I have survived all these years, and I must not die here!

My younger sister is only 16!

He has only just grown up, and he has gradually come out from the shadows!

I can't disappear at this time!

Absolutely, she cannot be turned into a human being!

For myself, for my sister.

Absolutely, no, die here!

The non-chief Xianyu turned his head to look at the lucky guy who was lying on the top of the gully, holding the AWP to face him.

Don't talk to him anymore.

He looked at the card in his system.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his eyes, he said to himself, "Lucky..."

"No matter how you treat me now, I will be patient and try to live!"


"If I meet you again."

"I absolutely, will kill you!"  

Chapter 85. Dead?

After the non-chief salted fish cheered up, he no longer cared about Lucky, and began to concentrate on observing the snow on both sides of the gully.

The ravine is [-] meters wide.

It's a little strange tonight, there is still heavy snow, but there is a full moon in the sky.

The visibility of the line of sight is much higher than usual, about 50 meters.

But it is still not easy to search.

The snow is already thick, and every step is very strenuous.

Because the location chosen by Lucky and the non-chief salted fish from the beginning is closer to the east side of the gully, so they only need to search westward.

In the process, the non-chief salted fish kept recalling the terrain under the gully when he came out on the first day.

According to his memory, although the ground was covered with snow on the first day.

But there are indeed some small rock fractures and faults, which should be able to hide people.

During this observation process, the non-chief salted fish found that there are some differences in the shape of the snow accumulation in places with cracks and the snow accumulation on flat rock walls.

The slope of the snow is different, you can tell the difference!

After seeing this, the non-chief salted fish observed more carefully and seriously.

Basically, you can ignore the areas where there should be rock cracks behind the snow.

The reason is very simple.

The opponent player can survive until now, so he must take some measures to keep warm.

The most basic thing is that the rock crevice cannot be blocked by snow alone, otherwise I am afraid that I will freeze to death long ago.

It must have been done with something, which can block the snow at the cracks of the rocks and ensure that the wind will not blow in!

Therefore, where the other party is hiding, the snow should be more inclined to the area without rock cracks!

On this basis, the non-chief salted fish specifically looks for the kind of place where the snow will protrude a little more, and uses the small stone prepared in advance to smash it hard, and judges the rock according to the movement and the effect of the small stone piercing through. Is it possible that there are players hiding behind the wall!


The ravine is so long that there is no end in sight.

Affected by the weather, environment and physical strength, how difficult is it to find the hidden person?

In less than 20 minutes, the non-chief salted fish was exhausted.

He looked at the system time, turned his head and looked at the lucky guy who had been following him with an AWP on the ravine, and gritted his teeth helplessly.

If you are so succumbing to that damned lucky guy, and you still can't get out alive in the end, then it's better to fight with lucky guy from the beginning!

The non-chief salted fish is a little unwilling, but there is no way to resist this fate.

His legs were already stiff from the cold, he couldn't stand firmly, and accidentally fell into the snow.

Subconsciously, he reached out to help the snow beside him, trying to borrow some strength to stand up.


When you put your hand into the snow, the rock wall inside is not uneven, but extremely smooth.

The non-chief salted fish was inspired at that time.

Fuck me fuck me? ! !

Something is wrong inside, not a rock wall! ! !

Although the non-chief salted fish felt that something was wrong, he didn't dare to react too much.

After all, I have no weapons or body armor. Even if I want to report to the lucky one, I have to walk through this area first to ensure my safety!


At this moment, a black muzzle protruded from the snow and aimed at the non-chief salted fish.

Then a small voice rang in the ear of the non-chief salted fish.

"do not move."

"Report your identity."

"Now, is the remaining number of people in the green base 3 or 4!"

Now the north wind of "huhu" is not small, and the other party's voice is well controlled. Just now, the non-chief salted fish can vaguely hear what he said.

The non-chief salted fish did not expect to be discovered by the other party so soon. In order to survive, his brain was already thinking crazily.

