue learned that their opponent in the first round, No. 128 Sand Crab Guild, is a well-known magic guild in the entire Western Continent.

Everyone believed that the encounter between the Sand Crab Guild and the Magic Giant Bear Guild in the first round was an official secret operation, and the Magic Giant Bear Guild, which was favored by the military, would definitely win easily.

In fact, this duel draw was indeed secretly arranged by the military.

This single-loop Tai Tao competition system is very cruel. The two sides basically fight until one side loses the ability to fight, or voluntarily admits defeat.

In this regard, the military can't make a fuss about the outcome, but they can make a fuss about the lottery.

Draw lots for several powerful seed guilds, and let them encounter weaker small guilds in the first round of battle.

In this way, these seeded guilds can preserve their strength as much as possible and exert their strength in the second half of the schedule.

Obviously, the Sand Crab Guild is a guild that the military is very optimistic about, and many people even firmly believe that they must be the champion team in the southeastern province.

It was precisely because of this that the mustache officer specially arranged for them to sign up, so that they encountered the Magic Giant Bear Guild, which they had heard of for the first time.

This is a guild that doesn't even have any detailed information from the government department, which shows how wild this guild is.

Everyone, including the military, felt that in the first round of the competition, the Sand Crab Guild would take the most relaxed attitude and win.

Just like this, the military felt that the care of the Sand Crab Guild was not enough, and they even let the two guilds with the largest numbers take the lead in fighting.

The purpose of this is to give the Sand Crab Guild as much rest and adjustment time as possible in the next few rounds of battles...

"Magic Giant Bear Guild and Sand Crab Guild make some preparations. The comprehensive selection in the southwestern province will be kicked off by you."

In this selection activity, in order to pursue as much as possible the display effect, the criteria for judging the outcome are very simple, very intuitive, and there will be no objection.

There are no referees in the arena, and everything is based on objective results.The group arena fight is not over until one party loses the ability to fight, or admits defeat.

In battle, as long as people are not deliberately killed or maimed, there is no responsibility.

The participating teams will communicate with each other about the number of exhibitors before entering the arena.

On the whole, the selection in the Western Continent is much, much crueler than Ishgar's Magic Master Demonstration 3.2.

It is conceivable that this way of fighting will definitely cause a lot of casualties.

But for these guilds, casualties in the trials are much, much better than being a trash fish and dying on the battlefield.

As soon as the lottery ceremony was over, the strong smell of gunpowder at the scene had been slowly released. .

Chapter 787 Stepping Stones

Chapter 780 Six Famous Guilds

In everyone's eyes, the duel between the Magic Giant Bear and the Sand Crab Guild may be the least gunpowder-like match.Some people even asserted that before the match, the Magic Giant Bear Guild would admit defeat.

After all, in the face of absolute strength, hard support has no effect, and only fearless casualties will occur.

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