
The next day, at the Magic City Public Security Headquarters.

Su Ge was invited over for tea yesterday, mainly to ask about the giant tongs and others below him.

After waiting for more than a day, it was released.

The person who came to pick him up was a very good looking lady with blond hair.

Wearing a shirt and overalls, holding a thick black book in his hand, the book cover is simple and exquisite, giving people the feeling of a magic book in the movie.

An Tu, one of the internal members of Tian Xing, belongs to the Tian Xing 3 team with Su Ge, and is responsible for intelligence and layout in the team.

Andu took a piece of chocolate and bit it, and said while eating: "The team ranking battle will be held soon, don't worry about the affairs of the people below."

"Get the information, the 'Madhouse' will stop us."

"For our 3 teams, no matter which team in the "Mad Asylum" we encounter, the survival rate of all members will not reach 1%, and the 50% chance of death will be more than half."

"At this time, don't do other things."

Su Ge had a normal expression, and said lightly: "Yes."

"I was so excited that I couldn't sleep because I was able to meet the 'Mad Asylum'."

"But, give me all of Yimo's information."

"I found an interesting patient."

An Tu gulped down the chocolate, walked to the trash can, threw the wrapping paper in, took out another piece of chocolate from his backpack, shook his head and said, "You are the sickest person."

"To be honest, I always thought that you were more suitable to join the "Mad Asylum". You should get along better with that group of lunatics."

"I'll give you the information after the team ranking battle is over."

"However, I'm a little tired of the beautiful sister you sent me before."

"You need to change me to a better beautiful sister."

Su Ge nodded when he heard the words: "No problem."

"Also, I think you..."

Andu suddenly became unreasonably irritable, his eyes were red, and he said through gritted teeth: "I'm not sick! I'm not sick!!!"

Su Ge looked at Antu, touched his chin and said, "I just want to say, you should eat less sweets, it's not good for your health."

Antu's expression calmed down when he heard this, staring at the chocolate in his hand, he said calmly, "No need, you don't care."


The perspective returns to Yimo.

Yimo had already received a photo of Shi Xinglan.

In the dark night, on the path in the middle of the rice fields, Xia Yuxi's dirty face, bared teeth trying to smile, made Yi Mo feel relieved.

In addition, there are two fingers in the corner of the photo, pretending to be in a scissors hand posture, and the whole photo was not taken.

Yimo remembered that after the second game was over, when she saw Die Yu’s tweets on the Internet, the avatar of the netizen “Xiaolu No. 22” was also the half-photographed scissors hand in the corner of the photo, presumably it should be the village head Girls like to take pictures.

When Cang Lingshan came before, Yimo deliberately concealed this matter, pretending to be worried.

Yimo has already got in touch with Tong Muxue at this moment.

And it was videoed last night.

Knowing that Tong Muxue is safe, Yi Mo is relieved.

However, when asked where she was and what she was doing, Tong Muxue answered very cryptically.

Tong Muxue: Mr. Yimo, in order to be a girlfriend who is more worthy of you, I went to study further.

Tong Muxue: For some reasons, I can't be with you for the time being, but I will finish my studies as soon as possible, and then I will become a real little rich woman, and I will bring you back!

Yimo: The little rich woman is just joking, don't take it seriously.

Yi Mo: If you are threatened, just blink your eyes, don't panic, I will find a way to save you!

Yi Mo: Believe in your boyfriend's strength, smash the heads of those bad guys!dog head (emoticon)


Tong Muxue directly sent a video.

At this moment, she was standing outside an ancient building, dressed very formally, and blinked slyly.


Immediately afterwards, a second video was sent, which was secretly filmed. Cang Lingshan had a bitter look on her face, she was lowering her head, muttering something in her mouth.

After reading it, Yi Mo felt relieved a lot.

Although I don't know what Tong Muxue and Cang Lingshan are doing.

But it seems that there should be nothing.

But Yimo is Tong Muxue's boyfriend, and she still wants to know where Tong Muxue is.

In the video, I took a screenshot of the building behind Tong Muxue, and then went to the Internet to search for it.

But before the search results came out, the game of death came with a message reminder.

Shui Chixing: Sibo's dead house, don't look for it, it's Shangjing.

Chapter 20. The Dove

After Yimo saw Shi Xinglan's news, she ignored it and clicked to continue searching.

A bunch of similar photos appeared, and after looking at them for a long time, I didn't find one that exactly matched the building in my screenshot, and then I opened the death game app.

He and Shi Xinglan have already become friends.

But the other party's profile picture and name are still Shui Chixing.

It can be known that the real names and avatars in the girlfriend group should be affected by the previous SSR+ cards before being made public.

