"I think Su Jue might have been killed by those villagers. You see, all nine members of our current team are still there. None of them will go to kill Su Jue."

"That's right. We were all watching carefully just now, and no one left."

When he said this, Hugenfeld was still very powerful.

"Then Su Jue should not have died or was killed by those villagers. It's a pity, otherwise, we can use this opportunity to find out who is the wolf!"

Even the others looked very sorry.

It's okay to find a newcomer, if they can find the wolf, even if the newcomer dies, it's worth it.

After all, as long as dead friends are not dead, poor daoists are not eliminated, so what if the others are eliminated?

However, there is no way for their previous plan to be implemented now. It is possible that Su Jue has not been killed after they go back, but now they hope that Su Jue can be killed.

"Forget it, let's go back and have a look before we talk, I don't know if he is here now!"

After they returned to the residence, they saw that Su Jue was no longer there, and Su Jue's room was now empty.

Everyone showed a look of understanding.

"It seems that he was killed, probably by the villagers in this village."

Some people thought that Su Jue was killed by the villagers, but at this time Hugenfeld thought of another person.

"No, there is Kejik, have you forgotten Kejik?"

When everyone heard this, they remembered that there was such a person.

Because they were separated from the rest of them from the beginning, everyone has not remembered that there is Kejike in the team, but after thinking about it now, it is inevitable that this matter will be matched with Kejike.

"Could it be that Kejik killed Su?"

"If you say that, it's not impossible. Kejik is separated from us. Even if you want to do something, it's very convenient!"

"It's possible. Kejik should be a wolf. Otherwise, why do you have to live separately from us? It's just for convenience."

By this time everyone had already decided on this point.

"Then if we go in the past now and kill Kejik to kill us, we will win the game."

"If Kejik is indeed a wolf, if we kill him like this, we will indeed win, but if Kejik is not a wolf, if we kill him now, there will be one less person in our team."

Everyone is hesitant at this time, but they still want to seize this opportunity.

Killing Kejik is a very good opportunity.

"...Yes, Kejik is indeed a wolf."

Just when everyone was still not sure whether Kejik was a wolf, they heard a voice from outside.

And they suddenly turned (Qian Haohao) their heads and saw a person they didn't expect, who turned out to be Su Jue.

Moreover, Su Jue came in from the outside at this time, which means that Su Jue went out just now.

It's just that they didn't pay attention to whether Kejik was a wolf or not. What they thought of was that Su Jue was still here.

"Haven't you been killed? Why are you still here?"

Before that, they had already determined in their hearts that Su Jue was definitely killed. .

Chapter 1285 Love Believe It or Not

Chapter 1285 Unexpected Result

Seeing this person again now is like seeing his fraudulent corpse. Who can not be frightened?

It was Hugenfeld who almost bit his tongue when he spoke.They all thought that Su Jue was dead, and they were even more sure of this when they returned to the house and couldn't see Su Jue.

But now that Su Jue came back from outside the house, they were surprised to find that they had guessed wrong before.

Moreover, under such an environment, Su Jue was able to survive without being killed, which is really strange.

After all, they knew that these villagers looked good on the surface, but no one knew which one was the bad guy.

And they will definitely grab those who are alone.

Why is Su Jue okay?Did 833 say that Su Jue escaped by chance?Or did those villagers want to find him but couldn't find him, so they didn't attack him?

Puzzled, Hugenfeld directly asked this question.

Because if you want to know the truth of the matter, only Su Jue will know. He is a person who has personally experienced this matter, so asking him is the most clear.

"Just now Kejik wanted to take me out and wanted to kill me."

Under their puzzled eyes, Su Jue said this matter slowly.

Then he told the whole thing about it, including what Kejik said when he took him out, what he did after that, and Su Jue's counterattack after that, killing Kejik.

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

"It turns out Kejik is a wolf!"

According to the combination of what Su Jue said, can it be inferred that Kejik is a wolf?

But if this is really the case, everyone has the same doubts as Su Jue. Since Su Jue has killed the wolf now, why haven't they withdrawn from this game world yet?They should have won.

But now that they are still here, it means that the game is not over yet, and it means that the wolf is not dead yet.

"Did you guess wrong? Maybe Kejik is not a wolf. Otherwise, why haven't I won yet?"

"This game hasn't been won yet, Kejik should not be a wolf, (bedc) you killed the wrong person."

They clearly agreed with Su Jue's statement just now, but after thinking about it carefully, these people immediately refuted it.

Obviously, in their view, since they haven't won yet, the wolf is still in Kejik and is not a wolf.

As for why Su Jue said these words, and why he killed Kejik...

Everyone had another guess. Fendis was the first to stand up and pointed out Su Jue's mistake in righteous words.

"You are killing innocent people indiscriminately. Originally, Kejik was innocent, but you actually killed him. Now this is an excuse to fool us on purpose!"

It really seems like this is the case. It is possible that Su Jue just wanted to kill Kejike, and what he told them now is all false.

"You are a wolf, aren't you?" Fendis asked this sentence.

As soon as this question was asked, everyone was shocked, and when they looked at Su Jue, they were also full of vigilance.

