Not only did the people in the car not have any fear, many of them didn't even wear helmets, and they were still happily yelling: "Hoo Hoo Hoo!!!"

"Go! Go!"

"The Eye of the Abyss is ours!"

"Tomorrow we will be famous!!!"

"From now on, we will be the most awesome people in this city!!!"

The people driving the motorcycle turned out to be a group of young gangsters! ! !

Except for a few who may be 30 years old, the rest are just adults!

And the leader is none other than the death game player Mouse King!

At this moment, the Shu King was still holding an iron rod in his hand, and seeing Qian Jiuwan, he shouted loudly: "Hahaha! Isn't this Brother Jiuwan?"

"Why did you pull it?"


Qian Jiuwan gritted his teeth, he didn't intend to tell Shu Wang at all, the purpose of the temporary alliance before was to find Yi Mo and Tong Muxue.

Now that my chance is gone, even if I don't catch the two of them, I can't let the Mouse King seize the chance!

Raise the shotgun in your hand, and if you load it directly, you will kill the Rat King!


But the full speed of the motorcycle is not inferior to the car!

Before Qian Jiuwan could shoot, Shu Wang had already driven a big motorcycle to his side, and while laughing loudly, he swung the iron rod directly on his head!


Accompanied by a muffled sound, Qian Jiuwan was beaten and fell to the ground. Blood sprayed all over his already injured head, and he completely lost consciousness.

And what about the Mouse King?

He threw away the iron rod that had been beaten, and the sound of the motorcycle engine was heard in his ears. He drove the motorcycle with two hands, and shouted: "Tong Muxue is ours!"

"The Eye of the Abyss is also ours!"

"Hahaha! Brothers, go!"

"No one can stop us today!!!"

At a faster speed than the police car, he rushed towards Yimo's BMW M2!

Chapter 69. Wherever it is good, hit it!

Compared with the car, the motorcycle driven by Shu Wang has more advantages and faster speed, and soon surpassed the car of the security station.

The BMW M2 driven by Yimo is getting closer and closer.

Mouse King: "Smash it!"

"Whoever can stop the car will be the second in command of our gang from now on!!!"

In the past few days, Shu Wang has already kicked out half of the gangs in the city, making a name for himself in the city.

To be honest, gangs that have developed to a certain level have already started asking for money. Who still fights and kills all day long?

On the contrary, he is not as fierce as the Shu King. Most of his subordinates are young gangsters. Because they are young, they are fierce and bloody, and their subordinates are neither serious nor serious.

Following Shu King's words, the gangsters roared and accelerated, rushed to both sides of the BMW, and started smashing the car with iron bars.

While cursing in his mouth, his hands were also ruthless.

If it is smashed like this, no matter how hard the car glass is, it may not be able to withstand it!

But Yi Mo did not fail to fight back, driving the BMW M2 shaking from side to side.

Motorcycles at high speeds can’t stand bumps at all. If they get hit a little bit, they will fall directly to the side, falling at least a dozen meters away. Seeing the people on it fall to the ground and roll out more than a dozen laps, their heads are bleeding. , I don't know if I can still live.

"Damn! I'm going to kill you!!!"

A little gangster saw that a dozen of the brothers who came with him were killed by Gan in a short while, and his eyes turned red. He took out a pistol from his clothes and chased him to the side, shooting into the car.

Bang bang bang-!


The glass on the back and side of the car was shattered in one fell swoop, falling inside and outside the car.

It was the first time for him to shoot a gun. Not only was he not afraid, but he felt very cool, as if he was invincible. He accelerated to the side of the BMW M2, and was about to shoot at Yimo who was driving the car: "Go for me—!"

However, Yimo's eyes were cold, and he couldn't bear to look at him, so he turned the steering wheel to the right, squeezed the motorcycle on the stone guardrail by the side of the road, and drove quickly with him in between!


The legs of the gangster driving the motorcycle were directly squeezed against the stone guardrail. In just a second or two, his flesh and blood had been ground to pieces, his bones had been seen, and the pistol had already been detached. Roar.

The front and side lights of the BMW M2 were already blown out. After walking for 3 or 4 seconds with the little gangster in between, he returned to the front, continued to step on the accelerator, and accelerated in a straight line.

But the motorcycle and the gangster flew out directly by rubbing against the stone guardrail, flying in the air was full of blood, they couldn't survive at all!

This scene aroused the fighting spirit and hatred of the remaining dozen punks. A few of them had already pulled out their guns, and shot at the car behind them.

Ding Ding Ding-!

On the rear body of the BMW M2, many holes were visible to the naked eye.

Instead, the Shu King yelled: "Fuck, catch the living, don't shoot!"

But at this time, there is no way to stop it!

But at this moment, a row of security vehicles appeared on the road a few hundred meters ahead of the road. The security guards held explosion-proof shields, and many people held guns and loudspeakers. They shouted: "Stop, stop!" !"

"If you don't stop, we will suppress it by force!!!"

At this time, it wasn't Yimo who panicked, but the remaining dozen or so punks.

If you want to say what they are afraid of, maybe there are only security guards!

Immediately, he wanted to run away.