Yimo: Hey, I posted a photo two days ago and then disappeared. I thought you were dead!

Yi Mo: I am very concerned about you, do you know that?

Shui Chixing: If you are so talkative, talk more!


40 meters broadsword expression package.

Yi Mo: This knife really does not poke!

Shui Chixing: Prepared for Xia Yuxi.

Yimo: I was wrong!

After a few poor mouthed words, after being threatened by Shui Chixing, Yimo was cowardly in seconds.

Shui Chixing: Tsk, if you have the ability to fight to the end!

Yimo: Too rigid and easy to break, too rigid and easy to break.

Yimo: By the way, do you know where Tong Muxue went?

Shui Chixing: I know, you want to know?

Yimo looked at Shi Xinglan's news, thinking that the other party would not be able to tell her well, and might even mock her again.

He didn't continue to ask Tong Muxue about it.

Yimo: Generally speaking, let’s talk about something serious.

Yimo thought, it's better to turn around and ask Tong Muxue for her own ideas. There is no need to ask Shi Xinglan about such things, and owe her more favors.

Yimo: Is there a way to escape from the game of death?

Shui Chixing: If you die, you will leave!dog head (emoticon)

Yimo: Farewell (Pandaren Emoticon Package)

Shui Chixing: What are you saying goodbye for?Are you going to play shame with a rich woman?

Shui Chixing: Cang Lingshan won't come back for a while, so stay at ease!

Shui Chixing: Come to the game of death first, and pay back the debt owed to me!

Yimo was a little curious why Shi Xinglan knew so many things, but she didn't know anything, and could only be chased and grabbed by the beautiful girls.

I couldn't help being a little envious, but after all, I didn't continue to think about it, thinking it was a bit unrealistic.

He promised Shui Chixing that after Xia Yuxi was rescued, he would play a death game with her.

But to be honest, Yimo has already read it, and his death game APP level has reached level 18, and now the remaining points are a full 3217 points!

In other words, he can completely spend more than 2 months in the real world without entering the death game!

If Qin Mushi hadn't found his address and Cang Lingshan hadn't caught her, maybe he and Tong Muxue would have children together! ! !

wait, no!

Tong Muxue is still young, children can't do it!

But it's always okay to have a first taste of the forbidden fruit, right?

Hey, thinking of this, Yi Mo lacks the enthusiasm for the game.

Originally, it was the period of passionate love, when the two should be hot, why did they suddenly change from real love to online long-distance love?


If it wasn't for Shi Xinglan being too powerful, Yimo would have given her a pigeon.

But there is no way.

Afraid of Shi Xinglan tearing up votes, this wave, pigeons can't do it!

Thinking of this, Yimo remembered that she had been live broadcasting pigeons for a while, so she quickly opened the kaki website and looked at the latest comments about her previous activities.

The real fans are already in a hurry, wondering if something happened to Shui Chixing, and there are even fan groups that organize to report to the public security station to find someone.

The black fans are very uniform, all of them are fragrant, and their hands are clasped together.

Yimo thought it was interesting, so she also replied a Shangxiang in her comment area, with an emoji of clasped hands, and joined the camp of black fans.

And then sent a tweet.

Shui Chixing: Shui Chixing has successfully broken into the base of unknown interstellar creatures, and is fighting monsters. Please wait for the good news of Shui Chixing's return!

hoo hoo hoo!

In fact, the illness was not completely cured before, and it recurred again, and I am currently undergoing excellent treatment!

Don't worry everyone, Shui Chixing will overcome the disease soon!

In addition, let me tell you secretly that the nurse lady is very beautiful!

I used a lot of Shui Chixing's emoticons in the middle, and by the way, I found a picture of Two-dimensional Nurse Baisi on the Internet, and put it at the end.

After Yimo finished tweeting, she quickly returned to the chat page with Shi Xinglan.

Shui Chixing: Finished explaining the funeral?Hurry up to the game!

Yi Mo: Tell me about my funeral, I'm still very young, okay?

Yimo: Invite me!

Shui Chixing: Who said that we will team up with you to enter the game?

Yimo: emmm, how can we play together without invitation?

Shui Chixing: Just match at the same time, there are not so many death game players!

Yi Mo: Ah, you wouldn't waste so much effort just to kill me, would you?

Yi Mo: Be careful of capsizing yourself!

Shui Chixing: Matching games together, even if it is a faction, I want to kill you, can't I kill you?

Shui Chixing: Don't ask so many questions, I have something to verify, turn on the stopwatch, and when it's 12:40, click on the matching game!

It is now 12:36, that is, more than 3 minutes later, click to match the game.

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