It was about 9:[-] in the morning when I arrived. As soon as I entered the hospital gate, the nurse on duty I saw was the same Xiaorou from yesterday, with a pair of bigger dark circles under her eyes. It was obvious that she was on the night shift again and was very tired. .

Du Lingran happened to be there again, still leaning against the door, wondering what his plans were for staying in the hospital.

Yimo didn't bother with him either, but went to the nurse Xiaorou on duty and asked, "Miss Xiaorou, are you on the night shift again?"

"Aren't you tired of coming here in a row? Are you off work now?"

Seeing that it was the young man who came yesterday, Xiaorou smiled and shook her head with a concerned expression, "It's okay, I'm too busy recently, and there are so many people asking for leave, I'm only 25, and I can handle it. "

Hospitals and public security stations... many people ask for leave...

Yi Mo frowned slightly, and kindly reminded: "It doesn't matter if you are exhausted, you should rest as well."

Nurse Xiaorou nodded: "Yeah, thank you for your concern. When someone else comes, I'll go back."

As she spoke, she looked at her watch. It was past 9 o'clock, but the other doctors and nurses didn't seem to be here yet, which troubled her a bit.

After talking to Xiao Rou, Yi Mo went to find Brother Zheng Zheng and the dean to see if he could get more information, but was stopped by Du Lingran: "No need to go, the dean has nothing to report. , so far, none of the patients has cooperated with the examination, and the blood samples of the deceased have all been stolen."

Yimo stopped when she heard the words, walked to Du Lingran's side, leaned against the wall, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "An outsider... or was it done by someone inside the hospital?"

Du Lingran: "Judge yourself."

"How about your harvest at church?"

"It seems that you have caught the line of the security station..."

Yimo shook her head helplessly, spread her hands and said: "I heard the pastor say for a long time that God loves the world, is kind and friendly, and if you have to repent all the time, you will almost recite it, and you will not gain anything."

"It seems that we have encountered the same situation!"

"How is your visit to the temple going? Did you find any surprises?"

"Tell me the happy things, brag, and I'll flatter you."

"Otherwise, it would be boring to hold back."

"Oh, by the way, congratulations on getting on the hospital line."

Du Lingran glanced at Yi Mo, frowned slightly, and doubted the authenticity of what he said: "Is there really no gain?"

"Hehe...the progress in the temple is still very poor, and the host is not in a good mood. I read the scriptures for a whole day yesterday, and now my head is full of Buddhist scriptures. It is practical to memorize a few paragraphs when I sleep at night."

Yimo: "I can't sleep peacefully. I'm in a trance. It's scary that I will die suddenly."

"Why don't you teach me to recite a few paragraphs, so that I can feel at ease?"

Ah this...

Du Lingran couldn't hold back anymore, he was just like Yi Mo, he didn't want to say extra information, and just perfunctory a few times, how could he think that Sakamoto, who seems to have a certain strength, would be so shameless, from now on pretending to be stupid, just Really follow the topic from here to the next!

Immediately his face darkened, and he frowned and said, "I think if you are more devout, think about what you heard in the church, maybe the effect will be better than the content of the Buddhist scriptures."

Yimo glanced at Du Lingran, lowered her head and said calmly, "Sorry, I only believe in myself."

Du Lingran: "Heh... each other..."

"By the way, what do you think of the three dead players?"

Yimo: "I'm afraid they are all lone rangers, just like us."

After finishing speaking, he leaned into Du Lingran's ear and said in a gloomy tone, "So, in this death game, players like you and me are on the verge of the most danger."

Du Lingran was not intimidated by Yi Mo's intentionally threatening words, his expression returned to normal, and he said calmly: "The most dangerous one is also the most likely to get out alive."

"You're not alone in this game. That orange looks silly, but it's not easy."

Hearing this, Yimo rubbed her temples with a big head, and muttered: "Let me lend you a good word..."

Then the conversation changed, and he suddenly said sharply: "However, you are not playing alone, are you?"

After hearing Yi Mo's words, Du Lingran's expression immediately turned cold, and he subconsciously stretched his hand towards his pocket, but Yi Mo directly held him down: "Hehehe... the gun in the security station was indeed shot You stole..."

"You and I are not enemies yet."

