"I would like to introduce my younger brother to enter this official career. I don't know what to do?"

If it is too peaceful, then merchants will not need protection at all, and the county magistrate will fall into a weak position instead!

Yimo cupped her hands: "Brother Zhao's praise is too high!"

"I'm too young to take on that heavy responsibility."

"However, Brother Zhao has something to share with me, and I am also willing to share some opinions!"

The county magistrate patted Yi Mo on the shoulder: "What a pity, what a pity!"

"Brother Qiyu's talent cannot be recruited by my side, what a loss!"

"I speculate with you, and I am also a rare talent."

"From now on, you can treat me as your own brother!"

"If you have something to do in Tea Horse City, you can always find me!"

According to the tacit agreement, he really bowed his hands: "Unexpectedly, Brother Zhao said so, if I continue to evade, then I don't understand etiquette!"


After Yimo came out of the county magistrate's mansion, Maaya looked at her brother Sakamoto and couldn't help but said, "Brother Sakamoto, why do I feel more and more that you are a bad person?"

Yimo smiled happily: "I obviously did a great thing, took the lead in suppressing the bandits, how did I become that bad guy in the end?"


"Go, take you to the best restaurant!"

Maaya followed behind Yimo, nodded happily and said, "Yeah!"

Chapter 27. Deceiving the Sword

From mid-September, it is a good time for the non-alpine region of Qiaoguo to have warm weather and cool breezes.

At this moment, Yimo and his group have been in "Tea Horse City" for 4 days.

In the gazebo in the courtyard, Yun Yi was sitting by the pool with a gold brick next to him. He was flipping through the "Tao Te Ching" that Yimo gave him. At this moment, he frowned slightly and muttered: "This font is definitely not from the Central Plains. fonts of various countries."

"Saitama claims to be from outside that Outland."

"In the past book records, there is no mention of what it looks like outside Outland."

"It is said that it is either an iceberg that cannot be crossed, or an endless sea..."

"Sensei Saitama said he came here on foot, it's really hard to fathom!"

Although he muttered like this, Yun Yi read it with pleasure: "This book is very similar to that Taoist mentality, even some sentences are the same."

After flipping through it for a while, Yun Yi finally felt a little tired, put the "Tao Te Ching" on the gold brick, and looked towards the courtyard where Yi Mo lived.

These few days Yun Yi felt really bored.

Yimo either went out all day, or stayed behind closed doors in her room all day.

And Maaya seldom went out since she moved into Yimo's room.

Occasionally when she went out, her face was a little pale, with dark circles under her eyes, and she was obviously depressed.

Seeing this posture, Yun Yi couldn't help shaking his head: "This Teacher Qiyu is too intemperate!"

As a result, Yun Yi wanted to chat with Yi Mo, but he didn't dare to go, for fear of seeing something he shouldn't see.

Except for Yimo who seems to be busy day and night and doesn't know what to do, Mo, who came with me, has been mysterious recently.

Mo used to live next door to him, but recently, something went wrong and he moved to the big house next door.

Every time I don't look for myself, I go out early and come back late at night.

Yun Yi also asked Mo, and the other party replied directly: "My lord, I went to Hualiu Lane."

Yun Yi: "Ah..."

Is it too righteous?

This Mo is approaching his thirties and also single.

Yun Yi thought about whether he should introduce women to him before, but now it seems that there is no need.

Mo was considered normal before, so Yun Yi didn't say much.

And last night, when Yun Yi wanted to go out to buy something, he saw Mo returning to the house with a woman in a white Hanfu with blue long hair covering her face, Yun Yi was dumbfounded.

This is this!

Not to mention going to Hualiu Lane, but now they are actually bringing people back directly!

No wonder it was premeditated to go to the house next door to live alone!

Yun Yi hid, but he didn't have the nerve to stop him, he just frowned slightly: "Young girl of Houyun?"

"It's too intemperate to always be like this, no! Let's talk about it later when you have time..."

So, came the fourth day.

Yun Yi was really suffocated, walked out of the gazebo, and decided to talk to Yi Mo about martial arts first, and ask him what he was doing recently.

It just so happened that Yimo came out wearing a clean men's Hanfu, but she was in good spirits.

Yun Yi knew that Yimo was about to go out again, so he hurried over to stop him and said, "Teacher Qiyu! Teacher Qiyu!"

"Don't go, wait!"

Yimo put her finger in front of her lips, and whispered: "Maaya is still sleeping, let's talk over there!"

Yun Yi was taken aback for a moment, his face flushed, and he nodded.

In the gazebo, Yun Yi pursed his lips: "Mr. Qiyu, I want to learn what's in my sleeve, but I'm not too tall to practice catching gold bricks every day!"

"Before Huashan Discussing Swords, I don't think I can learn this trick at all!"

Yimo: "Ah, I didn't think you could learn the secrets of the world before Huashan's Sword Discussion!"

Yun Yi was taken aback: "This...then what should I practice from here?"

"Isn't it a waste of time?"