Can you put the win aside first, at least make sure you don't die!

What's the point of winning the game if you're dead?

At this moment, the non-chief salted fish is still holding the flat object behind the snow, his hands are already frozen, but he dare not move.

With an idea, he suddenly coughed: "Cough cough cough... cough cough..."

"Damn lucky, let me lose the gun and run to the bottom of the ravine to find someone!!!"

"This is simply death!"

"I don't even have a weapon, so I can only come down to find someone with my bare hands!!!"

"I'm the only good person left in our red base!"

"Damn it, do you really have to rely on him, the ghost in the green base, to win this game?!!!"


As the non-chief salted fish said, he suddenly coughed more violently, and then shouted with all his strength: "Toad, I have severe asthma..."

"I...cough cough cough..."

"Being a ghost... don't let it go..."

After a loud roar, the non-chief salted fish unexpectedly "plopped" and plunged face-down into the snow without moving.

At this moment, the lucky guy who was following the AWP in the ravine was dumbfounded, and had no idea what the non-chief salted fish was doing.

What about acting?

But the next thing made the lucky one even more confused, because he received a system notification that the non-chief salted fish died! ! !

Damn, does he really have asthma?

But...is it possible for asthma to cause death so suddenly?

Lucky was completely dumbfounded.

He has absolutely no accumulation of knowledge in this area.

I don't understand!


On the other side, inside the crevice of the ravine.

Because the temperature is too cold today, both Yimo and Yuhuang thought it would be difficult to survive the night, so they simply hid behind the explosion-proof shield and opened a few small round holes in the unobstructed places to observe the outside situation.

By default, he thought that if he couldn't make it through, then the other person might not be able to make it through either.

In the case of receiving airdrop supplies on the opposite side, maybe they will choose to come out and find two people to fight recklessly!

Of course, there is a lot to bet on.

Not to mention anything else, whether you can find yourself is a problem!

It was also a helpless move.

But, it really paid off!

A living person really came, and without any weapon, he touched outside the crack in the rock where he was hiding!

Yimo is sure that this person is the last player in the red base.

If he was shot and killed, he would undoubtedly be one step closer to victory!


What Yi Mo is afraid of now is Tian Qi and the lucky ones who might still be alive in the green camp!

Yimo couldn't believe that a player from the red base who had lived for several days would come to the ravine to find himself without a weapon!

Inferred from this situation, Emmer thought that the player in the red base might have been threatened by Tianqi and Lucky, and used him as a bait to come down to find himself.

From this point of view, Tianqi and Lucky should be hiding somewhere, and they are ready to attack in a safe place once they find themselves.

Although the visibility outside is low, if it is on the opposite ravine, even if you can't see clearly, you should be able to see a figure.

In this way, it should be above the ravine on my side, or below the ravine where the players from the red base came over! ! !

Therefore, Yimo didn't shoot with the SKS shooting rifle, but aimed at the player from the red team base, and then asked him some questions, intending to try to formulate some words first.


However, the sudden death of the non-chief salted fish caught Yimo by surprise.


  『The number of remaining players in the red base is 0. 』

In the system, such news really came!

Chapter 86. Let go of everything!Reckless!

Inside the rock crevice, Yimo frowned, turned her head to the Rain Emperor who was sticking to her body and asked, "Have you received the system notification that all the players in the red square base are dead?"

Rain Emperor: "Received..."

"How do I feel, a little fake?"

"It seems that something is not quite right..."

Yimo: "emmm..."

"If you feel something is wrong, then something must be wrong."

"Let me ask you, is there any card that can have this effect?"

Rain Emperor: "I've never seen anything like this..."

"But there are too many types and effects of cards, and there are all kinds of strange things. There may be death cheats."

"After all, the effect of the card is greater than the rules of the game..."

"How about I go out and try stabbing twice?"

Yimo hurriedly stopped Yuhuang: "Silly, do you have points to take risks?"

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