"You have connected to the temple and the hospital, but I have only just touched the church. The security station has not yet connected. You are better than me in terms of progress."

"Let's all rely on our own abilities and see who can conquer the game first, or die in the end..."

At this moment, Yimo was very close to Du Lingran, her eyes were fixed on Du Lingran, and she didn't know that the blood moon in her left eye showed faint traces again.

For a moment, Du Lingran didn't know how to refute, until Yimo continued to say the next sentence: "However, there is still the third young master of Qianjiang, Tiandimeng, can't you ignore it?"

Hearing this, Du Lingran said with disdain in his eyes: "The former is nothing, while the latter is capable, but the brain is still weak, and it's not enough to catch the eye. People don't even want to touch it."

Yimo just looked into Du Lingran's eyes and sneered.

On this point, the two views coincided with each other.

At this moment, brother Zhengyi and the dean came down from the second floor, and they were stunned when they saw two people.

At this moment, Yimo is very close to Du Lingran, with a hand pressing on his pocket hand, if she insists on saying something, she can directly think of Bidong...

Ah this...

In the morning, in public places, in large hospitals...

What do these two people want?

Well, take a closer look, both of them look good, and they can be classified as handsome boys.'s too inappropriate...

I couldn't help but stopped my mouth and said: "Ahem, you two, what are you going to do, please go home and do it."

"This is a hospital. If you are seen by outsiders like this, it will damage the image of our hospital!"

After the dean finished speaking, Du Lingran and Yi Mo were completely stunned. After looking at each other, the next moment they pulled apart a few meters by coincidence, both of them had black lines on their faces, and they couldn't hold back anymore.

"By the way, Du Lingran, aren't you very interested in medicine?"

"It just so happens that I'm too busy myself, and I'm going to the scene of the dead again, so come and help me!"

The dean extended an invitation to Du Lingran, and Brother Zhengyi also said to Yimo: "Sakamoto, do you have anything else to do, if not, I will go to the scene of the death first, and I won't continue to take you with me."

Du Lingran: "I'll go!"

Yimo: "There is something to do!"

The two basically responded in unison!

This opportunity must not be missed!

Chapter 32. Parting ways

There were two cars to go to the scene of the deceased, the dean drove Du Lingran, and Zhengyi took Yimo.

In the corner of the town, the deceased was 69 years old, an old man who lived alone. He was found by relatives in the morning and called the public security station.

Brother Zhengyi also came to the hospital to pick up the dean first, and then came together.

"Hmmmmm... Brother Sun is usually withdrawn. Didn't he work in the coffin factory in our town before?"

"I just like to carve some small gadgets at home by myself, and I don't have much contact with people."

"Usually he is unsmiling, but recently he has a smiling face. I don't know what's good..."

"Don't let me come to see him, and bring him food."

"But I don't think he has gone out these few days, so he came here to have a look, he is old, don't let anything happen..."

"As a result... As a result... What a crime!!!"

"A good person, just died at home like this!!!"

The family member who reported the case was a 65-year-old grandmother, the cousin of the deceased, who was crying while talking.

Brother Zhengyi was recording there with a notebook, and asked the family members of the deceased a few questions from time to time.

The director of the hospital looks like he is in his 30s. He looks similar to the ferryman in the last game. They are both tall and thin, but they should be the type who has exercised and has a good body. He wears glasses and has a somewhat cold temperament. .

The dean put on his gloves and began to examine the corpse. He would ask Du Lingran next to him to help pass some tools in the tool box.

"Same as the previous deceased, there were no obvious wounds on the body, and the cause of death should be caused by severe anemia...the death time did not exceed 12 hours."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the family of the deceased and said, "It's like this. In order to investigate the cause of death more thoroughly, I want to take him back for an autopsy. Do you think it's okay?"

The dean is very serious, and it seems that he wants to thoroughly investigate the cause of death of the recently deceased, whether it is due to illness or other reasons!

The family members of the deceased strongly objected after hearing the words: "No way!"

"Brother Sun is miserable enough! How come he has to be knifed and dismembered when he dies!!!"

"Absolutely not!"

Brother Zhengyi also wanted to find out the real cause of death. Natural death is too outrageous. He didn't believe it at all, so he hurriedly persuaded: "Auntie, it's like this. If you die like this without knowing it, it won't be fair to the deceased. , if after the autopsy, the specific cause of death can really be found out, and the death incident can be fundamentally curbed, this will be a great contribution to the people of the town!"