But before they could think of where to run, they saw the BMW M2 suddenly stepped on the brakes, and the tires rubbed against the ground. Although there was no spark, white smoke came out. The strong smell of rubber came into their noses, and they didn't react at all. , Several people had already crashed into the rear car of the BMW M2 and flew out directly.

After the BMW M2 braked a little bit, with the roar of the engine, it accelerated with all its strength, and the rear wheels spun crazily.

The gangsters driving motorcycles had no time to react to the steering, and most of them rushed towards the security guards.

Then I don't know which security officer took the lead to shoot first, and then really started to suppress it with bullets and force, and the screams continued!

But Shu Wang kept staring at the BMW M2 from behind, reacted quickly, slowed down, followed behind and rushed into the small alley, chasing and killing him all the way.

Shu Wang decided to find an opportunity to catch up directly, and shot and killed Yimo who was driving a BMW M2!

However, the road is too narrow, and the opportunity has not been found yet.

After chasing Yi Mo in the alley for a few minutes, he finally drove to the main road, and there was a fork in front of him.

One is a normal road section, and the other is an urban expressway.

As if the BMW M2 knew the road section completely, it drove directly to the urban expressway. There was no waiting for the railing at the place where the card was picked up, and it directly slammed into it violently.


The railing hit the front glass of the car, and directly smashed the windshield of the BMW M2, which was still intact at last.

And the railing was also hit and flew out!

The BMW M2 has navigation on the one hand, and on the other hand, the SSR+ card of Yimo’s game can show the transparent terrain map of the surrounding terrain and buildings. At this moment, it played a huge role!

As the BMW M2 reached the high speed, it accelerated completely and completely.

Shu Wang has been closely following the BMW M2. As the BMW M2 accelerates, his motorcycle also starts to accelerate!

You know, Shu Wang rides a Harley that has been released in recent years, and the speed of the car can reach more than 200 mph!

The highway is also wide and runs directly to the side.

At this time, he didn't care whether Tong Muxue would also kill Yi Mo after the BMW M2 crashed.

It was completely a gamble, so he took out his pistol and pointed it at Yimo.

"Toad, you kid, go to hell!!!"

However, he just caught up and was about to shoot when he was stunned.

Now Tong Muxue was completely lying on Yi Mo's body who was driving the BMW M2, covering most of his body, and she was still wearing the vest full of bombs.

With such a fast speed, shooting is not accurate at all.

If it hits, there is a high probability that it will hit Tong Muxue and detonate the bomb.

Given the distance between him and the BMW, at this speed, it is impossible to survive! ! !

Just before Shu Wang was stunned, Yi Mo and Tong Muxue in the car had such a conversation.

Yimo: "Little rich woman, can you play with pistols?"

Tong Muxue: "Hey, I have learned it, but I haven't really used it outside."

Yimo: "There's something wrong with your tutor!"

"But it's okay, just practice now!"

Yimo handed the small silver pistol to Tong Muxue: "I still have 13 rounds of ammunition, save 4 or 5 rounds, and you can shoot the rest wherever you like, just come and get it!"

Now the roar of the engine and the wind are too loud, Shu Wang couldn't hear the conversation between the two people at all, but just caught up with Imosa's driving steering wheel, and handed the silver pistol to Tong Muxue with his left hand.

And Tong Muxue held a pistol, looked at herself with a smile, and shot without giving herself a chance to react.



The arm of the Shu King holding the gun was directly pierced, bleeding profusely.

Unable to control the balance of the motorcycle anymore, he fell directly to the side, rubbing against the ground, and all the flames were set off! ! !

Gan was completely overwhelmed by Tong Muxue's shot.

Chapter 70. Busy to Live or Busy to Die (6K)

At the moment, it is on the expressway in the city.

A dilapidated BMW 2M took the lead, followed by a security station pickup a kilometer away, and the black bear stood on the back of the truck, holding a machine gun and shooting wildly at dozens of security station vehicles behind.


The gun body had already overheated, and eggshells kept falling into the carriage.

But the black bear is so tough, no one can fight against it.

From time to time, vehicles from the security station were overturned, and two or three vehicles collided with each other.

The rest of the police vehicles quickly detoured and continued to chase at a distance.


"I have killed too many people, and there are too many people in the world who want to kill me!"

"What are you!!!"

The black bear has already killed the red eye, basically no matter who it is, kill it first.

The two big pockets of guns and bullets he brought were completely covered by more than half of his life.


At this moment, two helicopters flew over the sky, and their lights shone on the black bear.

Loudly broadcast: "Hurry up and give up resistance and catch him without a fight, or the next..."

However, before he finished speaking, the black bear had already thrown the machine gun into the truck body, picked up the RPG, loaded the shells very skillfully, lay down in the truck body and directly pulled the trigger!


Because he was lying in the pickup truck, he was shaken by the recoil of the RPG, and he was instantly enveloped in white smoke, and his shoulders felt hot and burning.

"Hahaha, give up resisting a ghost, die for me!"

Accompanied by the roar of the black bear, the shell directly hit the nearest helicopter, which was instantly enveloped in flames, and the broken fuselage smashed towards the nearby field!

Seeing this, the other helicopter hurriedly raised its flight altitude, lest it would follow in its footsteps, and shouted in the intercom: "Support, support! Request support!"

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