Yimo waved her hand and said, "No, no, through the practice of catching gold bricks, your kung fu has been continuously improving!"

Yun Yi: "Why didn't I feel it?"

Yimo picked up Yun Yi's saber and handed it to Yun Yi: "Draw out the sword and make a move, and see the changes from before!"

Yun Yi did as he was told, and after performing a set of sword techniques, he couldn't help being a little surprised: "My movements seem to be faster and lighter than before!"

Yimo nodded: "So, do you still think this gold brick exercise is useless?"

"While your kung fu is improving every day, you will be able to learn the things in your sleeves in the future as a matter of course."

"One way of martial arts, everything is invincible, only fast can't be broken!"

"When your swordsmanship reaches a certain speed, in the blink of an eye, with one move of the sword in the sleeve, no matter how good the opponent's skill is, you can seal the throat with one sword!"

"In this world, who is still your opponent!"

Grasping gold bricks every day, the strength of the wrist must become stronger!

Now 4 days can be regarded as a bit of adaptation, the sword must be lighter and faster!

Yun Yi clasped his hands and said, "Thank you, Teacher Qi Yu, for your guidance!"

Yimo: "It's good to know, practice slowly!"

"I still have something to do, let's go first!"

Before Yi Mo raised his foot, Yun Yi blocked Yi Mo's path again: "Wait, wait!"

"I can understand Teacher Qiyu's good intentions, but I don't think it's okay to practice hard every day!"

Yimo was happy when she heard the words: "So, what do you want?"

Yun Yi held his arm, thought for a while and said, "It seems that a lot of masters have come to this 'Tea Horse City' recently, and I want to find someone to compete with!"

"Mr. Saitama, what do you think!"

Yimo: "Of course!"

"However, ordinary sparring is not acceptable!"

"After all, the peerless hero is already very powerful, and the opponent can't be bad, it must be a famous player in the world!"

Yun Yi quickly nodded, but hesitated: "But... will it be hard to find?"

Yimo patted Yun Yi on the shoulder: "This matter is on me!"

"Also, the best way to hone martial arts is actual combat!"

"The county magistrate of 'Tea Horse City' set up a list to suppress the bandits. The heroes from all walks of life are very excited, and many of them have already signed up to participate."

"I wonder if Yun Yi is interested?"

Yun Yi: "There are still such good things!"

"The horse bandits are heinous and cruel to the common people. I will definitely do my part!"

Yimo: "Let's go then, I'll take you to sign up, exactly one hour later, the first bandit suppression is about to start!"

Yun Yi heard the words and quickly followed Yi Mo's pace.

Before leaving, Yimo went back to the house again, took out a sword and handed it to Yun Yi: "The peerless hero's swordsmanship is mysterious, quick and skillful, accurate and sharp!"

"I observed before that your saber is a bit heavy."

"This Silver Snake Sword was spun from the biggest sword in the 'Tea Horse City', and through my connections, I spent all my money."

"The blade is extremely thin and sharp, more suitable for the swordsmanship of a peerless hero."

Yun Yi: "How much... how much money did you spend?"

"I can't let Saitama-sensei pay for me!"

Yimo heard the words and looked into the distance: "If the peerless hero can become the number one in the world, I will be proud for the rest of my life!"

"If you spend half your life's belongings, you will spend them. It's nothing!"

Yun Yi was even more embarrassed when he heard the words: "No way!"

"This money must be given!"

The corner of Yimo's mouth curled up slightly, and she looked at Yun Yi's own saber: "Hey, which one of us is with whom, the peerless hero is being polite!"

"By the way, I haven't been able to find a suitable saber. When discussing martial arts with those masters recently, it's a bit uncomfortable to borrow their swords!"

"It's the sword in your hand, Yun Yi. I hold it in my hand. Can you lend it to me for a while?"

Yun Yi hesitated for a moment: "It's not impossible..."

Yi Mo didn't wait for Yun Yi to finish speaking, and took Yun Yi's own sword directly, and said happily, "Thank you, the peerless hero!"

"Heroes have a broad mind, I admire you!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to sign up to suppress the bandits!"

Yi Mo didn't say much, and walked out directly with Yun Yi.

On the contrary, Yun Yi was a little dazed, how could his saber be changed with that of Mr. Qiyu in just a few words?

Looking at Yimo's back, there was something strange in his eyes, and he muttered: "This Baihong Qiushui Luoyun sword can't be taken casually..."

After Yun Yi finished muttering, he smiled again: "However, Qiyu might be qualified!"

After speaking, he happily followed.


The martial arts heroes who suppress bandits are all carefully selected by Yimo.

Among them, Yi Mo gave more money to the ones with the best skills, asking them to take care of Yun Yi more and create more opportunities for Yun Yi to shine.

So, although it was to suppress the bandits, the focus was on Yun Yi.

Among the mighty crowd, some people know it, some people don't know it.

Yun Yi didn't know that this bandit suppression was purely designed for her, to make her famous!

Yimo watched Yun Yi happily follow to suppress the bandits, and didn't think too much about it, and went to do another thing.

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