Because if Su Jue was really a wolf, he would pose a threat to them, and he didn't know if he would desperately kill some of them before he was about to be eliminated.

If this is really the case, as long as Su Jue can kill here again, the four of them will lose the game. .

Chapter 1286 The Right Choice

Chapter 1286

Although I know it's unlikely.But who doesn't worry that they will be killed.

If Su Jue couldn't kill four people, then he might kill one person. If that person happened to be him, then they would lose this game.

So after Fendis finished speaking, everyone took a few steps back and completely distanced themselves from Su Jue, obviously guarding against Su Jue.

"If I were a wolf, you wouldn't be alive-"

Su said without caring about Fendis' slander.

"Just now Kejik also wanted to kill me, but I killed him backhanded."

"It's easy to kill you guys. It's all about whether I want to do it or not. Since I'm not a wolf, I'm not interested in killing you guys, understand?" Su said without caring.

In fact, no matter whether this game is won or lost, it will not have much impact on him.

Because whether he wins or loses, this game world will be closed, and he can still go out from here when the time comes.

The reason why I joined this game was because I was bored and wanted to participate.

But this does not mean that in order to win this game, Su Jue will endure their accusations and doubts.

If he didn't want to win, he could even kill all these people present, then the wolf would win.

When Su Jue said that, everyone else was in shock.

Although they didn't know if Su Jue had such an example, what Su Jue said was quite imposing, and it shocked all the people present.

They didn't intend to confront Su Jue head-on if they could.

But if Su Jue was a wolf, they would have to fight Su Jue.

"Then how do you prove that you're not a wolf? If you weren't a wolf, you wouldn't have killed Kejik, and you wouldn't have separated from us on purpose. You just want to use this opportunity to attack those who are alone?"

At this time, Fendis turned into a detective, attacking Su Jue's motives little by little, and lured Su Jue to the identity of a wolf little by little.

It's really like that.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

"Kaijik wants to kill me, so I will definitely do it. It is impossible for him to eliminate me. As for why you stay here, it is naturally that you don't want to be with you. It's something you went out to do It doesn't make any sense, you might as well stay here and wait until the five days are over."

"The extra points you get now are based on the risk of more people being eliminated. If more than five people are eliminated, no matter how many points you get, you won't be able to withdraw cash, right?"


What Su Jue said was not without reason.

After all, if you don't have the ability, don't learn from others and go out to get extra points, otherwise it may lead to the failure of this game.

Don't worry if he doesn't have the strength, he can walk freely outside.

But if they are not strong enough, if they are arrested or targeted by the villagers here, then they will lose completely.

Of course, Hugenfeld, Fendis and the others were unwilling to admit that they were the ones who failed, and they absolutely refused to admit it after hearing what Su Jue said.

Even after hearing Su Jue's words, he felt a little bit annoyed.Down.

Chapter 1287 Who is the Murderer

Chapter 1287 The Right Choice

"We went out when everyone would walk together, how could it be dangerous, just like you, who are alone, are in danger!"

"That's right, but how can you guarantee that the members of your team will not be separated or placed alone after encountering a situation?"

It was as if they were being hunted down by those villagers, as if the wolf had the meaning of "[-]", and if they wanted to separate them, they had to separate.One moment they may be good teammates who love each other and will never be separated, but the next moment they may go their separate ways because of danger.

This also left Hugenfeld and the others speechless. In fact, they have always known about this issue.

And after playing a few games, everyone must have had experience, knowing that the more you stay in the room at this time, the safer you are, as long as you can guarantee that the owners of the rooms they live in, that is, the villagers here Just be a good person.

But they are all people who like to seek excitement, want to take risks, and want to get more points.

So no one could resist such an attraction, and on the second day after coming here, they all decided to go out and explore.

"But even so, everything you just said may not be true, maybe it's just an excuse deliberately made up to cover up the fact that you are a pervert."

"You will never be able to explain the matter of Kejik clearly. Kejik is dead. Now we are still here to prove that the wolf is definitely not Kejik. It is very likely that he was the one who killed him."

And it wasn't Su Jue who killed Kejik. Fendis's words were clearly pointing at Su Jue.

All along Fendis has spared no effort to accuse Su Jue. He has been looking for evidence to prove that Su Jue is a wolf. Such.

Maybe it's Fendis, who urgently needs someone to confuse the public for it, and also desperately wants to eliminate another person.

Although this person is a rookie, even a rookie is one of them, and he can get points after being eliminated...

So the current Fendis seems to be a bit urgent. If other people observe carefully, they will find that the current Fendis is very wrong.

It's just that everyone's attention is now on Su Juejiao, and no one cares about Fendis' state.

So Fendis is acting so abnormally now, and no one has noticed anything.

It's just that Su Jue has been fighting against Fendis all the time, how could Su Jue not know how Fendis is doing?

After Fendis presented a series of evidence to prove that Su Jue was a wolf, Su Jue looked at him with a half-smile.

"I'm not a wolf, and I don't need to explain this matter to you carefully, but I can be sure that there is someone else in 3.2, and it may be you, right?"

Su Jue said this to Fendis, and the last sentence made Fendis panic.

Because Su Jue even pointed out that he was a wolf.

And this is what Fendis is unwilling to let other people know.

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