Family members of the deceased: "What a contribution!!!"

"Who contributed a penny to me, or contributed something?"

"No, no, you are making it look like the little mouse in the experiment, I absolutely disagree!"

"I've called the crematorium."

"They are also coming soon. After you finish reading, let them take it away and burn it."

"Although the custom in our town is to bury directly, others can say that people who are killed and tortured by viruses or ghosts will be buried, and there will be no peace!"

"Instead, it was burned away with the big fire, and those evil spirits and viruses were all burned away, and the dead were completely at peace."

"Anyway, you don't want Brother Sun to die in peace, otherwise I will fight with you, this day! No one will pass!!!"

The old lady acted so violently that neither the dean nor Zhengyi could do anything about it. On the contrary, Yimo heard the words and stood up directly, asking: "You need to be cremated after death, or your soul will not be at peace. Who told you that?" !"

Yimo's tone was gloomy and cold, as if he was questioning a prisoner. He was very imposing, and he was calmed down by the family members of the deceased, and said instinctively: "Everyone said so...especially the recent dead, it may be given by ghosts. If it is entangled, if it is not burned, then the ghost will continue to entangle other family members..."

"Oh, I don't want to die too, anyway, don't try to harm me, after recording, just leave!!!"

After the aunt finished speaking, the dean and Brother Zhengyi didn't think about anything, but after Du Lingran and Yimo looked at each other silently, they both fell into thinking.

Dean: "Forget it, take back the blood sample, let's check it first..."

"I will check it myself today, and I will not hand it over to anyone. I must find out the problem!"

Brother Zhengyi can only give up.

Just like that, several people left the house, and after a while, the big truck from the crematorium came, and Du Yu got off.

Wearing blue overalls, with a very industrious and capable appearance, he greeted Zhengyi and the dean first, and then walked up to Yimo: "Hi Sakamoto, I saw you yesterday, and I was worried about you Really sick."

"I'm relieved to see you in good spirits."

When Du Yu took the third young master of Qianjiang and others away yesterday, he happened to see Yimo pretending to be sick from there.

Yimo spread her hands together and said, "I'm fine, don't curse me!"

"By the way, what happened to the third young master of Qianjiang? Are they dead or not?"

Du Yu smiled awkwardly when he heard the words: "It's my fault, I shouldn't say that about you, but it's not good for you to curse others..."

"They are very nice and have fun. The facilities in our Xinzhen District are very good, and they are completely built according to the high-end communities in first-tier cities."

"How about it? You come over to play too, and I'll call a car to pull you up?"

Indeed, I received news this morning that three players had died, two of them did not know who they were, and one learned from Brother Zhengyi that they died in the wild.

That is to say, the three young masters of Qianjiang and everyone should be fine, otherwise they would not have jumped to death alone, which made Yimo a little surprised, but still dare not accept Du Yu's invitation: "Sorry, I am from a big city, enjoy I am used to reinforced concrete buildings, but the old town area is very fresh, and it is suitable for me to play, so you can invite him."

"He has no mood at first glance, and he is suitable for going to that kind of place to enjoy."

What Yimo was talking about was Du Lingran.

Du Yu was not polite either, he directly took out his business card, introduced himself, and planned to pass it to Du Lingran, but Du Lingran didn't even say a word, looked at Du Yu coldly, and pushed it back directly. , obviously full of vigilance.

"Oh, Du Yu, come here quickly, stop chattering, and drag the old grandson away!" The family members of the deceased kept urging, and Du Yu hurried to the house with a worker to move the corpse.

As Du Yu entered the room, Du Lingran walked over, looked at Yimo and said, "Do you want to go to the crematorium?"

Yimo didn't deny it either, she nodded and said, "What's the matter, you want to go too?"

Du Lingran shook his head, looked at the dean who was watching the situation in the house not far away, and said calmly: "If there is a breakthrough in the hospital, the effect won't be inferior to that of the crematorium."

"I will protect the dean today until the results of the blood test come out."

After finishing speaking, she said to Yi Mo: "However, don't die in the crematorium."

It's not that I'm really worried about Yimo, but Du Yu's only opponent in this game is Yimo.

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